Team Chu is cracking the case again

Chapter 9 It's Not So Simple

Chapter 9 It's Not So Simple

The meeting of the task force was being held, and Chen Yuezhen first reported the information he had found: "The deceased can be identified. Her name is Xu Ran, female, aged 17, a sophomore in Qindan Middle School, and currently serves as the student council member. Chairman, according to the information found, she has no grudges with anyone, nor does she have any relationship history, but it cannot be ruled out that acquaintances committed the crime."

Xu Qiangwei went on to say: "According to the trace inspection report at the scene, the first scene should be the student union office, where the suspect committed the first assault on the victim, and then moved the victim's body to the reed marsh for the second assault. .”

"When I arrived at the scene, I simply carried out a preliminary examination of the death time of the deceased, and found that her death time was less than 12 hours, and then I measured her rectal temperature, and deduced from her chyme that she should have died in the early morning Around 6 o'clock." Lin Xi stated his information.

Xu Qiangwei blinked, and continued: "I found two fingerprints on the sofa, one belongs to the deceased, and I think the other should belong to the suspect."

"You project the data." Chu Yinuo said.

Xu Qiangwei nodded and projected the information on the screen. "When Rui, male, aged 16, a senior one student in Qindan Middle School, had no contact with the deceased."

Chu Yinuo supported his chin with his hand, thought for a while, and said to Chen Yuezhen, "You go with the second team to get someone first."

Chen Yuezhen nodded, and led the second team to set off at Shi Rui's address.

It was already 23:12 when the task force concluded its meeting.Xu Qiangwei stretched her waist: "I'm exhausted, I hope the case will be over soon."

Lin Xi packed up her documents: "Ahhh, order takeaway, I'm starving to death."

Chu Yinuo looked at the two of them speechlessly: "What are you afraid of, the whole group will starve together with you."

"What do you know, I'm still growing." Lin Xi bulged her cheeks.

Chu Yinuo shrugged his shoulders speechlessly, and said to Liu Yu: "Housekeeper, I'll leave you up to order takeaway."

"Okay, okay, what do you want to eat?" Liu Yu looked at everyone in the task force with a smile.

Hearing the food, everyone gathered in front of Liu Yu, and the conference room was suddenly bustling.

Chu Yinuo shook his head with a helpless smile, and took advantage of the gap to open WeChat.Several messages from Gu Yunshen popped up.

After reading the information, Chu Yinuo knocked on his head angrily.Dead dead, forgot to ask him out.

Then Chu Yinuo sincerely edited a message and sent it: 'T﹏TMr. Gu is sorry! !Because of a sudden case on my side, I was busy and forgot, sorry, I will compensate you after the case is over, I am very sorry, please forgive me. '

Tang Yue stood at the desk shivering, he wiped the sweat from his forehead.Oh, the boss has been in the cold for almost an hour.

The person in charge of planning next to him looked mournful.The man who was released as a pigeon was too scary, he actually diued me back to the company overnight to make plans, blah blah.

"What kind of plan is this? I hired you back just to show off? Huh?" Gu Yun looked at the person in charge of the plan coldly, and threw the document in his hand in front of him.

"President, I'm sorry, I'll change it right away!" The person in charge of the planning was startled into a cold sweat, for fear that Gu Yunshen would say something to fire him.

"There is an apology," Gu Yunshen said coldly, halfway through the sentence.His cell phone made a "ding dong" sound.

There was a trace of anticipation in Gu Yun's deep cold eyes, and the cold aura on his body dissipated a bit. After opening WeChat, after reading Chu Yinuo's message, he saw the emoticon she sent asking for forgiveness.Gu Yun laughed lightly, and all the cold breath on his body dissipated.

Tang Yue:! ! ! ! !Fuck, what's wrong with the boss, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Person in charge of planning: Boss laughed? ?Woohoo, am I saved?Very good!

Gu Yunshen put away his smile, and said to the person in charge of the plan what he had just said, his tone was no longer as cold as before: "Tomorrow, I hope to see a perfect plan, otherwise, just wait and get out."

"Okay, President." The person in charge of planning picked up the document and quickly left the office after speaking.Oh my god, I'm saved, ah ah ah Olige!
After Tang Yue and the person in charge of planning left the office, Gu Yunshen continued to pick up the phone and replied to Chu Yinuo's message: "It's okay, your work is important. '

Chu Yinuo, who received the message, was chatting noodles. After seeing Gu Yunshen's reply, she smiled and narrowed her eyes, and replied, "Thank you, boss, for not killing me." dogdog'

Then he posted a Moments, Chu Yinuo took a photo of pasta, with the text said, "This kind of hard days of handling cases, I can only talk about noodles late at night, I miss my big crab ~ braised pork ~ braised pork ~ I'm so hungry T﹏T'

After Gu Yunshen over there received the message from Chu Yinuo, his cold eyes were full of smiles.Then he saw Chu Yinuo's circle of friends, clicked on it, and commented: "After the case is over, please go to Qianyunju for a big meal." '

Chu Yinuo scrolled through the comments.The first to bear the brunt is Lin Xi's comment: "Please don't daydream randomly at night, dog"

Xu Qiangwei: 'I didn't even go, you have a good idea╯^╰

Liu Yu: 'It's so late at night, I reported you to Team Chu! '

Xiao Wang: "Without such a Chu team, my finger cakes will suddenly become unsavory T﹏T." '

Chu Yinuo saw Gu Yunshen's comment by accident, and she replied with a smile: "Okay, okay, looking forward to it!" '

Suddenly Chu Yinuo's phone rang, it was from Chen Yuezhen, her expression became serious, and after answering: "Hello."

"Captain Chu, when Rui is not at home." Chen Yuezhen said in a low voice.

Before Chu Yinuo answered, Liu Yu hurriedly opened the door of the office and rushed in, and said anxiously to her: "Captain Chu, someone reported a case. A dead body was found under the city bridge. The policeman on duty uploaded the photo back to the bureau. , I saw it, it was Shi Rui!"

"Call Lin Xi and Xu Qiangwei, we will rush to the scene immediately, Chen Yuezhen, you come too." Chu Yinuo frowned and ordered.

Under the city bridge.
Chu Yinuo drove her gray Touron to the city bridge with people from the task force.This place is generally a place where homeless people can shelter from the wind and rain, and it is usually sparsely populated.

Entering the bottom of the bridge, a male corpse was kneeling in the middle of the passage, with his head drooping, his hands hanging by his sides, and a blue thermos cup on his left.

Chu Yinuo frowned, turned to Liu Yu and asked, "Are you sure it's Shi Rui?"

Liu Yu nodded solemnly: "In the early stage, it has been confirmed by the face system in the bureau, and it has just been verified by fingerprints, and the identity is completely confirmed."

Chu Yinuo stopped talking, looked at Lin Xi who was doing the autopsy, and Xu Qiangwei who was doing the autopsy in front of him: "How is the situation?"

Lin Xi frowned: "The body is still warm. It wasn't long before it died. It is estimated that it will not exceed 3 hours. There are no restraint wounds. The seven orifices are bleeding. The initial suspicion is poisoning."

"I just checked the thermos cup. Only the fingerprints were extracted from the cup. It should belong to the deceased. The substance in the cup may need to be taken back for testing to find out what the ingredients are. It is probably a lethal product." Xu Qiangwei replied solemnly.

"Could it be that he committed suicide in fear of crime?" Liu Yu said solemnly holding the information board.

Chu Yinuo took a deep breath, was silent for a while and said, "I always feel that it's not that simple."

Everyone at the scene fell into silence.Chu Yinuo rubbed her protruding temples: "Go back to the bureau first, and wait for the results of the test and planing."

"Yes." Everyone at the scene replied solemnly.

Chu Yinuo stared at the corpse and frowned.Where is it wrong?
(End of this chapter)

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