From the Nine Uncle Movies

Chapter 26 Western Zombie

Chapter 26 Western Zombie
The one-eyed Taoist outside got impatient with waiting, and was about to knock on the door when he walked forward. Just at this moment, the captain Awei came out carrying a thing wrapped in cloth, and yelled for two men to come and carry it.

The two ran over, and as soon as they joined hands, one of them couldn't help shouting, "It's so heavy!"

Awei scolded with flickering eyes after hearing this: "What's the weight? It's very light. It's obviously not heavy at all. Useless guy."

Daoist Yimei watched suspiciously as the two security guards carried the "corpse" to the woodpile with great effort, following along.On the way, a pair of glasses suddenly fell out of the "corpse", which caught the attention of Daoist Yimei.

Awei saw it, quickly picked up the glasses from the ground, walked quickly to a security guard, and shouted: "Wait a minute, I don't know if I lost my glasses."

The team member stared at the glasses for a moment and denied, "Captain, this is not mine."

Awei was annoyed, and shouted in a low voice, "I order you to put it on." Then he forced the team members to put on their glasses.

After the team members put on their glasses with a bitter face, Awei patted him on the back of the head vigorously and cursed: "Okay, let's go."

As a result, it was too hard, causing another team member to shake his hand, and the "corpse" fell down, landing with a sound.

The one-eyed Daoist's suspicious gaze deepened, it is impossible for the corpse to make such a sound.

He stooped forward, wanting to take off the cloth and look at the corpse, but Awei stopped him, with a disgusted look on his face, dancing his hands and dancing to persuade Yimei Daochang: "Don't look at it, it's so scary, you won't be able to eat it if you look at it." Serving food, smelly, disgusting and ugly, don't look at it."

Then he turned his head and shouted to the two team members: "Hurry up and burn the body."

The two team members said yes repeatedly, and carried the corpse to the firewood pile.

Daoist Yimei followed, pulled the team members down, and was about to lift the corpse to have a look.

At this time, there was a gunshot out of thin air, and Daoist Yimei was taken aback.

When he came back to his senses, he saw that it was Awei who shot the sky with a rifle.

This shot startled all the villagers and squires present.Awei pulled the bolt again, then laughed, and walked up to Daoist Yimei with the rifle, aiming the muzzle of the gun at Daozhang Yimei's heart intentionally or unintentionally.

The Daoist with one eyebrow was afraid of going off, so he didn't dare to move easily, Awei laughed and explained to the others on the field! "It's loud, isn't it? Because I didn't prepare firecrackers at the moment, this shot represents firecrackers. If the shot goes all over the world, everyone will get rich, haha."

The country gentry headed by the village head smiled and nodded.

Daoist Yimei still wanted to go to see the corpse, but he didn't want Awei to hold him back, and continued to happily say to the village chief and the others: "When we were digging a well, it was our misfortune to dig out a corpse by accident. Fortunately, there is a Taoist priest here, this is our luck."

Then they applauded loudly, and the others applauded after seeing it, and praised the Taoist priest with an eyebrow: "The Taoist priest is amazing, the Taoist priest is amazing."

Awei is still boasting: "After this fire, I believe our village will be prosperous in the future."

Turning around, he found that Taoist Yimei was about to climb up the pile of firewood at some point, and Awei quickly ordered: "Light up the fire."

The flames burned rapidly.Daoist Yimei climbed onto the pile of firewood, wrapped his hands with his back, and lifted the cloth on the "corpse" to see that the fire had burned the "corpse" so that it was blurred and could not be seen.

Seeing the pile of firewood laid down by Taoist Priest Yimei, Ah Wei asked guiltyly: "Prince Taoist, what did you see?"

The Taoist priest with one eyebrow said seriously: "I saw the corpse, don't forget to throw the ashes into the sea after burning."

Awei heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, smiled, nodded repeatedly, and said, "I will do it, don't worry about my work."

Daoist nodded with one eyebrow, but said nothing.

The village chief looked at the flames and said, "Okay, I'll treat you tonight, what do you guys think?"

"Okay!" Everyone immediately cheered when they heard that there was a treat.

Awei patted his two subordinates and said, "I still have a report to write, you go and eat first!"

"Yes, captain!" Although they wondered why the captain, who always likes to eat and be lazy, didn't even eat food this time in order to write some reports. You must know that the village chief invited you to eat. , This time they actually changed their sex, and the two left with confusion.

Awei went into the room and continued his tiger operation. Soon it was getting dark, and the two police officers came back after eating. Awei finally cut off the ruby, but his nose was broken.

Jun Ru looked at the precious stones on the ground, supported Ah Wei with "concern", and said, "Cousin, you are bleeding, raise your head up, yes, raise your head up!"

"Cousin, you are so kind!"

"I'm not good to you, who is I to!" Junru opened the door and shouted: "Come on, your captain is injured!"

"Captain, what's wrong with you?" Two police officers ran over and asked.

Jun Ru: "What else can I do, I don't see any bleeding, help your captain to bandage it!"

Watching the three leave, Junru ran into the house, picked up the gemstone on the ground, and said with a smile, "Hahaha, I'm rich!" Then, she ran to the mirror with the gemstone, gestured in front of her chest, and thought about whether to do it or not. What a jewel necklace.

However, he didn't notice that the blood of his cousin Awei lay on the mummy and was actually absorbed, and after absorbing the blood, his shriveled body became plump, his chest cavity also rose and fell, and even the blood inserted into his body What was left of it was also forced out. It was a silver cross, which is a magic weapon used by Western churches to subdue demons.

But at this time, the cross had been damaged, and the part of the gem had been cut off, so it no longer had the effect of warding off evil spirits.

The broken cross was picked up by the corpse and easily crushed, but the excited Jun Ru didn't notice the movement at all.

The corpse looked at Junru who was looking in the mirror, walked over, bit him on the neck, sucked blood, and as he sucked blood, his body became like a normal person, the difference was his The eyes are scarlet, and there are fangs in the mouth, telling everyone that he is not a human being, but a vampire zombie.

The Western Zombie finished sucking blood and headed outside, and now he is going to rescue his lover Brittany Lafitte.

That was his lover before his death, and also his current lover, and he became what he is now because of his lover.

Awei and two soldiers walked to the door, but before he opened the door, the door directly overwhelmed the three of them, and then they felt someone stepping on it, through the gap, looking at the clothes of the "person", he recognized This is the mummy in the house.

After the mummy left, Awei crawled out from under the door, ran in quickly, looked at his cousin lying on the ground, and couldn't help feeling sad from the bottom of his heart.

But when he walked over, he found that his cousin Jun Ru was still "alive", but her body was a little cold.

Awei didn't notice the cavity in his cousin's neck, and her cousin's teeth were slowly growing too!
 It may be more emotional to write a blood-sucking gui, but it is not allowed to write a gui
(End of this chapter)

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