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Chapter 88 1 Trigger (1 more)

Chapter 88
Temporary legion, research base.

At this moment, a super war is brewing.

Three fighter planes hovered over the base, and three missiles gradually appeared on their belly positions, aiming at the entrance to the base in unison.

In the desert below the fighter plane, ten M1 series tanks surrounded the entrance of the base, and their muzzles aimed at the dilapidated house without exception.

Whether it is a fighter plane or a tank, there is a clear red and white umbrella company logo on it.Wayne, here we come with force.

"Ready, launch!"

Wayne sat on a fighter plane in the middle, his target was locked, he communicated through the walkie-talkie, and gave orders.

"Yes, sir."

In the cockpits of the remaining two fighter jets, the pilot replied.

The voice fell, and the three of them pressed the transmitter in their hands at the same time.

"call out!"

The three missiles carried a huge amount of energy, rubbed against the air to form a strong wave, and fell to the roof of the dilapidated house in an instant.


A loud bang, deafening.

The sawdust and yellow sand were immediately stirred up to a height of more than ten meters, the flames were burning fiercely, and the ground trembled slightly.

"what happened?"

Dr. Ashford was doing research when suddenly the ground shook, throwing him out of the wheelchair, and his brows could not help but wrinkle.

Turning over, he immediately went to look for others.

The others were also shocked by the sudden shock, they all stopped their work and rushed towards the temporary meeting room.

Arriving in the conference room, Alice first called out the White Queen.

The virtual projection of the White Queen appeared, and she immediately said to the others: "There is an enemy attack, it's from the Umbrella Company. There are three fighter planes and ten M1 series tanks."

"Umbrella company." Alice's light blue pupils are cold and undisguised. In the group chat last night, she already knew that Lin Yu had destroyed the headquarters company.

However, the bugs remain unrepentant.

"Prepare to deal with the enemy!"

Feeling the violent vibration of the ground and listening to the crisp voice of the White Queen, James and the others quickly armed themselves with murderous intent on their faces.

If it weren't for the extremely stable construction of the base and the existence of a defense system, I am afraid that all of them would have died in this blow.

How could they not be angry?

At the same time, in the sky [-] kilometers away from the base, fifteen planes were driving side by side, galloping at a speed of thousands of kilometers per hour.

On the tail of a blue plane, stood a man proudly, his expression was indifferent, and there was a hint of anger on his face.

Around his body, there is an invisible barrier protecting him from the strong wind.

Next to the blue plane, is a red plane.In the cabin, there was a sexy and alluring woman. She looked along the cabin and looked at the man's cold face, and her heart gradually became tense.

The base, I'm afraid something really happened!

These two people are Lin Yu and Jill.

Lin Yu's eyes were slightly closed. Through the eyes of the zombies controlled around the base, he clearly learned the real-time information from the base.

"Umbrella?" The coldness in his eyes was released, and he said indifferently: "This time, I will let you come and go!"

As he spoke, he suddenly made seals with his hands, and said:

"Yushi, all enemies will be killed without mercy!"

After the words fell, Lin Yu's eyes closed slightly, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, hoping that the zombie army could buy him time.

He, try to arrive as early as possible to end the war.

On the other side, Wayne, who was sitting on the fighter plane, said through a loudspeaker: "Listen, people below, you are already surrounded, you can survive if you are captured, otherwise..."


Suddenly, a hoarse roar interrupted his words. Looking down, he saw thousands of zombies attacking from all directions and began to surround them.

"Bastard, what's going on?"

Wayne cursed angrily. When they first arrived here, these zombies hadn't even moved. How could they become so crazy now?
However, no one answered him.

The tide of zombies really broke out. Zombies dragging axes, zombies with crooked necks, and zombies with half of their heads... endlessly coming, screaming hysterically, as if they were going to smash them into pieces!
"Everyone obey, kill all these bastards and fire me!" Wayne clenched his fists tightly and made a clucking sound. Gatling appeared on both sides of the wing, aiming at the crazy zombies.

"Understood, sir."

The rest of the people were slightly startled, but not afraid.They turned the muzzle 180 degrees and aimed at the crazy zombies outside.

"Tu Tu Tu!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The next moment, Gatling and the shells took off and landed on the rushing zombies back and forth. A flash of fire flashed, and a bunch of zombies would turn into coke.

The original attack on the base turned into a battle between planes, cannons and zombies in a blink of an eye. The desert was filled with smoke and sand all over the sky.


"Carlos, get ready for action!"

In the underground base, James and others have already armed themselves. He is the leader, followed by all the armed forces of the base, heading towards the top of the passage.

The channel was not blown up.

The three women, Alice, Claire, and Ryan, also did their part, with a hint of coldness in their eyes, each holding a weapon—the bazooka and the Gatling.

"Bai Hou, how is the situation?"

Everyone came to the entrance, not sure about the external situation.And Queen Bai just happened to be able to help them solve this problem.

"They are fighting with the zombies, they can go up." Through the satellite monitoring, Bai Hou immediately got the external information.

"Open the channel!"

Alice nodded and said lightly.

All the people fighting were on both sides of the passage, their eyes were fixed on the passage above, and their hands holding the weapons were even tighter.

With a sound of a beep, the passage ten square meters above was opened, and a burst of yellow sand suddenly fell down and poured in.The house that originally covered the base has turned into dust.


Alice rushed out first, stepping on the yellow sand, at an extremely fast speed.James followed closely behind, with a bazooka on his shoulder, showing the vigor of a general.

Xiao, Ren and others were also not afraid of fighting, and the blood in their bones seemed to be burning.During the time they followed Lin Yu, their minds changed accordingly.

Don't love war, but never fear war!

When everyone came outside, they found that the soldiers sent by the umbrella company were fighting with the zombies, and gunpowder was everywhere for a while.Soldiers, they were not found.

"Lin, thank you."

Looking at the tens of thousands of desperate figures, Alice and the others knew very well in their hearts who wrote this.

Alice suddenly understood the situation, and she immediately ordered: "Carlos, Nicolai, Xiao, let's seize the tank; James, Ryan, Jason, you are in charge of attacking fighters..."

Long story short, Alice looks like a commander.After doing all this, she flashed her figure and came to a tank in the blink of an eye.

With a light leap, the cat lay down on top of the tank.

"Everyone, split up and act!"

James resisted the rocket launcher, his eyes sparkled, aimed at a fighter plane in the sky, and then pulled the trigger.

"call out!"

War is imminent.

First update today, and another update tonight.

If time permits, there will be three chapters updated.

If not allowed, three chapters will be updated tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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