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Chapter 66 Claire (3 more tickets requested)

Chapter 66 Claire

July [-], sunny.

Two months have passed since the last nuclear explosion in Raccoon City.Umbrella companies thought they had the virus under control, but they were wrong.

After the nuclear explosion, starting from Raccoon City, the T virus gradually spread throughout the country, and two months later, the entire world was spread.

The virus has not only swallowed human life, rivers and lakes have dried up, forests have turned into deserts, and all land has been eroded into barren wilderness.

What is certain is that the planet will slowly decline and then die.

The few survivors have to adapt to a life of wandering, and their choice is to avoid big cities.If they stay in one place for too long, they will be found by zombies.

First a few, then more and more.

A group of zombies - the undead army!
As a survivor, it seems that the only way to survive is to keep walking.

Today, in the southern wilds beyond the edge of Raccoon City, a group of survivors arrived and began to set up camp here.

The leader was a woman named Claire.

Now, she is exploring the secrets of this wilderness.

Every time she arrives at a station, she will personally check the surrounding security to ensure that her convoy can operate normally.

This time, it was no exception.

Suddenly, she saw a ravine appearing in the ground in front of her, and at the end of the ravine seemed to be a pile of scrap iron.

"what is this?"

She suddenly became interested, but because of the changes in the current situation, she couldn't help but become cautious.Pulling out the pistol at his waist, Claire walked slowly towards the end of the ravine.

"Da da……"

Claire walked step by step, stepping on the barren land, making a rattling sound.Finally, the cautious Claire came to the end of the ravine.

"God, are you a survivor?"

Claire squatted by the edge of the ravine, watching a handsome face appear under the shattered steel armor. Although his face was covered with dust and blood scabs, it still made people's hearts flutter.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

Claire yelled.

In the gully, the handsome man didn't reply.

"Is he dead?"

A question arose in Claire's heart, she stood up, and started walking towards the camp where she was stationed.

After a while, there were several strong men behind Claire. They were wearing half sleeves and armed themselves, showing their strong and powerful arms.

"Look, it's him."

Claire pointed to the man in the gully, and said to the coming strong men.

One of the men took off his sunglasses, pinned it to his neckline, looked at the bottom of the gully, frowned and said, "Let me go and have a look!"

Said, one step jumped into it.

Claire took a deep breath, silently took out the pistol, and pointed the muzzle between the eyebrows of the handsome man under the broken armor.

In today's end times full of zombies, everyone is very cautious.They are afraid, afraid that if they are not careful, they will lose their lives.

Xiao slowly walked up to the handsome man, blew the dust off his face, bent down, and probed his breath with his index finger.

This handsome man is Lin Yu.


Feeling the heat coming from Lin Yu's nose, Xiao raised his head to look at Clare, and said with a smile, "It's not a zombie, it's a living person!"

Hearing Xiao's words, Claire and the others withdrew their weapons, with bright smiles on their faces.In these last days, although there are crises everywhere, it is also full of warmth and happiness.

Claire and his party belong to the latter.

They united as one, fought side by side, searched for more survivors to form a group, and exerted their last remaining energy in this apocalyptic world.

"Ethan, go help Xiao."

Claire ordered to a man beside him.

Ethan nodded, and jumped down with the others.

"Survivor, you are really lucky!"

Looking at Lin Yu's handsome face, Claire couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth and muttered to herself.

Two days later, Claire's convoy moved on.

They walked straight along the Western Highway, searching for more survivors.And Lin Yu, who was put in the cargo warehouse by them, has not woken up to this day.

"Cough cough..."

Suddenly, Lin Yu in the cargo warehouse coughed lightly, but because he was the only one in there, no one heard his voice.

Slowly opened his eyes, Lin Yu looked around, and there were guns, food, and water everywhere in his eyes.

"where am I?"

A question arose in Lin Yu's heart. He wanted to stand up, but the tingling sensation from his trunk made him gasp.


"System, where am I?"

Out of helplessness, Lin Yu had to ask the system girl.

"The host is currently in the cargo warehouse. He was rescued by the team. The leading woman is Claire." The system explained Lin Yu's current situation in a few words.


Lin Yu was taken aback for a moment, isn't this the female character that appeared in Biochemical III?He continued to ask: "System, how long have I been in a coma?"

"Two months." The system replied flatly.

"I've been in a coma for two months?"

Lin Yu couldn't believe it. Although his body was different from ordinary people, if he didn't eat or drink for two months, wouldn't he become skinny and die in the end?
"The host should not speculate randomly. It is because of this system that the host is still alive, not because of the so-called halo of the protagonist." The system's indifferent words interrupted Lin Yu's reverie.

After being complained by the system, Lin Yu shook his head: "Get back!"

Immediately afterwards, he closed his eyes and began to gradually recover his strength. Now that he was clear about his current situation, there was no need to worry about his life being in danger.

Claire is not a bad person.

On the third day, Lin Yu finally regained some strength, and Claire and others also stationed at a nearby gas station.

"Let me go and see, is that kid still alive?" Xiao Gang drained water from nearby, with a cigarette in his mouth, and opened the door of the cargo compartment.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

Xiao walked into the cargo warehouse and yelled at Lin Yu.

In his opinion, this is the third day of Lin Yu's coma. Anyone without water or food will gradually die.

Lin Yu is no exception.

However, Xiao suddenly widened his eyes, looked at Lin Yu lying among the goods, and said in disbelief, "Are you awake?"

Lin Yu nodded, smiled slightly and said, "Can you help me up?"

"Of course!" Xiao froze for a moment, then threw away the cigarette in his hand and helped Lin Yu up.

"Hello, my name is Lin, thank you for saving me!" Lin Yu stretched out a hand and smiled.

Xiao also smiled and said, "You're welcome! I'm Xiao, the commander of this convoy."

At the end of the last chapter, I got skinny.

Everyone thinks I'm playing with fire?
Um!Can't I play with guns?
As for the matter of you sending blades, I think it’s waived, after all, I can’t make a fortune with blades!

I'm not Zhou...

 Finally, ask for a recommendation ticket.

  Every day, the recommendation ticket is [-] plus one update, which is the third update. I hope everyone can donate generously, and don't be stingy with the recommendation tickets in your hands!

(End of this chapter)

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