Cannon Fodder Counterattack of Quick Pass Game

Chapter 758 E-sports: Who Says Women Are Inferior to Men? 11

Chapter 758 E-sports: Who Says Women Are Inferior to Men? 11
The original owner is very good at ADC (long-range shooter) heroes, and Xiang Wan plans to continue to develop the original owner's strengths, and will focus on ADC in the future.

There's nothing wrong with snoozing.

Since she is in the bottom lane, when it was her turn to ban heroes, 6 heroes had already been banned in front of her, namely Sword Demon, Vampire, Poodle, Sword Girl, Clockwork, and Prince.

Xiang Wan thought about it, and felt that there was nothing to ban. The real rank of the original owner was the strongest. Now playing the diamond game is tantamount to abuse.But it's not very good to ban it empty, so she just banned the bull's head.

Next, the three-handed ban, Fengnv was banned by oneself, and Jie and Delevingne were banned by the opponent.

The ban stage is over, and the next step is the pick stage, which is the hero selection link.

After both the team and the opponent had finished choosing top lane, jungler, and mid lane heroes, it was Xiang Wan's turn to choose heroes.

She chose adc hero skate shoes. The skate shoes don't fit well with her team's lineup, but this is a hero who can blow up the opponent from the lane.Xiang Wan wanted to score higher, she wanted C, and skateboard shoes were one of the best choices.

When the original owner was coaching to make money, the hero he used the most was skateboard shoes.

And one's own auxiliary hero chose Lulu, the opponent's adc hero chose Paladin, and the opponent's auxiliary hero chose Thresh.

The ban pick ends and the game officially begins.

As soon as I entered the game, the hero had just landed, and the minions hadn't been online yet. According to my teammates, they wanted to play a first-level regiment.

Xiang Wan manipulated his skateboard shoes and followed four teammates into the blue buff area of ​​the opponent's wild area.

[Your thigh brother (blind monk)]: The pig girl's blue buff is on, let's ambush him, he will die.

The five heroes of the blue team ambushed in a corner of the grass at the blue buff. When the soldiers walked out of the house, Xiang Wan saw a heroine pig riding a pig and a green girl walking slowly among the pigs with a lantern. Thresh in the back of my sister's ass.

As soon as the pig girl appeared, all five of her own team rushed up, and the unsuspecting pig girl was surrounded by the five people who suddenly appeared, and then controlled her.

Pig girl was beaten crazily. When there was a trace of blood left, she thought she could flash away, a green spear followed her flash, and then fell on her body, and then... she died.

If Thresh learned the W skill at the first level, throwing a lantern to Zhumei can save her.But Thresh didn't think too much about going out. After learning the Q skill at the first level, it is impossible to save people. When the pig girl was surrounded, Thresh immediately fled.

Pig girl was conspired to give a head, but she lost not only one head, she also lost the blue buff in the red wild area.When the blind monk was playing the second buff, the pig girl was still playing her first buff.

The development of pig girl is a bit miserable.

And after Xiang Wan took the first head, he didn't go home to replenish his equipment, and took Lulu online directly.As soon as she was on the line, she began to overwhelm the opponent's adc's line. She used her proficient laning skills to overwhelm the opponent's adc. When pawning, she grasped the attack distance and consumed the HP of the opponent's ADC from time to time.

The ADC on the opposite side felt very bitter, and it was fine if he couldn't beat her, and he was beaten frequently.After all, he is also a genuine diamond 1adc player. He has played so many ranked games, but he has never been crushed so badly.

Her support, Lulu, has good lane awareness and manipulation, Xiang Wan is fierce, and she cooperates with Xiang Wan to make Xiang Wan even more fierce.The combination of skateboard shoes Lulu crushed Paladin Thresh to death.

 If you have any terms that you don’t understand, you can leave a comment and ask me~

  Sword Demon——Darkborn Sword Demon

  Vampire - Crimson Reaper

  Poodle - the proud stalker

  Sword Girl - Blade Warrior

  Clockwork - Clockwork Genie

  Prince—Prince of Demacia

  Skate Shoes - Spear of Vengeance

  Pig Girl - Fury of the North

  Lulu - Faerie Witch

(End of this chapter)

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