Team Chu is cracking the case again

Chapter 14 You Are the Glory

Chapter 14 You Are the Glory

In the end, the director was suspended and found out of corruption.Zhao Tingmei and Zhang Xiao were sent to the youth labor camp, and Lu Tong's page could finally be turned.

After Lu Tong recorded all the statements, he walked out of the police station easily.The moment he reached the door, he saw Chu Yinuo leaning against the door.

Chu Yinuo also saw Lu Tong, and she said with a smile: "Go to eat supper?"

They came to the barbecue booth together, and after Chu Yinuo ordered all the dishes, he sat opposite Lu Tong.

"Thank you." Lu Tong took a deep breath and said the words that had been brewing for a long time.

Chu Yinuo smiled lightly, and blinked at Lu Tong: "Thank you for what I did, and I didn't do anything."

Lu Tong smiled knowingly, picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea: "If it wasn't for you tonight, this case wouldn't end so quickly."

Chu Yinuo pursed her lips and looked at Lu Tong: "I feel quite strange, I made my words so clear this afternoon, why do you still think it's me."

"Your eyes are very clean and comfortable. I've never seen them before." Lu Tong looked directly at Chu Yinuo.

Chu Yinuo was stunned, and then she reacted, shook her head with a smile: "You are a teenager, what are you talking about?"

Lu Tong put down the teacup in his hand, put his hands on his legs, and his eyes began to sore: "My parents have always wanted a son, but they have three consecutive births, all of which are daughters. I am the youngest. When I was born, they went to tell the fortune. Well, the fortune tellers said that I took away the luck of their son. I remember that I was abandoned on the side of the road just after I was born.

They thought this way, thinking that by throwing me away, they threw away the bad luck of the family. In the end, I was found by someone, and that person called the police, but I was carried back to my home.Coincidentally, my mother has not been pregnant for so many years, maybe I really beat them.

Since then, I have become a dispensable existence in the family. If my elder sister and second sister did not protect me, I would not be able to read books, let alone live a good life like this.

I was bullied by Zhao Tingmei, I reported to the police, but tens of thousands of dollars smoothed everything out, my dad also said, I deserve it, I am a villain, this money is compensation for them, this is what they deserve of.

Later I thought about it, I wanted to die, but I haven't repaid the favor of the eldest sister and the second sister.So I am not willing to die, in fact, I still have selfishness, I think, live well, I think, let them regret it.

But now, I realized that if no one found me on the side of the road, I would be unconscious, and I would never experience this kind of life again. "

After listening to Lu Tong's story, Chu Yinuo's hand holding the teacup was slightly startled, she thought for a while, and said: "Sorry, I can't empathize with your life, I don't know what to say to comfort you, but you ,great."

Lu Tong wiped away the tears on his face, and smiled knowingly at Chu Yinuo: "Actually, you have already comforted me."

Chu Yinuo looked at her and said with emotion: "Although the fallen flowers have turned into mud, it is still unknown who is right and who is wrong. From today onwards, you yourself are the glory."

Lu Tong looked at Chu Yinuo, with a trace of determination in his eyes.No, she can't be brilliance yet, the real brilliance is you and I will work hard to catch up with you!Sister Nuo!
After the memories were over, Chu Yinuo looked at Lu Tong in front of him and smiled: "You have grown up a lot."

Lu Tong scratched his head in embarrassment: "Where is it? It's still the same as before."

Chu Yinuo smiled and shook his head: "Okay, I'm going to the scene now, and I'll invite you to dinner after this case is over. If you have anything to do, you can find Xiaoying, I'll go first."

"Okay!" Lu Tong nodded to Chu Yinuo.

Chu Yinuo came to the crime scene again, she put on the protective clothing and walked in.Now there is still a doubt that has not been resolved. Why did Shi Rui know where the office key is?This case is a bit strange.

Looking at the messy office, Chu Yinuo frowned.Obviously, the first scene is here, but if Shi Rui carried out the first round of assault on Xu Ran in the office and strangled Xu Ran to death here, then why would he move Xu Ran to Luweidang for the second assault ?He obviously didn't have this kind of psychological quality at all, otherwise he wouldn't have committed suicide. There were more and more doubts.

At this time, Qi Yanbei knocked on the door of the student union office: "Captain Chu, everyone who knows where the key is is at the door, do you want to come one by one?"

Chu Yinuo came out of the office: "Let's go and have a look."

Chu Yinuo and Qi Yanbei came to the interrogation room which was simply assembled from a classroom. The first round of interrogation had already started inside. Chu Yinuo picked up the earphones and began to monitor the interrogation content inside.

The first to record the statement was the head of the Student Union Secretary Department.

Police officer: "I'll ask you a few questions below, please answer truthfully, has Xu Ran offended anyone or had conflicts with anyone? Or bullied anyone?"

The head of the secretary department was silent for a while, but he still answered truthfully: "Yes, Xu Ran took the lead in bullying someone back then."

Police officer: "What's his name."

"The current head of the life department, Jiang Qiqi." The head of the secretary department replied.

The police officers later questioned several people, and they all answered this way.Chu Yinuo raised her eyebrows, and said to Qi Yanbei, "This Jiang Qiqi will be handed over to me later."

Qi Yanbei nodded, and used a wireless headset to talk to the police officers inside, telling them that they can switch the battlefield.

Chu Yinuo sat on a chair in the interrogation room and looked through the confession records of the first few people. Jiang Qiqi pushed them away and walked in.

This is a very clean girl. Although she is not beautiful, she is also good-looking.After Jiang Qiqi arranged her clothes, she sat opposite Chu Yinuo: "Officer, I'm ready."

Chu Yinuo nodded and asked, "What's your relationship with Xu Ran?"

"A work colleague in the student union." Jiang Qiqi replied.

"What kind of person is Xu Ran?" Chu Yinuo continued to ask.

Jiang Qiqi was silent, and gave an answer that surprised Chu Yinuo: "A selfish person."

Chu Yinuo narrowed her Danfeng eyes: "Why do you say that?"

A smile appeared on Jiang Qiqi's face: "She stole everything from me."

Chu Yinuo stopped writing the record, and looked up at Jiang Qiqi: "So you gave Shi Rui the key."

"It's not me. Killing is a crime, and I won't do it." Jiang Qiqi replied flatly.

Chu Yinuo looked at her in silence for a long time: "Okay, I'm done asking my questions, you can leave now."

After Jiang Qiqi left, Qi Yanbei opened the door and walked in: "Captain Chu, all relevant personnel have finished recording their statements."

"Okay, let's go back to the bureau first." Chu Yinuo stood up.This Jiang Qiqi is a bit strange.
After all the special case personnel returned to the bureau, Chu Yinuo held the special case group meeting again.

Qi Yanbei was the first to stand up and report the situation: "Team Chu and I went back to the crime scene for a second investigation and reconfirmed Xu Ran's interpersonal network. In Xu Ran's interpersonal chain, there is an additional suspect, Jiang Qiqi. It is reported that , Xu Ran once took the lead in bullying Jiang Qiqi, it cannot be ruled out that she revealed the key to Shi Rui because of revenge."

Chen Yuezhen picked up Qi Yanbei's words: "I went to investigate Shi Rui's consumption records, and found that he didn't buy mouse power."

Chu Yinuo was silent for a while, and asked, "Where's Jiang Qiqi's?"

Chen Yuezhen was stunned, and quickly replied: "I'll check now."

Chu Yinuo nodded and looked at Liu Yu: "Yu, how is the situation over there?"

Liu Yu took a deep breath, and said with a heavy face: "I took the 2nd team to He Rui's house, and when I searched his room, I found this in his closet." Then he projected the captured picture on the big screen superior.

Xu Qiangwei's eyes widened in surprise: "Damn it, these high school students are too precocious now!"

"That's right, we found many sexual tools in Shi Rui's closet." Liu Yu nodded towards Xu Qiangwei, pointing at the projection.

Everyone at the scene, except Chu Yinuo and Liu Yu who was reporting, did not react. Next, Liu Yu continued to break out a heavyweight news.

"Besides, I also found a few videos in the c drive of his computer, and everyone should know who the protagonist in the video is." Liu Yu took a deep breath and said this almost through gritted teeth. Segment words.

 Gu Yunshen was wearing a gray suit, with his hands resting on his raised legs. At this moment, he was sitting on the huge sofa staring at Youyou: "What? It's all 14 chapters? You don't have me yet? I don't deserve it?"

  Youyou wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said tremblingly: "Hurry up, please give me another chapter, and I will arrange the first emotional scene with Xiao Nuonuo for you."

  Gu Yunshen's eyes began to turn dark, and he had an inscrutable expression on his face, and said gloomily, "You'd better do what you say, or else"

  Youyou knelt down in fright: "I promise, I promise!"

(End of this chapter)

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