
Chapter 563 Instant Kill and No Injury

Chapter 563 Instant Kill and No Injury


Yes, Master!

Nicholas, who was wearing a black dress, stood in front of Shang, and Shang followed Nicholas' footsteps and quickly moved towards the Shura nobleman.

Sticky blood was sticking to the soles of the feet, and a row of clear footprints were left behind Shang, scarlet and dazzling.Strength, this is the feeling of strength, if there is no strength, all that is left on the ground is Shang's blood, but now that he has strength, Shang can step on the blood and bones of the enemy and move forward step by step.

The thick arms of the nobleman Shura suddenly stretched out, and groups of thick muscles instantly swelled up. His right arm instantly tripled in size, almost like a bucket. Accompanied by a cold light, a thick ghost-headed sword appeared in his hand. With a sharp wind sound, he slashed towards Shang.Nicholas protected Shang in front of him, but the Shura nobleman turned a blind eye to it, because he firmly believed that his power could cut off two enemies at the same time.

It's a pity that such a little beauty has to be decapitated.But even if it is cut in half, it's nothing, she won't die for a while, and let her watch her lower body being ravaged, isn't that feeling more wonderful!Ha ha ha ha……

Nicholas entered the guardian posture, and his defense was greatly improved. However, the ghost head on the ghost head sword shone with a green light. The dark magic power on Nicholas' body was only stalemate for a few tenths of a second before it exploded, and then Nicholas' tall body was like ceramics. Like glass, the pieces shattered, and before they fell to the ground, they turned into black smoke and disappeared.

The strength of the Shura nobles should not be underestimated, they just killed Nicholas with a single blow.You know, the Nicholas summoned by Shang at this time is a level 30 existence, with more than 3 health points, coupled with the guardian posture, the dual defense is also ridiculously high, but in front of this Shura nobleman, he was instantly killed as soon as he met him.

The nobles of the Demon Continent should not be underestimated. The Shura clan are not only the nobles of the Demon Continent, but also the most powerful nobles. Fighting is their instinct and their talent. They are born to fight.

After killing Nicholas, the Guitou Broadsword continued to slash backwards, trying to cut Shang down the middle.When he lowered the knife, he lifted it up a little bit, as if this position was the most suitable for splitting, and then dirty thoughts began to swirl in his mind.

The blade approached quickly, and Shang could clearly smell a strong smell of blood, but it was not the smell of fresh blood, but a rotten smell. The blade was bright, but it was mottled with black blood stains. If it wasn't cleaned up, with the degree of dirtiness of this knife, even just scratching the skin a little could cause a fatal infection.

But having said that, with Shang's strength, being rubbed casually by this knife will end up dismembering the body, and whether it is infected or not is secondary.

Can't be attacked by him!It must be harmless.

Swipe pictures without injury, this is what Shang usually asks of herself. She regards every time she swipes a picture as a battle, and she can't tolerate any kind of damage, because when she swipes a picture, she is injured, but in a real battle , that is death.


The blade slashed across Shang's body, and a bloodthirsty grin appeared on the face of the Shura nobleman, as well as a strong lewd look.But the next moment he noticed something was wrong, because there was no resistance at all on the knife, and the knife seemed to cut through the air.


At the moment when the blade reached his body, Shang used arc flash. The arc flash skill is similar to teleportation. It appears in front of him instantly and attacks the enemy. It is also a rare thing in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors". A skill that can pass through walls. Just now, Shang took the ghost-headed sword as a wall, and then passed through it in an instant without taking any damage at all.

Passing through the Ghost Head Broadsword, it almost crashed directly into Shura's arms, and Shang's thin and delicate body and Shura's unbelievably thick body instantly stuck together, like a lamb crashing into the embrace of Xiong Xiazi.But soon, the little lamb showed its sharp horns.

Dark Soul Wave, a magic ball condensed by the power of darkness, attached to Shura's chest like hot asphalt, eroding his skin, destroying his muscles, and torturing his nerves. At the same time, four cursed arrows shot from Shang Shooting came from the position where he was standing just now, but because Shang's figure blocked Shura's sight, Shura didn't notice the attack of the four cursed arrows.

go away!

The nobleman of Shura yelled angrily, because Shang was close to the body, the ghost-headed sword could not be used, so he could only grab Shang's shoulder with his left hand, trying to catch her, but before his palm fell, Shang turned into a shadow It disappeared, and in the next moment, a sharp pain came from the back of his neck, but it was Shang who used Shadow Strike to teleport to his back, and the scepter stabbed hard on the back of his neck.

Severe pain came from the back of the neck. All the Shura clan had copper tendons and iron bones, and their skin was as hard as a rock. Shang used a scepter without a sharpened edge, which did not hurt the Shura's muscles and bones.However, the instant stiffness caused by the shadow attack made his neck stiff for a few tenths of a second, and his thoughts were a little out of gear. He watched the four black cursed arrows in front of him. Although he wanted to dodge them in his heart, he couldn't move. .

Puff puff puff!

The four cursed arrows all hit, and none of them missed the target, and they were precisely inserted into the chest of the Shura nobleman.You know, the hit rate of this skill is pitifully low. After all, it has a preparation action, and it is fired one by one. One or two, and the rest are basically off-target.

But just now Shang quietly cast the cursed arrow behind his back, blocked the arrow with his body, and severely injured him with the dark soul wave, so that the Shura nobles didn't find the cursed arrow from the beginning to the end, and when he found it, he was stiff again , unable to dodge at all.

The arrow of the curse contains the power of the curse. The arrow pierced Shura's chest. Although it failed to kill him, it still caused him to die of pain. The four arrows condensed with dark magic power quickly turned into four curses. Melting into Shura's body, the skin on his chest instantly turned gray, and the extremely elastic muscles shrank rapidly like dehydrated and air-dried chicken.

Although the scepter in Shang's hand was not sharpened, it was still a +12 powder weapon, and the increase in magic damage was ridiculously high. Even the Shura nobles couldn't help but let out a mournful roar.

"Damn it! I'm going to kill you, fuck you to death, and then put you in the frying pan for three days and three nights, ah!"

Shang was furious in her heart, but her mind was calmer than ever. Although she was angry, she was not angry. Anger would only make her colder and colder. Her eyes were filled with murderous aura and could no longer tolerate other things.

(End of this chapter)

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