Team Chu is cracking the case again

Chapter 98 Not Interested in You

Chapter 98 Not Interested in You

"What? How is it possible!"

Xu Qiangwei exclaimed, jumped up from the hospital bed, but accidentally touched her injured arm.

She shrank back in pain again.

"Don't be frizzy all day long."

Chen Yuezhen frowned, although he was scolding her verbally, he uncontrollably checked her with his hands to see if she was injured.

He flipped through her wound and breathed a sigh of relief after making sure it was all right.

Then he glanced at her with disdain, "You're so stupid."

"Hey, Chen Yuezhen, you want to die, don't you!"

Xu Qiangwei picked up the pillow behind her and threw it at him.

"You can still hit people, it seems that you are recovering well."

Chu Yinuo's voice came from outside the door accompanied by a chuckle.

Xu Qiangwei withdrew her hand in embarrassment, and lay back on the hospital bed.

Seeing her cowardly look, Chu Yinuo shrugged helplessly.

After thinking for a while, she straightened her face, "What happened after you went to buy coffee?"

Xu Qiangwei was a little dazed, "Coffee. Have I bought coffee yet?"

As soon as her words fell, the entire team doctor room fell into dead silence.

Chu Yinuo raised his eyelids, and his expression became serious.

"Let me ask you, what were you doing just before you fell into a coma?"

Xu Qiangwei was stunned for a while, she thought for a while, "It seems to be chatting with a netizen."

"Netizen? What netizen?" Chu Yinuo stared at her closely, afraid of missing any details.

"It's just a netizen I met on the game. I was chatting with him just after get off work, and then I don't remember it."

"Okay, I see, you have a good rest."

Chu Yinuo beckoned to Qi Yanbei, and left the team doctor's room with him.

The two of them came to Xu Qiangwei's seat.

Qi Yanbei quickly manipulated the keyboard and switched to her personal chat history.

Mr. Hacker: This is our new battle song <retweet, share>
Qiangwei crawls and climbs: ah~ the beginning is pretty good.

Mr. Hacker: As long as you like it.

"Play this song and listen to it."

Chu Yinuo stared at the so-called war song on the computer screen, his tone a little low.

Hearing this, Qi Yanbei pressed the play button.

The sound of the music is sometimes sonorous and sometimes vigorous.

It is indeed an inspiring battle song.

Chu Yinuo's eyes flickered, and he said firmly: "The suspect used this song to hypnotize Weiwei."

Qi Yanbei was startled, but quickly realized, "I'm going to find Li Lixu to check the IP address."

After speaking, he quickly got up and walked towards the technical department.

Chu Yinuo, on the other hand, stared at the display screen in a daze.

"Team Chu."

After a few minutes, Chen Yuezhen's voice rang out from her ears.

"what happened?"

"Du Qian wants to talk to you."

trial room.

Du Qian leaned weakly on the chair.


The door was opened again.

"You are here."

Looking at Chu Yinuo who was walking towards him, he smiled self-deprecatingly.

"What? Is this figured out?"

Chu Yinuo smiled, and patted the dust off his shirt.

Du Qian's expression was full of desolation, "Ning Man, why do you always have to be so eccentric, you want to ridicule me and just say it."

Hearing this, Chu Yinuo supported his head lazily with his hands, and said lightly: "You think too much, I'm not interested in you."

Du Qian: "."

Come on.

If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have asked.

Isn't this looking for anger for yourself?

He took a deep breath, and after stabilizing his situation, he murmured: "Why are they...killing me."

(End of this chapter)

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