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Chapter 216 The Mission of the Amazons

Chapter 216 The Mission of the Amazons

"I'm from the East."

Lin Yu's figure floated to the ground and said lightly.


Hippolyte thumped in her heart.

But today, it was because of Lin Yu's action that no one in their group was killed or injured. Hippolyta is really grateful to Lin Yu.

"how about you?"

At this time, Antiope set his sights on Steve.Although this man killed the enemy with them just now, he was wearing the same clothes as the enemy.

This has to be thought-provoking.

At this moment, the peaceful Amazonians feel an unprecedented sense of crisis. They must be vigilant and rule out all dangers that threaten their lives.

"I am a good person."

Steve looked nervous.

"Let's take it away first!"

Antiope ordered.

They have the lasso of truth, and they don't believe that they can't ask the truth.

"Thank you, I don't know how to address you?" On the other side, Hippolyte shifted her gaze to Lin Yu, curious about this seemingly young god in front of her.

She seldom got to know the East.

"Call me Lin." Lin Yu said with a smile.

He knew that he had succeeded in obtaining the curiosity of the Queen of the Amazons. He was powerful and had saved their tribe. The kind-hearted Amazons daughter warrior should give him enough respect.

At the very least, he will not be reduced to a prisoner.

"Lin, come with us to the palace?"

Hippolyta also showed a smile and said.

"Thank you Queen!"

Lin Yu nodded.

A group of people rode on the horses and began to head towards the palace. The scenery along the way was beautiful, which made people feel particularly relaxed.

The tower is made of spiraling stone blocks, surrounded by vines.The terraces are full of vines and olive trees, and the solid and slender bridges cross the waterfalls and canyons. The scenery in front of you all confirms the name of this place - Paradise Island.

"I'm curious, how strong are you?" On the road, Diana and Lin Yu rode horses side by side. She was wearing gold and silver armguards, and a light gold short skirt decorated with an Amazon-style brown leather belt. skirt.

She smiled slightly, just like the scenery.

"You'll know."

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"I am looking forward!"

Diana's eyes were firm, and she looked at Lin Yu's handsome face exuding a ray of light. She is now in the stage of awakening her divine power, and she is looking forward to what kind of power the energy in her body will have when it is fully awakened again.

Can you fight Lin Yu?
While speaking, everyone came to the palace.

It was a huge cave bathed in the light of the sun and the moon, and there were two cut-circle statues in it, like shields symbolizing honor, standing on both sides of the spiral Andromeda statue.

Looking forward, I saw the golden steps slowly going up, and finally stopped under the high platform of judgment.A group of people stood on the left and right sides of the high trial platform, with Steve kneeling in the middle, his body being wrapped in a golden rope.That's the lasso of truth, the rope that lets everyone tell their secrets.

Steve struggled, brow furrowed.

"Say your identity!"

Antiope pulled the lasso of truth and asked.

"Ah..." Steve gritted his teeth, but the pain from his body made him unbearable, and said, "I'm Captain Steve Trevor, a pilot... belonging to the American Expeditionary Force, number... 814192."

"What's your purpose here?"

Hippolyte suppressed the killing intent in her heart and asked.

They had never heard of the terms Steve mentioned such as pilots and expeditionary forces. They only knew that the man in front of them was a soldier, and he had a high rank.

Lin Yu looked at everything calmly.

Lin Yu lamented Steve's final fate.In order to end the war, between love and peace, Steve finally chose to sacrifice himself, saving countless lives and peace.

Steve, deserves respect.

Now that he is here, Lin Yu will not watch Steve's fate happen again. He will change all this, but it does not mean that he will interfere with the growth of the characters.

"Steve, tell them."

Lin Yu looked at this outstanding pilot indifferently, and nodded to him, as if possessing a kind of magical power, which made Steve tell the truth unknowingly:

"I was assigned to the British Intelligence Agency by the army and became a spy. At the same time, I was an undercover agent of the British Intelligence Agency. At that time, they received news that General Ludendorff, a senior officer of JCDecaux, was about to visit a secret in the Ottoman Empire. Military Equipment Division..."

"Then I pretended to be a German pilot and got into the flight formation...According to our intelligence, the German army has no reinforcements, military expenditures are short, and all weapons and ammunition are exhausted, but this is not the case."

Steve began to talk about the hangar heavily guarded by German soldiers, filled with fear, sweat and death, and the people who lived there were suffocated every day.

At first Steve and the others thought that the German army was making bombs to oppress the people, but with an in-depth investigation, he found that things were worse than he imagined.Inside the factory, there is a research laboratory.

There is a perverted research doctor - Dr. Isabel Maru.She and Ludendorff formed the initiator of the war, researching a new weapon, a poison gas weapon capable of destroying the world.

Steve saw with his own eyes that a prisoner in the experimental cabin was wearing a British-made gas mask, and the surrounding skin was wrapped in leather. However, even so, when the gas produced by Dr. Maru was released, He didn't even have a chance of surviving.

"According to my judgment."

Steve looked at Lin Yu and the Amazons firmly, and continued: "If we don't take measures and Dr. Maru fully develops her results, then millions of people will die by then!"

"What shall we do then?"

Diana frowned and asked.

A voice in her heart is constantly telling her that she must participate in this battle, she needs to save human lives, and fulfill her duty—to kill Ares, the God of War!

"If I can send this stolen note to the British Intelligence Agency in time, maybe I can prevent this war from happening and save countless innocent lives..." Steve's eyes dimmed, he didn't know what to do next What punishment would he face, but he begged the Amazons to let him go.

"Mother, let me go with him!"

Diana looked at Hippolyta and said firmly.

However, Hippolyte stared at Steve's resolute gaze with a sad face, and then shifted her gaze to Lin Yu: "Lin, what do you think?"

"I agree with Diana."

Naturally, Lin Yu will not stop Diana, this is what she has to go through.Similarly, because of Diana's experiences, she became a real hero.


Diana continued to probe.

Wasn't Zeus creating the Amazons and training them from childhood to be honorable warriors to prevent war?Isn't this their mission?

(End of this chapter)

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