
Chapter 353 What does it feel like

Chapter 353 What does it feel like

High-intensity training, scientific training system, wise training instructors, and these soldiers are natural soldiers that even Maninstein praised. It is reasonable for them to have today's achievements.Sharpshooters, at this moment, they are already veritable sharpshooters, hitting every shot without missing a shot!
But now, Yue Chuan regards these sharpshooters as his training objects, letting them hone himself with real guns.

In martial arts novels, pessimistic people believe that the appearance of muskets is the decline and death of ancient martial arts, and that martial arts that have been practiced for a lifetime can't stop the enemy's bullets. Masters who died under the gun.Those who hold the opposite view believe that the appearance of muskets is not only the withering of ancient martial arts, but the spring and transformation of ancient martial arts.After all, even unarmed ordinary people can kill people who are a hundred times stronger than themselves after holding a gun. If a martial artist holds a gun, what about the lethality?Moreover, when martial arts have been cultivated to a certain level, dodging bullets, blocking bullets, and catching bullets with bare hands are not dreams.

Yue Chuan has never seen the situation of catching bullets with his bare hands, but he believes that when a person is strong enough to a certain level, he can indeed do this, and he came to find these musketeers to prove his conjecture.

However, after he told Audrey He about his intention of coming, he was sternly rejected by Audrey He.

"I don't agree with you to do this. If you insist on doing this, I will try my best to fight!" Audrey He said very seriously, "The training of sharpshooters starts with shooting, and the process of shooting is to improve their accuracy. , but also to cultivate their self-confidence. If you let them train with you, while improving your strength, it will also hurt their confidence. If you make them doubt yourself, it will be difficult to correct it!"

Well, Yue Chuan blamed himself, he was indeed negligent, and he didn't think about the impact of this kind of training on those sharpshooters.Just imagine, the rigorous daily training of these sharpshooters has cultivated their confidence and intuition to shoot flawlessly, but once they encounter an opponent who is unscathed in the hail of bullets, they will inevitably doubt themselves and have doubts about themselves. Doubts about training.It's not that their psychological quality is not strong enough, but that they have been hit too hard.

"They can't, let me accompany you!"

Hearing what Audrey He said, Yue Chuan couldn't help but smirk, "Can I understand it in another way?"

"Ask about my gun!"

"This sentence is also what I want to say."

Well, seeing Yue Chuan's cheap look, Audrey He has already decided to let him taste his power!

In the closed training ground, there are only two people, Yue Chuan and Audrey He. Here, if Yue Chuan does something beastly, no one else will know. Of course, if Yue Chuan is beaten into a pig's head, no one else will see it. .

Yue Chuan is already at level 50, and half of his foot has stepped into the sanctuary, but he has not awakened after all, and there is no qualitative difference between him and Audrey He. The gap can also be made up with its own technology, so that it will not be crushed.

No one shouted to start, Audrey's body was already shaking, and she circled around Yue Chuan as the center. Her steps were fast, sometimes slow, and erratic. When He suddenly stopped, quickly drew his gun, and made a headshot in one go, Yue Chuan realized that he hadn't finished turning around yet, he couldn't turn around, he couldn't stop, he felt the scorching fire between his eyebrows and With the cold air behind him, Yue Chuan's only move was to hold his weapon in front of him.

Can't hide!Otherwise, the opportunity is lost, and Audrey can only be suppressed to death step by step.This is the experience Yue Chuan summed up when facing the zombie archers. Zombie archers are very good at controlling the situation. Once they have a slight advantage, they can snowball the results and make the opponent fall into the quagmire of death step by step.Audrey He is an elite of the heavens, and his understanding of gun warfare is far superior to those zombie archers. With him controlling the rhythm of the battle, he can directly admit defeat.

Rhythm is really a wonderful thing. Mastering rhythm is a mysterious realm, but there is no doubt that those who can control the rhythm and force the enemy to follow their own rhythm are all peerless masters without exception.

If Yue Chuan chooses to crouch at this moment, then he will always be suppressed by Audrey He, unable to lift his head and straighten up, and if he chooses to dodge left and right, Audrey He will just change the angle of the gun, Yue Chuan He would be chased and spanked by Audrey He and couldn't stop at all.

At this moment, even if Yue Chuan was extremely unwilling, he could only choose to follow Audrey He's rhythm—to be tough!
The bullet sparked dazzling sparks on the +15 Slaughtering Blade, and the powerful momentum caused Yue Chuan's body to slump suddenly. Although Yue Chuan immediately straightened up like a pendulum, another bullet hit him at this time. Fortunately, this time Yue Chuan took a blocking position in time, and the momentum of the bullet was offset by half. However, before he could dissipate the momentum of the bullet, the third bullet had arrived.

The two revolvers fired in turn, and the short pause in firing was enough for Audrey to complete the action of reloading, that is to say, she could keep firing at this frequency, and under her almost uninterrupted shooting, Yue Chuan Only holding the weapon to block, there is no power to fight back.


Audrey He blew on the scorching gun barrel, the thin red lips and the scorching muzzle formed a strong contrast, forming a different kind of seductive beauty, both of which made people think about it.

"You have no chance at all!"

Being hit by Audrey He both physically and mentally, Yue Chuan said a little unconvinced: "How is it possible, didn't you not hurt me?"

Audrey sneered, her sharp eyes swept across Yue Chuan's legs, chest and shoulders.

"Also, I still have a lot of powerful shooting skills that I haven't used!"

Yue Chuan was silent, Audrey He just used a normal attack, at most it was a headshot, and multiple headshots, moving shots and double eagle maneuvers were useless, but even so, he still suppressed himself, Let yourself have no place to fight back.

"Do you think the Roaming Gunners are strong?"

While Yue Chuan was silent, Audrey He suddenly asked such a question.

Are Roaming Gunners strong?This is a very acute question.Is it strong?Yue Chuan clearly remembers that in the 60s, when forming a team, there was such a saying that "roaming and dogs are not allowed." Roaming is definitely the most dirty profession.If you want damage or no damage, you really don't have many skills if you need skills, but there are only a few skills that burn mana faster than Berserkers burn blood, it's rubbish to the brim.

But why do so many people still insist on roaming?Is it really just love?Even if they love it, it's because the Roaming Gunner has something worthy of their love, just like the protagonist of the waste material stream, who hasn't played for ten years, becomes a blockbuster, and doesn't fly for ten years, soars into the sky!

"Wrong!" Audrey said loudly, "It's not that the Roaming Gunner is strong, but that you are weak! Your weakness lies in your ignorance, ignorance of gun battles!"

It was like a heavy hammer hitting Yue Chuan's heart hard.Just now, I was still using Sun Tzu's Art of War to reflect on myself, knowing myself and the enemy, and I won't be imperiled in a hundred battles. After a while, I immediately repeated the same mistakes and confronted a gunman without knowing anything about gunfights.

Perhaps, Yue Chuan has a lot of knowledge about roaming gunmen, and he has seen technical posts, racing posts, duel videos, etc. on various forum posts, or Yue Chuan has seen various gunfight movies on TV and movies. Does this really mean that he understands guns and gunfights?
The answer is no, because he has never touched a gun!

A diaosi who only watches Japanese movies will always be a diaosi, and can never become a real man.How can a man who has never fired a gun say that he understands guns?

Audrey raised her gun suddenly, aimed at Yue Chuan's shoulder, and then asked without the slightest emotion, "How does it feel?"

Yue Chuan shook his head, "I don't feel it!"

Blood flow profusely!The bullet was deeply embedded in the bone, and the skin, muscles, and tendons pierced by the bullet were all twitching, sending waves of severe pain into Yue Chuan's heart and mind.The bullet embedded in the bone was still vibrating and rolling, and Yue Chuan could even hear the sound of friction between the bullet and the bone, and the heat emitted.

Audrey He glanced at Yue Chuan's other shoulder, and still asked, "How does it feel?"


Audrey's face became more and more stern, "That's not what I asked!"

A flower of blood also exploded on Yue Chuan's other shoulder.

Turning a blind eye to the bright red blooming in front of her eyes, Audrey He turned the muzzle of the gun to Yue Chuan's chest, aiming at the heart.

"What do you feel?"

A drop of cold sweat slipped from Yue Chuan's temples, and he didn't know whether it was because of nervousness or pain.His heart tightened for a while, because Yue Chuan knew that Audrey He would definitely pull the trigger without hesitation, and what was waiting for him must be a painful blow.Audrey He knew that she could be resurrected, so she didn't hold back anything, it was absolutely fatal!

Audrey He narrowed her eyes tightly, leaving only a gap in her big eyes, but a strong murderous aura burst out from this gap.Just the next moment, her arm dropped, and the gun in her hand was pointed at the ground.


Yue Chuan let out a long sigh of relief, and as the muzzle moved away, the cold feeling and mountainous pressure disappeared immediately, and his whole body relaxed.

"It seems that you can feel it!"

Audrey He's voice was as cold as her gaze, and when she spoke, the gun in her hand locked onto Yue Chuan's heart again.

"What do you feel?"

It's still the same sentence.However, at this moment, Yue Chuan clearly felt that the moment his heart was aimed at by the gun, the heavy pressure and the cold breath of death enveloped him instantly.

intuition?sixth sense?

It is said that the veterans who have survived many battles on the battlefield will have an amazing premonition, and this premonition can always make them brush shoulders with death. , and avoid it in time.This is not a gift from heaven, but the instinct they honed in the flames of war!After being shot twice, Yue Chuan finally realized this feeling and found this instinct!

"I felt a gun aimed at my heart."

"It's not what you feel, but what you see!" After a pause, Audrey He said in a commanding tone: "Turn around."

Yue Chuan turned around slowly, and at this moment, a life-threatening inquiry came from behind him.

"What do you feel?"

As Audrey He said, I didn't feel it just now, but saw it. When I turned around, even if Audrey He was looking at me, I didn't know anything.

Seeing that Yue Chuan didn't answer, Audrey He pulled the trigger ruthlessly, and immediately, a bullet was embedded in Yue Chuan's left thigh.

"What do you feel?"

The pain constantly stimulated Yue Chuan's nerves. Yue Chuan's nerves were stretched to the limit, and his extreme perception made him aware of many things, especially when life and death were hanging by a thread.

"The back of the head!"

There was a pinprick feeling in the back of the head, and the cold death breath emerged even more strongly.

"Congratulations, you saved your life!" After a pause, Audrey continued to ask, "How does it feel?"

Yue Chuan felt it carefully, but he didn't have that dangerous feeling like a glow on his back all over his body, what's going on?Why is it sometimes ineffective?Didn't it aim at my vital position, so...

Yue Chuan thought for a while and said, "Hair!"

In the distance, Audrey sneered, and instantly raised the muzzle of the gun pointing down to the ground, and immediately, a cloud of blood exploded from Yue Chuan's buttocks.

"Life and death are not based on guessing, let alone guessing, trust your own intuition, not your illusion! If you have doubts about yourself, then you have already lost the qualifications to be a soldier! Just now, you did not Not at gunpoint!"


I grass!

Yue Chuan never expected that Audrey He would play such a trick with him.However, when fighting, it is all false and real, and if you are deceived by the opponent, the only result is to pay the price of your life.

"What do you feel?"

Yue Chuan's heart sank, the pain in his body and the tension in his heart were infinitely indifferent, and finally disappeared. In his world, there was only his own beating heart and the warm blood flowing throughout his body.Suddenly, the blood vessels in the shoulders seemed to be under some invisible pressure, and they twitched and tightened violently. At the same time, a sense of danger emerged.

"Right shoulder!"

"Correct answer!" Audrey He put away the gun, and then said: "I will point to three positions of your body in a row, and you must report it accurately. If you make a mistake, you will get two shots!"

"Left leg, right shoulder, back of head!"

"Left waist, right ear, left heel!"

"Left elbow, left thigh..." After a pause, Yue Chuan said uncertainly, "Only these two."

"Trust your intuition, not your illusions, these two shots will make you remember!"

This time, Audrey He did only point to two places, and Yue Chuan clearly noticed it, but because Audrey He said before that he would point to three places, Yue Chuan didn't dare to be sure, using an unsure tone, but This time, he suffered severe injuries to his left elbow and left thigh.

Putting away the revolver, Audrey came to Yue Chuan's side, looked at the bubbling wound on Yue Chuan's body, the coldness in his eyes slowly dissipated, turned into a touch of tenderness, and asked in a low voice: "Does it hurt?"

It hurts, the bullets are rolling in the bones, it's no wonder it doesn't hurt!
But Yue Chuan knew that Audrey He did all this to hone himself.It is impossible for me to experience the flames of war, and I don't have time to train slowly. Only this cruel and inhumane method can allow me to quickly grasp the essence of gunfights.The life and death are indeed the most able to train and improve people.


Fierce blood flames rose from Yue Chuan's body, and the blood energy circulated and filled the body. Bullets were wrapped in blood energy and expelled. Along with them, there were strings of blood arrows, and all the necrotic muscles and bones were also removed.Afterwards, Yue Chuan repaired his body and healed his injuries with the rules of life and death he had comprehended in the world of the evil god Horaxiu. In the blink of an eye, all the bullet holes were healed without any scars.

"Amazing!" Audrey He sincerely admired, "It seems that I can be more ruthless!"

Well, Yue Chuan finally understood what it meant to die if he didn't die. Why did Mao want to show his powerful healing ability in front of this woman?This is not telling her clearly, whip me as much as you want!
Seeing Yue Chuan's instantly stiff face, Audrey smiled, and then asked the question just now, "Do you think the Roaming Gunner is strong?"

It is not so much that the wandering gunslinger is strong, it is better to say that people do not understand muskets and are afraid of muskets. They think that muskets are invincible. This kind of lack of self-confidence naturally leads them to doubt themselves. In terms of momentum, he was three points short, and he was tied up in the fight, so it's no wonder he was undefeated.

But when Yue Chuan gained an understanding of the roaming gunmen, especially the gun battle, he no longer had superstition and fear of the musket, especially after going through the training just now, Yue Chuan already understood the feeling of being pointed at by a gun. Before the bullet was fired, he had already sensed the danger, so he dodged in advance, so that he would not be hit by the bullet, nor would he be controlled by the gunman, driving himself to death step by step.

The Prophet Cicada, the autumn wind has not moved, is talking about this kind of artistic conception.

And martial arts are common. This instinct can be used not only in the battle with guns, but also in the battle with bows and crossbows, and even in the battle with swords. , Even if you can't win, you can retreat with your body.

Yue Chuan, who was full of fighting spirit, cast a provocative look at Audrey He, "Let's fight again!"

Pulling away the distance, the revolver in Audrey He's hands spun quickly, the condensed killing intent erupted instantly, dense gunshots rang out suddenly, twelve bullets were fired almost within a second, and Yue Chuan's whole body was wounded. And all the spaces up, down, left, and right are sealed off.

If it were someone else, he would definitely be beaten into a sieve at this time, but Yue Chuan already had the dangerous instinct to face firearms. The positions and paths of the twelve bullets clearly appeared in his mind, and the slaughter blade in his hand turned into a sieve. A flurry of phantoms.

ding ding ding ding...

Twelve crisp sounds formed a line, and Yue Chuan successfully sealed them all, without any injuries!
(End of this chapter)

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