From the Nine Uncle Movies

Chapter 37 Dragon Slaying

Chapter 37 Dragon Slaying
Fang Zhengqing was going in the direction of Jiuquan Town, and at this time Jiuquan Town, Uncle Jiu was also busy.The reason why he was so busy was because of those two uneasy apprentices in Jiuquan Town.

Strictly speaking, these two apprentices are much more worry-free than Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, but because they are too poor to be Uncle Jiu's apprentices, the two have no choice but to take over jobs privately.

It was Mr. Zhao, the owner of the winery in the town who took over the job. He seemed to be haunted by ghosts. Ah Xing and Ah Yue just thought Mr. Zhao was suspicious, and they planned to fool around and settle the matter.

But what the two of them didn't know was that the reason why their master Lin Jiu didn't care was because that thing's grievances were all wrapped around Zhao, and Zhao had done all kinds of bad things, and Lin Jiu hoped that he would be punished.

But the two of them are obsessed with money, they don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, they are not good at learning arts, and they want to help people get rid of spirits, they simply don't know how to write dead words.

They acted wildly. They wanted to pretend to be a ghost to deceive people, but they didn't want to provoke a real ghost and arouse the fierceness of the ghost. Then that Zhao Taigong was killed by the female ghost on the spot.

Ah Xing and Ah Yue are not even as talented as Wencai and Qiusheng, so they are naturally no match for the female ghost. A Xing was even caught in the coffin by the female ghost, and then a "ground cover the sky" operation.

Fortunately, Lin Jiu arrived in time and broke the coffin, but at this time the female ghost had already climbed on the body of his apprentice A Xing.

After some scruples, A Xing, who was lying on his upper body, beat him violently, the monkey stole the peach, and even kissed Lin Jiu fiercely.

But in the end it was just a little Lihun. Lin Jiu forced it out with a piece of talisman paper, then used a flag to ignite the talisman fire, nailed Lihun to the wall and burned him alive.

And when Lin Jiu solved Li Hun, a group of people came from the church in Jiuquan Town. These people were all Western monks, and the leader looked very similar to Master Yixiu.


On the deep and quiet forest path, a middle-aged man with a cropped head was walking forward in a fast pace.Behind him, there were twelve "zombies" with corpse-suppressing charms on their foreheads bouncing after him.

While shaking the bell in his hand, the middle-aged man threw paper money into the sky, and shouted in a very strange tone: "Xiangxi~ chase away corpses, strangers~ avoid!"

The whistling wind rolled up the paper money he threw high up, and then scattered and flew down.

"Xiangxi~ Chasing corpses, Strangers~Avoid~"

Fang Zhengqing raised his head, listened to the voice coming from his ear, looked at the high moon, and jumped towards the source of the sound.

If someone chases away corpses, there must be a Taoist priest, and if there is a Taoist priest, it is a great tonic!
But when seeing that group of people, Fang Zhengqing felt that things were a little different from what he thought.

Although the leading Taoist priest was not wearing Taoist robes, Fang Zhengqing could feel that the other party was a cultivator, but the "zombie" behind him, Fang Zhengqing did not feel the slightest corpse aura, but instead felt a wave of anger. Not a corpse.

What Fang Zhengqing didn't know was that the leading Taoist priest was Tu Long, a disciple of Maoshan, or Lin Jiu's junior. was written into the Criminal Code.

Tu Long is engaged in drug trafficking, and he uses walking corpses to sell drugs as a cover to avoid the search of guards everywhere.Of course, these walking corpses are also fake, they were pretended by some of his subordinates.

Fang Zhengqing didn't know Tu Long's plan, but he knew one thing, these people were big men.

It goes without saying that Dragon Slayer is a Taoist priest, and those who pretended to be zombies were also martial arts practitioners, otherwise they would not be able to jump for a long time.

Fang Zhengqing can jump for a long time, it is the instinct of zombies, people are more used to walking.

Fang Zhengqing made a leap and flew towards the two of them. Tu Long and the others were unprepared. The last two people only felt a black shadow flying towards them, and then they were thrown to the ground.

Before they could react, one of them was strangled by Fang Zhengqing's neck, and the other was directly pierced by his teeth, and hot blood flowed into Fang Zhengqing's mouth.

The dragon slayer in the front also reacted, and looked at the blood-sucking Fang Zhengqing and shouted: "Zombie!"

Others didn't expect that after pretending to be zombies for a long time, they didn't expect that this encounter would be real, and the lives of those two people would be lost.

But they are neither sad nor afraid. They are not sad because they will share more money if two people die.

They are not afraid, because they know that their boss is a Taoist priest, and they can easily deal with zombies.

Not only them, Tu Long didn't take Fang Zhengqing seriously, but what they didn't know was that the zombies that Tu Long dealt with in the past were all low-level zombies, and Tu Long's ability could at most deal with a black zombie.

But Tu Long didn't see that Fang Zhengqing was a bronze armored corpse, so he walked over and stuck a talisman towards Fang Zhengqing.

Fang Zhengqing sucked up the blood of the two of them, and looked up at the talisman that Tu Long had stuck to his eyebrows without avoiding it.

The magic talisman couldn't hold him down before, let alone now, Fang Zhengqing can bet that he can't stop for a breath.

Sure enough, the talisman stuck to the center of his eyebrows, Fang Zhengqing didn't feel any discomfort, and directly grabbed Tu Long's shoulder with one hand.

Tu Long thought that the overall situation was settled, but he didn't expect that his talisman was useless at all.

However, besides Taoism, Dragon Slayer also has martial arts. With a press of his shoulder and a turn around, he broke free, but the price was that five deep cuts were made on the entire shoulder of his left hand.

What surprised Tu Long the most was that he could still feel the pain at first, but now he is unconscious.

Taking a look, he found that the place where his arm was injured had become pitch black.

"What a powerful corpse poison!" Tu Long sighed inwardly, then looked at the others and said, "What are you still doing, go!"

Fang Zhengqing looked at the crowd rushing towards him, and stretched out his hand to remove the paper talisman between his eyebrows.

Those wearing zombie suits were stunned. After all, in their cognition, zombies are all stiff, and it is impossible to make such movements.

Tu Long saw it but his heart trembled, damn it, the limbs can move, this is a bronze armored corpse.

Tu Long retreated, then turned around and ran away. As for those subordinates and the drugs on their bodies, he didn't want them either.

However, his actions were seen by Fang Zhengqing, and Fang Zhengqing naturally would not let a Taoist priest leave, and looked directly at a fist-sized stone on the ground.

Not long after Tu Long ran, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his crotch, and knelt down while covering his crotch with his right hand.

Feeling the warmth from the palm of his hand, Tu Long seemed to hear the sound of breaking.

Facing the siege of ten people, Fang Zhengqing naturally slaughtered one-sidedly. Soon Tulong's younger brother discovered that zombies were really not something they could deal with with their martial arts skills.

But at this time, I couldn't even run, so I had to fight, and Fang Zhengqing sucked everything up in the end.

After sucking up these people, Fang Zhengqing walked towards Tu Long who hadn't slowed down yet...

(End of this chapter)

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