Chapter 451 451. New Place

The first two are put away.

Long Fei hammer exploded the third one.

Here lies an ancient parchment scroll.

"Have you worked out?"

Long Fei had little expectations.

Pick it up and take a look.

Take a look at the contents inside.

This is not a practice, but a map of a parchment.

It records the location information about the fairy fire, but it is not complete, only a part is missing.

"Fairy fire?"

Long Fei took a closer look at the fairy fire recorded on it, but it was the Yin Yang fairy fire that ranked fifteen on the list of fairy fires.

Although this is incomplete, Long Fei was able to find the approximate location of this Yin-Yang Immortal Fire from the known incomplete information.

This Yin-Yang Immortal Fire exists in a strange space, and it's still self-contained.

It's like the demon fire space where the Jinglian demon fire is located on the Douqi Continent.

"Sister Yu, do you think the other half of the Yin-Yang Immortal Fire Map exists in this ancient cemetery?" Long Fei asked after thinking about it.

"Who knows, depends on your luck, maybe maybe not~" Sister Yu's voice sounded.

"Forget it, asking you is the same as not asking."

"Yin Yang Immortal Fire. I have never tasted the taste of Immortal Fire. I am really looking forward to what it will taste like"

As he spoke, he licked his lips and put away the parchment.

Although I don't know the exact location of No. 15 Yinyang Immortal Fire on the Immortal Fire List, but I know that the location of this Immortal Fire is within the Eastern Star Territory where he is. Even so, the Eastern Star Territory is also a very A vast galaxy.
If you can't find the other half of the parchment, it is impossible to find this fairy fire, unless you are lucky.
Maybe the system has other ways, but he is not in a hurry now, let's put these things aside and take his time.

Next hammered the fourth treasure chest.

Inside is a black stone.

"What is this?"

Long Fei picked it up and saw that there was a pattern on the stone.

And the system also showed the information of this black stone after deducting the fairy coins:
Fairy grade black stone

The celestial power with terrifying connotation allows the acquirer to use it to fight against enemies with a higher level than itself, and the power can be superimposed on the burst power. It is very hard in itself.

If you throw it at a mysterious fairy and hit it in the head, you will die on the spot, and the soul will be absorbed and strengthened by the stone, and more power will be fed back into the stone.

Even if Jinxian is hit without much protection, he will immediately lose his fighting power and faint.

It becomes more powerful as it absorbs more souls, capable of inflicting damage on higher level people.

There are a lot of names and information this time, Long Fei read it and immediately became excited: "Nima, this fairy-level black grain stone is an awesome existence!"

This will be his second abnormal weapon!

Hastily put it away.

This trip spent money, effort, killing people, and seeing blood, it really didn't work in vain!
This is the reward, even without the first three things, he was very satisfied with just such a stone and laughed.

"The last one is left. Generally, the one that comes later is the most powerful. I hope you didn't disappoint me."

After the hammer exploded, he picked it up.

It was another parchment scroll. When I opened it, I found a fairy technique inside.

Immortal skills of the wood attribute, this is very rare for Long Fei.

After checking it out, luckily this parchment scroll was completed, and so was this fairy skill.

Immortal Skill: Tianmu Prison

This is a fairy technique used to control the opponent.

Judging from the above information, what Long Fei got is: if this Heavenly Wood Divine Prison wants to learn it, it must control the wood attribute first, and absorb the essence energy of Heavenly Wood as a basis, so that it can be cultivated. Once cultivated, even a large group of golden immortals can be easily trapped, and the power and strength of those imprisoned in Tianmu Prison will be greatly weakened, and its strength will occur with the strength of the user What changes, the stronger the user, it becomes stronger, and the weaker the user, it naturally becomes weaker.

In other words, it is also an upgraded fairy skill. In the future, even existences like Taiyi Golden Immortal and Taiyi Immortal Venerable can be trapped, but users must often absorb the essence of Tianmu to supplement their own lost energy. Tianmu essence.hua, otherwise the effect will become worse and worse.

"Not bad fairy technique, system, where can I find this Tianmu essence?" Long Fei asked.

Ask if you don't understand, this is a good student.

The voice of the system's sister rang in his mind: "It's in the tomb of this ancient ruin, but it's not in the current tomb room. At least you need to go deep. I'll remind you when the time comes."

"Unfortunately, out of five things, only the first one was used." Long Fei was a little disappointed, and then put away these things. As for the stone statue of the humanoid old man in front of him, he directly punched it to pieces!
Then he burned all the gold coins and other things around him that Long Fei had no interest in.

What he doesn't want, others can't get!
After doing all this, he flew into the tunnel ahead and quickly went to the next place.

Soon, I saw a white light spot, which is the message from the exit.

Speed ​​up and go out.

After going out, it is very different from all the places just passed by.

Here is a barren mountain.

This place and those places just now are completely different worlds, but Naihe all exists in this ancient ruins dimensional space.

There are mountains, waters, and forests here. The mountains are majestic and giant mountains, the water is a huge sea of ​​waterfalls, and the forests are pillars of immortal energy.

Each has its own characteristics.

Flying to a place, let go of the divine sense and tried to sweep everything here.

There are many people here.

Among them was the mysterious man in black robe that he had seen outside.

However, after scanning his divine sense, he was discovered by these mysterious men in black robes.

It seems that this place is a place specially arranged to gather scattered people together.

If that's the case, they are just the flags of the layout of this ancient ruins, and the entire ancient ruins are the chessboard.

Long Fei is not willing to be someone else's flag and be manipulated by others, he also hates this the most.

"Treat us like dogs, hmph, sooner or later I'll tear you down!" Long Fei snorted coldly, looking around coldly.

In the distance, the mysterious man in black.

When he realized that something was wrong, one of them said in a low voice, "Someone just scanned us with divine thoughts."

"Accurately, it should be a glance at this new place"

"This person's soul power is very strong. Above us, try not to mess with unnecessary things other than missions."

"The place we want is almost here, let's work harder."

The mysterious black-robed man spoke one sentence to another in a mysterious manner, as if they had already planned everything here and knew the location of the so-called thing in their mouths.


(End of this chapter)

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