
Chapter 386 Branches of the Elf Race

Chapter 386 Branches of the Elf Race
On the way from the elves to the dragons, they need to cross a vast ocean.Although Yue Chuan touched the sanctuary, he did not take that step after all, so he did not have the ability to fly in the air.The head of the dragon clan aged out of his body and wanted to give Yuechuan a ride.Although the Dragon Clan is proud and arrogant, for a benefactor like Yue Chuan, the elders of the Dragon Clan don't think there is any humiliation in giving him a ride.

Yue Chuan rejected the elders of the dragon clan. Although he also dreamed of becoming a dragon knight, if he rashly rode the elders of the dragon clan to the territory of the dragon clan, there would be some misunderstandings.Just because the elders of the dragon clan can let go of their dignity doesn't mean that other dragon clans can too, and Yue Chuan doesn't do things that cause him hatred for no reason.

"Then, how are you going to cross the sea?"

The elves raised a flying monster, but they went to the dragon clan as a guest, but let the elves see them off. It seemed that the dragon clan was incompetent, so the elders of the dragon clan rejected the arrangement of the elves.But who would have thought that Yue Chuan would not let him carry him.

"I have my own way, don't worry."

Then he saw a ray of light sinking into the sea surface from Yue Chuan's hand, and in the next moment he saw a huge black shadow appearing on the undulating sea surface. With a long hiss, Luo Tesi's huge figure emerged on the sea surface.

Not seen for many days, Rotes has grown up several laps.Especially when transferred from a small lake on land to the ocean, the body of Rotes immediately flickered with a rich faint blue water light, growing and expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The elves who saw him off on the shore were stunned, and the dragons beside Yue Chuan were also stunned. A few young dragons even forgot to flap their wings and fell into the sea like dumplings.

Taking a long breath of air, the dragon elders were filled with frustration.Originally, their Dragon Clan could be regarded as the top of the food chain, the most powerful creatures in the world.Regardless of strength or size, they have unparalleled advantages, so dragons are usually called "giant dragons".But in front of Rotes, these dragons no longer have the sense of superiority of giant dragons.

It is simply a hill!What's even more exasperating is that this small mountain is still growing rapidly, and it becomes a big mountain in just a few breaths.Moreover, its breath is getting stronger and stronger, and its strength is getting stronger and stronger, as if it is endless growth and endless improvement.

Yue Chuan cursed secretly, how could he have forgotten the characteristic of Rotes growing when he sees water, before in the lake it was like blowing, but now in the sea, more than just blowing can describe it.

Originally, there were many sea monsters inhabiting and protecting the elves around the land island. When Rotes appeared, it was like a bloody fish thrown into a pile of sharks. All the guardian monsters were dispatched one after another, making the sea around the island The undercurrent is raging.But when Lottes stretched out, and the aura of the king of the water radiated unreservedly, all the guardian monsters stopped and rolled away.


Rotes roared excitedly, and thunderous sound waves exploded on the sea surface. I don't know how many fish and shrimps were stunned and died, and they became Rotes' lunch.

And listening to Rotes' roar like a roaring tiger, several dragons were all terrified, because they found that the aura emanating from Rotes had a suppressive effect on them, making them feel jealous and fearful, and their hearts rose A feeling of invincibility, and when the high-pitched roar became more and more intense like a tide, the invincibility in my heart gradually turned into a kind of surrender.

This feeling is very strange, because they have never experienced it.And this feeling is very familiar, because it is exactly the same as Long Wei.They were horrified to find that the rank of the behemoth in front of them was still above the dragon clan.

impossible!Dragons are the most powerful and perfect creatures in the world, how can there be creatures more noble than dragons.But soon they fell silent, because they realized that the creature in front of them was not native to this world, but came from another world.

Sitting on the head of Rotes, more than 100 meters out of the sea, Yue Chuan felt an unspeakable sense of heroism.The huge body of Rotes is not just a mount for transportation, but also an island, a land, and a kingdom.But now, the kingdom is moving rapidly. Although he is huge, Rotes swims extremely fast in the sea. Even the giant dragon flying in the sky shows signs of falling behind, so he can only flap his wings quickly and barely catch up. .

This creature is too scary—the several dragons secretly sighed in their hearts.The five knights summoned by Yue Chuan had already amazed them in their hearts, but now seeing Rotes again, their evaluation of Yue Chuan had changed from "invincible" to "do not provoke".Before, a few dragon boys even talked wildly that they would drive some demonic beasts to make trouble in the Great Qin Kingdom, but now they realized that Yue Chuan could retaliate against him in his own way, driving a large number of marine demonic beasts to disrupt the habitat of the dragon tribe. quiet.

No, no, even if they don't make trouble, as long as those monsters eat up all the fish, shrimp and sea beasts around the dragon island, the whole dragon clan can only drink the northwest wind.You don't even need a lot of help, a Roters is enough.

When several Dragon Clans were preoccupied, Yue Chuan was also thinking about things, but there were still some things that he needed to ask the Dragon Clans for advice.


"Your Excellency, you are equal to our patriarch, just call me by my name, my name is August."

Seeing Yue Chuan's strength, how dare this elder of the Dragon Clan dare to stand up in front of Yue Chuan, and directly lowered his posture to the minimum, and even reported his own name.

"Okay, Elder August, I have a question I want to ask you..."

"Your Excellency, please speak."

Yue Chuan asked August about the Elf King.His goal was the Flame Elf King, but he didn't say it outright, he just said that he was more interested in the history of the elves.But August didn't doubt anything, after all, Yue Chuan had just come out of the elves, so it would be strange if he didn't have any curiosity about the elves.

Dragons and elves are long-lived races, and ordinary people use "turtles and cranes to prolong life" to express their wishes for longevity, but compared with dragons and elves, these two things are no different from ephemeral mayflies.And this kind of creature that has survived for a long time is itself a living history, and it is more reliable than the biography of the victors like history books.

"Elf King, as the name suggests, is the king of the elves. But this king is not the same as your human king. It's just a title, a level of strength."

Elves have their own strength levels, which are lower elves, upper elves, great elves, and elf kings. "Elves" is just a collective term, just like "Humans".In the eyes of the Dragon Clan, orcs, dwarves, barbarians, and humans in general are all "human races."The elves include elemental elves, moon elves (night elves), plant elves (natural elves), blood elves, etc. This is a relatively high-ranking branch of the elves, and others such as goblins and goblins are also elves, but , they belong to a relatively marginal existence, and they cannot even be recognized by the mainstream group of elves.

Because there are so many branches, the elves are independent from each other. The leader of each branch is the most powerful member among them, and the status of this branch is determined according to the strength of the leader.For example, if the leader is a lower elf, then this branch is the lowest existence, similar to a slave.If it is a high-ranking elf, it will be a little better, similar to a commoner or enjoying some rights.And if it is a big elf, this branch will have many privileges, and it is a noble existence.The elf king, like a human king, commanded one party and commanded the world.

It is precisely because of this hierarchical system that those weak elves will choose to seek refuge with powerful leaders and tribes and ask for their protection, and this also maintains the cohesion and dominance of the elves in disguise.In the era of the Elf King, the elves were not so carefree and leisurely, but without the Elf King, the elves became as described in human history, doing nothing all day long, aimlessly wasting their time.

The elves have never been unified. After all, they include too many branches. Only when an elf king is born, can he overcome various rules and rule the elves of different branches.Of course, the appearance of the elf king will also lead to another possibility, that is, several elf kings appear at the same time, making the elves even more chaotic.

Yue Chuan already had the answer in his mind, but he still asked, "Which branch is the Golden Apple family?"

"They are grass and tree elves who are friendly to nature. Of course, their blood has long been impure, and they can also be regarded as half-elves." August said calmly. Although he mentioned the word "half-elf", his expression And there is no contempt or contempt in the tone.

Yue Chuan nodded, and then asked casually: "I've heard of the name of the Flame Elf King before, but I don't know what the origin of their branch is?"

August said: "Ice, fire, light, dark, wind, earth, thunder and other magical elements have their corresponding elves. In fact, the elemental elves can be regarded as a large branch, and other elves are regarded as another branch. Because the elemental elves are energy The other elves are all flesh and blood. Elemental elves have no actual body shape when they are born, and even when they grow up, their bodies are not flesh and blood in the true sense. They can change their body size at will, as long as their strength Allowed. Moreover, elemental elves have wings, which is the biggest difference between them and other branches."

Yue Chuan suddenly realized that this elemental elf is the kind of loli beauties who can stand on the fingertips described in the previous novels. Thinking of the descriptions of these loli beauties in those novels, Yue Chuan couldn't help admiring, and his face was out of place showing a lewd smile.

(End of this chapter)

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