
Chapter 743 Give Yue Chuan a Green Hat

Chapter 743 Give Yue Chuan a Green Hat
Yue Chuan, Sissy, Chihiro Weimei, and Ai Poer teamed up to explore the tree house.The magic of thorn protection is not advanced, but it is extraordinary to be able to use the vine of despair as a protection. This shows the importance of the tree in the middle, and it contains absolutely extraordinary things.

Aipel got hundreds of thousands of seeds of the vine of despair here, and the last seed of the vine of despair in her family has been consumed. Even getting a seed of the vine of despair is a blessing from God. Having obtained so much, almost everyone in the elves can refine a seed of the vine of despair as their source of power. You can also become a master in a blink of an eye, and the elves who are already powerful and have outstanding potential can also improve their future achievements.

Regardless of the outcome of this expedition, April has returned with a rewarding experience that has been incredible.However, Yue Chuan still insisted on taking her to explore. After all, this is the relic of the elves. Ai Poer can be said to be a predestined person in this place. Maybe there is some treasure waiting for her.Before that, Yue Chuan always thought it would be the sky set of the magician's flower elf, but Yue Chuan didn't think so after Epper subdued all the vines of despair.

When Yue Chuan crossed, the female ghost sword didn't come out, let alone the guardian, the elf knight is a profession that Yue Chuan has never been in contact with. He is unfamiliar with everything about this profession, and his inherent experience pales in comparison to the elf knight. .Maybe this is Aipel's opportunity.Anyway, there are four people in the team, and the vacant position is just for Aipel.

As for the previous Leng Shang love, that kid has nothing to pursue. If there is something about a ghost swordsman here, Yue Chuan is also a ghost swordsman himself, so he won't waste it.

"According to the usual practice, there are strange beasts entrenched around the treasure, guarded by spirits, and hidden by various killing arrays. We must be careful."

Yue Chuan was interrupted by Aipel before he finished speaking, and said dissatisfiedly: "The elves respect nature, everything follows the way of nature, and rarely kill. How can it be as dangerous as you said? The vine of despair before It is enough, with the vine of despair, any other means are superfluous."

Yue Chuan, who had been strangled by the vine of despair, secretly slandered in his heart. He questioned what Apel said, but he didn't dare to say it.However, Aipel walked in front of the tree in a leisurely manner, all the way to the front of the big tree, and did not encounter hidden weapons such as quicksand, rolling stones, and crossbow arrows at all, and there was no such thing as an illusion killing array.

I don’t know how many years this treasure land has existed. Even if there is a hidden weapon, it should be useless. On the contrary, it is not as useful as the vine of despair. The vine of despair is already the best guardian, and it is also the only guardian. Apart from the vine of despair, there is no other fetter , Yue Chuan and others came directly to the gate of the treasure house.

This treasure house was built by the elves, and the treasures inside are also the inheritance of the elves. Judging from the protection of the thorns outside, these treasures are only left to the descendants of the elves, but Aipel is satisfied with harvesting the seeds of the vine of despair. Basically no interest in treasure.

This big tree is only three meters in diameter. There is a hollow tree hole on the trunk. There are several exquisite wooden boxes in the tree hole. The wooden boxes are not only made of any material, but also beautiful in shape, exquisite in workmanship, and full of mysterious patterns. The mysterious atmosphere makes people think that these boxes are treasures.

Yue Chuan looked at the wooden box immersed in emerald green light in disbelief, the treasure of the elves, did he get it like this?This is too simple, there is no difficulty at all.

But Yue Chuan overlooked one point, the difficulty of guarding by thorns is simply unsolvable, if it weren't for the existence of Aipel, unless Yue Chuan comprehended the rules to a very high level, otherwise he would have nothing to do with these thorns.

Chihiro Weimei and Sissy looked at the wooden box, then at Ai Poer next to him, and then at Yue Chuan.They can naturally see that the vine of despair was solved by Aipel, and Aipel is the biggest hero in this treasure hunt process. According to the general rules, Aipel has the right to choose the spoils first.

Naturally, Yue Chuan would not object, so he said to Aipel: "I leave it to you! Come on."

Ai Poer nodded, then walked to the front of the big tree with a serious face, then knelt down slowly, and bowed to the big tree in front of her very solemnly. Her feet were full of greenery, and the power of nature was Protecting her, wherever she goes, there will be lush grass and flowers blooming.When she approached the big tree, the power of nature suddenly boiled up, and the big tree in front of her instantly burst out with dazzling emerald green light, and the rich and substantial power of nature diffused from the big tree.

A face appeared on the trunk of the big tree, and then an old voice sounded beside my ears, "Descendants of the elves, you finally appeared..."

Aipel lowered his head and replied: "Dear elder, although I am an elf, I am not the one you want to wait for."

"Whether you are or not is not important, since you have come to this place, you are the ones I will wait for."

Yue Chuan and the others originally thought that this big tree was just an ordinary tree, at best it could hold objects, but they didn't expect it to be a living thing, even a thing with wisdom.

"Young humans, the most precious thing of the elves is neither sharp weapons, nor sturdy armor, nor jewelry and scrolls containing magic power, but wisdom. Only the elves with the ancient tree of wisdom can preserve their complete inheritance and ability With increasing prosperity and strength, once the ancient tree of wisdom withers and withers, this group can only decline and decline, or be merged by other groups, or die."

Yue Chuan was taken aback, he didn't expect this big tree to have the ability to read minds, so he quickly dismissed the distracting thoughts in his mind, and he didn't dare to be disrespectful.

Dashu rolled his eyes in a very humane way, "Originally, I didn't want to see you, at most I would give you a little favor to get rid of you, but seeing this elf, I couldn't help but show up."

A branch hangs down from the crown of the big tree, and the delicate branches and leaves overflowing with emerald light are coiled into a crown and worn on Aipel's head.

Seeing this scene, ten thousand muddy horses galloped past in Yue Chuan's heart. This big tree is too weird. It's not good to give him a meeting gift. He has to give him a hat, and it happens to be green.It's okay, this green hat is on Aipel's head, not on his own, otherwise...

The big tree seemed to have heard Yue Chuan's voice, and then several branches hung down from above, and then, Yue Chuan and the others also had a green hat on their heads.

[To be honest, this book is not a small pornographic article. Except for the part where I met Sally at the beginning, there is basically no description of the relationship between men and women. Looking at the audit results, hey, worry]

(End of this chapter)

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