From the Nine Uncle Movies

Chapter 341 Qingxia

Chapter 341 Qingxia
Fang Zhengqing looked at Zixia who was meditating, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, if you don't want to kiss, you have to kiss, just one kiss is enough, you have to suck a couple of mouthfuls, it's all right now, you must be poisoned.

However, Zixia, as the wick of the sun and moon magic lamp, still has means.A faint flame ignited on his body, and the corpse poison slowly turned into black air and dissipated.

"Wow, your corpse poison is so powerful that even a god can be poisoned!" Zixia forced out the poison, and she didn't feel embarrassed at all because of what happened just now.

"Hehe, it's just a talent!"

"Well, it doesn't matter, we will practice hard together in the future, and when you are promoted to the level of no bones, you can control the corpse poison freely! From now on, we, a demon and an immortal, will be a pair of immortal companions, hee hee!"

Girl, you have problems with your logic. I am a zombie, how can I be a fairy companion with you!
Soon it was dark, and Fang Zhengqing realized one thing, that is, Zixia has a dual personality, and she is not strong enough now, so she really is no match for the fight.

Really afraid of something, Zixia fell asleep suddenly, then woke up immediately, looking at Fang Zhengqing with a cold face.

"Zixia, what's wrong with you?" Helpless, Fang Zhengqing asked tentatively, mistaking Qingxia for Zixia.

"I'm not Zixia, I'm Qingxia!" Qingxia said coldly.

"Qingxia, Zixia, what is your relationship?"

Qingxia looked unhappy and said: "I am her sister, who are you, how did you know that bitch!"

Fang Zhengqing: "I pulled out the Ziqing sword, and she said that I am her favorite. Strictly speaking, I am your brother-in-law, and you are my sister-in-law!"

"Hahaha... Auntie? Huh, I was still worried about how to find her, but now it's all right, you are her favorite, as long as you are taken down, she will definitely come!" Qingxia laughed loudly after hearing this.

"That's a good idea. I'll stay here honestly. You wait slowly!" Fang Zhengqing said and sat down directly.

"Hmph, you think I'm stupid!" As he said, with a wave of his hand, a long rope floated out of his sleeve and bound Fang Zhengqing.

Fang Zhengqing could actually dodge it, but Fang Zhengqing knew he couldn't beat him, so he might as well be tied up honestly.

Seeing that Fang Zhengqing was so witty, Qingxia didn't greet him, she just sat on the stone bench and stared at Fang Zhengqing, waiting patiently for Zixia's arrival, until the golden rooster crowed.

Zixia woke up leisurely, looked at the bound Abbot Zhengqing and asked in surprise, "What's wrong with you, Fang Zhengqing?"

"I was tied up by you last night! Well, that's it!" Fang Zhengqing said flatly.

"No, I didn't tie you up! Oh, I see, that's my sister, my sister is here, no way, we have to leave here!" Zixia explained.

Fang Zhengqing: "..."

"Do you not believe me?" Zixia, who looked at Fang Zhengqing in a daze, asked in a low voice.

Fang Zhengqing shook his head and said, "No, I was wondering if you want to untie me first!"

"That's right, I forgot, I've been afraid of my sister since I was a child, and I panicked when I heard about her!" Zixia unlocked Fang Zhengqing's immortal lock as she spoke.

"Let's leave here, I'm afraid my sister will come back tonight!"

"No, it's useless to hide, it's good to stay here!"

"Then shall we go shopping?"


As soon as he came out, he ran into Supreme Treasure, and Supreme Treasure hurriedly said hello: "You two are up?"

Zixia: "Well, Supreme Treasure, do you want to go shopping together?"

"Okay, I just want to buy some toiletries!"

The three of them came to a nearby market, eight streets and nine streets, with horse-drawn carriages coming and going, the sound of buying and selling, shouting, and bargaining... all in one piece.

Passing a stall selling pork, Fang Zhengqing saw a pig's head and a tall man with thick hair behind the stall.

They recognized the two at a glance, Zhu Bajie and Drifting Monk.But it's not a zombie pig, but a pig demon, presumably made by Guanyin.

"Now that senior brother is reincarnated as an adult, he is still with Fairy Zixia and corpse king Fang Zhengqing. It seems that Master's arrest should be related to the two of them! We have to keep up. Only in this way can we rescue Master." Drifting and the others also recognized the identities of the three. Looking at the three, Drifting analyzed seriously.

"In terms of wisdom and martial arts, I have always been better than him, but now that there is Zixia Fairy and the corpse king, he is better than me." Zhu Bajie said boldly.

"Isn't there still me?" Drifting asked suspiciously.

"It's because of you that you are such an oil bottle, so I have never been as good as him!" Zhu Bajie pretended to be forceful.

At this time, a woman came over and pointed to Zhu Bajie's pig's head and asked, "How do you sell this pig's head?"

After hearing this, Zhu Bajie was unwilling immediately, got up and walked in front of the woman.Arching his body and pointing at his crotch, he said, "If you don't sell the pig's head, do you want the pig's whip?"

When the woman saw that the pig could talk, she was so frightened that she sat down on the ground with a pale face.

Drifting walked up to Zhu Bajie's ear: "Second senior brother, they are going to go far, hurry up and catch up."


After Zixia bought some things, she looked at Supreme Treasure and said, "Supreme Treasure, can you go back by yourself, I want to go shopping with Fang Zhengqing!"

Zhizunbao knew that it was because people thought he was in the way, and Zhizunbao didn't want to be a light bulb, so he looked at Zixia and said, "No problem, can you return the Moonlight Box to me?"

"No, it's mine!" Zixia said seriously.

"Hey...then I'll go back first!" Supreme Treasure said with a sigh.

"Let's go, let's go to the desert to count the stars!" After speaking, Zixia took Fang Zhengqing's hand and walked towards the desert.

Fang Zhengqing thought it was the process of falling in love, and followed Zixia towards the desert.

Not long after walking, a colorful auspicious cloud flew towards here, and the auspicious cloud landed, it was a monkey in golden armor.

"Monkey King!" Seeing this person, Fang Zhengqing blurted out!

"Oh, it turned out to be the second brother. I wonder why the figure is so familiar! By the way, this is sister-in-law, sister-in-law, please borrow your moonlight treasure box!" Zixia heard Sun Wukong call Fang Zhengqing's second brother, and then called herself Sister-in-law, I immediately feel that Sun Wukong is a very nice person.

Zixia was about to borrow the Moonlight Treasure Box, but Fang Zhengqing stopped her, pointed at Monkey King and said, "Sun Wukong, you still think of me as your second brother, how did you deal with Jingjing's matter!"

"Hey...Second brother, how can you hurt your brotherhood because of a woman? There are still people chasing after me. If you don't lend me, I can only snatch it!" After speaking, Monkey King hit Fang Zhengqing with a stick.

Fang Zhengqing's ability was sealed, and after only a few moves, he was whipped away by Monkey King and disappeared.

Seeing this, Zixia became angry, and drew out her Ziqing sword to fight with Monkey King, but how could he be Monkey King's opponent? gone.Seeing this, Zixia didn't chase after her, but held back her injuries and flew towards the direction where Fang Zhengqing was beaten.


"Ah... bang..."

Fang Zhengqing himself didn't know how far he was beaten by Sun Wukong. Although he was not seriously injured, he was really embarrassed. Run for your life, but no matter what the result is, Monkey King will not survive this time.

It's not right, there are no two selves in this world, and there will not be two Monkey Kings. Could it be that the six-eared macaque just now?
"Ahem..." Fang Zhengqing guessed as he climbed out of the bunker.

Fang Zhengqing didn't think much about it, and rushed towards the direction he came from, expecting to meet Zixia, but he didn't see Zixia after walking for a day and a night.It turned out that Zixia endured the injury to find Fang Zhengqing, but halfway through the injury, she fainted and was rescued by the Bull Demon King.

Of course, Fang Zhengqing soon thought of this point, there was no way he had to go to Cuiyun Mountain to find the Bull Demon King, if the Bull Demon King wanted to cuckold himself, he couldn't bear it.

Fang Zhengqing could not fly and could only walk on foot.A few days later, passing Heifeng Mountain, he ran into the old Heishan demon.

Fang Zhengqing had a relationship with the Black Mountain old demon before, but at that time Fang Zhengqing met him in the body of a zombie, now seeing Fang Zhengqing, Fang Zhengqing recognized him, but he did not recognize Fang Zhengqing, directly Fang Zhengqing acted like an ordinary person, ready to absorb Fang Zhengqing's yang energy.

"Ah..." The Black Mountain old demon was not polite, and directly rushed towards Fang Zhengqing.

But Fang Zhengqing was not afraid. After all, there are monsters who are strong and weak. Monsters like the Black Mountain Old Demon who devour yang energy are undoubtedly weak. Fang Zhengqing can subdue him even with his physical body.

Looking at the Montenegro old demon who was flying like a big bird, especially the cloak behind him while flying, Fang Zhengqing really didn't pay attention to him. If the Montenegro old demon hadn't taken the initiative to offend him, Fang Zheng would have been able to play such a role. Qing is too lazy to kill.

The Montenegro old demon looked at the "scared" Fang Zhengqing, and a sense of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.His ability is low, and he can't sit on the side like a big monster, but he really longs to have the demeanor of a big monster in his heart, and he can find this kind of demeanor in ordinary people.


Before the smug look in the old demon's eyes disappeared, Fang Zhengqing kicked him flying, and then Fang Zhengqing stepped on the old demon's back.

"My son, you dare to offend me, you are tired of work!"

The Black Mountain old demon struggled desperately, but Fang Zhengqing stepped on him like a mountain, and he couldn't resist at all.

"Who are you?" the Black Mountain old demon asked.

"I'll kill you!" Fang Zhengqing bent down, lowered his head and bit his neck, the sweet blood was sucked into his mouth, stimulating Fang Zhengqing's unique taste buds, and Fang Zhengqing felt a burst of relief.

" are the corpse king?" The old Black Mountain demon let out a scream, and was sucked dry before he had time to beg for mercy.

After Fang Zhengqing sucked up the black mountain old demon, he put on his cloak and continued to drive towards Cuiyun Mountain, and he will arrive after another hill.

The Black Mountain old demon stood up unsteadily not long after Fang Zhengqing left, and rushed towards a place, which was a post station, where Supreme Treasure was also resting.

It has to be said that it is fast to be able to fly, and Fang Zhengqing arrived at Cuiyun Mountain very quickly.

"Who?" A group of bull demons stopped Fang Zhengqing and asked.

"Baihuling, corpse king!"

"The Corpse King? He said he was the Corpse King?" Fang Zhengqing reported his name, but unfortunately none of these fairies knew Fang Zhengqing, so they watched Fang Zhengqing discuss his identity.

"The second master is here, please come in, the king just went out!" And when Fang Zhengqing was embarrassed, an old bull demon came over, it was the steward of the bull demon king, he knew Fang Zhengqing, and hurried away over here.

"Blind your bull's eyes, the Baihuling corpse king is the king's sworn brother!" The old bull demon knew Fang Zhengqing's ability, and was afraid that she would anger the bull spirits, so he reprimanded her.

Fang Zhengqing is not capable now, so he naturally wants to keep a low profile. He waved his hands and said, "No need, take me in!"

"Okay, corpse king! Corpse king, you come with me, the king will definitely come back in a few days!"

Fang Zhengqing followed the old bull demon in, and asked, "By the way, did your king go out and bring someone back?"

"You know this too. A few days ago, Your Majesty went out and brought back the famous Fairy Zixia. Your Majesty likes Zixia very much and has always wanted to marry Zixia. However, Your Majesty is shy and hasn't confessed her love yet?"

"Hehe..." Fang Zhengqing immediately smiled when he heard this. Based on his understanding of the Bull Demon King, it is estimated that the Bull Demon King must know that Zixia's favorite person is himself. He didn't confess anything, and he was probably thinking about how to deal with himself. .

"No, I have to find a way to take Zixia away!" Fang Zhengqing secretly thought, if the ability is still there, Fang Zhengqing will not be afraid of the Bull Demon King, but now that the ability is sealed, relying on the body alone, Fang Zhengqing believes that the Bull Demon King knows He will definitely stab himself to death.As for the feeling of sworn brotherhood, it can be seen from Monkey King's performance, that's it.

"By the way, I had a relationship with Fairy Zixia once. I don't know where Fairy Zixia is now?" Fang Zhengqing asked.

"It's in that small courtyard!" The old bull demon pointed to a small courtyard and said.

"Okay, you go away first, I'll go and have a look!"

"This..." The old bull demon knew that the bull demon king liked Zixia, and Fang Zhengqing was going to see Zixia in the middle of the night. It was hard to say, and he immediately hesitated.

"Why do you have an opinion!" Fang Zhengqing said with an unkind expression.

"Don't dare!" The old bull demon looked at Fang Zhengqing's big eyes, and then realized that this is a killing god, how could he stop him.

Fang Zhengqing waved his hands in disgust, and the old cow demon left quickly.

Fang Zhengqing hurriedly walked towards Zixia's small courtyard, hurry up, if it's late, he won't be able to leave.


Fang Zhengqing pushed open the door of Zixia's house directly, Zixia turned over from the bed, picked up the sword and shouted: "Who?"

"'s me!"

"It's you, Fang Zhengqing, you've come to see me!" Seeing that it was Fang Zhengqing, Zixia immediately beamed with joy.

"Go, let's go!"

"What's the hurry for?"

"Did the Bull Demon King propose to you?"

"Yes, why are you jealous!" Zixia said with a smile on her face, she thought Fang Zhengqing was jealous.

"Then go quickly, or it will be difficult to leave when he comes!"

"It doesn't matter. He knew that you are my favorite, so he gave up. He also said that he would hold a wedding for us, saying that you are a zombie, and you don't understand these tricks! You are a pretty good brother!"

"Then you believe it?"

"Isn't it trustworthy that you are sworn brother?" Zixia asked puzzled.

Looking at the innocent Zixia, Fang Zhengqing thought to himself: This is really a silly woman!

(End of this chapter)

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