From the Nine Uncle Movies

Chapter 269 Flying Corpse Advanced Conditions

Chapter 269 Flying Corpse Advanced Conditions
Fang Zhengqing followed the traces, coupled with Shunfeng's ear, and quickly caught up with the centipede crawling underground.

When Fang Zhengqing came to the centipede's back, he beat him wildly, but the centipede's defense was not covered, and Fang Zhengqing couldn't smash his thick carapace for a while.

But the pain still hurts, the centipede waving its long legs on the ground, the rocks were like sand in front of his long legs, and his body easily rushed out of the ground.As soon as he rushed out of the ground, he circled up and bit Fang Zhengqing on the back.

Seeing this, Fang Zhengqing's body instantly grew bigger, becoming eight feet tall, and he sat the centipede spirit under him.

Fang Zhengqing grabbed the two big jaws in front of the centipede's head, and began to pull it on both sides vigorously.


The centipede spirit felt the pain, and sprayed a cloud of poisonous gas at Fang Zhengqing's face with its mouth. Fang Zhengqing was not caught, but the other was sprayed, and the scales on his face also showed signs of being corroded.

Fang Zhengqing ignored it, and ice appeared in his hands, and the head caught by him immediately showed signs of freezing. The centipede spirit felt the cold and quickly resisted to prevent the head from being frozen.


Fang Zhengqing roared, stomped his feet quickly, stood up, grabbed the centipede's jaws and slammed it to the ground. The injured centipede was no match for Fang Zhengqing at all, unable to break free, he could only be whipped by Fang Zhengqing like a whip. Get up and slam on the ground.

The hard body couldn't withstand such a toss, not to mention that the centipede was injured in the first place, and after a while, cracks appeared in the centipede's limbs, and green blood flowed out.

Seeing that the strength of the centipede's struggle was getting weaker and weaker, Fang Zhengqing stopped beating the centipede, turned the centipede over, and saw four meatballs bulging under its snow-white abdomen, and Fang Zhengqing knew that the centipede had moved towards A step forward in the direction of Hualong.

Fang Zhengqing bit his mouth directly close to his abdomen, and began to swallow the blood of the centipede essence. The dying centipede essence felt the flow of blood, and immediately began to struggle desperately again.

His long, knife-like legs slashed at Fang Zhengqing's body, and some of them had already cut Fang Zhengqing's scales. Fang Zhengqing didn't care, and continued to swallow. Soon the centipede stopped moving, and Fang Zhengqing swallowed a few more mouthfuls. , the blood of the centipede was still completely clean, and then looking at the motionless corpse of the centipede, Fang Zhengqing stood up, sucked in his mouth, and the body of the centipede was sucked into his mouth, Fang Zhengqing chewed it twice and sucked it swallow.

The centipede essence made a wedding dress for Fang Zhengqing, and the corpse energy in Fang Zhengqing's body also surged, and his body grew uncontrollably, fifteen feet, sixteen feet, seventeen, Eighteen... twenty feet, Fang Zhengqing didn't stop moving until he reached twenty feet.

Fang Zhengqing restrained his magical powers, turned into a normal form, and spit out a small centipede phantom, which is the soul of the centipede spirit. Fang Zhengqing kept him to search his memory, so that he could learn more about the world.

"Corpse King, you have to kill all of my cultivation in my life, please let me go and give me a way out!" Xu Ying begged for mercy in Fang Zhengqing's palm.

Fang Zhengqing ignored his begging for mercy, but directly took him into the imaginary space, and looked directly at his attribute board.

Myriad Realms is Zombie's ultimate assistance system (the function of traveling through myriad realms is enabled):

Host: Fang Zhengqing.

Race: Zombie (mutated).

Rank: Golden Armored Corpse.

Supernatural powers: as real as reality, moving mountains, enslaving corpses and souls, controlling water of the five elements, subduing qi with nine breaths (magic transformation), flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, five thunders and earth fires, seductive souls, demon appearance, rebirth from a drop of blood, invisibility, wind ears , the golden body.

Skills: Limb Extension, Transformation - Beetle Eater, Dull Qi, Eye of the Void, Blessing of Heavenly Officials.

Constitution: 100%.


After devouring the centipede essence, Fang Zhengqing's physique increased to [-]% as he wished, and he also obtained the supernatural power of the golden body of Dharma. After obtaining this supernatural power, Fang Zhengqing understood the horror and weakness of this golden body.

When using this golden body, the defensive power will increase geometrically, but the weakness is between the eyebrows, and as long as this magic appearance is broken, not only will the supernatural power be completely lost, but the strength will only be displayed by [-]% within three months, Fang Zheng Qing also finally understood why the seemingly powerful centipede became so weak after the golden body was broken, and fell down before exerting all his strength.

But Fang Zhengqing couldn't help shaking his head when he saw the advanced conditions. Isn't there one for the National Fortune? But after taking the National Fortune, he is no longer a good zombie in this world. It seems that the system doesn't let him do well. zombie.

As for the other condition, it's a bit of a headache. Let's not talk about whether it is easy to get it, but just say that I don't know where it is, and this condition is not easy to meet.

But there is a way to take one step at a time. Fang Zhengqing decided to take the fortune of the country first. Anyway, this dynasty is also in the sunset. If he doesn't take it, he will also decline.

It was Fang Zhengqing's first contact with such things as national fortune, and he really let him do it himself, and he didn't know, but it didn't matter, Fang Zhengqing had someone who knew this.

The centipede was begging for mercy, but suddenly he realized that his eyes went dark, and he entered an inexplicable space, where there was little aura and nothing, so the centipede didn't know where he had come to for a while?
But he was looking around, when suddenly he felt his eyes light up, and he appeared in Fang Zhengqing's hands again.

Before Centipede Jing opened his mouth, he felt a force intruding into his soul, and immediately understood that this was someone searching his memory again.The centipede instinctively wanted to resist, but he tactfully suppressed the thoughts in his heart.

After a cup of tea, Fang Zhengqing also watched the life of Centipede Jing, who was considered a peaceful monster 50 years ago.He also has a friend who is a spider spirit. They were deeply influenced by the Buddha in Lingtai Temple, and they developed spiritual wisdom and became monsters.

In the beginning, like the spider spirit, he devoted himself to cultivating Buddhism, but 50 years ago, when the centipede spirit saw other monsters eating people and gained powerful Taoism, he changed and became a complete monster. increase.

After the centipede was successful in cultivation, he also suffered two losses, and it was these two losses that made Fang Zhengqing see the hope of another advanced condition.

The first one was that he suffered a big loss at Guoqing Temple. He originally wanted to devour all the monks there to increase his morality, but he didn't expect that the temple was not as simple as it seemed. A burst of golden light in the temple knocked him into the air. Although he was not seriously injured, he felt the aura inside. The centipede turned around and ran away very wisely.

(End of this chapter)

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