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Chapter 85 Perfect Coordination (1 more)

Chapter 85 Perfect Coordination (Part [-])
Island nation, Umbrella Corporation's Tokyo headquarters.

The headquarters base is still set up underground, like a beehive.

"Post No. [-], please call back!"

In the underground main control room, a middle-aged conductor spoke to the communication equipment, with a stern expression on his face and a look of worry.

"We lost touch with them."

The contact person shook his head as he stared at the disappearance of the message.

The middle-aged commander sighed and understood the situation.

In just half an hour, they have lost contact with all the guards on the periphery, which is not a good thing.

"Da da da!"

Behind him, crisp footsteps came.

"President Wesker!" The middle-aged commander turned around, looked at the person coming, immediately stood up straight, and greeted respectfully.

Come on, it's Wesker.

President of Umbrella Tokyo Headquarters.

"Report the situation."

Wesker was dressed in a formal suit and a pair of sunglasses, with a stern expression on his face, as if he was a superior.

"Sir, we lost contact with the outer guards half an hour ago." The middle-aged commander frowned and reported.

"How many can't be contacted?"

Wesker asked with a calm face.

"All." The middle-aged commanded.

"Why didn't you notify me after three or ten minutes?"

Wesker was a little displeased, and looked directly at the middle-aged conductor.

"We thought it was a communication failure, and we don't want to disturb you." The middle-aged commander was stared at by Wesker, as if being stared at by a jackal, and silently lowered his head.

"Connect me to the ground guard."

"Yes, sir!"

The contact was successful, and the ground guards appeared on the screen in front of them.

"I am President Wesker, reporting the situation."

Looking at the screen, Wesker asked with a stern expression.

"Report, everything is normal."

"No signs of intrusion?"

"Hodaka, there is a situation..."

The person in charge of communication spoke urgently, but before he could finish speaking, the guard Hotaka's eyes suddenly widened, and bright red blood overflowed from his mouth.

Contact, also cut off instantly.


The electronic communication equipment issued a sharp siren, Wesker frowned and said: "Ground guards, please identify the target!"

"Repeat, please identify the target!"

However, the connection was broken and no one returned his words.

"Sir, elevator No. [-] is running."

At this time, the investigators discovered the abnormality and reported it immediately.

"Block the main entrance for me immediately!"

At the same time, the guards immediately headed towards the main entrance after receiving Wesker's order.

After arriving at the main entrance, they set up shields to form a barrier; the guns were aimed at the elevator at the front entrance, as long as someone walked out of it, he would be unable to escape!
"Drip, drip, drip..."

The elevator kept going down, and it had reached the third floor.

The guards' eyes were like eagles, staring ahead one after another, as if they stopped breathing in an instant, their spirits were on high alert.

Negative three, negative two, negative one...


The elevator doors opened, and the guards tightened their grip on their guns.

However, there was no one behind the elevator.

Behind them, a ghostly figure quietly landed on the ground through the vent, holding two shotguns in both hands, with a sexy and hot figure.

"what sound?"

Someone heard the movement behind him and turned around immediately.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Before the guards raised their guns, what greeted them was a torrential rain of pear blossoms, and one after another the strong bodies fell to the ground, lifeless.

"The good show has only just begun."

Above the elevator, a steel combat body appeared, rushed out instantly, and directly entered the siege of the guards, and the scuffle began.

These two people are Lin Yu and Jill who came to the island country.

"Xiao Linzi, the laser cannon is ready to fire."

In the steel armor, Lin Yu intelligently ordered to the armor.

"Ready, sir." Kobayashi replied.

"Quickly, report to the president, enemy attack!"

Facing the sudden attack, they didn't even have time to react, their combat strength was already weakened by half, and half of the guards fell in a pool of blood.

"Boom, bang, bang, bang!"

Lin Yu chuckled, raised his hands suddenly, and the laser cannon blasted out instantly, killing the guards in all directions.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

On the other side, Jill's double shotgun was replaced by two replica 1911 pistols with a double row of fourteen rounds in the magazine.

She moved quickly and her marksmanship was extremely precise. Every time she shot, a guard would fall down and lose her vitality.

"Fight back, fight back!"

After a short battle, the remaining guards started a counterattack, aiming their guns at the sexy Jill and Lin Yu who was wearing a steel armor, shooting a burst of fire.

"Tu Tu Tu!"

Facing the guard's counterattack, Jill moved quickly and kept dodging the bullets. The bullets swept past her and hit the ground, causing a wave of rocks to fly up.

With a flash of Lin Yu's figure, he stood in front of Jill in an instant. In his eyes, the guard's movements kept slowing down, and even the action of pulling the trigger fell into his eyes exactly.

"Clang clang clang!"

The bullet hit Lin Yu's steel armor, making a sound like metal collision, like a fierce symphony, playing the funeral song of death!
"Dare to hit my woman?"

Lin Yu stopped Jill's waist, came to the guard in the blink of an eye, and said with a sneer, "You guys, I'm impatient!"

After the voice fell, the movements of the guards froze, as if time had stopped. With the sound of cracking bones, the guards widened their eyes and flew into the air.

"Jill, shoot!"

Lin Yu's voice came out through the sensor.

"call out!"

Jill understood immediately, with a cold light in his eyes, and pulled the trigger with both hands.The bullets were as fast as electricity, making a crisp sound when they rubbed against the air.

In the eyes of the guards, the bullets magnified more and more.

"Flax falls!"

The bullet pierced through the guard's eyebrows with incomparable precision, and then pierced through their heads, and streaks of blood suddenly shot out in the air.

"Boom, boom..." The guards who were frozen in the air were shot one after another, and they lost their vitality in an instant, and fell to the ground fiercely.

A burst of rocks stirred up, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

"Good job, Jill!"

Lin Yu landed, turned on the helmet display, and revealed his true colors.

Jill leans on Lin Yu's steel arm, with one foot raised high.When you look up, you can see Lin Yu's handsome face, which is so charming.

This posture is a bit ambiguous.

"Is what you just said true?"

Jill blinked her eyes, and her tone was as gentle as water.

Just now, Lin Yu declared his territory forcefully. She is Lin Yu's woman, and no one can touch her!
"It's true." Lin Yu smiled and leaned over.

Feeling the warmth and slipperiness of his mouth, Lin Yu was a little moved.

Meanwhile, in the main control room.

"Notify the guards to discharge nano gas into the main channel."

Wesker's expression was serious. He recognized Lin Yu's identity at once. If he didn't deal with it in time, the situation would become more serious.

"Sir, our people are still there!"

The middle-aged conductor looked at the screen, hesitating.


After a gunshot, the middle-aged conductor fell to the ground.

"Is there anyone else who has a problem?" Wesker put away his gun, looked at the other staff, and said indifferently.

Today's first change, ask for tickets and subscription.

(End of this chapter)

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