
Chapter 72 Exile Ruston

Chapter 72 Exile Ruston
"My lord, our Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce has been rooted in Starn City for countless generations, and has made great contributions to the prosperity of our Starn City. Every time we pledge donations from military disasters and natural disasters, our Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce also donates Big head, even if you don't have credit for the military and civil administration of Starn City, you still have hard work..."

In Baron Sotheby's study, several old men with white beards hanging down to their chests and waists said tearfully.These old guys with their necks buried in the loess are seeking truth from facts, and there is nothing exaggerated. Every case can be verified, and one old man even took out a large stack of donation receipts.It says that the Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce donated something to Starn City for a certain month in a certain year. Not only are there signatures, but there are also signatures, and those signatures include the baron, the baron's father, and the baron's grandfather. and great-grandfather's...

Baron Sotheby felt a headache when he saw these old guys. Although these old guys were all civilians, they couldn't stand their age and seniority, and they were the elders of Starn City. Even if the family is not related, it is four to fifty years or even seven to eighty years. Some people can still call the previous generation of baron or even the previous generation of baron brothers.Facing these people, you can't hit them, scold them, or say harsh words. The baron, who was so aggressive and wanted to raise troops to destroy the Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce, was suddenly at a loss what to do.

The reason why Ruston was so arrogant and domineering a while ago was because of these old guys. He was sure that everyone was a neighbor of Starn City, and as long as it wasn't too much, the baron would definitely not do anything to them.

Rubbing his forehead, Baron Sotheby said: "Uncles, I know that the demolition makes you very sorry, but this planning and reconstruction is focused on the overall situation of our Starn City. Our Starn City Compared with the surrounding cities, it is indeed prosperous, but our Starn City is not a metropolis, and even in the eyes of some people, it is still a remote village. And this urban planning will make our Starn City It has taken on a new look and has become the core of many surrounding cities. In less than ten years, there will be a prototype of a metropolis. This is something that benefits one side and future generations, and I hope that all uncles can understand my difficulties."

What the baron said is polite, but the implication is that although your Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce has made a lot of contributions to Starn City, it has only made Starn City develop from a small town to a small city for hundreds of years. Level, still far away from the metropolis of the big city.And now, with just one idea from the Lei Ze family, Starn City has the potential to become a metropolis in just ten years.In terms of credit, those of you are really not enough.

These old fellows are all living beings, they couldn't hear what the baron meant, and at the same time, they also saw the baron's determination not to give up an inch.Their trip was to beg the baron to take back their orders with thick old faces, but now the baron gave them face and patiently explained to them that if they didn't know what to do and were shameless, they would probably be in prison before they walked out of this door.

A few old men exchanged glances, and finally, an old man with the longest beard coughed and said: "The baron is far-sighted and has excellent insight. The baron's plan is not something we country old people can figure out in a short while, so we will It collided with the Baron. Our Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce is rooted in Starn City, and Starn City is prosperous, so our Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce can do well. Naturally, we will not object to such a good thing. Not only will we not oppose it, but we will also strongly support it. "

Several other old fellows also immediately changed their tone, praised the baron openly and secretly, and at the same time stated their position.

"So, a few of us old guys discussed it, and donated the land of the headquarters to the city construction for free. As for the compensation for the land occupation, there is no need to mention it. Our Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce makes a lot of money on weekdays. Take It is also appropriate to come out to benefit the neighbors."

Since the baron can't change his mind, instead of being confiscated and demolished, he might as well donate it. Anyway, the compensation is not much money, and the Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce does not lack this, so it's better to accept favors.

"That's right, not only that, our Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce is also prepared to donate [-] gold coins to support the reconstruction of Starn City. If there is any other land that needs to be requisitioned, as long as it is under the name of our Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce, it will be donated free of charge. After all, we are also a part of the prosperity of Starn City."

Since taking a step forward could not achieve their goal, these old guys simply retreated, and they retreated so sharply that the baron was a little embarrassed.It always feels like this reconstruction plan is going to ruin the family.And several old men emphasized that "a part of prosperity and prosperity", obviously hoping that the Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce can occupy a share in the future business district, rather than being excluded.

"Several uncles, don't need to do this, the money for reconstruction..."

"Is it not enough? Then let's add more, how about 20?" The old man at the head doubled the donation without waiting for the baron to ask, and looking at it, if the baron still refused, they would continue to double.

Sure enough, ginger is old and spicy. An old man in a family is a treasure in a family.In the final analysis, although Ruston has a lot of skills, he is more than strong and not tactful. He blindly wants to take advantage of it, does not want to suffer, and does not understand the principle that suffering is a blessing.

The baron thought for a while, and finally nodded, accepting the proposals of the old men.Although the baron has a close relationship with Yue Chuan, he is a superior, even a ruler after all, and the essence of the way of balance is still clear.In this matter, Yue Chuan has already taken advantage of it, so enough is enough.

"Ahem, that, Lord Baron, I heard that some time ago that bastard Ralston offended you with his inappropriate remarks..."

The baron was in a good mood at first, but when he heard the name of Ruston, he immediately lost his temper, and said, "That's right, my lord was ashamed to ask him to do something, but he put on airs for me."

Several old men bowed their heads at the same time, and said repeatedly: "It's our ineffective teaching that makes this bastard know nothing about his heights. I hope the baron will take it into account that he is young and ignorant, and don't take it to heart."

Baron secretly thought, young and ignorant?Really, that guy Ruston is a few years older than me.But after all, this is a scene, and the baron will not correct the mistakes in the words of the old guys.

At this time, the old man at the head put a stack of documents on the table and said, "This is the deed of the Lei Ze family's main house, and other property deeds of the Lei Ze family's property. I hope the baron can act as an intermediary and help pass it on."

"By the way, Mr. Baron, Ruston is not good at managing his business. We have jointly dismissed him and sent him to spend the rest of his life outside. He will never appear in Starn City again. I also hope that Mr. Baron can help us make peace and resolve us. The grievances between the Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce and the Lei Ze family."

After chattering for a while, the baron sent the old men to the carriage and watched them leave the Sotheby family's estate.

As soon as he turned his head, the baron saw Yue Chuan with a playful smile, and he hooked his hands. The baron said without looking back, "Come with me to the study."

After recounting what happened just now, the baron said in a low voice: "You got what you wanted, and you got almost the cheapest price. Moreover, it was Ruston's personal behavior that made you difficult, not the entire Blue Lagoon Chamber of Commerce. Now that Ruston has been demoted and exiled, and will not appear in front of you again, how about letting them go?"

Hearing the baron talking to him in a negotiating tone, Yue Chuan knew that there was no room for negotiation on this matter, how could he let himself bargain for something that the baron had already decided.But just like what the baron said, he took advantage of everything he should have taken advantage of, and he also took advantage of what he shouldn't have taken advantage of. Going forward is driving people to a dead end.Enough is enough.

Although Yue Chuan was more determined in his heart to kill them all, but the Baron was willing to be the peacemaker, so he couldn't give up any face.However, Yue Chuan's willingness to reconcile with the Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce does not mean that he will just let Ruston go, but these things must be done secretly and secretly.

"By the way, the Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce is willing to donate the land of its headquarters for free to support the reconstruction of Starn City. Also, they will provide an additional sponsorship of 20 gold coins, and ask me to pass this on to you."

This time, Yue Chuan lost his temper.After all, the old men of the Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce have already lowered their posture enough.Delegating Ruston is tantamount to apologizing to himself in disguise, donating the land, and returning the property. It can also be regarded as softening himself on the matter of the pig farm, and adding another 20 gold coins in sponsorship.As the saying goes, many people are not to blame, and there is no inescapable hatred between Yue Chuan and the Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce, and there is no need to pursue it. After all, one more friend has more ways to go.

"Since this is the case, let's move the location of the fountain pool. After the construction of the commercial area is completed, I will set aside an area for the Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce. Is this the head office?"

Baron Sotheby nodded, it was a happy ending.

This is indeed a happy ending, except for Ruston, of course.


A slap was slammed on Ruston's face that hadn't subsided from the swelling. This dry hand was almost skinny. It was more like a stroking than a slap, because there was no strength on it at all.But only Ruston understood that this was a slap in the face, although it didn't hurt, it filled him with humiliation.

"You little bastard, kneel down!"

Ruston didn't dare to bargain, and quickly knelt down.On the outside, he is a business tycoon and the president of the Chamber of Commerce, but in front of these white-bearded old men, he will always be a brat.


"I don't have a bastard grandson like you!" The old man raised his crutches and hit Ruston on the head lightly and without strength, but Raston didn't dare to hide, and even put his face close when the crutches missed. past.

"You little bastard! Do you know what you did wrong?"

Ruston looked puzzled, "Me? What did I do wrong?"

The old man snorted and turned his face away from Ruston.Another old man next to him said: "Ruston, you used to fight with old Lei Ze. It was a matter of business. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. We don't care about this matter, and the baron doesn't care. But now you want to fight against the old Lei Ze family. The ancestral house was converted into a pig farm. The impact of this matter is too bad. I know you have old grievances with the Lei Ze family. You did this to vent your anger, but the baron has already opened his mouth to redeem that house. Why do you want to Willing to go your own way? Lord Baron, are you able to offend him?"

Ruston said unconvinced: "The tax we pay to Starn City every year is thousands of gold coins. In addition, there are various apportionments, filial piety, pledges, and we have to sell any military equipment at a loss. All kinds of people lose tens of thousands of gold coins every year, and the baron has taken so many benefits from us, so can't he just say a word and do something for us?"

Ruston's grandpa didn't speak, just used a crutch, and roared with a loud voice: "Do you still know that he is a baron? Everything around Starn City belongs to the baron, including the land and forest farms of our Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce. , fishing grounds, shops, and even your and my lives belong to the baron, understand? In other places, the nobles still enjoy the right to the first night, and the people in the fiefs don't even have the right to have children. Give me some money, what else do you want? Bargaining in front of the baron, you are so tired of living a good life, you want to die! If you want to die, don't drag us with you! The Blue Lake Chamber of Commerce is our ancestors' industry, and it can't be broken by you in one hand."

Ruston is really tired of living a good life, and he doesn't know the meaning of the sky and the earth. Hearing the words of his grandfather and a few elders, his expression suddenly changed, and he begged in fear: "Grandpa, I was wrong. Go and apologize to Lord Baron, Grandpa, you must forgive me, and I will behave well in the future."

"It's late!" Grandpa Ruston said with a cold face: "Go and get a thousand gold coins, and take your wife and children away, the farther you go, the better. Staying in Starn City will only cause trouble for the Baron." .Let's go, the sooner the better, the farther the better!"

In the end, the old man couldn't help but shed tears.Although he said it was cruel, he still considered Ruston after all.

Ruston smiled miserably. He knew that what his grandfather said was true. He had disgraced the baron, and he would no longer be able to gain a foothold in Starn City.But he knew better that the baron just loathed him, while Umont hated him deeply. Knowing the cause of old Lei Ze's death, Umont would never let him go.

After bowing his head and saying goodbye to several old men, Ruston went back to his residence without saying a word, took his daily savings, changed into ragged clothes, and quietly got into a cart.He didn't go to the cashier to get the thousand gold coins, because that would let some people know his whereabouts, and he didn't notify his wife and children. He wished that that slut and wild child died unexpectedly.Thinking of this, Ruston couldn't help but feel sorry for his nephew who died at the Golden Apple Auction House. As Yue Chuan slandered, that child was really Raston's flesh and blood. That's why Ruston lost his mind and took revenge on Yue Chuan. .

In the past, Ruston was bound by the Blue Lagoon Chamber of Commerce, and he took care of what he did, but now he is a bachelor, but he doesn't take care of it. His crazy desire for revenge makes him dark and ferocious.

"Wait, Umont, I will let your Lei Ze family stay."

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(End of this chapter)

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