Chapter 457

No matter whether Kong Yun was expecting or apprehensive, he couldn't wait for Tang Seng's flesh to come.Because Sun Wukong had escaped a long time ago, he called the Dragon King of Beihai.

There is always air-conditioning in the cage, and there is no hot air at all, so the steaming is not done.

Qingshi pretended to be in hardcover and said: "Little ones, is Tang Monk familiar?"

"Back to your Majesty, Tang Priest didn't know what happened, the water has been boiled seven times, but it is still not steamed!" A little demon came in and said.

Fang Zhengqing stood up and said with a smile: "That's easy, everyone is a monster, just eat raw!"

"Okay, what the dead king said is right!"

"The corpse king is wise!"

"..." The Green Lion Spirit looked at Fang Zhengqing and then at the booing little demon, his face was very stiff.

He#'s, if it's really for eating Tang's monk meat, let alone eat it raw, I'd dare to eat it whole!But is this a matter of eating meat? How can I get off stage like this?

"Everyone be quiet, you don't know something, this Tang monk can't just eat it casually. Although he can live forever if he eats it, he must pay attention to the way of eating it, and he must be cooked before eating, otherwise, not only will he not live forever, but he will also eat it. The body is dead and the dao is gone!" Bai Xiangjing rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to speak nonsense.

"Yes, what the second brother said is very true!" After finishing speaking, the green lion spirit didn't say anything, and sat down directly.

Fang Zhengqing didn't dare to eat it now, so naturally he wouldn't continue to raise the bar. The reason why he raised the argument just now was because the Green Lion King deliberately took advantage of him just now.


Monkey King was subdued, but he escaped after finding a chance, knowing that he was no match for Dapeng Jing, so he hurried to find a helper.

But he went to the South China Sea first, and was going to ask Guanyin for help, but Guanyin naturally hid because of the agreement with the Dapeng Jing.

As soon as Sun Wukong arrived at the Purple Bamboo Forest in the South China Sea, he was stopped by someone. He was a black bear in armor and holding a red-tasseled spear.

Seeing that it was Monkey King, Black Bear put his palms together and said, "Great Sage, haven't you gone to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures? Why are you here at Mount Luojia again?"

Sun Wukong: "Black Bear Spirit, you use this word well! Since I left Luojia Mountain last time, I accompanied my master all the way to the west, and encountered many twists and turns, but most of those fairies are powerful with magic weapons, but this time , my old grandson really met his match!"

"Oh, what kind of monster is it that even the Great Sage finds it very difficult!" The black bear spirit was also surprised. He had fought against Monkey King and knew how powerful the opponent was.

"This time we went to Shituoling, there are three demon kings there, the eldest and the second one look quite bluffing, that's all, but the three demon kings are very capable, my grandson is not his Opponent!" Sun Wukong sighed, this time he really realized that there are many powerful people in this world.

"The Great Sage is here this time?"

"I'm here to find Bodhisattva!" Said Monkey King and was about to walk inside.

But the black bear spirit still wouldn't let him go, stopped Sun Wukong and said: "Great Sage, wait a minute, it's useless for you to go in. The Bodhisattva is going to find the lost carp spirit!"

"Carp essence? What carp essence?" Monkey King was stunned.

Black bear spirit: "I don't know, I just heard from the dragon girl that the Bodhisattva caught a carp 600 years ago and kept it in the lotus pond. Committed a crime, so I went out to search!"

"When will you be back then?"

"The Bodhisattva only said that he would come back in three to five months!"

"In March and May, the old monk has already been eaten!" Sun Wukong said anxiously after hearing this, in three to five months, the old monk would have been cooked and eaten long ago!
"Great Sage, don't worry, the Bodhisattva is not here. There are capable people in the heavens, and the Great Sage can go to other places to see!" Seeing that Sun Wukong was anxious, Hei Xiong Jing quickly reminded.

Once Monkey King thought right, if Guanyin is not there, he can go to other people.

Thinking of this, Monkey King somersaulted into the air, set up a somersault cloud and flew towards Manjusri Bodhisattva's ashram, but Manjusri Bodhisattva also went out, so Monkey King swam to Samantabhadra's ashram, and Samantabhadra was also not there.

In the end, Sun Wukong went directly to Lingshan to invite the Tathagata Buddha, but unfortunately he was stopped by the Four King Kongs and learned that the Jade Emperor was playing chess with the Buddha 33 days away.

He also told Sun Wukong that he could go to Tiangong if he was in trouble, and hinted that Monkey King Tiangong also has great power.But unfortunately Sun Wukong didn't hear it, but he still went to Tiangong. After all, Tiangong has a lot of people, even if he can't deal with Dapeng Jing, he can help him deal with those little fairies.

Monkey King went straight to the Heavenly Court. Although the real body of the Jade Emperor left, the deity still left behind, so Monkey King visited the Jade Emperor and explained the situation.

Looking at the anxious Monkey King, the Jade Emperor said in his heart: "People can lend it to you. After all, I promised you to be called Tian Tian Ying and Di Di Ling!"

Looking at the crowd of gods below, after thinking about it, it is better to send these people. Their strength is low, and they can't win without acting.

So he said: "Let Li Jing, Nezha and his son lead the Giant Spirit God, Deng Hua, Zhang Fan and Lei Gong, the Four Heavenly Kings and others to lead [-] heavenly soldiers to assist Monkey King in rescuing Tang Seng. There must be no mistake!"

Nezha couldn't help shaking his head when he heard this. If there was a mistake, your old man sent out the gods of the Doubu, Mistress Sanxiao, and God of Wealth Zhao Gongming.They sent us again, but this time they returned in vain.Nezha has already seen that whenever the momentum of the Heavenly Court gets bigger, Zhunyue will return without success.Whether it was 500 years ago or now.


Lion Camel City, Golden Temple, it was already dark, and the water for boiling Tang Monk had been rolled over a thousand times, but Monkey King still did not come.

Some goblins were getting impatient, and yelled that they directly roasted Tang Seng with their flames.

Dapeng Jing and the three secretly scolded Sun Wukong for his inefficiency in handling affairs. They didn't know what to do, so they simply pretended to be asleep.

Fang Zhengqing looked at Dapengjing and others who were a little bit hard to get off the tiger, and couldn't help muttering in his heart, it couldn't be that Monkey King had already made up his mind and Dapengjing didn't dare to do anything to Tang Seng, so he deliberately procrastinated.

"Brother, can you do uncle a favor?" Fang Zhengqing was eating the grapes that Kong Yun had peeled, when suddenly the sound transmission of Dapeng Jing came to mind, this brother shouted, uncle said, Fang Zhengqing was really shocked .

"How to help?"

"Why don't you go out and play the role of Monkey King for a while, so as not to embarrass the three of us!"

Fang Zhengqing looked outside and said, "No need, the other party is already here!"

Fang Zhengqing moved his ears along the wind, and already heard tens of thousands of people flying towards here.

Dapeng Jing didn't follow the wind, he was taken aback when he heard it, and soon saw a goblin with the power of a celestial being running in, saying: "Report to the three great kings, the Monkey King is here, and there are countless heavenly soldiers accompanying him!"

Hearing this, Qing Shijing woke up immediately, with a shocked expression on his face: "What?"

However, Fang Zhengqing could clearly feel that under the shocked expression of the other party was a relaxed expression.

(End of this chapter)

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