
Chapter 335 Goddess

Chapter 335 Goddess
An Qi just sat lazily under her subordinates, her slender body leaning against the tree trunk.She didn't change into the form of an angel, and she didn't wear the magnificent battle armor on her body. Without the appearance of heroism, she turned back into that gentle and weak woman, and people couldn't help feeling pity when they saw it. Affection.

However, she is no longer the old An Qi.

Although she was just sitting quietly, all the ends of her skin and hair were shining with faint light, and the tiny light spots were densely packed, winding around her body like a nebula, turning the area around three to five meters around her into light. In this field, only the light element exists, and any other elements are excluded. Here, there is only the law of light, and no other magic, power, or rules can take effect here.


Although I have known for a long time that it is inevitable for An Qi to step into the sanctuary after awakening the power of the archangel, it is one thing to guess, but it is another thing to see it with my own eyes, especially, An Qi did not deliberately use the power of the light field. Power, but the field of light is still spontaneously formed around her, and it operates spontaneously, just like breathing and heartbeat.Yue Chuan had seen many strong men in the sanctuary, but this was the first time he had seen someone as strong as An Qi.

From the looks of it, An Qi didn't lie to herself. Instead of being weakened and weakened by the fight during the day, her strength has improved even more.If she wanted to kill herself, even if she had so many strong people around her to help her, it would definitely be a fierce battle.

"Let them all go, I want to talk to you..."

Hearing what An Qi said, Maninstein and others who followed Yue Chuan hesitated, and Frank even shook his head at Yue Chuan.Right now, Frank is the most powerful person around Yue Chuan, but even he felt a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart when he saw An Qi.Frank is Yue Chuan's bodyguard, and it is his mission to protect Yue Chuan's safety. He will never allow Yue Chuan to be alone with An Qi, his enemy.

But at this time, Yue Chuan nodded, so Frank and others stayed away.

"With her strength, if you want to do something, even if you are by my side, it will be useless."

In desperation, Frank and the others had no choice but to leave, but they did not go far, but stayed a few hundred meters away, watching from afar.To them, the distance of hundreds of meters is just a blink of an eye.

"I know you hate me, blame me, and annoy me, because I left you, I didn't take your feelings into account, and I brought you harm. You regard me as your fiancee, but I never have you in my heart."

An Qi stood up slowly, but she still didn't turn around, and the domain of light lingering around her body also swayed slightly, like a candle in the wind.

Yue Chuan was silent and didn't say a word, because An Qi had already said what he wanted to say.In fact, the reason why so many strong men were assembled to intercept and kill An Qi was not only for the sake of Great Qin, but also because of Yue Chuan's personal emotions.He really wanted to kill Angie.

Promise that the third generation will have love,
Born but a puppet heart.

Joy, anger and sorrow are involuntary,

The seven emotions and six desires are controlled by others!
An Qi slowly read out a poem, which Yue Chuan wrote after An Qi left.There is no rigorous metric, more of an emotional complaint.I don't know whether it was the flattery or admiration of those around me, but this poem spread quickly.Although An Qi was in the enemy camp, she still heard the poem and understood the meaning of the poem.

"In the past, when I heard this poem, I didn't feel much, but now, it hurts here!"

At some point, An Qi turned around, pointed her white fingers at the position of her heart, frowned her slender brows, like Xizi holding her heart, and two tears rolled down her cheeks, sliding down her cheeks and down her chin , splashed on the front of the chest.

Yue Chuan was stunned.He didn't expect that An Qi, who was like a clay sculpture who had never had any feelings, would feel heartbroken and shed tears.This fanatic who dedicated everything to the God of Light would even confide in himself, a "blasphemer".

"In this case, why did you leave in the first place? If you just left, that's fine, but you still want to kill me. Now, is it meaningful to put on this appearance again? You, an unintentional person, also Will it hurt?"

An Qi sighed, "That's right! I am a heartless person, because my heart has been dedicated to the God of Light, and the God of Light is everything to me, and the will of the God of Light is my will. Love is too much for me. luxury!"

Yue Chuan didn't say a word, just let out a cold snort, because apart from being silent, he didn't know what to say.

"But today... I feel myself and the meaning of existence!"


Yue Chuan couldn't help but think of the scene where the archangel rushed to the clouds and shook the meteor. Could it be, what happened?
"Countless believers have pinned their faith on me, and the strong power of faith permeated my body, almost suffocating me. Originally, when I hit the meteor, I was also thinking about dying, because I There is no certainty of victory. However, somehow, the power of faith has been blessed into my divine power, attached to my battle armor, and even gathered in my heart of angels. For some reason, I stole the God of Light Faith in the world, and I found that no matter whether I want to or not, I can no longer sever the connection with the power of faith. In this way, my angelic heart has changed, and it has condensed into a godhead!"


Yue Chuan squinted his eyes, looked carefully at An Qi's brows, and found that there was a little difference on her smooth forehead. There, there was always a soft light, and the faint light radiated round after round. Diffuse and diffuse, the light field around An Qi is also maintained and operated with it as the core and base point.

Speaking of godhead, Yue Chuan is no stranger, because he has a godhead himself.However, his understanding of the Godhead is very shallow, and it can even be said that he knows nothing.Therefore, he did not understand the meaning of the godhead and the influence of the godhead on a person.

As if seeing Yue Chuan's doubts, An Qi pointed at herself and said very seriously: "Now, I am the God of Light!"


Yue Chuan was speechless. At this moment, ten thousand grass-mud horses galloped past his heart.Angie is the God of Light?What the hell is this international joke?The God of Light is clearly...

Clearly who is here?Yue Chuan suddenly realized that he didn't know who the God of Light was.

In order to protect himself, Yue Chuan also became a monk and learned the teachings of Guangming for a period of time. He also served as the archbishop for a period of time. What is God, I can only scratch my head.

Because, in the classics of the Church of Light, there is really no explanation of what the God of Light is.It just boils down to the gods who created everything in the world, the gods who grasp all the truth, the supreme gods, the gods who cannot be desecrated... But similar words can be found in any religion, the new sect created by Yue Chuan and Marcel There are similar rhetoric.

The God of Light really doesn't have any unique labels and attributes.In this case, it can only be simply explained as a god with the power of light!
Angie, on the other hand, just fits this explanation.She is the pure power of the light attribute, and she is also an archangel, and she condenses the godhead, laying the foundation for becoming a god.The God of Light in the classics of the Church of Light is the God of Light in the sky, and An Qi is the God of Light walking in the world alive.

Suddenly, she became her own belief, and this change completely overturned An Qi's outlook on life and the world. She, who was like a clay puppet, suddenly broke free from the strings on her body and found her soul and heart.

Yue Chuan suddenly remembered a little story he had seen before. In a temple, Guanyin Bodhisattva was kneeling in front of the Buddha statue of Guanyin. An eminent monk asked the Bodhisattva what he was doing.

This is a strange cycle with no solution.But it is this weird cycle that allows Angel to find her lost self and regain her own existence.

"So, what do you want to say to me?"

An Qi raised her face slightly to stop the tears from falling down in her eyes. At this moment, the tenderness and stagnation in her body receded rapidly, transforming rapidly like a big wave washing away the sand.She was still the same person, but her temperament had become completely different.

noble!majesty!Inviolable!She has slowly transformed into a god, and has quickly adapted to this transformation!
"In the past, I was just a believer, unable to talk about feelings. From now on, I will eventually become a god, and it is impossible for me to be involved with a mortal. After all, it is impossible for you and me. Give up that boring fantasy!"

Yue Chuan's palms were slowly clenched, his joints protruding high, anger, uncontrollable rising in his heart, saving!


This is the goddess, the goddess who shows her superiority in front of Diaosi, a real goddess, a goddess that Diaosi will never be able to reach!
Yue Chuan really wanted to tell her that he also had a godhead, and he would eventually become a god.But after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that I didn't need to explain anything to her, nor did I need to prove anything to her.So what about the goddess, one day, Ben Diao will let you know what counterattack is!

finally understood!
"The reason why you want to be alone with me is because you want to untie the last knot in your heart of becoming a god, and it is also the only knot in your heart."

An Qi remained expressionless, neither nodding nor shaking her head, and directly ignored Yue Chuan's existence.

"No matter how you try to hide it, you can't deny it!" Yue Chuan looked at An Qi with a knife-like gaze, his eyes were filled with violence, and the scarlet blood quickly filled his pupils, "You owe me! You will always pay me back!" Unclear! You dare not face me, that’s why you deceive yourself and others to elevate yourself and force me to give up my fantasy! I am the regret in your heart that can never be made up for!”

An Qi's eyes turned cold, and a monstrous killing intent permeated her body, "Too smart, you won't live long, you're playing for death!"

Yue Chuan snorted coldly, "If you can clear all obstacles by killing me with one sword, will you waste your time with me so much? My lord goddess! If I die, the shortcomings in your heart will never be made up for , Your dream of becoming a god will be completely shattered! Not only did you not dare to kill me, but you will do everything possible to keep me alive. You will let me give up voluntarily until I say those words, so that your soul will be completely destroyed. Consummation!"

An Qi didn't speak, but the aura on her body was collected, and a trace of depression appeared in her eyes.She didn't expect that Yue Chuan would be so smart that he could clearly see the most secret thoughts in her heart.It felt like all her secrets were gone.This naked feeling made her very uncomfortable.

"Is it meaningful? Why are you obsessed with such far-fetched things? As long as you admit it, I can give you everything you want, wealth? Power?"

"Where is the beauty? I want to taste the taste of a goddess, can you make my wish come true?"

Although she already had the demeanor of a god, Yue Chuan's almost shameless words still made An Qi go berserk in an instant, pressing the sword with her palm, her face turned red and then pale.


Yue Chuan's teasing eyes slowly retracted, and his eyes turned cold little by little, "Whoever makes me unhappy for a while, I will make him feel uncomfortable! Anyway, I am barefoot, so I am afraid that you will not be able to wear shoes?"

An Qi turned around, she was really afraid that when she saw that face again, she couldn't help but draw her sword and slash him.But then he sighed, he hurt him too much, he would inevitably have resentment towards himself, that's why he said such humiliating words.

But it is the heart tribulation that he must go through on his way to becoming a god!If you don't break away from the world, how can you transcend the world and fly into the sky?

"You are hostile to me?"

"What do you think?"

"Your enemy is someone else!" An Qi paused, and said, "Angels are fighting machines created by the God of Light. They have no hearts and no souls. Everything is controlled by the hearts of angels. Angels died in battle. , the angel's heart will turn into holy light, ascend into the world of light, and re-condense in the light of light."

Yue Chuan didn't know why An Qi suddenly wanted to reveal this by herself, this was the secret of the God of Light in the sky.But in the next moment, Yue Chuan thought of something.

When An Qi woke up, the voice in the sky was obviously surprised and said, "Go back to your place, Archangel".If according to what An Qi said, angels have no soul or soul, and are purely fighting machines, then why is the soul of an archangel lost in reincarnation?Why didn't she return to the Bright World?
"Because, in my previous life, I broke my wings and exiled myself in the world. I want to have a soul, and I want to feel the beating of my heart."

Yue Chuan didn't expect that he would encounter such a clichéd plot, and secretly pointed his middle finger in his heart.

"Before, my archangel soul hadn't fully awakened, so the light god in the sky wanted to stabilize me temporarily, and take me down once I entered the world of light. But he didn't expect that I not only condensed my soul , and also condensed the angel's heart into a godhead, and completely restored all the memories of the past and this life."

Yue Chuan sneered, "This is your own trouble. You are a thorn in the side of that God of Light, a thorn in his flesh, and he wants to get rid of you quickly. Now, you have stolen his belief in the world and cut off his source of strength. I think he will kill you at all costs!"

"Yes! However, he is no longer able to display divine power in the human world as frequently as in ancient times. Even now, it is very difficult for him to issue an oracle. I have enough strength to protect myself, and I have enough time to grow up enough to fight against him." One turn, "And you are the opposite!"

Yue Chuan was silent, the jihad army had already approached the city, if the Guangming Church went crazy and beat him to death, issued several oracles, or even performed a miracle, he would definitely be finished.In the final analysis, I don't even have the strength to protect myself. In front of the gods, I am basically an ant-like existence.

"Can't you go back to the Guangming Church?"

"Even if the God of Light in the sky told them, they would not dare to touch me, because in the world, I am a god! I still need to continue to receive the power of faith in the Church of Light, so I have to go back naturally. Don’t dare to make any changes.”

Indeed, even if Pope Innocent knew that Angie was actually a blasphemer, he didn't have the courage to announce this fact.Although he has the great backer of the God of Light, the God of Light can't give him much protection in a distant different world, and An Qi is a living god walking in the world.Therefore, Innocent would only pinch his nose and admit it, and be his own pope in a peaceful manner.

He can't afford to participate in that kind of high-level battle.

"However, the God of Light in the sky should be plotting something. Innocent has already started to arrange. If I guessed correctly, he should be setting up space coordinates to communicate with the world of light. Although the God of Light cannot come directly due to the rules of the world, But he can send a large number of angels, even archangels, and even archangels!"

Yue Chuan felt awe-inspiring!
Right now, there are only twelve angels who have transformed from the hearts of angels, and the Great Qin Kingdom is in trouble. If some experienced heavenly angels come, not to mention many, even if it is only a hundred, it will be enough to overwhelm the Great Qin Kingdom. Turned upside down, if there are tens of thousands, I am afraid that the entire continent will change dynasties and become the unification of the Illuminati Church.

However, at that time, many people in the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world should have awakened.Who is strong and who is weak will naturally be known at that time.But right now, the most important thing is to defeat the jihadist army!

Without An Qi's help, the Jihad Legion would simply be a toothless tiger!

At this time, An Qi raised her head to the sky, and the light power on her body surged, and six wings slowly protruded from the light behind her, flapping gently.An Qi's figure also rose into the air little by little, she turned her head to look at Yue Chuan, and instantly disappeared into the night sky like a golden shooting star.

At this moment, Frank and the others slowly gathered around, looking at Yue Chuan nervously, hesitating to speak.

"I'm fine! Just discussed something with her."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but then they got a headache. They didn't expect that the battle of that level during the day could not seriously injure the Archangel. It is really difficult to have such a powerful thug in the enemy's formation.

"Archangel? She probably won't fight for the Church of Light again." She smiled coldly, "So, let's change our plan and go to the camp of the Holy War Corps!"

(End of this chapter)

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