
Chapter 540 Death

Chapter 540 Death
As an arcade-like fighting game, DNF has a very important sense of attack and rhythm. In the duel arena, combos are something that all players must understand and practice hard. Different professions have different combos, and they have different combos when facing different enemies. The combination of routines and combos is dazzling.However, for Devil May Cry, once Ghost Shadow Walk is activated, he doesn't have too many options to choose from, especially for a flexible long-distance occupation like roaming.

Audrey He knew Devil May Cry very well, and also knew how long the Ghost Shadow Whip's limit distance was, so she took a few steps back easily, and avoided the whip without even using the back jump, and even took advantage of the trend to move towards Louis. Fifteen made up a few shots.

Forward!Ghost step!

A ray of light flashed across Louis XV's body instantly, and he entered a short invincible state. A few bullets passed through his body, but they did not cause any substantial damage to him, nor could they stop his pace. Xing suddenly rushed forward, approaching Audrey He.

Three cuts!
Louis XV charged forward again, and the Ghost Shadow Step followed by a three-stage slash, very abrupt and fast, with a tendency of lightning speed. Many enemies were defeated by this move before. At the perfect time, Louis XV's blade had already cut them.

Without any hesitation, Louis XV made a sharp upward slash, intending to fly Audrey. Once Audrey was in the air, he could slash flat. Slashing or something, if the rhythm is controlled a little slower, it seems that you can wait for Frost Saya to cool down, and once you can summon other ghosts and gods, you will be invincible.

It's a pity that the moment Louis XV drew the knife, Audrey jumped up swiftly, and the tip of the knife brushed against the sole of Odrey's boots, but it failed to affect Audrey in any way. .Audrey He seemed to have anticipated Louis XV's attack, and just rightly added a jump to herself, floating in the air like a fairy driving the wind, looking down at Louis XV.

not good!

Louis XV quickly realized that something was wrong and wanted to escape immediately.But Ghost Shadow Step's invincible forward charge has just been used, and the three-stage slash is also cooling down, and all displacement skills are cooling down, which means that he has no ability to escape and can only be beaten passively.

Displacement skills and escape skills are extremely important, because these skills can guarantee you to chase the enemy when you have an advantage, and can even make you get rid of the enemy's pursuit when you are at a disadvantage. A hole card, leaving a way out.

It's just a pity that Louis XV was a little impatient just now, and used all the skills in one go, but it didn't bring any benefits, and Audrey He tricked Louis XV into several key skills, and immediately launched a fierce counterattack.

A grenade exploded at the feet of Louis XV, but it was deliberately dropped by Audrey before he jumped up. This grenade was enough to blow Louis XV to the ground. Once it fell, it would mean that Louis XV There is no room for turning around.

It's too late to jump back. Although the range of the grenade is not big, it is not small. It is just within the range of a back jump. Even if you jump back, you will fall to the ground.Louis XV blocked subconsciously, and the blade successfully blocked the impact of the grenade. Louis XV's body only fell back slightly, but he was not blown to the ground.

Although the block removed most of the impact force, it was not invincible after all. Louis XV still received a small part of the impact, and a blood loss figure appeared above his head.He was injured, which meant that he was at a disadvantage. If he couldn't regain his advantage before the duel time ended, he would undoubtedly lose.

However, Audrey He didn't give him a chance to regain his advantage at all. Before Louis XV could stabilize from the impact of the grenade, a few bullets came down.Audrey's shooting movements were extremely skillful, and the bullets hit Louis XV's body continuously without any gaps, so that Louis XV did not dare to release the blocking posture.

Clap clap!Clap clap!Clap clap!
Audrey He's familiarity with revolvers is deep down. The action of drawing the gun and firing the gun is as smooth as flowing water. Under the effect of quickly drawing the gun, the intensive burst fire has never been interrupted, and there is no need to change the bullets. It can affect her fluency. Those who don't know anything about the gunner profession think that the two guns can shoot unlimitedly, and only those gunner professions know how fast Audrey He reloads. Fast, how harsh is the method of reloading.

"Sir, the speed of reloading is simply unimaginable, it's too fast."

"If I could also have this speed of reloading, I would have cleared Sky City a long time ago."

"I thought that my attainment in spear skills was close to that of the commander, but I never expected that I have always been watching the sky from the bottom of a well!"

"It seems that I still need to work harder, at least I haven't mastered this kind of fast reloading and fast drawing of the gun."

Under the stage, many musketeer legions of the Great Qin Kingdom were also watching the duel between Audreyhe and Louis XV. Of course, they were watching Audreyhe more, and their attention was all They focused on Audrey He, but even so, they still couldn't see Audrey He's point-and-shoot technique clearly, and they couldn't see Audrey He's reloading process clearly.

Incredibly fast!

The dense gunshots never stopped. Audrey He didn't use any skills, not even the Silver Bullet and the Death Revolver. She was just doing normal attacks all the time, just firing one by one.It's not that she doesn't want to add it, but that she doesn't have time to add it. After all, her opponent is not an ordinary person. Even a momentary pause will cause the opponent to leave. Once he takes it off, it will be even more difficult to seize the opportunity.

At this time, some careful people opened Audrey He's message and carefully looked at her equipment.

Wing Shadow shoulder pads, Vatican windbreaker, three pieces of Zhanying Leather Armor, Terra Stone Bracelet, Star of the King, Rapid Shot-K5.

No wonder the attack speed is so high, it's like a storm.In particular, the weapon was not a revolver that was necessary for roaming, but an automatic pistol.The attack speed of the automatic pistol is faster than that of the revolver, and the rapid fire comes with 4% attack speed, which is equivalent to the bonus of a low-level fashion. In addition, this weapon + 1 level of quick draw, Audrey He's No wonder it's not fast.

The next battle continued in this endless crackling sound, and even ended in this crackling sound.Louis XV was shot to death by Audrey He.He has always maintained the posture of blocking, because he knows that once the blocking is released, the only result is to be knocked down by Audrey He, and then he really has no strength to turn around.His only chance is to wait for Audrey He to make a mistake, as long as there is a miss, he can fight back vigorously.

But it's a pity that Audrey's marksmanship is unimaginably accurate. At such a close range, even an automatic pistol is impossible to miss. Louis XV was suppressed to death. Although they fought hard at the last moment, it was a pity that they were hit by a headshot without any suspense, and then knocked to the ground by a grenade.

Frustrated?There was indeed, but it was more convincing. Audrey He's rhythmic shooting left everyone speechless.This made many people understand that a duel is not about throwing skills at each other, but more about testing the basic attack skills, especially for those professions that wield knives and swords.

(End of this chapter)

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