From the Nine Uncle Movies

Chapter 173 Three Dragons

Chapter 173 Three-Headed Dragon

After the Dragon Emperor finished speaking, with a sound of "哕啷...", he drew out his bronze sword and stabbed at Fang Zhengqing.

Seeing this, the others hurriedly avoided.Only Fang Zhengqing and Dragon Emperor Yingzheng were left in the field.

I have to say that Ying Zheng's sword is really good, not worse than Fang Zhengqing's evil sword back then.

But fortunately, Fang Zhengqing is not what he used to be now, even without the evil sword, he is not afraid of Ying Zheng's sword at all.

Relying on his hard body, Fang Zhengqing resisted Ying Zheng's attack in a daze.

While fighting Ying Zheng, Fang Zhengqing complained in his heart that if Ying Zheng had used his strength against others just now, O'Connor and Zi Yuan would have died long ago.

It seems that not everyone can do justice for the sky, at least not zombies.

Fang Zhengqing's back was once again sparked by Ying Zheng, but Fang Zhengqing also took the opportunity to take down a dagger from Ying Zheng's waist.

This dagger has bronzing patterns and carved dragons, and it also contains an inexplicable power. It is the dagger that killed Ying Zheng in the plot.

Seeing Fang Zhengqing holding the dagger, Ying Zheng's eyes could not help but show fear.Just now he discovered that Fang Zhengqing, who was dressed in copper skin and iron bones, was very difficult to deal with. His Heavenly Question Sword could not hurt the opponent at all. Now that the opponent got the dagger to restrain him, the Dragon Emperor couldn't help feeling annoyed, why didn't he destroy it just now? As for it, such a simple method has never been thought of.

"Boom..." Ying Zheng blushed, and suddenly burst into flames.

Seeing the flames rushing towards him, Fang Zhengqing opened his mouth and sprayed a torrent directly. The flame and the torrent collided, and a large cloud of water vapor was generated at the intersection, blocking everyone's sight.

"Roar..." The Dragon Emperor Yingzheng let out a roar, and his arms "slapped" a large mass of waist-thick muscles, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a hairy monster.

He stood up and punched Fang Zhengqing.Fang Zhengqing made a vertical leap and flew up, but the Dragon Emperor's attack missed and he punched the ground.


A big crater was punched out of the ground by his punch, and Ying Zheng, who had turned into a monster, stood up as high as a two-story mansion. Looking at Fang Zhengqing in the sky, Ying Zheng was like an angry orangutan, rushing Beating his chest, the sound was like thundering drums.

But soon, the Dragon Emperor's body changed, and he turned into a three-headed dragon covered in scales again, breathing flames from one end and ice from the other, and flew towards Fang Zhengqing.

Seeing the three-headed dragon flying over, Fang Zhengqing also rushed over and shouted: "If you really become a beast, I won't dare to fight you hand-to-hand!"

Fang Zhengqing released ice to block the flames of the three-headed dragon, and then controlled a boulder to hit the three-headed dragon from bottom to top.

The boulder was bigger than the three-headed dragon, but the three-headed dragon's claws smashed the boulder flying up.

Fang Zhengqing also approached the three-headed dragon at this time, and Fang Zhengqing's corpse energy suddenly increased, and he became a zombie with fangs and long armor.

Five sharp claws wrapped in black air, carrying five black lights, brushed past the three-headed dragon incarnated by the Dragon Emperor.

Fang Zhengqing's body was not as big as an arm of the three-headed dragon, so he avoided the three-headed dragon's sharp claws nimbly, but his corpse claws actually grabbed the three-headed dragon's body.

"Chi la la..."

Transformed into a three-headed dragon, Ying Zheng's physical body became extremely powerful, and Fang Zhengqing's corpse claws only left five white marks on his dragon scales.


"hold head high……"

However, the Dragon Emperor was still bleeding, and couldn't help but let out a painful dragon cry.

Although Fang Zhengqing's corpse claws couldn't break through the defense, the dagger could. The dagger was not necessarily sharper than Fang Zhengqing's nails, but it was a weapon specially designed to restrain Ying Zheng.

So the dagger stabbed into Ying Zheng's body smoothly. Of course, the dagger couldn't kill Ying Zheng who had turned into a three-headed dragon, because the dagger was too short to reach the heart.

Fiery blood sprayed out, Fang Zhengqing sucked a lot of blood into his mouth, the taste was really sweet and delicious.

Fang Zhengqing, who saw the blood, became even more fierce. Relying on his small body, he kept holding the blood of the three-headed dragon in his arms.

However, Ying Zheng finally seized an opportunity. The dragon claw hit the dagger, and the dagger broke immediately.

But before the Dragon Emperor had time to be happy, he suddenly felt a white air enveloping his head, and then he found that his body became extremely slow.

Fang Zhengqing dropped the dagger and flew to one of the necks of the three-headed dragon, and the fangs pierced into it.

Fang Zhengqing's teeth were much sharper than nails, so the scales protected Fang Zhengqing's corpse claws, but did not block Fang Zhengqing's corpse teeth.

Hot blood like flames flowed into Fang Zhengqing's mouth, making Fang Zhengqing's already scarlet eyes even redder.


Although the roar of the three-headed dragon was very loud, it was intermittent, which was affected by the dullness.

Ying Zheng didn't expect that after he was resurrected and destroyed the dagger, he could feel the approach of death again.

Soon the three-headed dragon in the air turned into the beast just now. The beast couldn't fly and fell directly.


When the beast fell, the ground shook. With it as the center, a crack three feet wide and three feet long was opened on the ground.

At this time, Fang Zhengqing was still lying firmly on the back of the beast, and the beast reached out and grabbed Fang Zhengqing's back, pulling him off the back.


However, a piece of flesh on the back of his neck was also bitten off by Fang Zhengqing, Ying Zheng grabbed Fang Zhengqing and threw it on the ground, Fang Zhengqing was directly smashed into the soil alive.

But the giant beast was not attacking, but writhed in great pain, because Fang Zhengqing just let a few beetle eaters into his body.

The beetle-eating beetle was in the body of the giant beast, and no matter how powerful the giant beast was, it couldn't kill the things in the body, so Ying Zheng turned into a human body with sword eyebrows and star eyes again.

The whole body was glowing red, facing ordinary flames, the beetle-eating insect could live for an hour or three quarters, but Yingzheng's flame was so extraordinary that it directly burned the beetle-eating insect in his body to death.

Ying Zheng looked at Fang Zhengqing in the pit, and found that there was no figure there, and then looked at the surrounding sky, there was still no one.

Suddenly, Ying Zheng noticed something was grabbing his ankle. Looking down, a hand seemed to grow out of the ground, grabbing his right ankle.

Seeing this, Ying Zheng knew it was not good, so he was about to fly into the sky, but before he could transform, he was pulled into the ground.

Fang Zhengqing didn't care about anything, grabbed Ying Zheng and went straight to the ground. He didn't know how many meters he drilled, and Ying Zheng behind him suddenly turned into a three-headed dragon again.

But unfortunately, being suppressed by the soil layer, it was useless for Ying Zheng to become a three-headed dragon. It was very difficult to move his body. As for rushing out of the soil layer, he had no choice because it was too deep.

Fang Zhengqing went around where Ying Zheng's head couldn't reach, and rushed over...

 To be honest, I really don't like Dragon Emperor's character design, especially his aesthetics, which makes me feel deformed!
(End of this chapter)

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