
Chapter 307 The Revived Rotus

Chapter 307 The Revived Rotus
That mysterious and powerful aura has already caught the attention of the abyss lord Long-legged Rotes. It has a dangerous premonition in its heart. While it is constantly creating monsters to melt the glaciers, it is also distracted to guard against the outside world and pay attention to the outside world. Movement and change.Therefore, when EX Dornier appeared, it was captured and locked by its perception.

The sky is an unfamiliar territory for the abyss lord Longfoot Roots. Although it has enough dominance in the ocean, the sky, its power cannot be touched at all, and it can only exert weak spiritual influence and spiritual control on the sky .

The snow-capped Sky Veil Temple shook slightly, and then saw tentacles protruding from every corner like giant pythons, and suction cups the size of water tanks were revealed with the dancing of the tentacles.

At the altar in the middle of the Sky Veil Temple, a huge dark red monster protruded from it. It looked like a huge octopus, but it was slightly different from an octopus.There are rows of eyes on its forehead, some of these eyes are open, some are closed, as if there is a mysterious melody.There is a faint light in each eye, it is a kind of intoxicating light, just staring at it, it feels like the soul is about to come out of the body.

mind control!

The abyss lord's long-legged Rotes is mobilizing his mental power to exercise tyrannical control over the strange object in the sky.It does not allow anything beyond its control, even if it is in the heavens and not in the waters where it rules.

The tyrannical and substantial soul impact condensed into a beam of light from the Temple of the Sky Veil and hit the EX Dornier, just like a laser beam from the ground hit the target precisely.In fact, it doesn't need to be precise at all, even if there is a slight deviation, the spiritual power of the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes can chase the target around the bush.As long as the other party has soul and spirit, the mind control of the abyss lord Long-legged Rotes will follow like moths to a flame.

This trick is invincible, this trick is impeccable!
It was with this trick that the abyss lord long-legged Rotes could easily control the entire GBL sect, and even developed the giant beast of the sky into his own entrenched place, using those GBL believers to protect himself and strangling those who took advantage of it. Adventurers who make their own ideas when they are weak.

However, the abyss lord long-legged Rotes is doomed to miscalculate this time!
The power of mind control swept across EX Dornier, but found nothing.Yes, there, there is no breath of soul!

The long-legged Rotes of the abyss lord widened his eyes in disbelief. The rows of huge eyes were all widened to the extreme, and the light emitted from the eyes was even more dazzling. However, it still couldn't feel any breath of soul.

"How is it possible? How could that thing not have any soul. If there is no soul, how does it move? It is flying... Even a puppet should have a weak spirit, otherwise how will the puppeteer control it."

Although the abyss lord long-legged Rotes is a powerful apostle, it has its own limitations after all. He doesn't know that there is a thing called a machine, even without any thinking and spirit, it can still go to heaven and earth.It doesn't even know that there is a jamming transmitter in the world that can shield various energy fluctuations.It was precisely because of the protection of the jamming transmitter that Yue Chuan and Audrey He were immune to the mind control of the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes, and came safely to the sky above the Sky Veil Temple.

A sudden panic rose in the heart of the abyss lord long-legged Rotes, not because it was timid and cowardly, but because it lost its best water control power, and now even the last resort of mind control has lost its effect. uneasy.Especially thinking of the weak but extremely powerful energy breath just now, the abyss lord long-legged Rotes has already had thoughts in his mind.

It retracted its body into the snow-covered temple building, and all its tentacles twisted and disappeared into every corner.In the past, the abyss lord's long-legged Roots hated the frozen water very much. It is also water, but it can't bring it half strength, and it will make its body a little bit stiff and solidified.But now, the abyss lord long-legged Rotes had to thank these solid ices, because they would bring him some protection.

"The enemy has shrunk, what should I do?"

How to do?
Hearing Audrey He's words, Yue Chuan couldn't help but think back to the past when he brushed Rotes.This BOSS is indeed very tricky, because it will retract its entire body into the temple building, entering an invincible defensive posture, no matter how you attack, it will not hurt or itch.On the contrary, at this time, it will exert force in the dark, causing the temple building to collapse, smashing down some boulders, throwing some small octopus, or poking down and gliding from the sky with its strong tentacles, which is hard to guard against.And once you are caught by those tentacles, you will experience the death method surrounded by giant pythons. Every bone in your body will be crushed into powder by the huge contraction force, and you will die in pain.

"If you can't melee it, don't melee it. Let's try whether the weapons on the airship can destroy the building of this temple!"

Many buildings and obstacles in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" can be destroyed, such as the most famous bullpen demolition.The buildings of the Skyveil Temple should also be destructible.

Audrey nodded.

The EX Dornier airship is not only used for smuggling, it can also explode with powerful destructive power when it is necessary to fight.It's just that a lot of ammunition was exhausted when fleeing from the heavens, so Audrey He could only use guns to fight Yue Chuan.

To Audrey He's surprise, those GBL believers didn't know how to do it, and they actually replenished the ammunition in the EX Dornier airship. Moreover, these GBL believers actually set up a huge dragon head cannon on the airship.

That's right, GBL has a self-developed leading gun. They should have studied thermal weapons, and ammunition supply is not difficult at all.It's just a surprise that a group of natives can do this.

Sometimes, Audrey could not help but want to delve into the sage recorded in the Blue Truth, to see if he was exiled from the heavens like herself.

But this idea was fleeting in Audrey's mind, and her fingers had already skillfully pulled the joystick, touching the controller of the weapon.

At the bottom of the pod, the ferocious body of the leading cannon protruded, and then began to charge and flash. Finally, a blazing beam tore through the howling ice wind and hit the temple building precisely.

There was no huge bang, and some were swallowed by the howling icy wind, but Yue Chuan felt a slight vibration from the airship, and he didn't know whether it was the vibration from the leading cannon or the vibration from below.

Under the laser from the leading cannon, a large area of ​​the outer building of the Heavenly Veil Temple collapsed, and pieces of ice and snow powder flew around, covering a large area of ​​space.

The energy stored in the leading cannon was consumed rapidly, one after another intense light beams precisely hit each supporting point of the Sky Veil Temple, and the building of the Sky Veil Temple quickly collapsed and collapsed, and it was in ruins in the blink of an eye.However, the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes was never seen from the beginning to the end.

"I didn't see the figure of Rotes. There should be space under this temple, such as a secret room, a secret passage or a sewer, and that Rotes should be hiding in it."

Yue Chuan frowned. If this was the case, even if he plowed through the Heavenly Curtain Temple on the surface, he would not be able to hurt the abyss lord's long-legged Lotos. It would be useless.

How to do?
Helpless, he had no choice but to land, and fought close to the abyss lord Long-legged Rotes.

"Use the weapons on the airship to wipe out those little miscellaneous soldiers! Then land."

There are many snow worms and other monsters around the temple. Although these monsters do not have strong combat power, there are thousands of them. Si was smoking cold by the side, really not very optimistic.

Therefore, Yue Chuan and Audrey He manipulated the machine guns on the airship and poured out firepower crazily.

A batch of the machine guns on the airship was raided by Yue Chuan, leaving behind some scrapped things, but these things were repaired by GBL believers, and there was nothing wrong with using them.

"I didn't expect that you would use these too!"

Audrey said in a little surprise.After all, although firearms don't require talent, they need long-term practice and familiarity. She didn't expect Yue Chuan to be very proficient in using them, so she couldn't help but wonder about Yue Chuan's origin.

Yue Chuan thought to himself, isn’t it just a broken gun? Have you ever played Beach Landing? Do you know CS?It's really better than shooting a gun, no matter whether my left hand or right hand is much better than yours.

Thinking about unhealthy thoughts in his heart, but without the slightest hesitation in his hands, the monsters below fell down in pieces like cutting wheat.It's a pity that these monsters are all summoned, they have no experience, and they don't explode items, otherwise it would be good to gain experience here.

Soon, there was a clicking sound from the machine gun, and the bullets were all emptied, and the bottom had already become a sea of ​​blood, and the strange blood water turned into a blood mist, quickly eroding the surrounding ice and snow, turning it into a liquid water.

Yue Chuan knew that the melting of these glaciers would speed up the recovery of Roots' strength, but Yue Chuan had no choice. If he wanted to get close to the abyss lord's long-legged Roots, he had to get rid of these little monsters that got in the way.


Opening the hatch and jumping down, a parachute bloomed in the air, and Yue Chuan's figure fluttered to the ground.

At this time, a thick tentacle emerged from the ruins of the temple without any warning, and pulled towards Yue Chuan extremely quickly.With the strength contained in the body of the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes, such a blow to Yue Chuan's body is absolutely as unsuspecting as hitting a watermelon with a hammer.

Yue Chuan, who was in the air, couldn't toss and turn, so he could only take it hard. However, before the tentacle hit it, he heard a bang gunshot, and immediately, the tip of the tentacle exploded into a beautiful blood flower, and a section of the tentacle went straight to the ground. It exploded in mid-air.

Ten fingers connected to the heart, although I don't know if the tentacles are fingers, but the mournful roar from the ruins of the temple shows that the long-legged Lotos of the abyss lord is in pain.However, this level of pain couldn't stop it, and after a short pause, the tentacles swung over again.

There was another gunshot, this time it didn't hit the top of the tentacle, but hit the middle of the tentacle. Although it didn't smash it directly, it also splashed a large amount of blood. The abyss lord's long-legged Rotes Still unwilling to back down, the next second, another shot hit the same location. This time, the tentacles were wounded on top of each other, and the speed and angle of the swing all deviated to varying degrees.

Three consecutive bullets hit the same part, and the powerful destructive force in the bullets destroyed the body tissue of the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes one after another. The tentacles as thick as a python finally broke out in bloody flowers and broke from the middle.


The sound of tentacles hitting the ground and the sound of Yue Chuan landing sounded at the same time, warm blood splashed on Yue Chuan's body and face.Yue Chuan didn't dodge it, but instead dipped a little bit with his finger and stuck out his tongue to taste it.

"Not bad! It's pure fresh blood, such pure energy!"

As expected of an apostle, the energy in the blood is more powerful and pure than the dragon's blood. If there were not more urgent matters, Yue Chuan really wanted to collect the blood here.

At the hatch of the airship, Audrey's long silver-gray hair fluttered messily in the cold wind, exuding a unique sense of beauty, but under the messy sense of beauty, it was the pair of eyes that shone fiercely, Even hundreds of meters away, you can still feel the sharpness of a blade.

The sharpness converges, and the gaze turns soft!
Seeing Yue Chuan landed safely, Audrey made a gesture of OK with her white fingers, then put away the sniper rifle, and jumped off with a parachute bag on her back.As for the airship, let it hover here.

Perhaps because of a loss, the abyss lord long-legged Rotes did not attack rashly this time, and Audreyhe landed beside Yue Chuan without any surprise or danger.

The monsters on the ground have been almost cleaned up by the two, and the few fish that slipped through the net dare not approach here.The abyss lord's long-legged Rotes didn't have the extra energy to create monsters. At this time, it was crouching obscenely in the underground building of the temple, licking its broken tentacles.

It doesn't know where these two people came from, but it knows that these two people definitely didn't come here to be friends with him.They must have been holding themselves back, that must be it.

After being imprisoned for such a long time and suffocating in this waterless world for so long, the abyss lord Long-legged Rotes finally saw a chance to escape, and it was impossible to give up no matter what. Die!
must die!
The abyss lord's long-legged Rotes slapped his tentacles on the ground, and the tyrannical power erupted instantly. The ruins on the surface shook like a drum, and countless ice and stones flew down like a landslide, and huge cracks were formed on the ground. Appears to spread.

not good!

Yue Chuan did not expect that the power of the abyss lord's long-legged Roots would be so amazing, even if it was the least outstanding physical strength, it could still emit such destructive energy.

If Yue Chuan and Audrey He hadn't destroyed the temple, what flew here at this time were just a few boulders thrown by the abyss lord with long legs, but they destroyed the entire temple into ruins. At this time, the entire ruins were shaking , densely packed and innumerable boulders were thrown up in this huge shock, as dense as raindrops and as thick as dark clouds.

There is almost no way to hide, no way to avoid, Yue Chuan finally knows what self-inflicted crimes are, and he cannot live.

Although he has the Slaughter Blade, so what can he do? Facing the tyrannical boulder thrown at him violently, even if Yue Chuan pulls out the knife, he will still be able to withstand the huge shock force. One piece or two is fine, but it takes a few blink Suddenly, Yue Chuan felt a tearing pain in his arm muscles, and a bursting feeling in his chest. Several ribs were broken in this intensive collision.

At this time, Audrey He also encountered a thrilling danger.However, unlike Yue Chuan's forceful attack, Audrey He used her own skills.Her long legs are like springs, moving on the ground and jumping on boulders.She can always use the strength of boulders to make herself jump higher, and she can even use the strength of boulders to make herself jump farther.After a few breaths, she finally stood tall, and all the boulders were trampled under her feet, no longer threatening her.

He used a resurrection coin in embarrassment, and Yue Chuan didn't dare to recall his miserable situation just now.

It's unlucky to have already paid a life before seeing the boss.Seeing Audrey He falling gracefully, Yue Chuan couldn't help admiring in his heart. No wonder Maninstein would ask her for a teacher. This kind of leg work is indeed outstanding.

The abyss lord's long-legged Rotes slapped his tentacles again, creating an earth-shattering shock, but after the first experience, neither Yue Chuan nor Audrey He was caught again, and both found a safe hiding place , even though the world is falling apart outside, everything here is calm.And with the slapping again and again, the boulders on the ruins of the temple rolled and flew outwards, leaving fewer and fewer boulders in place, and the power of the same move became weaker and weaker.

Qian donkey is at the end of his skills!
Fierce blood flames rose from Yue Chuan's body. He and Audrey He walked out of the hiding place, their eyes swept over the exposed foundation of the ruins of the temple, looking for clues of underground buildings.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Just now, the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes slapped the ground violently, causing gullies to crack on the ground of the ruins of the temple. In the continuous impact, these gullies became wider and longer, and connected to each other. form cobweb-like ditches.

Around the temple, the original glaciers had already been melted into huge lakes, and at this time, the water in the lakes poured in along the ditches, and in the blink of an eye, the ruins of the temple were densely covered with water.

Seeing the rolling waves of water, Yue Chuan's face almost became the color of a pot.

The symbol of the strength of the long-legged Rotus is water. In the water, it is almost invincible. It is precisely because it was transferred to the back of the sky-veil giant beast and left the water that it lost its strength.But now, the pouring water is undoubtedly an opportunity for strength recovery.

"Rotes will become stronger and stronger, we must fight quickly!" Yue Chuan paused, and then said: "Be careful, it should be able to use the power of water!"


PS: Tomorrow the college entrance examination, I wish all the friends in the third year of high school can perform exceptionally, get good grades in the exam, and enter the school of their dreams as they wish.Apprentice Fenghuaxueyue, master is here to send you a blessing, the toad palace wins the laurel, and the title of the gold list.

(End of this chapter)

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