
Chapter 759 Guess

Chapter 759 Guess
Next door to Yue Chuan, Leng Shangqing also opened his eyes with a slumped face.He obviously has very strong strength, but he can't use it at all in the mourning cave. Facing the killing Gu larva covering his vision, it's like an old scalper falling into a well, full of endless strength, but to no avail.

"President, the fifth room in the Moaning Cave is completely different from the first four rooms, something is wrong."

Yue Chuan raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Leng Shangqing to discover this too. He only realized this by comparing his experience on Earth with the subsequent version. It was less than a day since Leng Shangqing came into contact with the Cave of Sorrows, and he even noticed it. This point, this meticulous insight is really speechless.

"How to say?"

"In the previous dungeons, from the first room to the last room, it feels like a whole, like a road, from the beginning to the end, each dungeon is a story, an event, a picture scroll, all It is complete and inseparable. But the Cave of Sorrows..." Leng Shangqing thought again, "But the Cave of Sorrows is different. The first four rooms don't feel connected to the fifth room. Let's go from the fourth room. Entering the fifth room is like falling into a pit suddenly while walking on the road, and everything around has changed. There is no connection between them, and the transitions between them are very abrupt and blunt."

The first four rooms tell a complete story, the evil Fabro digger, the magic sword-Apophis, the three coffins, and the skeleton Kane. These characters and events are all interrelated and run through.The adventurer beat off the digger, and the digger dug out the magic sword. The magic sword was not willing to be defeated like this, and then resurrected the three sealed things in the mourning cave, but was still defeated, and then the magic sword chose the skeleton Kane, Giving the skeleton Kane the power to stop the adventurer, but unfortunately he was still defeated.

This is like a complete story, so the fifth room seems to be about what happened after defeating Skeleton Kane.It's a pity not, the screen jumps directly and changes to Killing Gu, as for the skeleton Kane's magic sword, you can't see it at all.Just like the famous joke, "Once upon a time there was a eunuch", "Where is the bottom", "The bottom is gone".The story behind the skeleton Kane and the magic sword disappeared directly, and it became a killing gu.

Yue Chuan nodded, "It is indeed like what you said, I also noticed this, but I don't know why."

Leng Shangqing said with some doubts: "I think the fifth room should reveal something to us, or suggest something... But I'm not sure, it's all my own guess."

Yue Chuan suddenly became interested, "Tell me your opinion, maybe it is really what you said."

Leng Shangqing nodded and said:

"The previous battles were relatively routine battles. The largest number was the excavator captain and his dozen or so younger brothers. The subsequent battles consisted of three or four enemies. But the fifth room turned out to be tens of thousands. According to the underground The characteristics of the city, many difficulties are gradual, even if the difficulty is changed, it will not be too abrupt, but the difficulty of the mourning cave seems to rise from the ground to the sky in an instant."

"Another point is that the previous battle was like a one-on-one duel, and the battle in the fifth room became a battle of thousands of troops. It felt like two different dungeons. At the beginning, I also felt that this turning point was a bit abrupt, but then I thought about it the other way around, maybe this is to hint us, or let us adapt in advance, maybe we will encounter more enemies than tens of thousands of larvae in the moaning cave, Maybe a hundred thousand, a million, or even hundreds of millions, the fifth room is just for us to get used to it in advance."

Yue Chuan shivers shiveringly.

The cave of mourning is definitely not a bug left by the system. The transformation of the fourth room and the fifth room definitely has a systematic reason. Maybe it is really like what Leng Shangqing guessed, the system is hinting something to itself, or reminding What, maybe really is to get myself used to that kind of fighting.There may be hundreds of millions or even countless enemies in the Wailing Cave. The fifth room is just an inoculation for yourself to get used to it in advance.

There was a look of thought in Yue Chuan's eyes. If there were hundreds of millions of enemies, or even countless enemies, coming endlessly and endlessly from all directions, would he be able to bear it?
Yue Chuan has always been puzzled, the strength of the Abyss Knight's series of powerhouses is absolutely outmatched by the so-called Four Swordsmen, the life span is not to mention immortality, at least it is unbelievably long, but why did he fall, and fell in a catastrophe Among them, what kind of disaster is it that even the god-level powerhouses cannot be spared?There is also the ancient tree of wisdom seen in the ruins of the elves, and the elves are all destroyed. What kind of disaster has befallen the elves?

Caressing the magic pattern on his body, Yue Chuan thought to himself, the so-called beheading of ten thousand people is not a threat to him at all, even if he does not rely on the guardian's soul, he can defeat ten thousand strong people one by one and behead them one by one.The current self has this strength.But what if the enemy is as endless as a great river and as boundless as a vast ocean?

Perhaps, this is the only way to kill a god-level powerhouse. It is an endless battle. The battle is not about winning or losing, but whoever can't hold on first will collapse first.However, how could there be such an enemy in this world? Even the civilized world of swordsmanship cannot achieve this kind of fighting style.

I must have been thinking too much...

Yue Chuan shook his head, and stopped thinking about these things. Anyway, according to the progress of the game world, those secrets will emerge little by little, and they will know sooner or later, so there is no need to worry about it here.With this time, it is better to study the Chaos Ace.

Leng Shangqing was just a guess, he himself was not too sure, and he didn't expect Yue Chuan to believe it, so he said "I'm going out" and left.The purpose of Leng Shangqing coming to the Devil's Continent is to compete with the masters here and constantly improve his skills.Fortunately, there are martial arts competitions in every city in the Demon Continent, and many people rely on the fighting prizes to make a living.Although these martial arts competitions are not life-and-death-determined like the killing fields, bloodshed and injuries sometimes happen when the fights are fierce, which is very challenging.

Yue Chuan has nothing to worry about about Leng Shangqing. With his strength, he can walk sideways in the Demon Continent. Coupled with the scorching sun ruling and the sky set, his strength can be called against the sky, and there are many life-saving medicines and resurrections on his body. Even if you can't protect yourself, it's okay.

(End of this chapter)

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