Chapter 10

When he came outside, under the moonlight, Fang Zhengqing felt a burst of relief all over, and he couldn't help but let out a roar.

Host: Fang Zhengqing
Skills: Xingyiquan (dragon shape), zombie body (as the strength increases, the defense and strength will increase),
Race: Zombie

Grade: Black Zombie

Passive: Corpse poison (can harm or infect other creatures), resistance (immunity to evil spirits and low-level Taoism to a certain extent, lightning damage will also be reduced)
Fang Zhengqing has inherited the advantages and characteristics of the royal zombies, and the power of a thousand catties has been replaced by the body of the zombie, and the age is gone. After all, zombies are immortal and have no life span. The most regrettable thing is that although Fang Zhengqing is sane, he still has no lifespan. But without the function of speaking, he can only express himself with simple roaring.

Fang Zhengqing absorbed Yuehua for a while, then found a direction, and jumped towards it...

The four-eyed Taoist priest looked at Master Yixiu and said, "Okay, monk, go and send that little devil back. I just happened to drive the corpse to Renjia Town in advance to see if Fang boy has gone. The zombie was obviously dead last night. One tooth is missing, and there are signs of a struggle at the scene, I'm afraid that kid will be accidentally injured by a zombie!"

Yixiu led the eleventh elder brother and said: "Okay, since that's the case, I'll send him back to Beijing first, Jiale, you can take care of the house!"

Jia Le obviously wanted to go too, of course not to accompany his master, but to accompany Master Yixiu, because this time Jingjing also went out with Master Yixiu.But looking at his master's unkind expression, Jia Le could only say bitterly: "Okay then!"

Priest Simu shook the bell and said: "Let's go, the yin people go on the road, the living people stay away!"

Because they had been fighting zombies last night, they only rested during the day, so the jet lag was reversed, and Master Yixiu and the others also traveled overnight.


On the mass burial mound, corpses rolled in grass and discarded by the roadside, hands gnawed by wild dogs, carrion rolled by corpses and insects.

A "click" broke the branch, and the sound disturbed the silent night.

A young man in a short jacket tiptoed over to the top of the mountain. With a look of disgust on his face, the young man shook his foot and looked into the distance by the moonlight: "Bah, there are so many dead mice!"

The young man came to a broken coffin. There were no nails in the broken coffin, and the coffin lid was easily pushed away by him. Suddenly, a corpse smell came over his face.

"Bah bah bah!"

The young man spat three times in a row, and he dared not open his mouth until the stench dissipated. Then he looked at the corpse in the coffin and said, "My brother's name is Wangcai. I don't have money for dinner today, so I have to take your elder brother's knife." Hey, hey, let me give away this dead money. If there is something that alarms your brother, just pretend not to see it."

After finishing speaking, Wangcai raised his hand and grabbed the corpse's mouth, but he didn't see what was sealed in the mouth.

"Damn, what a mouthful of rotten teeth!" Wang Cai scolded with disappointment.

The mouth of the buried corpse usually contains jade or pearls, and the poor will seal the dead with copper coins. The people thrown in the mass graves are definitely not rich and powerful, but it is impossible to be poor enough to use the coffin Master, so there is nothing in his mouth, which is beyond Wangcai's expectation.

Wangcai was a little unwilling to give up, and continued to grope while grabbing the corpse.From the shoulders to the arms, the calves to the crotch, I touched everything that I could touch, and I didn't miss a single place.

"Fuck, poorer than me!"

Cursing angrily, Wangcai finally jumped onto the coffin in disbelief, bent down and grabbed the corpse, his feet trembled, and his head banged on the bottom of the coffin.

It's a pity that nothing was found, and finally threw the body away, Wangcai jumped down, picked up the hammer on the ground and complained to himself: "It's unlucky for people to drink cold water and stuff their teeth, and today they got nothing!"

But at this moment, the coffin lid that fell on the ground suddenly flew up by itself and covered the coffin. Wangcai happened to see it, with a look of horror on his face.

Then the coffin slid and knocked him to the ground, and Wangcai lay on the ground like a dog gnawing.Behind him, the coffin was ready to strike for the second time. He was so frightened that he shuddered, got up in a hurry and ran, and the coffin chased after him.

Fang Zhengqing didn't dare to go near the town, he was afraid that some expert in the town would take him away, so he walked in the wild.

Anyway, Qing can jump nearly two meters, and the speed is not slower than when he was a human. At this moment, Fang Zhengqing suddenly smelled the smell of a stranger, and there was a voice calling for help in his ears.

And besides that, Fang Zhengqing also felt the same kind of aura.

Fang Zhengqing thought for a while, and knew that it was a zombie chasing someone. Not long after, Fang Zhengqing saw "Jia Le" running towards him, and a coffin behind him slid on the ground chasing "Jia Le".

But soon Fang Zhengqing knew that he had made a mistake. Although this person was very similar to Jia Le, he was obviously older than Jia Le, and the clothes on his body were much better than Jia Le's.

Seeing a figure suddenly appearing in front of him, Wangcai wanted to run over to ask for help, but soon he realized that something was wrong, because this person was jumping forward, and when he ran in again, he could see Fang Zhengqing's face clearly. Face.


Wangcai screamed in fright, and then saw a road on the left, turned directly, and ran away. The coffin behind him also drifted flexibly, and continued to chase.

Fang Zhengqing stood at the same spot, took a look, and looked down along the road. He saw that the lights were still on, and knew that there was a town below. After thinking about it, he decided to go and have a look.

He didn't understand, how could a zombie control the coffin to slide?
Wangcai stumbled and ran for a few miles and finally escaped into the town. Even if he had practiced, running for such a long time was exhausting.

Holding the corner of the wall, Wangcai took a breath, and when he looked up, he saw a narrow dwelling by the side of the road. The white paper plaque on the door said "the first house in Maoshan".

Although the store is poor, it is also a lifesaver. Wangcai raised his hand and was about to knock on the door, but saw that there was also a "Maoshan No. [-] Store" directly opposite, but the decoration was much more beautiful. Qin Qiong and Jing were pasted on the red painted door. The colorful paintings of the two door gods.

There is a golden plaque on the door, and the words "the first shop in Maoshan" are written in fine cinnabar. Compared with this, the "first shop in Maoshan" in front of you seems petty.

Wangcai quickly turned around, stepped forward and knocked hard on the door.

"Master, open the door, Master!"

"What's the matter?" Soon a bearded man in a moon white jacket opened the door and asked Wangcai with his hands behind his back.

"A ghost is chasing me!"

"Oh, then you should shoot the right door and find the right person!" As he spoke, the man glanced at the opposite side, which was his junior brother's shop.Both of them are disciples of Maoshan, but they are not born to deal with.

"Don't be afraid of being chased by ghosts, I'm most afraid that you have no money." At this time, a little Taoist priest in a Taoist robe with small eyes and a wicked face poked his head out and said.

Just now his master Qian Zhenren was going to teach him a secret technique, but someone knocked on the door, so he had to stop temporarily, the teaching was interrupted, the little Taoist was naturally a little dissatisfied with Wangcai.

"Money is not a problem, as long as you can save my life!" Although Wangcai has no money, he can only bite the bullet and pretend he doesn't care.

"It's easy to negotiate if you have money, and we are the first one in Maoshan!" Said the little Taoist and pointed to the golden plaque above his head.

"Where's the ghost?"

"Inside the coffin!"

"Where's the coffin?"

"Flying over!"

After finishing speaking, the three of them looked towards the street, but it was pitch black, not to mention the coffin, there was no one there.

"See you big bastard!"

Master Qian and his disciples only thought they were being tricked, cursed angrily, and slammed the door shut.

As soon as the gate of Maoshan's first house closed, a coffin appeared at the intersection.

"Master, master, open the door!" Wang Cai hurriedly knocked on the door for help.

"What's the matter?" Qian Renren said angrily when he opened the door.

Wangcai watched the coffin hit again, gritted his teeth and rolled over to avoid it, the coffin crashed into the gate of the No. [-] house in Maoshan.

Qian Zhenren was also a little surprised, he didn't expect that there really was a coffin.With a push, the coffin was blocked, and with a push, the coffin was pushed out.

The coffin was loaded into his junior brother's room, and Wu Zhenren, who was sleeping, only felt the bed shake and fell to the ground.

"It's you bastard again!" Wu Zhenren came out cursing, looked at the senior brother outside, brainstormed for a while, and suddenly understood everything, pointed at his senior brother and cursed angrily.

"You're still here!" Qian Zhenren looked at the returned coffin, and pushed it back. Seeing this, Wu Zhenren was immediately unhappy, and then the two brothers fought, and Wangcai on one side quickly took the opportunity to slip away when he saw this .

But the zombie in the coffin was miserable. Under the torment of the two Taoist priests, his bones were broken, and he staggered towards the outside of the town.

The two brothers also snorted at each other, turned their heads and went back to their respective houses. Of course, the door still needs to be repaired before going to bed.

Fang Zhengqing's speed was not very fast because Fang Zhengqing was afraid that there would be high-level people in the town, especially the zombie chasing Wangcai would make such a big noise.

When he was about to enter the town, he saw a figure walking towards him unsteadily. By the moonlight, he could clearly see that the man was wearing a tattered shroud, and he was a zombie.

Judging from its appearance, it is not difficult to guess that it was beaten by someone. From this point of view, there are really tall people in this town.

The zombie was also taken aback when he saw Fang Zhengqing, walked up to Fang Zhengqing, and said in corpse language: "Hurry up, there are two powerful people in a while!"

As soon as Fang Zhengqing heard it, he knew that his injuries were also left by those two powerful people.

Fang Zhengqing felt the corpse's aura on the zombie, and could clearly feel that the zombie was dead, but the ability to control the coffin with one hand made Fang Zhengqing's eyes hot.

Fang Zhengqing: "How did you get your ability to control things?"

The zombie said as he walked, "I don't know, I'm born!"

Fang Zhengqing glanced at the town behind him, the anger in the town gave him the urge to kill desperately.

Fortunately, Fang Zhengqing is not an ordinary black zombie, he has a soul, so he suppressed the impulse and chased after the white zombie.

The two zombies returned to the mass grave, and the white zombie said to Fang Zhengqing: "It's almost dawn, I'll hide for a while!"

He used to hide in his own coffin, but now that the coffin is gone, he can only burrow into the abandoned grave.

Fang Zhengqing jumped in front of Bai Zong and said, "When did you become sane?"

Generally speaking, before the zombie jumps to death, it will not have the slightest sense of sanity, only pure recklessness and thirst for blood.

Of course, the royal zombie is an exception, Fang Zhengqing is an exception among exceptions, and this white zombie is also an exception.

Bai Jiang: "I can't remember clearly either, it seems like ten years ago, there was lightning and thunder that day!"

After listening to Fang Zhengqing, he guessed that the reason for Bai Zhan's behavior was probably related to the thunder and lightning that day, and then thought that the mutation of the royal zombies was also related to the thunder and lightning, so he became more convinced of his guess.

Fang Zhengqing looked at Bai Jiang, jumped behind him, grabbed his neck with both hands, and then bit down.

Bai Zang's defense is not very surprising, otherwise he wouldn't be deformed by being beaten. To be honest, Bai Zang didn't expect that Fang Zhengqing's black zombie would bite him. After all, there are only zombies of the same level among the zombies. , there will be a battle, either one party surrenders to the other party, or one party kills the other party, sucking the other party's body energy.

And high-level zombies will not fight against low-level zombies because they have leadership rights.

Fang Zhengqing's attack was unexpected by Bai Jiang, but feeling the loss of corpse energy, Bai Jiang also struggled, he controlled a stone tablet and threw it towards Fang Zhengqing's head.

Fang Zhengqing felt the corpse aura of white zombies being absorbed by him, and the corpse aura in his body became boiling. This feeling made Fang Zhengqing feel very sour and intoxicated.


Fang Zhengqing suddenly felt his head hit by something, then let go of his mouth, turned his head to look, and saw a pile of rubble, and understood that this was Bai Zang's counterattack.

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, Bai Jiang couldn't help panicking. He wanted to struggle out of Fang Zhengqing's embrace, but his arms and legs were broken, and he couldn't make any effort at all.

Bai Zong's attack also stimulated Fang Zhengqing's fierceness, he turned his head and bit down again.

The billowing corpse energy poured into Fang Zhengqing's body. Although stones still hit Fang Zhengqing from time to time, Fang Zhengqing ignored the attack at all.

Soon, Bai Zong's body couldn't move, and Fang Zhengqing couldn't breathe the corpse's breath anymore, so he threw the zombie on the ground.

Bai Zong loses his corpse energy, just like a person loses blood, he will die naturally, or many years later, in this shade, he may become a zombie again, but more often he will be eaten clean, after all, here There are also many mice.

(End of this chapter)

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