From the Nine Uncle Movies

Chapter 2 Butterfly Dreaming of Zhuang Zhou?

Chapter 2 Butterfly Dreaming of Zhuang Zhou?

Fang Zhengqing, who had just finished punching, looked at the Taoist classic Getaway in his hand, and couldn't help thinking for a while. He was thinking about a problem, that is, the problem of Zhuang Zhou Mengdie and Die Meng Zhuang Zhou.

For the past three years, he has been thinking about this question. He is wondering whether the life three years ago is real, or the life of these three years is real.

Three years ago, Fang Zhengqing was seriously ill in bed with muscle weakness. Fang Zhengqing was tortured by the disease for 15 years. It can be said that life would be worse than death.

And three years later, his body can move, but the place where he lives has changed. The most important thing is that it is different from the world he knew before.

There is no TV, no mobile phone, and no cute nurse sister. Instead, the living environment seems to be the life before the last century.

"Since it's here, it's safe!" Fang Zhengqing said as he put down the book.

Three years ago, Fang Zhengqing got up from a coffin, and the first person he saw was his current master.

His master is a local Fengshui master who came here 17 years ago and is also well-known in the local area.

Moreover, Fang Zhengqing understands that the world seems to be very messy, unclean, and full of dirty things. This is why Fang Zhengqing has amazing strength, but he has no sense of security at all.

Because he found that he can't practice Taoism, he can only practice boxing, tempering energy and blood, which is fine for dealing with people, but not for zombies and ghosts.

For this reason, his master also thought of many ways, but to no avail, his master was also very sad about it.

Fang Zhengqing felt that it might have something to do with the thing in his mind, and Fang Zhengqing felt a toothache when he thought of the thing in his mind. To be honest, he really didn't want to become a zombie.

Although in some classics, Fang Zhengqing learned what zombies are not in the six realms, what feeds on blood, etc., it sounds amazing anyway, but after seeing it with his own eyes, Fang Zhengqing felt that the books were all deceptive.

That was two years ago, a zombie caused chaos in the village, and was finally dealt with by Fang Zhengqing's master.The most important thing is that Fang Zhengqing could see clearly that his master easily killed the zombie with only a mahogany sword.

Fang Zhengqing suddenly felt that unless he was dead, he would not accept being turned into a zombie, especially such a good zombie.

"Zhengqing, where are you in the study?" An old voice suddenly came from the yard.

Fang Zhengqing got up, said: "Here, master!" and walked outside.

"Zhengqing, what do you think of Master's clothes?" Fang Zhengqing's master, that is, the Feng Shui master, asked Fang Zhengqing wearing clothes that were obviously newly bought.

Fang Zhengqing looked at his master's new clothes, calmed down, looked up at the sun in the sky, and felt much calmer.

Fang Zhengqing endured the discomfort in his heart and said, "Master, it's inappropriate for you to ask me this while wearing a dead man's clothes!"

That's right, the old man was wearing that kind of dark shroud at this time.

"Haha, I won't take it off today, and I won't take it off in the future!" The old man said with a smile, and tidied up his clothes by the way.

Fang Zhengqing couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and asked angrily, "Should I just bury you today?"

After hearing Fang Zhengqing's words, the old man actually thought about it seriously and said, "That's fine!"

Seeing the serious expression on the old man's face, Fang Zhengqing felt something was wrong, and asked, "What's wrong with you today?"

The old man: "It's nothing, it's just that the deadline has come, so I picked out an outfit for myself before leaving!"

"Are you going to die?" Fang Zhengqing understood what this cheap master meant when he heard this.

Although my heart was a little sad, but I didn't feel too much, after all, the old man was not young.

"Come in with me, I have something to tell you!" The old man nodded, said something to Fang Zhengqing, and then walked towards his own room.

Fang Zhengqing did not doubt that he was there, and followed him in.

After entering, I saw the old man sitting on the grand teacher's chair with a serious face, red face and slightly closed eyes.

When Fang Zhengqing came in, the old man didn't even open his eyes, and said, "Three years ago, you suddenly came back to life from the coffin, it was like a different person."

Fang Zhengqing felt tense when he heard this, but immediately felt that he was too nervous.

"From a fool who didn't know anything to a normal person, I didn't expect that after going through a catastrophe, your mind would be enlightened and you would know how to learn Taoism. It's a pity that although you want to learn, you don't know why Because of your constitution or other reasons, you just can’t practice, but it’s okay, after all, if you practice something like this, sometimes you will lose your virtue if you don’t keep your mind!”

When he said this, the old man opened his eyes, and Fang Zhengqing clearly saw the complicated look in his eyes.

Looking at Fang Zhengqing, the old man sighed and continued, "Calculating the time, that matter should have an end! Back then, I had a grudge with a rich man because of a Feng Shui treasure point, and I felt resentful, so I made a trick. , I hope you go there to take a look after I die, no matter what the result is, tell me next year!"

Fang Zhengqing: "What is it!"

"Back then I found a Qianlong Cave and wanted to keep it for myself, but unfortunately a local tyrant found out about it, so he asked me for it. I had no choice but to leave, but I pointed them to the wrong burial method. Almost 20 years have passed, and the corpses inside should have changed too!"

Fang Zhengqing: "Cooperating with you is turning someone's corpse into a zombie, but what's the use of that, wouldn't a mahogany sword solve the problem!"

"You don't understand, zombies are not so easy to deal with. The ones you saw before were just the lowest-level zombies. Naturally, peach wood swords can easily deal with them!"

"Why, the zombies are still very powerful?" Hearing what the old man said, Fang Zhengqing suddenly became interested.

"That's right, the most powerful zombie is one that can cause headaches for gods and gods. Even the mount of Guanyin Bodhisattva, Golden Retriever Roar, is a zombie! Of course, that kind of existence exists in legends! The most famous zombie king Xuankui recently, when he met When you see that kind of zombie, you will know how terrifying he is! But you don’t have to worry, I heard that a Taoist priest sent by a celestial master is chasing and killing him! To draw a long way, although the zombies refined in my cave are far more powerful than It’s not as good as the Zombie King, but it’s not comparable to ordinary zombies, especially if it sucks the blood of its close relatives, there might be some amazing changes!”

Fang Zhengqing: "Then how can a living person become a powerful zombie!"

"Well... why are you asking this?" the old man looked at Fang Zhengqing strangely and asked.

Fang Zhengqing: "I was thinking, zombies are so powerful, and they don't age or die, why don't you just turn yourself into a zombie!"

The old man sneered and said, "Okay, put away such unwise thoughts. The strength of zombies is generally improved step by step, and there is no difference between zombies and beasts in the early stage. Unless there are special reasons, it is difficult to be born with wisdom in advance. .And once you become a zombie, it will be difficult to reincarnate, and many people will jump out to get rid of you. Although you are old and immortal, it does not mean that you cannot be killed!"

"Just tell me what you can do, I just listen to it and relieve boredom!"

The old man thought for a while and said: "There is only one way for a living person to become a zombie, and that is to be infected with corpse poison. The more powerful the corpse poison, the higher the starting point, but it should not be too exaggerated! If you want to upgrade your rank later, you can only Sucking blood, or devouring the origin of other zombies! Don’t even think about turning yourself into a zombie, your old Fang’s family still expects you to receive them as a descendant!”

Fang Zhengqing: "Of course I won't turn myself into a zombie, I'm stupid, I'll turn myself into a ghost!"

Seeing what Fang Zhengqing said, the old man picked up a letter from the desk and said, "In the future, you can go to Xianggang. Xianggang has a junior brother of mine. His name is Yang Feiyun. I heard that he is doing well. You can join him!"

Fang Zhengqing took the letter and asked, "Where is the place you asked to go?"

"It's Renjia Town, I have a map here!" As he said, the old man took out a drawn map from the side.

Fang Zhengqing took it over and took a look, and found that it was quite far away, hundreds of kilometers away. With limited traffic conditions, it would take at least two months to get there, especially if you can't hurry at night!

Fang Zhengqing put away the letter and the map, and suddenly found that the surrounding area was much quieter, so he looked up and found that the old man had closed his eyes again, and his expression was peaceful.

Fang Zhengqing stretched out his fingers cautiously, only to find that he was not breathing.Fang Zhengqing sighed and walked over.

Fang Zhengqing did not let him be buried today, and he was parked at home for three days. During these three days, some people came to express their condolences, many of whom Fang Zhengqing did not know. Three days later, Fang Zhengqing buried the old man, and then cleaned up. After picking up some things, he locked the door and started on his way.

After the old man died, Fang Zhengqing found out that the old man was quite rich after packing up, but Fang Zhengqing took a few of the last box of small yellow croakers and went on the road. As for the others, they were all the old man's own magic weapons, even if Fang Zhengqing had no magic power , but relying on these magic tools can also protect itself. Of course, after Fang Zhengqing turns into a zombie, these things will be a burden.

That's right, Fang Zhengqing decided to accept the fact of becoming a zombie. Although he said that unless he died, he would not become a zombie, but the problem is that he will really die if he does not become a zombie.Just last night, an attribute panel suddenly appeared in his mind.

Host: Fang Zhengqing
Age: 20
Skills: Great Strength, Xingyi Fist (Dragon Form)
Race: human
The only task: become a zombie within three months (failure to kill)

Obliteration, seeing these two words, Fang Zhengqing didn't hesitate anymore. Isn't that just turning into a zombie? I accept it. It doesn't matter whether it is obliterated or not. It's just that I have been a human for too long and I want to become a zombie!
(End of this chapter)

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