
Chapter 874

Chapter 874
"The human-shaped cannon is by no means in vain, this kid is going to suffer."

"Four finals once smashed an armored vehicle with a single punch. A [-] cm thick alloy steel plate was smashed to pieces with a single punch. That was last year."

"This kid can block so many punches in the fourth round, and his strength is not bad."

"It's the limit."

Several female gunmen were discussing the battle in low voices, just like what they said, Xiaoxiao had gradually shown signs of failure.

It's not that Xiaoxiao is too weak, but that the Pao Fist of the Four Finals is too fierce, it is completely fierce to the extreme style, crushed purely with strength and momentum, if that's all, it can continue indefinitely, like a snowball, So Xiaoxiao didn't have any chance to breathe.

Four Jue's fists were firmly imprinted on Xiao Xiaoxiao's raised arms.Dou Qi mixed with sword intent condensed on Xiao Xiao's arm, Xiao Xiao used his arm as a weapon, and put on a blocking posture.However, the ferocity of the four finals exceeded little expectations, and the impartiality was a straight punch, which went away as soon as the fist touched it, and turned into an elbow hitting the small arm, and then the body of the four finals spun rapidly, It turned into a shoulder bump, and then Si Jue turned his back to Xiao Xiao, his solid back hit Xiao Xiao's arms firmly, and his arms could no longer support him, and Si Jue's back It hit the small chest directly.

All the strength in Sijue's body exploded, her body was like a cannonball, hitting Xiao Xiao's chest bitterly, Xiao Xiao was like being bombarded head-on by a cannon, and the vindictive energy condensed on her arms was instantly shattered Breaking up, the power of the Paoquan raged in his body, punches pierced through the body, and came out through the body, while the small chest collapsed and all the pores on the back opened, and the blood mist burst into the air. , dyed the air behind Xiaoxiao red, and immediately, Xiaoxiao's rosy face turned pale without any trace of blood.

"Boy, how are you doing?"

At this time, Xiaoxiao knelt down on her knees and slid back nearly a hundred meters before she could barely stop. The power of the Sijue Cannon Fist was incredible. He was killed on the spot.And now, although Xiaoxiao is in a mess, she has not lost her ability to fight.

"Your weapon should be a cannon?"

Four Jue was stunned, he was a gunner and master of heavy artillery, his weapon was not a cannon.

"You can train your body to be like a weapon. Even without a weapon, your body can still unleash incredible combat power. You are so strong, I underestimated the enemy."

Xiao Xiao stood up slowly, took a deep breath, and his collapsed chest suddenly swelled up a little bit, fighting spirit wandered in his body, pieced together the torn bones like a jigsaw puzzle, and then sorted out the injured muscles and tissues. After a while, Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao spat out a mouthful of blood, but before the blood fell to the ground, it solidified into solid ice, making a crisp crashing sound when it hit the ice ground.

"Your body and weapon are interlinked, but I haven't reached the realm of human and sword integration. I am not as good as you. I underestimated the enemy and chose the fighting style that I am least good at. I used my own shortcomings to attack the enemy's strengths. It deserves to be beaten."

Hearing the little self-criticism, Si Jue raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile: "What? Find reasons and steps for yourself? Do you want to say that I am invincible or something?"

"No, I mean, I should bear in mind the lesson of today, and I can't take any action of underestimating the enemy. Next, I will fight seriously, using the way I am best at."

Xiao Xiao is a swordsman, and he has changed to boxing for less than ten days. Although he has achieved a little success, he is still a rookie compared to experts like Sijue who have been immersed in gun boxing for a lifetime. It's luck, how dare you underestimate the enemy.He had to draw his sword. If he didn't use it, he wouldn't be a match in the final four.

There was also a Xuanbing sword in the little backpack, but he was useless.The Fourth Jue didn't use the Xuanbing Sword, and he didn't use it either. If he used a weapon to fight an unarmed person, it would be useless to win.


The small palm slid across the wrist, and the sharp sword intent instantly split the blood vessels of the wrist, and a blood arrow was shot out in an instant, but it was immediately eroded by the severe cold of Icewind Valley, and condensed out of thin air, becoming a sword about 70 centimeters long. blood sword.

The blood sword contains a small sword intent, mixed with a small fighting spirit, this is a sword connected by small blood, and it is an extension of his flesh and blood.

This is the experience taught by an instructor in the fighting spirit training camp - the body is the best weapon.How can a sword made of gold and iron compare to a sword condensed with his own blood.

Xiaoxiao turned her wrist and grasped the hilt of the blood sword. An indescribable feeling came to her heart, and the blood sword in her hand hummed slightly, as if responding to Xiaoxiao and giving back to Xiaoxiao.

Man and sword unite!

Xiaoxiao's closed eyes opened instantly, and the reflection of the blood sword magnified infinitely in Xiaoxiao's pupils, finally shooting out two sharp sword lights.Xiao Xiao, who had a sword in his hand, immediately changed into a different person, completely different from before, although he was beaten violently by the cannon punches of the four finals, and he was extremely embarrassed.But at this moment, the small aura instantly rose to an unbelievable level, and it overwhelmed the four finals.

Strands of sword intent rose from Xiaoxiao's body, condensed around Xiaoxiao, and finally flowed into the blood sword like a sea of ​​rivers, and red blood awns rose and bloomed on the top of the blood sword, and all of Xiaoxiao's energy and spirit were sublimated. Condensed, poured into this blood-condensed long sword, and he himself and the long sword fit perfectly, instantly reaching the realm of the unity of human and sword.

Although this kind of combination of human and sword is suspected of being a trick, it is indeed a combination of human and sword.

The blood-colored sword light quickly spread to the surroundings like a prairie fire, and the ice and snow on the small foothold were quickly painted with a layer of blood. The sword light was still rising and spreading rapidly, and the blood color also spread rapidly to the surroundings like ripples. And the small momentum is constantly accumulating, rising, and changing qualitatively!
There was a look of surprise on the face of the four contestants who were a hundred meters away. She couldn't believe that the boy who was crushed and beaten by her just now could burst out with such a domineering momentum. You must know that the last blow of her Pao Fist could shatter it. With two-thirds of the bones in his body, even if he survived Xiaoqiang, he would have to stay in bed for two or three months with this kind of injury.How could this kind of power erupt again.

Paper tiger!Just bluff.

The four finals gathered strength, and she pretended to take the little attack head-on. She didn't believe that Xiaoxiao's sword could hurt herself. This sword was definitely a bluff.

But at this time, Yue Chuan yelled: "Stop!"

Immediately, his figure appeared beside Xiao Xiao in a flash, and when he pressed his palm on top of Xiao Xiao's head, Xiao Xiao's aura suddenly melted away, and Xiao Xiao fell limp in Yue Chuan's arms.

Si Jue saw this scene, the smile on his face became wider, he decided that Xiao Xiao was bluffing, Yue Chuan was afraid that Xiao Xiao would not get off the stage, so he shot to stop Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Xiao went down the donkey.

But at this time Yue Chuan looked at her, and said word by word: "You can't take this move, Xiao Xiao is definitely not bluffing, because he is the soul of the sword, the person who has comprehended the soul of the sword."

[Thanks to Two-dimensional Mengwu for rewarding "Creation" with 100 book coins!Thank you very much]

Thank you for the 18 rewards of Two-dimensional cute things, I will not list them one by one for the sake of space, and sincerely thank Two-dimensional cute things.

(End of this chapter)

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