Doomsday Crazy Meow

Chapter 399 Inulangwan, see it!

Chapter 399 Inulangwan, see it!

"Boom..." An eyeball burst out from the eye socket of the eye girl, and bounced directly onto the orange cat's face, causing the orange cat to throw its head back.

At this time, he still had a frozen smile on his face, looking at Yamada whose head had been smashed in front of him, as if wearing a smiley mask.

"Cat, I did it!" Luzi shouted happily with his hooves soaked in blood, "I'm finally not afraid of them!"

At this moment, the sika deer's whole body was spattered with blood, and it had turned into a sika deer, but the innocent smile on its face remained unchanged.

Seeing the orange cat standing there motionless with a stiff smile on his face, Luzi suddenly felt something was wrong, rushed over to take off his hooves, grabbed the big round head of the orange cat with two small hands and shook it vigorously, asked anxiously : "Maozi, what's wrong with you, Maozi? Are you injured!?"

"I... I'm fine, meow..." the orange cat's mouth twitched and said, seeing the dead body of Yamada who had fallen on the ground, the corners of his eyes twitched again.

This is it!
The delicate eyed girl I was just about to surrender to!It's still the flavor of the Ying Kingdom, so why did you beat me to death!

My brain is broken!

The eyeballs fell apart!

Didn't you almost die of fright just now?
Why did he not hesitate to kill the killer right now!

"It's fine." Lu Zi said with a smile, and at the same time said to Zuo Chen again: "Cat, I'm not afraid at all now, thank you! Except for the disgusting monsters created by these humans, there is nothing else at all. .”

"However..." As soon as the topic changed, she showed gratitude again, and said to Zuo Chen: "Thanks to you for injuring that human's spirit, I was able to make a sneak attack. Otherwise, I wouldn't know how to fight!" how long."

At this time, Zuo Chen had recovered, nodded and said, "Fortunately, it's also because your speed is fast enough, and she didn't have time to use dark energy for protection."

If you kill them, you can kill them, anyway, there are still so many people left...

Thinking of this, Zuo Chen felt a little better. Although he couldn't interrogate this Yamada, this was not an important base of the Dragon Cult.

Turning his head and looking around, he saw that the remaining dozens of soldiers in metal armor were all timid.

Director Yamada, the strongest among them, was directly killed by this cat and deer!
And the deer beast king was not only fast but also powerful and brutal. For a while, they didn't know whether to continue fighting or run away.

A mob... Zuo Chen sighed.

The core of the combat effectiveness of an army is the overall quality of the soldiers. Otherwise, taking a certain army as an example, no matter how powerful and advanced weapons and equipment it had, it would still be a mob. The guerrillas fought all over the place.

This Shenlong Cult doesn't seem to be as good as the orthodox Shenlin organization.

However, they are absolutely crazy enough...

"Cat..." Just as the sika deer was about to say something, the orange cat had already taken out two pairs of sunglasses from the storage space, put on a pair for himself, and then put another pair on for the sika deer.

In the next moment, the orange cat's whole body burst into rainbow light, and as his spiritual coercion spread in all directions, it directly enveloped the entire factory town!

Under the coercion of his spiritual power, many people hiding in various buildings also came out with confused and joyful faces.

These people include researchers in white coats, fully armed guards, snipers with sniper rifles, and more ordinary people in rags and thin stature.

It's just that, except for the soldiers and researchers in the "ruling class", all ordinary residents wear a bomb collar around their necks, and many of them are also strapped with explosives.

And in the warehouse in front of him, more than a dozen skinning monsters with strange shapes crawled out again.

At this time, these skinned monsters were shrouded by Zuo Chen's mental power, and seemed to wake up from the original state of madness, and immediately felt endless pain and sorrow.

Their chaotic brains regained some clarity, but there was only one thought in their minds, and that was death!

"Let us die... let us die..." The words kept repeating in their minds.

These so-called skinned monsters are themselves humans who have been transformed into monsters through experiments.

Due to the lack of skin protection and the huge changes in the body's skeletal muscles, their bodies are suffering endless pain all the time, which is why they are so crazy.

But now, the only sliver of reason left in their hearts made them send their deepest pleas to the god-like rainbow cat in front of them.



Zuo Chen sighed, loosened the mental suppression on these monsters, and let their bodies recover their freedom.

In the next moment, these skinned monsters who were relieved couldn't wait to stick out their slender and sharp claws, piercing their brains from their eye sockets, and fell to the ground with a relieved smile on their faces.

In the blink of an eye, the skinned monsters in this factory town all killed themselves, ushering in a silent relief.

Seeing this scene, Luzi couldn't help showing a look of intolerance, and asked Zuo Chen in a low voice: "Cat, why are these humans so cruel to me? Aren't they all humans?"

Zuo Chen smacked his lips and said, "This question... I can't answer you for the time being... But my brothers are all talented, and they speak nicely. You can ask them in the future..."

After living in the last days for so long, he can say that he can't understand the contradictory creatures like human beings very well.

Despicable and great, cruel and kind, angel and devil, these contradictory personalities can not only find coexistence in the whole human being, but can even coexist in the same human being, which itself is something that people can't really understand.

In the entire factory town, there are still more than 1000 people living, of course, most of them belong to the "slave" class.

Then Zuo Chen flicked his tail to signal Luzi to keep quiet, and then the rainbow light bloomed again, becoming more dazzling, and coupled with the influence of mental power, he quietly shook out a little powder of "Buddha's Sigh", and then he spoke loudly said:
"In the beginning, the cat god used its right eye... no, it seems to be the left eye... that... it was an eyeball anyway, and created the universe..."

As he spoke, the orange cat was sweating.

Meow meow, I am used to being a hands-off shopkeeper, and this basic business ability is not up to standard!

The majestic leader of the Rainbow Cat God Sect can't even remember the teachings...

Fortunately, after the battle just now, coupled with the double brainwashing of rainbow light and spiritual force field, and the hypnosis of Buddha's sigh, no one would refute what he said, and this kind of hypnosis is more of an emotional guidance.

"... That... That... As long as you believe in the cat god, you can get your own cat... This world will eventually become a world full of cat-eared maids..."

After stumbling, the hypnosis was almost completed, and the orange cat was extremely ashamed.

Fortunately, the sika deer next to him doesn't understand anything, and he doesn't know what is going on with the Rainbow Cat God Sect, otherwise, if he lost the cat today, Wang Daju would be very embarrassed!

Everyone present was completely hypnotized at this time, and became his loyal subordinates in a short time.

Especially the remaining dozens of warriors wearing the armor of dinosaur civilization, they are loyal guards beside Zuo Chen and Lu Zi, seeming loyal and inseparable.

The rainbow light dissipated, Lu Zi had already taken off his sunglasses, and asked Zuo Chen excitedly:
"Maozi, Maozi, the rainbow light just now was too powerful! It's almost like Lu Luxiu! I didn't expect you to do this trick!"

Zuo Chen flicked his tail and said, "Our strategy and tactics are much better than that of children's mech warfare."

"Come on, let's go check and see if there is anything good here."

Then, under the leadership of a senior administrator, he walked into the huge warehouse in front of him.

The warehouse has apparently been converted into a headquarters.

After entering, Zuo Chen immediately discovered many signs belonging to the "Shenlin Organization", as well as various technical styles.

Obviously, this so-called "Dragon Sect" stronghold should have been a small base of the God's presence organization in the first place.

Sure enough, there are a lot of network connection devices inside, and there are also several large screens showing the map of Ying Kingdom. There are a total of four red dots on it, which are the four existing urban fortresses of Ying Kingdom.

What made Zuo Chen a little depressed was that the network here seemed to be the internal network of the "Dragon Sect", and it couldn't connect to the network on the Red Star side at all, and naturally it couldn't communicate with that side.

At the same time, although there is a lot of stored energy here, they are basically fossil fuels. Although there is a generator, the food system is currently dormant, and the automatic charging system is also dormant, so it still cannot be awakened...

As for the things in the biological laboratory, they are all similar. With Zuo Chen's current biological science knowledge, he can find that the equipment and experimental items here are of a low level, so there is nothing to learn from.

Those skinned monsters are actually the product of a failed experiment, because their combat power is not strong and they are extremely easy to die.

The only thing that interested Zuo Chen were some armors that were obviously technology of dinosaur civilization.

These armors did not seem to be assembled here, but were transported from other places, and should have been transported from the upper-level stronghold.

"I can only find the next settlement, the things here are useless." Zuo Chen casually put these devices into the storage space and said.

At this time, Kako also recovered from the excitement of looking around at the beginning, and nodded with anticipation in his eyes.

Following this cat is so much fun!

At this moment, a deep and majestic voice suddenly sounded, covering the entire scope of the factory town, as if it sounded directly in everyone's ears:

"Sinners, come out and die! Inuroumaru, come on!"

 I recommend a book "I, Gou Xiaoming" written by book friend Gou Xiaoming. Although it is just for fun, it is quite interesting.


(End of this chapter)

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