Chapter 1077
She originally planned to have a meal with him after watching the movie, and then go shopping on the busy street like ordinary couples after the meal.

As a result... Xiang Wan felt that after watching the movie, he might not even be interested in eating.

On the day of Qixi Festival, Xiang got up at nine o'clock in the evening. When she got up, she stretched out her hand to touch it, and there was nothing around her.

In the kitchen, there is his hot breakfast, a cage of crystal shrimp dumplings and a bowl of preserved egg and lean pork porridge, which is the breakfast from her favorite restaurant.He got up early and bought it.

He was so considerate that she hadn't seen him for a long time, and she was not used to it.

After breakfast, Xiang Wan drove to the movies alone. She was dressed very low-key, and went out without any makeup on her face. Her waist-length curly hair was loose, which served as a cover-up.

Wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses and a mask, she looked like a relatively withdrawn, ordinary little girl.

She booked a movie theater in the city center. There are many people watching movies on the Qixi Festival, let alone a movie theater in the city center.When Xiang Wan entered the movie theater, there was a long line for tickets, and she was also in line, and it took a long time to get the tickets.

Fortunately, she went out early, and it took nearly half an hour to get the tickets, and if she was later, she wouldn't be able to watch the movie.

She took the ticket and found the designated viewing room. When she walked in, she was still wondering if she came too early, why was she the only one?

She sat for ten minutes, watching the preview of "The Princess's First Love" played repeatedly on the screen, and probably made sure that she had entered the right room.

It was almost time to watch the movie, and Xiang Wan was still the only one in the big movie viewing room. She felt something was wrong, and was about to stand up and ask the staff to ask what was going on.

The lights in the viewing room suddenly dimmed, and Xiang Wan stopped thinking about finding someone, because the movie had started.

A movie of more than two hours and nearly three hours seems very long, but when you actually watch the movie, you will know that it is not that long, because the movie is very exciting.

As far as Xiang Wan's own viewing level is concerned, she thinks this movie is very good, at least it suits her taste.Seeing the end of the movie, Xiang Wan took out her phone, edited a message, and sent it to Ji Man.

Su Shaoyan: Director Ji, thank you for allowing me to play Her Royal Highness.

The movie is over, and the sense of emptiness that I forcibly shifted my attention to while watching the movie came back to my mind.

Xiang Wan lowered her eyes, put on her mask again, grabbed her handbag and prepared to leave.

The sense of loss in her heart was so heavy that she ignored that the lights in the viewing room that should have been turned on at the end of the viewing were still dimmed.

She walked up the steps step by step, the light was too dim, she looked down at the steps on the ground, and suddenly, a pair of leather shoes entered her eyes.

Her heart tightened suddenly, she slowly raised her eyes, and a figure in the darkness fell into her sight.

The man was tall and straight, very much like the man she was subconsciously thinking about when she was watching a movie.

She stayed where she was, while he stepped down.

His face gradually emerged from the darkness, and the gaze she fixed on him was suddenly shocked.

"Feng Luo..." Her voice could be heard trembling.

"Sorry, missed the appointment."

"Aren't you looking for that place...why..."

"I did not go."

On his straight figure, he wore a black suit that looked particularly ascetic.

He smiled at her, his golden eyes glowing tenderly.

(End of this chapter)

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