From the Nine Uncle Movies

Chapter 179 Fang Sir

Chapter 179 Fang Sir
Two hours later, the theater troupe almost left because of the dead people, but there were three people who were very happy to stay here, and kept laughing.

"There is a plum blossom in the south of the village, and a plum blossom makes a stone rock.

The sound of flowing water in Huafa Shiyan, the gurgling of flowing water in Shiyan.

The gurgling drops of clouds and smoke rise, and the clouds and smoke rise from the mountains.

The mountains and running water are still there, and the running water is still in the south of the village.

The camel seeks the pearl, and the Eight Immortals support it.

Two instruments give birth to four images, and the universe also shifts.

Private powerhouse, richest in the world. "

At this time, there were three people standing in the small courtyard where the theater troupe was located, one man and two women.

The male is the teacher in the theater troupe, and the female is the Erdan Jiao who sings during the day. One is called Jiujie and the other is called Aqiu.

It turned out that when Ninth Sister was dressed as a white snake, and Xiaoqing, played by Ah Qiu, sang about the place where the water overflowed the golden mountain, a big living person suddenly jumped out beside her.This big living person was the escaped little six son, but at this time he couldn't hold on because of too much bleeding.

When the man met Jiu Jie, he said something important about his family, he was rich in the world, and then stuffed a piece of paper into Ah Qiu's mouth, then his neck tilted, and he died.

Although Ninth Sister guessed that it was a treasure map, neither she nor Aqiu could read. After thinking about it for a long time, she wanted to ask Mr. Lin for help.

The two of them also thought of disturbing the order of the fonts and asking, but they didn't expect that Mr. Lin was also quite skilled. He actually integrated the sentences by himself, and also recognized that it was a poem related to hidden treasures.

So the three finally agreed on a three-to-seven split, and when they thought of the treasure to be obtained, they all laughed out loud.

After laughing, the three started to set off immediately, looking for the treasure according to the poem.Although that Aqiu was illiterate, he was extremely clever, and quickly deciphered the first few lines of the poem, leading the two of them to a private place.

They also saw the hole, but at this time the zombies below were eating Brother Wu, so even if Ah Qiu stretched his legs in to try, there were no zombies to pull Ah Qiu down.

Looking at the other half-blocked hole, Ah Qiu quickly guessed that a key is needed here, and this key is probably related to the following verses.

So the three hurried back the same way, even though they didn't rest all night, because they were thinking about the treasure, the three of them didn't feel tired at all.

Just after dawn, they began to look for the hunchback everywhere, but they were lucky, and finally found the hunchback and the key.

However, there are many people in the daytime, and the three of them agreed to come to pick up the keys at night.

At night, the three stood on the roof of the temple, and the three began to think of ways to pull out the pearl supported by the Eight Immortals.

After exhausting all kinds of methods, it was Aqiu who knocked his head three times before triggering the mechanism, and the pearl started to move.

After getting the key, the three screamed happily again.

"Hey, what kind of insect is that on the head?" Teacher Lin pointed to a flying insect two meters in the air behind Aqiu.

Ah Qiu quickly looked and found that it was a dark golden bug, but it was too dark for her to see the specific appearance of the bug.

"What is this, I've never seen it before!"

"It's just a worm, don't worry about what to do with it, the treasure is more important, the dead are rich, and the world is rich!" Seeing the two staring at the worm, Jiu Jie couldn't help reminding.

"That's right, the treasure is important!" After hearing what Jiu Jie said, Teacher Lin and Ah Qiu immediately ignored the bug, and the three jumped off the roof with the key, ready to go to the private house to open the treasure.

This bug was the beetle-eating beetle flying around, and the beetle-eating beetle stopped because it saw a familiar face, but now that it heard the words "private place", it immediately understood what the plot was.

In the Earl's Mansion, Fang Zhengqing put down the blood cup and said to Xiao Li, "I'll go out for a while, Annie and the others come back, and tell them to stay at home!"

"Yes, son!"


The ninth sister, Teacher A Qiulin, quickly ran towards the private compound, followed by the beetle eater in the air, and two other people followed besides the beetle eater.

It was Shi Chun who was determined to find drugs, and his assistant Chen Longshi.

"Private place, richest in the world, hahahaha! Come on, get the key and open it!" Soon the three of them came to the private place again, looking at the keyhole, Ninth Sister said happily.

Teacher Lin took the key, inserted it into the key hole, and began to try to turn it.

"Sure enough, I found it anyway. The drug trafficking workshop of the villagers in this village was originally hidden underground. No wonder I couldn't find it!"

Shi Chun, who was hiding in the dark, was complacent. Behind him was Chen Longshi, his right-hand assistant. Chen Longshi was trembling like an electric shock because the poison of the heartbroken grass had not disappeared.

"Sir Shi, should we rush out now?" Chen Longshi asked tremblingly.

Shi Chun: "Don't worry, wait for them to open it, and let's get another person to steal it!"

As soon as the words fell, the three of them uttered a scream, and then the three of them fell down.

Shi Chun: "Good opportunity, let's go now." But when he left, he pushed Chen Longshi, and Chen Longshi was pushed to the ground, so Shi Chun rushed over alone.

Fang Zhengqing turned into a beetle and flew high into the sky, watching the three female corpses and one male corpse below chasing Teacher Lin and Ninth Sister Aqiu running around non-stop.

At this time, Shi Chun happened to fall to the center of the stone platform and pointed a gun at the three of them.

The three of them stammered in fright: "Back...back...ah..."

"Behind, behind is my assistant Chen Longshi!" As he spoke, Shi Chunyi boldly looked behind him, just in time to see the rotten face of the male corpse, and screamed in fright.

"Why did you become such a ghost, Chen Longshi..." He thought it was Chen Longshi's poison attack, which corroded his face.

"I'm here, Shi Sir!" Hearing someone calling himself, Chen Longshi said from above.

Now Shi Chun panicked even more, this is a ghost.


When he shouted, a new chase started, and even Chen Longshi who was above was dragged down.

The crowd kept running, and unlike the plot, even though the moon was covered by dark clouds, the group of zombies could still move.

And the most powerful pistol was also bent by the zombies, and Shi Chun was about to encounter the deadly hands of the zombies.

A figure suddenly descended from the sky and kicked the male corpse away. This person was Fang Zhengqing who had rushed over quickly.


The male corpse was kicked away and let out a roar, and then the other three female corpses also looked at Fang Zhengqing.

The five people were bound to die today, but they didn't expect to see a "hero" descending from the sky, kicking a zombie away, and they immediately felt the happiness of the rest of their lives.

Shi Chun looked familiar with Fang Zhengqing's back, so he took two steps forward, saw Fang Zhengqing's face clearly, and quickly saluted: "Shi Chun has met Fang Sir!"

(End of this chapter)

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