
Chapter 560

Chapter 560

Yue Chuan's life became dull again.Every day, he was exhausted by the demon god to brush ice dragons, and get some materials for ice dragons. For dragon scales, he handed them over to Sinda’s apprentice Tie Dan to make armors, and for dragon blood, he gave them to Harvey. Let him study how to extract dragon blood and how to use dragon blood to refine medicine.Then he went to the Paladin trumpet and followed Ashley to awaken. However, the ability of these two people to scan pictures is really terrible. Up to now, they can't even pass the level of Wind Knight. Yue Chuan is convinced of their IQ.

No way, although the speed list came out, but what everyone saw was the clearance time of the race, and there was no video of the race at all. In other words, the speed list only provided a kind of encouragement and encouragement for high-end players. Whipping is of no benefit or significance to low-end players at all. As time goes by, the racing leaderboard will no longer be able to attract the attention of low-end players.

We have to find a way to solve this problem. Are we going to let those top players on the speed charts post videos?Have time to think about it.

Helplessly looking at the empty fatigue value of the paladin, Yue Chuan said goodbye to the three of them, and then switched to his role on the Demon's Continent server.

A level 1 sharpshooter stood alone on the street of Xinshou Village, and players passed by from time to time. Although the sharpshooter profession made them very curious, the passers-by just took a look and went on with their own business. No one came up to ask questions. , no one even stopped to stay.

"People in the Devil's Continent are so indifferent!"

On the God's Continent server, the town is full of laughter and laughter, and the voices of business bargaining come and go, and occasionally you can see a pair of men and women who are very close, or a man or a woman, and the whole server is full of vitality. Vitality and exuberance.As for the Devil's Continent server, Yue Chuan had been in for almost 10 minutes, yet he didn't hear a single sound.

Oh no, there is a voice, "Treat your gear like a lover."

However, Yue Chuan clearly felt that the NPCs on the Demon's Continent server were like puppets, they were all procedural things, and they didn't have the agility and vitality of the God's Continent server at all.If it was Linus from the server of God's Continent, Yue Chuan would probably move over to light a cigarette for himself, but Linus from the server of Demon's Continent had a face that no one should enter from afar, and Yue Chuan didn't even dare to go over to it .

Yue Chuan also understood that the NPCs of the God's Continent server should be special existences, while the NPCs of other servers are just a series of programs, and there is no relationship between the two.But this is also good, starting a brand new journey on the Magic Continent server is also good.

Looking up at the level list, Shang still dominates the crowd, level 25 is far ahead, and the second is an assassin named Mei Ling, who is also level 25. Although the level is the same, Mei Ling has just risen to 25 , Shang will be 26 soon, the gap is still obvious.

"The leveling experience has tripled for them, and each level has risen so fast, the people in the Demon Continent are too much."

Seeing that Meiying online, Yue Chuan couldn't help but check his information, the three-piece suit of chasing the wind, and the weapon is a top-level blue dagger, huh?Dagger Enhancement 3.

Yue Chuan couldn't help but click on the online player information on the leaderboard, and was surprised to find that, except for a few players, most of these players used blue weapons, the highest level, enhanced 3.There are also several enhanced 4 or 5.

The enhancement fee is a lot of money, especially for the early player group, all their wealth may not be able to prostitute Kaili once, but the Magic Continent server not only has enhanced blue equipment, but the highest one is even It is simply unscientific to strengthen it to 6. It is impossible for the players to get so much money with their own ability to earn gold coins. Could it be that someone uses real forces to collect game coins?
At this time, Shang was online, and Yue Chuan was about to ask her what was going on, when he suddenly remembered his identity, so he closed the sharpshooter's dialogue window, and contacted Shang with the identity of the system instead.

"What happened to the strengthened weapons in your hands?"

When Shang heard that the gods contacted him, his heart suddenly became excited. Hearing Yue Chuan's question about weapons, he quickly replied: "Because a good weapon is too important for painting pictures, and because of the level, we can't wear weapons that are too advanced. Therefore, the power of the weapon can only be enhanced through reinforcement."

Yue Chuan naturally knew the charm of strengthening, otherwise so many people would not be exhausted because of Kaili, so he asked directly: "Then, what about the cost of strengthening?"

"This was organized by a businessman. He specially collected some so-called full-attribute blue weapons and then strengthened them. Because strengthening 1 to 3 will not fail, so as long as you have money, you can increase the weapons to 3, and then rent them to Some players use it, when the player is exhausted, return the weapon to him and pay a fee."

Yue Chuan was taken aback for a moment, and thought to himself, this is okay?

Although the blue equipment does not have the powerful attributes of the purple equipment, the blue equipment has an advantage that it can be traded, unlike the package, which is like a drop of blood to recognize the owner once it is unpacked.For a player, his need for weapons is only during the period of fatigue. After brushing fatigue, weapons will become idle resources. Idle is tantamount to waste. Instead of this, it is better to transfer weapons to those who need them people.

Even when the founding guild was just starting out, there was a great need for blue equipment, especially when some players challenged the abyss trial, a set of blue armor could increase the success rate by nearly half, let alone strengthened blue equipment For weapons, the market demand is absolutely unimaginable.

It is worth mentioning that this is not buying or selling, but leasing. A weapon can be used for two or three hours at most. You can strengthen more weapons, strengthen higher-level weapons, and the business will grow bigger and stronger, and capital and popularity will all snowball up.

And the weapons in the hands of the players will not be idle and wasted. They can rent sharp weapons with only a small sum of money, and the upgrade speed is also greatly improved. Moreover, the elimination speed of weapons is very fast, almost every 5 It will be eliminated once every level, which means buying weapons again, and they rent weapons, which avoids the problem of buying new weapons and disposing of old weapons.There is a saying that good steel is used wisely, and what the businessman does is to sharpen the sword for the players of the entire Demon Continent server. It is not unreasonable for the players of the Demon Continent server to upgrade quickly.

But soon Yue Chuan realized an unavoidable thing, credit, what if Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou and didn't pay it back?
But it's really hard for Yue Chuan to ask this kind of question, after all, he is playing the role of a god now, how can he lower himself to ask such a thing, he should go and find out by himself.Having said that, Yue Chuan also really wants to meet this legendary businessman, he is definitely a talent.

(End of this chapter)

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