Cannon Fodder Counterattack of Quick Pass Game

Chapter 866 E-sports: Who Says Women Are Inferior to Men? 119

Chapter 866 E-sports: Who Says Women Are Inferior to Men? 119
So the blue team banned a mid laner and a jungler in the next two ban positions.

Both sides have completed 5 bans. With the completion of picks for each position of the two sides, the lineups of both sides have become clearer.

The lineup of the blue can't see what tactics they want to play, because their hero selection does not constitute any tactics, and their hero picks are just picks of heroes they are good at, not for the team.

Compared with the blue side, Xiang Wan's lineup had a clearer strategy.

Top laner Twilight Eye Shen, mid laner Galio, jungler Prince Demacia, adc Big Mouth, and support Karma.

What they want to play is four guarantees and one, four guarantees and a big mouth.

It is said to be four guarantees and one, but compared to the ordinary four guarantees and one lineup, this lineup has a high fault tolerance rate. As long as the mouth does not die too many times, it can win anything.

After the ban pick was over, and when the progress bar on the interface reached 100%, all ten people descended to Summoner's Canyon.

Five people blue side, five people red side.

Xiang Wan's strategy was so clear that she was only level [-] when the minion was online at the beginning of the game. While she was still eating the minion, she saw the blind monk who suddenly came out from the mouth of the river.

The blind monk threw out his Q skill as soon as he saw her. There was no soldier in front of Xiang Wan. That is to say, if she didn't dodge this Q skill, she must have been hit.

Once hit, the bull head on the opposite side takes a wave of control, and the adc on the other side takes the opportunity to attack her in a wave, then she will be gone.

With a twist of Dazui's buttocks, he avoided a Q skill from the blind monk.

The blind monk's gank was unsuccessful, and he was about to retreat to stop the loss in time. The second-level prince of Demacia appeared in everyone's field of vision.Karma and Dazui followed in time, and the blood bar of the blind monk disappeared instantly...

"First Blood!"

It was Xiang Wan who took the first blood. Originally, the head should belong to the prince, but the prince deliberately gave the head to Xiang Wan, and Xiang Wan was not polite and took it directly.

After all, this lineup is playing 4 guarantees and 1, and she will be relied on to carry in the later stage, but if the hero's power period can be earlier, the chances of winning the game will be higher.

Xiang Wan, who won the first blood, did not disappoint her teammates. Da Zui and Karma pressed the opponent's bottom lane under the tower, and at eight and a half minutes, they demolished the first blood defense tower in the bottom lane.

To be honest, it is not easy for Dazui to do this when the junglers of both sides have only come once.

It is a basic operation to press people with a big mouth with the first blood, and it takes 8 and a half minutes to take down the first blood tower on the opposite side, which is not a basic operation.

But the strength of the red side's bot lane is too strong!

The bottom lane of the blue side was a wound, and from this wound, Xiang Wan gradually tore open the other lanes.

She switched lanes to the top lane and demolished the defense towers on the top lane.

He switched to the middle lane again, cooperated with the canyon vanguard, and demolished the first defensive tower in the middle lane.

The defense tower in the middle lane is very important in the game. The defense tower in the blue team's middle lane exploded. The blue team was not going to sit still, and they took the initiative to attack Xiang Wan!
But 3 minutes later, a "group destroy" told them that their decision was wrong!
They actually fought a team battle with the red side!Fighting a team battle with the red side with a very strong team battle lineup... In a wave of 5v5 team battles, Xiang Wan gained three kills.

At this point her record is 4/0/2.

(End of this chapter)

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