Chapter 27
Wang Dong said with shame: "I can't know, but we are investigating. We have sent people to visit and investigate the scene of the crime. After all, the drone needs to be controlled by someone, and the remote control range of this drone cannot be very far. , we are investigating nearby, and we should be able to find some clues. At the same time, we have also begun to investigate some nearby black steel workshops to see if we can find the source of the steel ball bullets there."

Wei Chao fell into deep thought for a while, and a policeman below suddenly said: "Captain, I heard a piece of news before, maybe it's related to this case."

Wei Chao was shocked, and asked quickly, "What news?"

The policeman said: "Before, someone in the jurisdiction below called the police, saying that a small drone was attacked in a park, and that they were attacked with peas. Our police colleagues went to investigate, and there was no report. It was found that there was something abnormal. The drone attack was never found again, and no one was injured in the whole incident, so they did not continue to investigate.”

Another policeman suddenly said "Oh" and said: "I also remembered that the Beicheng Police Station also received a similar report. After they went to the police, they found that it was a few drunken gangsters. A small drone attacked, and the attack was still peas. The police who dispatched the police at the time saw that they looked drunk, and that the gangsters were not really injured, so they did not continue to investigate. Looking at it this way, these There may be some connection between things."

Liu Min said: "One is a large drone, one is a small drone, one hurts people with steel ball bullets, and the other uses peas to play a prank. There should be no connection between the two, right?"

Wei Chao touched his chin and said, "No, there may be some kind of internal connection between these two things. If these two things are really done by one person, it is not impossible. Think about it, he The pea hurting people may be just a prank, but he has not been discovered, will he get worse? The drone has been upgraded through technical means, and the weapon has changed from peas to steel balls."

Wang Dong nodded and said: "Wei team is right, there is indeed such a possibility, and this person may be a person with a strong sense of justice. You can see that his targets are either gangsters or loan sharks, and the last one is pyramid schemes. In my heart, I might think of myself as an ancient chivalrous man, and doing so is doing chivalry and fighting for justice, eliminating violence and keeping the good."

Wei Chao nodded and said: "From the analysis of criminal behavior, it is indeed possible for such people to appear in the real society. They regard themselves as knights, and they are chivalrous everywhere. At the beginning, the small troubles only caused some minor problems, but if there is no If you stop it in time, it will intensify, and in the end, it will cause big problems. If this criminal suspect is really such a person, then he will not stop his pace. I believe that he will definitely attack again. "

Wang Dong said: "According to the target of this person's attack, he mainly targets those criminals. Should we provide protection for those who may be attacked?"

Wei Chao said: "In a society ruled by law, no one has the right to lynch others. So this person has violated the laws of the country. We must bring him to justice and eliminate the atmosphere of panic in Shanghai. Now we continue to investigate and visit, I hope to collect criminal information. At the same time, we must also monitor those who may be attacked in the dark, and it is best to catch the criminal when he commits another crime. For this operation, I have contacted the radio experts in the city , and they will assist us in locating the control location of that drone."

Wei Chao thought for a while, and then added: "By the way, the case of the drone attacking peas you mentioned can also be investigated to see if there are any clues."

And just when Wei Chao was about to announce the end of the meeting, a policeman suddenly came in from the outside and said, "Wei team, we just received news that something strange happened at the No. [-] garbage landfill in the suburbs."

Wei Chao asked: "What strange thing?"

The policeman said: "The people at the No. [-] garbage landfill reported to the police that a large amount of their garbage had been stolen, and a large hole had been dug on the ground, and a lot of garbage buried in the ground had disappeared. They suspected that Garbage was also stolen. According to their estimates, the stolen garbage was at least [-] tons."

Wei Chao was stunned and said, "Are they sure someone stole their garbage?"

The policeman said: "Yes, they definitely said that the garbage was really stolen. And all this happened within two hours, and there were no signs of large vehicles passing by around the dump."

Wei Chao pinched his eyebrows, looked at the policeman, and said, "You will be responsible for the garbage theft case. Our focus now is on the drone injury case."

After setting up the work, Wei Chao returned to his office. When he was having a headache what to do next, the door of the office was opened.He was a little displeased, he raised his head and was about to get angry at this impolite person, when he found a neatly dressed young man sitting on the sofa at some point, and that young man was smiling and looking at him.

Surprised, Wei Chao quickly stood up and said, "Why are you here?"

The young man smiled and said, "I was passing by the Demon City, and I heard that there was a strange white light here last night. It seemed very interesting, so I came to see the excitement."

Wei Chao was taken aback, and said, "I also saw this white light last night, but it disappeared in an instant. I thought I was dazzled, but I didn't expect it to be real."

The young man smiled and said, "I heard that you met a lunatic who injured more than 1000 people with a drone?"

Wei Chao said helplessly: "You are very well informed, but we are investigating this matter, but there are very few clues now, and the suspect has not been identified yet."

The young man said: "I think this matter is also very interesting, let me do it!"

Wei Chao was overjoyed, and said with a smile: "I was having a headache on how to deal with this matter. Since you are interested, then let you handle this matter. I will let my subordinates cooperate with you."

The young man smiled and said, "In that case, I'll go first, you know how to find me."

As soon as the words fell, Wei Chao's eyes blurred, and the young man disappeared, and even the door of the room was closed tightly, as if this person had never appeared.

Wei Chao shook his head and smiled bitterly, unable to understand the actions of these strange people.He sighed for a while before he started calling to inform his subordinates.

Yan Fei didn't know that the police were investigating him. He was practicing Kung Fu routines while familiarizing himself with his own strength.After Wang Yong's instruction, he has gained a lot, and now he is consolidating his understanding.

The police began to quietly investigate the drone attack, but failed to find a breakthrough for a while.We can only strengthen our defenses at targets that may be attacked, and wait for the drone to strike again.

As for Hou Ye and Zhang Baocheng, as the all-powerful underworld big brothers, when did they suffer such a humiliating attack, so annoyed and furious, they also arranged secretly, vowing to take revenge and kill the drone and the people behind it. the controller.It's just that they don't have useful clues about drones, so they can only choose to sit on the sidelines and wait for the reappearance of drones like the police.

The underground world of Modu is paying attention to the movement of drones, and everyone who has been stained is worried.Because they don't know when the drone's next attack will appear, and they don't know who the drone will choose to attack, they can only choose passive defense.

For a while, all forces were waiting for Yan Fei to make another move, and the situation unexpectedly calmed down.The underground world of the magic capital has become fearful because of this incident, and the number of illegal incidents has been greatly reduced.

Five days later, Yan Fei was completely familiar with the strength of his body. With two life-and-death fighting experiences, he actually learned a lot of fighting methods from Kung Fu routines without a teacher, and his strength has been greatly improved.

In the past few days, Yan Fei has also been researching the upgraded drone clone. The more he studies, the more magical he feels the drone is.Among them, the most amazing thing is the auxiliary brain. Under Yan Fei's research, he has developed more and more functions of this auxiliary brain.

Thanks to the advanced nature of the radar, the quantum radar of the UAV can easily overcome obstacles such as mountain ridges, cross a long distance, and find the WIFI at Yan Fei's home.With this WIFI, the auxiliary brain successfully connected to the earth's network through quantum radar.With the network, the assisted brain starts to download various files and data on the network, and saves them in its own database.

In order to be able to analyze the science and technology contained in these files and data, improve your own technology tree.The auxiliary intellectual brain first downloaded the language knowledge of all countries in the world, including various characters, dialects, and slang.So soon, all the language file packages on earth appeared in the language column on the UAV technology tree.That is to say, the assisted intellectual brain has been able to read all the words and languages ​​on the earth.

Seeing those language packs, Yan Fei was a little curious. He clicked on the English language pack, and a choice of whether to transfer appeared.Yan Fei hesitated for a moment, then clicked on the transmission, and then his eyes went dark, and a lot of information was poured into his mind, making him dizzy.When he was fully awake, he found that he had fully mastered the knowledge of English.

Yan Fei learned all the knowledge about English in an instant. Whether it was various phrases and their origins, or grammar, even dialects and slang, he was proficient in all of them, and he was really proficient.If someone conducts an assessment and comparison, they will find that Yan Fei is the No. 1 English proficiency in the world.

Yan Fei was overjoyed when he found out that he could learn so quickly. He started to click on the Japanese language pack. His eyes also went dark, and a large amount of knowledge was transferred into Yan Fei's brain. In just an instant, he learned all the Japanese knowledge.Likewise, there is no one in this world who is more proficient in Japanese than him.

It's just that this time there were some sequelae. Yan Fei had a severe headache and even had nosebleeds from his nose.But Yan Fei didn't take it to heart, it was worth the price to learn such a great amount of knowledge so quickly.The biggest resentment in his life is that he met those talented college classmates of his. Under their blow, Yan Fei completely lost his confidence in learning. Now that he has the opportunity to learn knowledge quickly, he must firmly grasp it.

Yan Fei clicked the Italian language package again, clicked transfer, and a large amount of knowledge was transferred to his brain, and he was proficient in all the knowledge of the Italian language again.

It's just that the sequelae this time were very serious. Yan Fei's brain swelled up and down, as if it was about to burst, and the pain was extremely painful.This time, not only his nose, but also a lot of blood flowed out of his ears and eyes.At this time, Yan Fei felt afraid.I seem to have acted too hastily. Learning so much knowledge in a short period of time has already had a huge impact on my brain.

So when Yan Fei looked at the language packs of other languages, he no longer dared to click transfer, because he found that he had reached the limit of his learning, and he dared not continue to take risks.

This kind of knowledge dissemination, which is similar to enlightenment, does not have a detailed instruction for use, and Yan Fei operates indiscriminately without reading the instruction manual.He is terrified when he thinks about it now. Once he makes a mistake and makes himself overwhelmed by this knowledge and becomes an idiot, it will be a big joke.

This experience told Yan Fei that knowledge still needs to be learned bit by bit, and any idea of ​​reaching the sky in one step is unrealistic.

But even so, Yan Fei was very satisfied.He only knew a little English before, but now he is proficient not only in English, but also in Japanese and Italian. He has become a language expert, comparable to his talented classmate, and the pain he has endured to acquire this knowledge is not in vain.The only regret is that he didn't know that he had the limit of knowledge empowerment, so he didn't choose the knowledge that was more useful to him.


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(End of this chapter)

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