Team Chu is cracking the case again

Chapter 60 Shanshan Yang Has a Problem

Chapter 60 Shanshan Yang Has a Problem
Yan Rufeng will never forget how indifferent he was when he said this.

Under the double blow of the difficult case-solving environment and their accusations.
And possibly destroy her.
But she never defended herself.

He was really wrong, because this girl has never been dependent on the family.

She has always relied on herself, climbing step by step.

Finally become a god in their eyes!
"Captain Chu, the address has been found." Yan Rufeng was stunned for a while, before slowly recovering.

Hearing this, Chu Yinuo opened her eyes which had been lightly closed, she nodded, and opened the car door.

"Okay, then go and meet her."

Yan Rufeng's eyes flickered slightly, he sat in the driver's seat, and started the engine.

Looking at Chu Yinuo who had been staring out the window, his voice was a little hoarse, "Captain Chu, three years ago."

Chu Yinuo glanced back at him, with a casual tone, "Why are you still mentioning what happened three years ago? I almost forgot about it."

is it?

Yan Rufeng fell silent immediately, he pursed his lips tightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

The atmosphere in the car was silent for a long time, Chu Yinuo murmured, as if speaking to Yan Rufeng, but also to himself.

"People who have been addicted to the past will not have good results."

West Suburbs.


When the brakes sounded, Chu Yinuo opened the car door, and saw a villa area.

"It's better to keep people hidden." A sarcastic smile flashed across her face.

After finishing speaking, she and Yan Rufeng raised their feet and walked into the villa area together.

When she came to the address given by Chen Yuezhen, she rang the doorbell outside the villa.


A shrill female voice came from inside.

Yang Shanshan opened the door, she stared at Chu Yinuo and Yan Rufeng, "Who are you?"


Chu Yinuo took out his police officer's ID card from the pocket of his windbreaker, his tone was flat.

A look of panic flashed across Yang Shanshan's face, but she still welcomed them in, "It's the police comrades, come in and tell me."

"I don't know what it is?" She stood behind them, feeling a little embarrassed.

Chu Yinuo looked around, but didn't speak. This is a small two-story villa. It can be seen that Ma Guobin should love Yang Shanshan quite a lot.

"There is a murder case recently, we need to ask you to find out the situation." After a long time, she looked at Yang Shanshan.

"what? What."

"Murder? Are you making a mistake?"

Yang Shanshan's eyes widened in surprise, a little inconceivable.

Chu Yinuo cast a glance at her, and continued: "Well, the deceased is Ma Guobin."

"Impossible—" Yang Shanshan slumped to the ground, her face full of disbelief.

"Miss Yang, please forgive me."

Chu Yinuo lowered her eyes and repeated these words.

As soon as her words fell, the only sound left in the room was Yang Shanshan's sobbing.

Yan Rufeng looked up at Chu Yinuo.

Chu Yinuo gave him a look back, signaling him to be calm.

Half an hour later, Yang Shanshan's mood stabilized, but her tone was still sobbing, "You can ask whatever you want."

With Yang Shanshan's approval, Yan Rufeng picked up the data board in his hand and started recording.

"How did you and Ma Guobin meet?"

Yang Shanshan stood up from the floor and sat on the sofa, her eyes were a little empty, "I met him on a dating website, and we thought we could chat.

Became boyfriend and girlfriend soon, and then ran out in love, I plan to get married soon, but I don't know why he put it off so much. "

"Do you know he's married?" Chu Yinuo asked suddenly.

Yang Shanshan was silent for a while, but still answered truthfully, "I only found out in the last few days that his wife suddenly found me."

"Then what is Ma Guobin's attitude?" Chu Yinuo was curious.

"I'm pregnant." Yang Shanshan dropped a sentence, stroking her abdomen with both hands.

Chu Yinuo also looked at her abdomen following her movements, she frowned, and something seemed to flash through her head.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation. If there is any progress in the case, we will notify you in time." After a long time, she spit out a sentence.

Yang Shanshan glanced at Chu Yinuo gratefully, "Thank you, comrade policeman."

"Where is the job?"

After exchanging pleasantries, Chu Yinuo and Yan Rufeng walked out of the villa.

The two of them stood standing in front of the car, Yan Rufeng took out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket, and handed one to Chu Yinuo habitually.

"I've quit smoking for a long time." Chu Yinuo pushed his hand and refused.

Yan Rufeng was stunned for a moment, then resentfully withdrew the hand that was passing the cigarette, and smoked on his own.

"Captain Chu, why did you ask Yang Shanshan for such a short time?" Yan Rufeng squeezed the cigarette out of his mouth with two fingers and exhaled.

Chu Yinuo narrowed her phoenix eyes, and said in a firm tone, "Yang Shanshan has a problem."

"What?" Yan Rufeng was a little taken aback.

Shanshan Yang has a problem?

why didn't he see it
"Send someone to watch her, and within a day, the clues will come out."

Chu Yinuo glanced sideways at Yan Rufeng, and ordered.

Yan Rufeng received the order, put out the cigarette in his hand, and straightened his face.

"Got it, Team Chu."

After Chu Yinuo and Yan Rufeng left completely, Yang Shanshan's expression changed immediately.

She lay lazily on the sofa, her face was happy, she didn't look so sad that she was sobbing just now.

God is really helping her!
Ma Guobin died, so wouldn't this golden lump in her stomach inherit his inheritance?

Thinking about it, she laughed a little smugly.

But after a few seconds, her complexion became serious.

She stood up and made a phone call anxiously.

"Hey, where are you?"

"What? You miss me after only a few days? Then I'll go over there tonight to satisfy you." An angry male voice came from the other end of the phone.

Yang Shanshan frowned, "Ma Guobin is dead, what did you do?"

"What? Is Ma Guobin dead? Is it true?" The man's voice was full of disbelief.

"It's true, the police came to the door just now." Yang Shanshan's voice was a little low.

The man suddenly became angry from embarrassment, "He's fucking, don't blame me, I really didn't do it."

"Tell me the truth, you really didn't do it?" Yang Shanshan was silent for a while, feeling a little uncertain.

"It's really not me!" The man said firmly again.

"It's okay if you didn't do it." Yang Shanshan breathed a sigh of relief, and the big stone in her heart finally fell.

The man clicked his tongue, "I said you really are, by the way, is our son okay?"

"He is very good. After I trick Ma Guobin's inheritance over, I can go back and live together with you!" Yang Shanshan had a shy face on her face.

The man on the other end of the phone touched his head, "Okay, I'll go see my son tonight."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the villa." Yang Shanshan smiled.

 Huh huh, I ask for tweets every day, there is no restriction on the home page, and it is also good for niche mining (during the daytime dream.)

  Ladies and gentlemen, please vote for me a little bit of the red beans in your hands and the recommended small votes. Give the author a little more care, and the author will have a little more motivation. I love you~

(End of this chapter)

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