Hurry up and wear it: male god, flirt with tricks!

Chapter 99 Acting, I am a professional (8)

Chapter 99 Acting, I am a professional (8)

5 favorability points?
That is to say, the favorability was negative before?

Well, as expected, it can be counted as a positive number so quickly. It seems that Moose Bridge is not a grudge, at most he doesn't like Shen Ning.

【234: Then shall we just wait and see? _(:3 」∠)_]234 has been with Xu Niannian for so long, and the most common strategy method is to wait and see how it changes, so I keep this sentence in my mind.

【Xu Niannian: No, honey, this time we have to take the initiative. 】

Another failure, Royi has already despaired of Xu Niannian, she has already discussed everything, why can she mess up this kind of thing that is already a certainty?
I really don't understand.

However, when asked why, she said it was because the director didn't like her.

It's just nonsense. With her aptitude, it's a bit difficult for the lead actress now, but the second lead role isn't that difficult, is it?
If things go on like this, both of them will probably have to eat dirt, so Royi persuaded Xu Niannian earnestly: "Ning Ning, we don't have much savings anymore, if you don't get a job again, then we all have to drink tap water. "

Xu Niannian was unmoved at all, but Royi made a big move: "You can't even afford skin care products."

As soon as this remark came out, Xu Niannian really had some reaction, she frowned slightly, Royi was overjoyed, thinking that she finally realized the seriousness of the matter, and just wanted to continue persuading, but Xu Niannian was very generous With a wave of his hand: "Then hang up the car and sell it."


Xu Niannian has always said what to do, and this is exactly what Royi is most afraid of. Back then, at the reception, she tripped over a female celebrity. When chatting with her, the more we chatted, the more I felt that the female celebrity was It was intentional, and then she directly said that she wanted revenge.

Royi didn't take it seriously at the time, but who knew she actually went there, poured a glass of red wine on the female celebrity in public, and made headlines gorgeously the next day.

Seeing that Xu Niannian had already pulled out his mobile phone and seemed to be in the car, Royi sighed and remained silent.

Forget it, I'd better go upstairs to find another script for her.

She doesn't believe in evil anymore, Shen Ning was so hot back then, and now she is no worse than before, she will definitely be even hotter.

It's just such an indulgence, another big mess happened, who knew that Xu Niannian was so upright, he just filled in all his name and so on, and then the person who bought the car asked her to come out to look at the car. After seeing it, something went wrong .

People went back and posted a Weibo circle of friends, saying that the car they are driving now is Shen Ning’s. Many people expressed their disbelief. It was instantly recognizable.

#Shen Ning poor enough to sell a car#
Steady headlines and hot searches.

However, someone who has been talked about is still drinking milk very leisurely.

[234: If you are short of money as the host, you can exchange it with the system store, it's very cheap. 】

"How can I be short of money? But if I don't act like I'm very short of money, how can I have an excuse to do what I want to do? I have to give myself a suitable step down."

Not long after the words fell, she received a call from Royi.

"Ningning, you have to perform well this time. The director called me just now and said that you auditioned very well and decided to hire you. Let me just say, with your qualifications, how could you be dismissed? Don't mess it up again. .”


Is it possible to live like this?

Are the requirements too low?
But thinking about what I said before, Xu Niannian is one hundred people who don't want to go. If he goes, wouldn't he lower his self-worth?
 Thanks to Katie_Silver for the reward~
  Another: Today's tickets are all flying, where have you all gone?Ask for tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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