From the Nine Uncle Movies

Chapter 161 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 161 Chasing and Killing
However, although the beetle eater is powerful, the current battle can't help him.In terms of defense, the beetle-eating beetles are no match for Fang Zhengqing's current body, and the enemies Fang Zhengqing is dealing with now can easily kill a large number of beetle-eating beetles. The effect is still great.

Soon the corpse of the scorpion spirit disappeared on the ground, leaving only an evil knife, which Fang Zhengqing could still use, so naturally he would not devour it.

Fang Zhengqing turned into a human again, and after devouring the body of the scorpion spirit, Fang Zhengqing not only recovered his strength, but also went one step further.

"Zhengqing, congratulations, your strength has become stronger again!"

Fang Zhengqing waved his hand, and the evil knife flew into his hand, looked at Yingying and said, "I know, you need to devour the strength of the last expert to become a fairy, and I will help you in return!"

Yingying: "It's not urgent, I still need to recover my strength before I can make a move, otherwise I can catch Mao Xiaofang, and I can't absorb his strength to help me break through."

Fang Zhengqing: "Alright!"

However, Fang Zhengqing felt that things would not be so simple, but he also couldn't figure out who would help Mao Xiaofang.

In the original book, Mao Xiaofang was able to win because of Song Zilong's love robbery. Although now Qingjie is replaced by himself, not only will he not stop Yingying from being cruel to Mao Xiaofang, but he will help her, and naturally he will not die because of himself. up.

Fang Zhengqing: "Okay, I will protect you for the next month!"

Yingying walked to Fang Zhengqing's side, put her arms around his neck and said, "Then please carry me back first, I don't have the strength to fly back!"


Fang Zhengqing naturally knew what Yingying said was false, but he still hugged her and flew back.

Holding Yingying in the air, Fang Zhengqing felt that it was hard, because he had to endure the temptation of Yingying's blood all the time.

If it weren't for his self-control, he probably would have bitten it down long ago.

In the air, Yingying looked at Fang Zhengqing and asked her doubts: "Zhengqing, how did you become a zombie, and how can you speak like a normal person?"

Yingying wanted to ask this question a long time ago, since zombies can speak, their strength has already surpassed Fang Zhengqing's by a thousand miles.

But although Fang Zhengqing's current strength is not high, he can speak and pretend to be a human being. He is definitely a very strange zombie.

Naturally, Fang Zhengqing couldn't tell Yingying about the existence of the system, so she half-truthfully told her own experience. Yingying felt very surprised when she heard it, thinking that it was Thunder that made Fang Zhengqing mutated.

Fang Zhengqing: "I still need something to cover my disguise, but the two zombies at home, as long as they don't expose themselves, no one will see it!"

"Oh, it's so miraculous, I'll take a look when I have time!" After hearing Fang Zhengqing's words, Yingying also knew that the two women in Qian's mansion were also zombies.

But it's right to think about it, if it wasn't for the zombies, Fang Zhengqing stayed with them, they would have been infected by the corpse a long time ago.

Back at Yingying's residence, Qingqing happened to arrest three men and came back. Seeing Fang Zhengqing hugging her eldest sister, Qingqing said with a smile: "Eldest sister, originally I arrested these people to let eldest sister recover, but now it seems that if Eldest sister has recovered, wouldn't it be a good thing for eldest sister!"

"Fuck you, don't talk nonsense, I just want to use them to recover my essence. By the way, is Susu back?" Yingying jumped out of Fang Zhengqing's arms and looked at her sister and said shyly.

"Second sister, it seems that you haven't come back yet!"

"If she doesn't come back again, it's still up to her whether she can maintain her human body. She won't be delayed by something!" Yingying couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Monster, let me see where you can go!" Suddenly there was a violent shout from the house, upon hearing the sound, Fang Zhengqing knew who it was, it was Mao Xiaofang.

It turned out that after Susu went to the hotel to inform Liu Dafu, she did not return immediately, but "intentionally" ran into Afan who was on the street, and they started talking.

Afan's fascination made her lose her mind, so naturally she said something very quickly. When Susu heard that Mao Xiaofang was retreating, she immediately expressed that she wanted to try Afan's craftsmanship. Naturally, Afan was immediately delighted and led Susu back to Fuxi Church.

Susu pretended to stay in the kitchen for a while, she didn't want to miss this opportunity, she directly found an excuse to leave the kitchen, went outside the window, looked at Mao Xiaofang who was meditating inside, with a dense air all over her body, Susu thought that the opportunity had come .

No matter how good Mao Xiaofang is, if he is attacked while adjusting his breath, even if he can react, he will be seriously injured.

After Mao Xiaofang was seriously injured, Susu had full confidence in taking him back. As for Mao Xiaofang's two apprentices, Susu directly ignored them.

Because her ability is too useless, she can't stop her from doing whatever she wants.

Just do what she wants, Susu directly breaks through the window and hits Mao Xiaofang with her palm.

But when she got close to Mao Xiaofang, suddenly the portrait of Zhang Tianshi hanging on the wall behind Mao Xiaofang burst into golden light, and Mao Xiaofang was fixed.


Trapped by the golden light, white smoke came out of Susu's body, and she was using demon power to counteract the golden light.

At this time, Mao Xiaofang also sensed the danger, and began to withdraw his power, then slowly opened his eyes, looked at Su Su who was fixed by the golden light, and shouted: "Bold evildoer, how dare you come to Fuxi Hall to make trouble!"

Saying that, he took out a talisman from his bosom, threw it towards Susu, and stuck it directly on her chest.

At this time, the golden light also disappeared, and Susu fell down, but she still couldn't move at this moment, she could only watch helplessly as Mao Xiaofang took out the mahogany sword, and then enchanted the mahogany sword.

"Master, don't, why did you kill Ajin!" At the critical moment, Afan who heard Susu's cry rushed in.

Seeing Mao Xiaofang's posture, he immediately stopped his master Mao Xiaofang.And he also took the talisman on Susu's chest.

Looking at Afan, Susu felt that this man was really cute for the first time, at this moment Susu felt that she was going to love him to death.

Mao Xiaofang looked at Afan's movements and was stunned. Is his apprentice a fool? He didn't even smell such a strong demonic aura. What kind of apprentices did he take in?

"Afan, put the talisman on it quickly, she is a monster, not Ajin!"

Speaking of Mao Xiaofang, he stabbed at Susu with a mahogany sword.

But at this moment, Susu was already able to move, she pushed Afan towards Mao Xiaofang, then turned and ran.

Mao Xiaofang caught his apprentice and wanted to put him away, but unexpectedly, Ah Fan hugged Mao Xiaofang and shouted without turning his head: "Ah Jin, run quickly, I stopped the master!"


Mao Xiaofang didn't talk nonsense, just kicked Afan away, looking at Afan who was about to get up, Mao Xiaofang thought: Forget it, when I come back this time, I will expel you from the school!
(End of this chapter)

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