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Chapter 82 Ending the curtain (4 more)

Chapter 82 The Curtain Ends (Fourth Update)
The situation changed in the blink of an eye!

Alice panted heavily, and the moment she saw the steel armor appear, her tense nerves immediately relaxed.

"Doctor, do you have anything else to say?"

Lin Yu's voice came out through the acoustic sensor and fell into the ears of Dr. Isaacs, which seemed to be full of irony.

With horror on his face, Isaacs stepped back.

His original third plan has been completely destroyed by Lin Yu. He didn't expect such a powerful mutant of Nessus to be killed by Lin Yu with one blow.

And he may not be sure that he can win Lin Yu.

"Doctor, where do you want to go?"

Lin Yu stepped forward, and every step seemed to be on Isaacs' shoulders, which was extremely heavy.

"Lin, I tell you!"

Isaacs stopped, with a crazy look on his face, and said lightly: "Umbrella Company, you can't fight against it alone."

"Really?" Lin Yu's sneering voice came from the steel armor.

"call out!"

Lin Yu stretched out his right hand, and a laser shot out.

Isaacs reacted extremely quickly, pulling up the beautiful secretary beside him to stand in front of him, while he dodged aside.


The laser bomb hit Angelina's left ventricle, directly piercing through her chest, burning her body, and a faint smoke came out of it.

"Doctor, you..."

Angelina seemed to find it hard to believe that the doctor she had always admired the most would use herself as his shield!

"Angelia, go and kill him."

Without the slightest emotion, Isaacs pointed to Lin Yu and said.

Angelina smiled contemptuously, opened her small mouth, exposed her fangs, and said flatly, "Since you created me, you shouldn't treat me like this!"

As she said that, she burst out and killed the doctor in an instant.


A beast-like roar came out, and Angelina was already standing in front of the doctor. She lowered her head and leaned on her body, biting the doctor's neck.

"Turn against each other?"

Lin Yu looked at the movements of the two and smiled: "Interesting."


There was a crisp bone cracking sound, and Isaacs broke the female secretary's neck, shook his head and said, "I can create, but I can also destroy you."

With that said, he stood up and looked at Lin Yu.

This time, he didn't choose to escape, but went straight to Lin Yu and said, "young man, why are you so persistent?"

"Old guy, don't talk nonsense!"

Lin Yu's body flew out in an instant, and he punched Isaacs in the face.Isaacs was hit and landed in the sand on his left.


Lin Yu didn't talk nonsense, he pushed forward with his right hand, and a laser bullet shot out directly, galloping towards Dr. Isaacs' eyebrows.


Isaacs cursed angrily, turned over and escaped Lin Yu's attack.Then, he got up to meet Lin Yu.

Jill and the others looked ahead, only feeling their blood boil.

Lin Yu's steel armor is really cool, handsome, and very practical!

Suddenly, Isaacs' face changed instantly, except for those eyes, the rest was no different from a zombie.

"It seems that you have mutated."

Lin Yu stared at the doctor, the mecha system aimed at the doctor's position, and then fired another laser bomb!

"call out!"

The laser bomb locked on the doctor's right arm, and made a sharp piercing sound as it rubbed against the air, before it landed on the target precisely.

With a bang, the doctor's right arm exploded directly.

For a while, blood rained down on the yellow sand, and many pieces of meat withered.

"Boy, you underestimate me too!"

As if Isaacs didn't know the pain, three two-meter-long tentacles suddenly sprouted from the root of his broken right arm, wrapping around Lin Yu's mecha.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Lin Yu turned on the six-tube mini-cannons on the shoulders of the steel armor, and then all hit the tentacles wrapped around his body.


Isaacs gasped, and there was a look of determination in his eyes.

"Crack, crack, crack!"

However, before he could react, Lin Yu appeared in front of him in a flash, and there was a storm of pear blossoms in his face.

"Doctor, bye!"

Lin Yu pushed out his right palm, revealing his original face, smiled at the doctor, and then a laser bomb hit Isaacs' eyebrow.

Under this blow, Isaacs died directly.

Before dying, the doctor still had a faint smile on his face.

Lin Yu was puzzled by this smile.

"It's over, we won!"

"Lin, you are our hero!"

"I don't know if Lin's armor is rented or not, but I want to pretend too!"


After the death of Dr. Isaacs, everyone in the legion began to cheer. None of them were injured in this battle, which is worthy of applause!

Only Lin Yu is still thinking about the doctor's last smile, and what does it represent behind the smile?

Lin Yu didn't want to understand, so he simply didn't think about it.

He turned around and took back Mark VI.He came to Alice and helped her up. The battle just now consumed Alice too much.

"James, take a few people to check the inside of the house to see if there are any leftover items or supplies." With Alice in his arms, Lin Yu came to the convoy.

"Yes, Chief Lin!"

James nodded and immediately carried out the task.

Claire had a grateful look on her face, looked at Alice softly, and thanked, "Thank you, Alice!"

The blow from Nessus just now was really impossible to dodge. If Alice hadn't used her mind power in time, she might have become a dead soul under the sword.

"You're welcome. We are all members of the legion. This is what we should do." Alice waved her hand and looked at Lin Yu following Claire's gaze.

When the other members of the legion heard this, there was a faint feeling in their hearts, and they were twisting the group of them together.

Unity is the most important thing in a team.

"Alice is right, we are a team!"

Lin Yu rubbed Claire's little head, looked around at the other members of the legion, and said loudly.

He hopes that this action can set an example for the people in the Clare team, so that they can recognize this group from their hearts, accept this group, and become a real member of this group.

Sure enough, after hearing his words, everyone nodded silently, with firmness and expectation in their eyes.

"The new check-in task is released, will the host accept it?"

At this moment, the system beep sounded again.

"Accept!" Lin Yu replied without hesitation.

[Task: Open the fourth sign-in in Biochemical II World]

【Location: Las Vegas】

[Time: within half a month]

[Reward: A copy of "Royal Sword Art"]

【Please start your performance】

Today's fourth change, please vote for support!

This is also the last update for today. It is not good to put the results on the shelves, but I promise everyone that I will stick to the end of the book and will not be eunuchs.

By the way, we will continue to work hard tomorrow at three o'clock!

(The release was too sudden, and Hetu's hand speed and thinking couldn't keep up with the update speed, so please forgive me. I will update more in the future to compensate everyone!)
(End of this chapter)

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