Chapter 185 What a pity
After three breaths, Ye Feng recovered completely, and his body stuck in the seat broke free.

When he looked around, it was a mess and it was horrible.

Most of the passengers suffered minor or serious injuries.

Even, two middle-aged passengers had lost their heartbeat and breathing, and turned into cold corpses.

Fortunately, Zuo Mengru and Duanmengzhu were only slightly injured, and they were not seriously injured.


Who in the end is deliberately attacking the bus.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were burning with raging anger.

Suddenly, through the broken glass window, he saw someone coming.

Then, the bus was pushed straight.

The other party must be a warrior to have such great strength that he can easily push a bus weighing several tons.

"Brother Ye Feng."

As soon as the bus was seated, Zuo Mengru ran over eagerly holding the cute pig.

Ye Feng glanced at Zuo Mengru, who was only slightly injured, and said solemnly:
"Mengru, I'll treat the serious injuries first, you stay here and don't move."

Zuo Mengru nodded.

Immediately, Ye Feng ran to a seriously injured man with a broken arm regardless of who was outside, and began to treat him.

However, just as he put Long Qidu into the wounded person, the door of the bus opened, and five mighty men walked up.

Two innate initial warriors.

A congenital peak warrior.

A martial artist who has just entered the Qi Martial Realm.

There is also a wind awakener!
What a big battle.

As soon as the five people came up, they looked at Zuo Mengru and Ye Feng with vicious eyes.

"You are Ye Feng?"

The middle-aged martial artist at the pinnacle of innate talent glared fiercely at Ye Feng, who was treating a seriously injured passenger, and said sharply.

Ye Feng turned a deaf ear, didn't even look at the other party, and devoted himself to saving the passengers with dragon energy of wood attribute.

Seeing that Ye Feng dared to ignore him, the face of the peak innate martial artist was a bit ferocious, and his eyes were dark and fierce. He was about to make a move, but was stopped by the martial artist of the Qi martial state.

"Don't panic, let him treat the passengers first, the passengers are innocent after all."

With a contemptuous sneer on the corner of the mouth of the Qi Martial Artist, he said disdainfully:

"At the same time, let's see how capable he is."

"Yes!" The innate peak warrior said respectfully.

How capable?
Soon, shock and disbelief appeared on the faces of the five people.

Because, the passenger with the broken arm grew a new arm.

Broken Arm Reborn!

how can that be!

When did the healing awakened become so powerful.

The five people came back to their senses, their faces looked like they had opened a dyeing workshop, and their eyes were gloomy.

"Thank you, young man." The middle-aged passenger was grateful.

[Ding, positive gratitude from Dai Yongwei +10]

[Ding, the host gets 20 faith points]

"Don't get out of the car in a hurry." Ye Feng patted the passenger on the shoulder and said with a smile.

The passenger nods.

Ye Feng stood up, and was about to treat the next seriously injured passenger, but was stopped by a martial artist of Qi martial arts.

"You killed Sun Yang."

The Qi martial artist stared at Ye Feng like a sword, and said sharply.

Ye Feng's expression was suddenly cold, his cold eyes burst into cold light, and the cold air was overwhelming, as if there were two icebergs.

"The bus, you knocked it over?"

Ye Feng's face was terribly cold, and his voice was cold.

"So what!"

The innate peak martial artist let out a cold snort of disdain, and said arrogantly.

Ye Feng's eyes narrowed sharply, a burst of anger burst out, and murderous intent loomed.

"Then let the dead be buried with them."

Ye Feng's voice was cold, as if from the Nine Nether Hell.

The five of them laughed wildly as if they had heard a big joke.

"Boy, I have to say, you are crazy." The innate peak martial artist couldn't rest in anger, his eyes were about to split and he said fiercely.

Ye Feng's face was terribly cold, his cold eyes showed no emotion, and he looked at the peak innate martial artist with indifferent eyes, as if he was looking at a dead person.

A dragon needle flew out ghostly from between his eyebrows, and appeared in front of the peak innate martial artist like lightning.

As if they were facing a formidable enemy, their nerves were tense, and they looked sharply without blinking their eyes.

Especially the innate peak martial artist, who stood still and did not dare to move, staring at the mysterious and strange silver needle floating in front of his eyes without blinking, his forehead was sweating, and his back was soon wet with cold sweat.

"Do you think I'm talking big to scare you?" Ye Feng raised the corner of his mouth with a cold arc, and said coldly.

The Qi Martial Realm warrior glared at Ye Feng viciously, with a distorted and ferocious face, and said sternly:

"Where did you get the spirit weapon?"

Magic weapon?

Ye Feng's eyes surged with murderous aura, and with a flick of his mind, the dragon needle directly pierced through the head of a congenital peak warrior.

In between the eyebrows, out at the back of the head.

Then, the Dragon Needle floated in front of the wind awakened.

Inside the bus, there was deathly silence.

The atmosphere was so depressing that it was hard to breathe.

The faces of the remaining four people were full of endless anger, their veins were bulging, and their killing intent was soaring.

"You dare to kill him, court death!"

The martial artist at the peak of the Qi Martial Realm was furious, and he punched Ye Feng with terrifying energy.

With a look of contempt on Ye Feng's face, his mind moved, and the dragon needle was divided into four parts. Under his control, like threading, it pierced through the heads of the awakened person and the two early innate warriors almost at the same time.

At the same time, he activated the Dragon God Transformation, and a stone wall suddenly appeared in front of him.

The terrifying punch immediately hit the stone wall, making a dull sound.

The stone walls are intact without any damage.

Ye Feng withdrew the defensive stone wall, and looked indifferently at the qi martial artist who looked unwilling and frightened.

I saw nine dragon needles of different lengths floating in front of the qi martial artist.

As long as a Qi martial artist dares to move, the nine silver needles will kill him.

"You are from the Sun family in Haibei City, and you came to avenge Sun Yang?"

Ye Feng glanced at the license plate of the Maybach and said indifferently.

The warriors at the Qi Martial Realm were sweating profusely, they didn't dare to breathe, their eyes were full of resentment and fear.

"You killed Sun Yang, the Sun family will naturally find the murderer."

Qi Martial Realm Martial Artist Road.

"There is a wronged person and a debtor, so why hit the bus." Ye Feng's face was terribly cold, and his voice was cold and eerie.

He hates hurting innocent people because of him.

"There is no reason, just because we are sure that you are on the bus. It is a pity that we didn't expect to kill you."

The strong man in the Qi Martial Realm looked unwilling and said viciously.


There are so many people who want to kill him but fail to kill him!

Ye Feng's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he shot out a stern light. With a movement of his mind, the nine dragon needles were like nine bolts of lightning, they merged into one, and pierced directly through the opponent's head.

Qi Martial Realm Martial Artist, die!
After his death, his face was full of unwillingness and horror.

[Ding, the host kills five targets and gets 500 dragon energy]

Although he got the Dragon Qi, Ye Feng couldn't be happy at all.

How could he be happy when two people died because of him?
The Sun family in Haibei, damn it!
Ye Feng's cold eyes burst out with monstrous killing intent.

"Brother Ye Feng, this aunt is in serious condition, let's treat him first."

Zuo Mengru looked at the imposing Ye Feng and whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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