Chapter 2 Clues
Chu Yinuo came to Jiyang Road in a gray Tuon with siren blaring. The scene of the crime was crowded with people, discussing and taking pictures.

She frowned, squeezed into the crowd, and came to the cordon.The criminal policeman on duty saw Chu Yinuo, pulled her up and let her in,
Chu Yinuo also nodded slightly to her in thanks.

Seeing Xu Qiangwei who was checking the traces, Chu Yinuo asked, "Weiwei, how is the case going?"

Xu Qiangwei stood up and sighed, "It's a bit difficult, because it's a busy city, people coming and going have destroyed many traces, and it's hard to find useful traces."

"Then you and Xiao Wang will step on it again, maybe you can find useful traces." Chu Yinuo rubbed his temples.

"How long has it been since you rested?" Xu Qiangwei asked.

Chu Yinuo replied with a tired face: "I haven't closed my eyes for three days. You first extract the traces, and I'll go to Xixi's to have a look."

"Okay." Xu Qiangwei nodded.

When Chu Yinuo walked to the scene where the body was found, the body had already been put into a body bag.Chu Yinuo looked at Lin Xi and said, "Xixi, how are you doing here?"

Lin Xi shook her head: "It's a bit pessimistic. The murderer has a strong sense of anti-investigation. He scratched the face of the corpse and took off all the clothes that can represent the deceased. The specific confirmation of the source of the corpse depends on the specific situation." Anatomy."

Chu Yinuo nodded: "Okay, later I will send a message to Li Lixu to ask him to go to each sub-bureau to confirm whether there are any reports of missing persons, and ask him to bring them all."

Lin Xi smiled: "Go home and rest first, and wait for news from our forensic department."

"Yeah, I went home and took a shower and slept for two hours. I haven't closed my eyes for three days. I'm exhausted." Chu Yinuo laughed.

On the bed in the apartment, Chu Yinuo suddenly opened his eyes and rubbed his temples.pick up the phone.2 p.m.

She stretched faintly, got out of bed and arranged her clothes, then drove back to the police station.

Xiaoying came to meet him: "Captain Chu, you are finally back, Bureau Xing is looking for you." And she kept winking.

Seeing Xiaoying's actions, Chu Yinuo coughed in embarrassment: "Okay, I understand."

"Captain Chu, take it easy, Bureau Xing is very angry." Xiaoying passed by Chu Yinuo and said softly to her.

Chu Yinuo looked at Xiaoying's leaving figure, and silently helped his forehead.Then went back to his office.

Sure enough, an unexpected visitor sat on the office chair.

Xing Zhiyuan sat on the office chair and said in a strange way: "Yo, you still know how to come back."

Chu Yinuo coughed lightly: "Xing Ju, I..."

"When you come back, let me solve the big trouble in the interrogation room!" Xing Zhiyuan pointed at Chu Yinuo and yelled.

"All right, all right, I'll go right away." The only one who can make Chu Yinuo so cowardly is Xing Zhiyuan.

Seeing Chu Yinuo's back going away, Xing Zhiyuan sat down satisfied, and couldn't help smiling: "This melon boy."

The iron door opened again with a "squeak", and Gu Yunshen finally found the person he was waiting for.

Chu Yinuo walked into the interrogation room with the record sheet in his arms, and sat down opposite Gu Yunshen: "Mr. Gu, please make a statement."

Hearing Chu Yinuo's voice, Gu Yunshen opened his eyes, but he didn't speak, just stared at Chu Yinuo.

Chu Yinuo raised his eyebrows, thinking that he didn't understand, tapped the table with a pen and said: "Mr. Gu, please explain why there are new drugs in the box you are in."

"I don't know." Gu Yunshen said lazily, propping his head with one hand.

Chu Yinuo: "..."

You don't know if you didn't say it earlier.

She took a deep breath: "Since Mr. Gu has nothing to do, please go through the formalities."

"No." Gu Yun looked at Chu Yinuo deeply.

Looking at the unpredictable Gu Yunshen, Chu Yinuo smiled lightly: "Then Mr. Gu wants to continue to live in prison?"

Gu Yunshen raised his eyebrows: "Then you should accompany me to go through the formalities."

Chu Yinuo half-closed her eyes.He opened his mouth and said to Gu Yunshen, "Yes, please."

Gu Yunshen got up from the detention chair, straightened his suit and followed Chu Yinuo.Looking at Chu Yinuo in front of him with scorching eyes.

Chu Yinuo walked in front of Gu Yunshen, felt the eyes behind him, and felt a chill down his spine.

Yuan Moqian and Chu Yinuo met face to face: "Captain Chu, I have something to talk to you about."

As she spoke, she glanced at Gu Yunshen behind her.

Chu Yinuo nodded, turned to Gu Yunshen and said, "Mr. Gu, I have something to do, why don't I find someone to accompany you."

Gu Yun frowned deeply, wanted to speak but was afraid that Chu Yinuo would ignore him next time, so he took a deep breath and said, "Okay, Team Chu, you can do your work."

Chu Yinuo and Yuan Moqian walked farther and farther, Gu Yunshen looked at Chu Yinuo's back and smiled meaningfully.

Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Hey, pick me up at the police station of city a in three minutes."

Gu Yunshen's assistant Zhou Siyuan drove his exclusive car Rolls-Royce 6l to the gate of the police station, picked Gu Yunshen into the car and said, "President, do you want to go home first or go directly to the company."

"What time is the meeting?" Gu Yunshen sat in the back seat with his eyes closed.

"4 o'clock in the afternoon." Zhou Siyuan replied respectfully.

Gu Yunshen opened his eyes and looked at his watch, it was 3:15 in the afternoon.He opened his mouth and said to Zhou Siyuan, "Go back to the company directly."

"Yes." Zhou Siyuan sighed.The president doesn't know what's going on, yesterday he insisted on looking for trouble at the Nightcharm bar, and asked him to investigate the police situation of the Public Security Bureau of City A.Knowing that those sons and brothers took drugs, they still wanted to get involved, and finally got into the bureau and stayed for a day.

a city police station.

"This Gu Yunshen is not as cold and ruthless as the outside rumors say, he is quite gentle." Yuan Moqian said thoughtfully.

Chu Yinuo patted Yuan Moqian's head with a folder: "You are the one who talks the most. How was the result of the interrogation?"

Yuan Moqian stuck out his tongue at Chu Yinuo: "It's all done, now, this is a confession."

With that said, Yuan Moqian handed the document in his hand to Chu Yinuo.

Chu Yinuo flipped through the pages: "Then let's take it to finalize the case."

"That's right, the director's son, it's better to hand it over to the procuratorate earlier, so as not to cause trouble!" Yuan Moqian echoed solemnly.

Chu Yinuo bared a smile: "You are the one who is most afraid of death."

"It's best if you know, don't let me go for such a big man in the future, it's too stressful!" Yuan Moqian said with a smile to Chu Yinuo.

"Okay, the task force has a meeting, I'm leaving first." Chu Yinuo returned the folder to Yuan Moqian, patted her on the shoulder and said.

Yuan Moqian nodded, "Okay."

Chu Yinuo walked to the meeting room and found her seat, and after sitting down, she looked at the documents on the table.

Soon after, Lin Xi, Xu Qiangwei and others arrived one after another, and the police officer in charge of presenting the case began to state: "At 08:30 this morning, we received a report that a body was found in a trash can in a corner of the downtown area, and the reporter was a downtown family. The owner of the seafood shop, his shop is about 30 meters away from the scene of the crime. According to his statement, he would dump the next day’s garbage into the trash can at [-] o’clock every day. The surveillance in the downtown area is simply a decoration. I asked the staff, He said it was just to make it look better."

After he finished his statement, Xu Qiangwei continued, "Because of the busy city, all the footprints are complicated, so this line is broken."

Liu Yu frowned: "We haven't received any reports of missing persons. I went to other sub-bureaus to check the information, and there were no reports."

Xu Qiangwei bit the tip of her pen: "It seems that an acquaintance may have committed the crime."

Chu Yinuo was silent for a while, and kept turning the pen in his hand: "Xixi, how are you doing?"

Lin Xi sighed: "The murderer was too ruthless. The deceased was a woman. I measured her age to be about 19-23 years old. There are dense scars on her face and body, beyond recognition."

"Is there any clue now." Chu Yinuo supported his head.

Lin Xi continued: "I tested her rectal temperature, and based on the body spots on her body, I deduced that she had been dead for more than 12 hours, and today is the 12th, that is to say, around 11-21 o'clock in the evening on the 22th. "

Liu Yu squinted his eyes at this time: "According to the confession of the owner of the seafood stall, he left later than usual last night because of new arrivals. He closed the stall and returned home at 1 o'clock in the morning today. When he left Throw all the late-night garbage he ate in that trash can."

"So downtown is not the first scene." Xu Qiangwei took a deep breath and said.

Lin Xi also nodded: "That's right, although the murderer is so deliberate in trying to block the clues, there is always a gap in every secret." Then he projected an inspection report on the screen: "This is the evidence I found in the dead man's hair. found."

Xu Qiangwei frowned: "How could it be such a thing? This kind of thing is used by some bar girls for contraception."

Lin Xi smiled: "I think the identity of the deceased is about to be revealed."

This time it was Liu Yu's turn to frown: "It would be fine if there were no people in the ordinary bar, but it would be bad if there were some prostitutes."

"Try it." Chu Yinuo said these three words earnestly.Then he closed his eyes: "This is the only clue now."

(End of this chapter)

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