
Chapter 504 Lie, you continue to lie

Chapter 504 Lie, you continue to lie
The friend list is limited, and more players need to remember it by themselves.Those who can be added to Yue Chuan's friend list are very important people, and the name that appears in Yue Chuan's friend list is actually the patriarch of the elves.

That old man, he didn't die?
Yue Chuan felt this way, not because he was disrespectful to the patriarch of the elves, but because there was no news for more than ten days, everyone thought he was dead, and it was said that Aipel returned to the elves to prepare for the funeral of the old man.

However, for a dead person, how could his ID light up?The only explanation is that he is still alive, but why didn't he come back and inform himself?

Yue Chuan suddenly remembered what the old dragon said, could it be that the patriarch of the elves wants to steal this small world?According to this old man's cunning and cunning temperament, he would indeed do something.

Suddenly, a surge of anger filled Yue Chuan's chest. The old man deceived himself again and again, did he really think that he dared not touch him?In the past, it was because of Aipel's face that he didn't care about him. This time, Yue Chuan must tear the old guy's bones apart.

At this time, a request for dialogue popped up. Looking at the name, it was the patriarch of the elves.Yue Chuan couldn't help but sneer, seeing how eloquent you are.

Click to open the dialog box, there are only two words in it: "Are you there?"

Yue Chuan couldn't help but want to curse people. Since his ID was on, he must be there. The opening remarks like "Are you there" are all nonsense.Faced with this kind of nonsense inquiry, I can only say "yes" or "what's the matter", which invisibly delays 1 minute or more.Therefore, Yue Chuan has always hated this kind of people who start with "Are you there?"

"Say something straight."

The person on the other side seemed to be confused by Yue Chuan's tone, and after a long pause, he replied: "I want to talk to you about something, I'll wait for you in the tavern."

Last time at the edge of the giant pit, Yue Chuan had already exposed the skill of Demon Prison Blood Fiend. Although many people still don’t know that Demon Prison Blood Demon is the awakening skill of Prison Blood Demon God, more and more berserkers are awakened. Yue Chuan’s identity Sooner or later, more and more people will know about it.

However, the patriarch of the elves knew Yue Chuan's identity, and the matter he discussed with Yue Chuan must be related to the small world.But in Yue Chuan's view, the old man must be trying to find an absurd reason and excuse to deceive himself.

With a sneer in his heart, Yue Chuan still agreed to the old man's appointment, then rushed to the tavern, reported the number of the private room, and was sent to the head of the elves by Socia.

"Master Patriarch, long time no see, I wonder how you are doing?"

Hearing Yue Chuan's cold tone, the patriarch of the elf clan couldn't help but shook his head, sighed and said: "I knew that you would misunderstand me, but it's not your fault, in fact, even I find it incredible. "

Yue Chuan had already come to a conclusion for the old man, no matter how he explained, Yue Chuan felt that he was covering up, so facing the old man's sighing appearance, Yue Chuan remained unmoved and watched coldly.

"I don't have much time, so let's make a long story short. The thing is like this... I set up a space teleportation array in that small world, and connected to the teleportation array left by the elves. I want to build two space teleportation arrays. Create a temporary space channel..."

The space magic circle is like a fulcrum. A channel can be built between two space magic circles. The space channel between some space magic circles is always maintained, and it is directional transmission. The advantage of this kind of transmission circle is that every time The consumption of teleportation is very small, almost no consumption, but maintaining the stability of a channel is very large, and it is a continuous consumption.The other is to connect two space transmission arrays, generate induction, and build a temporary space channel, or a one-time channel. This kind of space transmission array consumes a lot of energy for each transmission, but it is like a disposable product. No matter after use, there is no follow-up consumption.

Although Yue Chuan is not a professional space magician, he has also supplemented his knowledge in this area so as not to be bullied by the elves as a layman.At this moment, Yue Chuan couldn't help sighing that he had the foresight, and that the old man was really planning to deceive him.

"I spent three days building the cornerstone of the teleportation array, and then positioned the teleportation array of the elves. Although I failed several times, I succeeded on the sixth day, and then confirmed the stability of the cornerstone of the teleportation array. By the way I studied the stone tablet in the small world again, and then I entered the teleportation array. However, I did not appear in the elves, but in another strange place."

Yue Chuan thought to himself, if he hadn't made up the relevant knowledge, he would have been deceived by this old guy.You must know that the position of each space magic circle in space is unique, plus the recognition magic circle left when building the cornerstone of the space teleportation circle, it can be said that each magic circle is unique, as long as the positioning is accurate, it can be There will be no deviation at all.Unless you are teleporting randomly, but people with a slightly normal mind will not play random teleportation, because 99% of people will die in the space turbulence, and the remaining 99% are traversers like Yue Chuan.

The teleportation array of the elves was built by the old man himself, and the identification marks on the teleportation array were also drawn by himself. Naturally, he couldn't make a mistake. The only explanation is that he was lying.

Seeing Yue Chuan's eyes, the patriarch of the Elf Clan knew that what he said was useless, he shook his head helplessly, and said: "You would never have imagined that I appeared in another world, which is exactly the same as our world but completely opposite The world is the world occupied by the demons."

Yue Chuan laughed.When I was looking for the answer to the blood plague, I went to the dragon clan and the elf clan. It was the old man and the old dragon who told me that the gods and demons split the world into two halves. Now turning around, the old guy told himself He was teleported to another world where it was the opposite.

"Oh, is that right? I remember that creatures from the two continents cannot cross the border, right? When you go to that continent, can you still live intact?"

The patriarch of the Elf Clan showed a hint of surprise. He didn't expect Yue Chuan to know this kind of secret, but he still nodded, "That's right, the gods and demons agreed not to cross the boundary with each other. Therefore, the living and undead from the God's Continent enter the Demon's Land." After the mainland, it will be crushed by the power of the moon. The creatures and dead spirits of the magic continent enter the god's continent, and they will also be incinerated by the power of the sun. These two forces fill the world and are everywhere, even if they hide in buildings Not even underground, because this is the rule set by the gods and demons, it is the rule of the world."

The vampire who was born in Black Feather Mountain and was instantly burned to ashes by the power of the sun appeared in Yue Chuan's mind, and then he looked at the patriarch of the elves, full of ridicule and distrust.If this is the case, can he still speak here?ridiculous!

(End of this chapter)

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