Chapter 436 436. Cigu Ridge!
The woman holding the young man said: "Lord Master, although it offends you, we want to know the reason."

Xia Taiyang glanced at her, and said indifferently: "Because he is stronger than you."

The woman hesitated as she spoke: "But... strong strength doesn't make it. We also need to understand strategy."

"Then he's a level nine peak true immortal?" Xia Taiyang looked at Long Fei with a complicated expression.

I don't know what this guy eats to grow, and he has been promoted to the ninth-level peak true immortal so quickly?

It is really too easy for him, who is an eighth-level Profound Immortal, to see Long Fei's current cultivation level.

And Long Fei didn't let the system intentionally conceal his cultivation.

"True Immortal of the Ninth Level Peak!!?"

As soon as Xia Taiyang said this, the four of them really looked horrified and frightened.

The four looked at Long Fei with disbelief.

No wonder this person can exude such a terrifying aura!
Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a ninth-level peak true immortal!
But this guy looks younger than all four of them
And what about them?That is to say, a seventh-level peak true immortal!

"Do you still have any opinions now?" Seeing the frightened four people, Xia Taiyang opened his mouth slowly.

Not only were they frightened, but Xia Taiyang himself was also frightened.

Long Fei's growth rate is really terrifying, completely beyond his knowledge.

Now it is safer to enter the ancient ruins.

Long Fei's single-body combat power is very terrifying.Now that it has reached this level, it will naturally be even more terrifying.


The four shook their heads
"Since it's gone, let's go, the gate of Tianse Ciguling is about to open."

After finishing speaking, Xia Taiyang waved his hand and left here with five people.

When it reappeared, it was a space teleportation void array.

Five people stood on it, but Xia Taiyang didn't, because he didn't want to go, and he needed to cast a spell to activate the teleportation formation.

"This is the map there. This formation will send the five of you to a random place in Cigu Ridge. When you get there, you can go to the place where there are many people, or look for it on the map. All the information is in It's on the map."

Before casting the spell, Xia Taiyang threw a parchment into Long Fei's hands, and continued nagging for a while before officially starting to cast the spell.

"we know."

Long Fei and the others nodded.

Xia Taiyang's hands are very skillful in making prints.

Then a light-colored blue light energy appeared directly from his hand, and then he injected it into the formation.

The array pattern was activated, and after a brief sound of Kong Ming hitting, a burst of blue light shot up into the sky and enveloped the five people.

The light shot straight into the sky, straight upward, seemingly without end, and the thick clouds were all washed away at this moment.

The beam of light that suddenly shot up from the central palace also attracted the attention of the people outside.

"Why does that light beam look familiar?"

"Of course I'm familiar with it. That's the teleportation array leading to Cigu Ridge. It seems that the domain master has teleported a few people there!"

"So that door over there is about to open?!"

For a while, people outside started talking about it.

Among the crowd, Sun Mingfei's figure passed through it.

I also saw the light in front of me.

Sun Mingfei frowned, and said to himself: "Earlier, Master said that he had something to do. Could it be that he went to Cigu Ridge to enter that gate?"

"No matter what, Master, you should come back smoothly this time. Apprentice, I will wait here for your triumphant return. After that, it may be the day when we part."

Sun Mingfei muttered, because at this moment he recalled what Long Fei said to him yesterday about self-experience.

That's how he understood it, but the reality is really like this!

Looking at the gradually fading blue beams, Xia Taiyang in the Central Palace couldn't help but murmured: "I hope you can go out and meet that Zhu Minghe flower smoothly this time, otherwise...she doesn't have much time."

The light disappeared, and the figures of the five people had disappeared in the formation.

As he said that, a ray of light flashed out from Xia Taiyang's right hand, and then disappeared, and a transparent jar appeared, which contained the ray of immortal energy of his dead wife.

This ray of immortal energy was very bright before, but as time went by, the light of this ray of immortal energy has now disappeared and dimmed, almost completely dissipated.

So far, he hasn't found anything that can restore it. He didn't dare to open the lid rashly before he got the materials together or when he installed the utensils. It's too late for him to regret it.

At that time, his beloved wife really has no chance of being resurrected.

So now he is praying that he must succeed this time, otherwise he will never have another chance!

Cigu Ridge.
At a certain place within the mountain, a blue light flashed away, and then five figures appeared in this place.

These five people are Long Fei and the others.

"This is Cigu Ridge?" Everyone muttered, looking around.

Surrounded by tall trees and vegetation.

Birds and everything fly over here.

And there is a damp smell, and a long-aged animal excrement smell, a mixed smell of blood, and the smell is disgusting.

Long Fei was fine, but the other four frowned, and were immediately nauseated by the smell, and the two women retched a bit.

"What a bad smell!"

"What a disgusting smell!"

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's get out of here quickly!"

Several people looked embarrassed and looked at Long Fei.

"It's your first time to Cigu Ridge?" Long Fei frowned.

"Yes!" The four nodded decisively.

"Strange, why don't people who have been here before come here?" Long Fei said.

They said: "This is the domain master's support for us newcomers, giving us a chance to practice. Generally speaking, this kind of place will not appear for the second time. Unless you come here by yourself, these are another matter!"

"Okay, let's get out of here first."

As soon as Long Fei's spiritual thoughts came out, he swept around and found that this place was very big, and soon found an open space with a river, which was very clear and clean.

"I found a place, hold on to me!"

When the four of them heard this, they were taken aback for a moment and immediately grabbed Long Fei's hand. As soon as Long Fei used his movements, he led the four of them into a thunderbolt and disappeared on the spot.

When it reappeared, it had already come to the plain with rivers that Long Fei had found.

Everyone looked at everything in front of them. The bad environment here was completely different from the place just now!
"Here. Good!"

The four couldn't help but speak.

"Take your time and introduce yourself. I don't know your names until now."

Long Fei said.

"My name is Fengtian!"

"My name is Bentian!"

"My name is Jager!"

"My name is Mengdo!"


(End of this chapter)

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