
Chapter 264 GBL High Priest

Chapter 264 GBL High Priest

Revos is a low-ranking elf of the light attribute, they are born with the energy of the light attribute, everything is related to light, and Yue Chuan is the nemesis of the light attribute, one hundred points of light attribute resistance make all the tricks of Revos turn into decoration.After all, someone as strong as Seghardt couldn't help Yue Chuan, these little Revoss were nothing but a joke.Yue Chuan cleared them all up and down, and then put the dazzling crystals on the ground into his bag.

The Archbishop of GBL roared angrily, and swiftly attacked Yue Chuan with his vigorous figure, and at the critical moment, he drew out a dagger and stabbed at Yue Chuan's vitals.It's a pity that it's useless. Although Yue Chuan's movements are not as fast as the Archbishop of GBL, but Yue Chuan has the unique skill of shadow swordsmanship. He avoided the dagger, and even took the opportunity to fight back!
In addition to summoning Revos, the Archbishop of GBL will also attract lightning. This lightning is very fierce. Many adventurers will be disabled immediately after being struck by lightning. Moreover, lightning has three effects: shock, paralysis, and stun. In terms of lightning alone In terms of ferocity, even the lightning that Seghardt attracted was three points inferior.Ordinary adventurers were caught by lightning, and their fate was almost instantaneous.

However, these were of no use to Yue Chuan. The 100-point resistance, which was almost immune to light attributes, made the GBL archbishop kneel down in hatred.

Nothing exploded!

Yue Chuan cursed secretly in his heart, originally he thought that there would be a black bamboo or something, but the archbishop was too stingy and didn't even get a single coin.Could it be that all the good things taught by their GBL have been corrupted by the high priest?

Thinking of this, Yue Chuan looked at the high priest of GBL with piercing eyes.

The face of the high priest wears a thick mask, engraved with mysterious and inexplicable patterns and patterns on the mask, which is inexplicably awe-inspiring at a glance. Coupled with the dark aura that surrounds the high priest of GBL, this gloomy aura is More intense.It was this breath that made Yue Chuan feel a little uneasy.

Yue Chuan's gaze turned cold little by little, and he became more cautious!
The GBL archbishop is a light attribute, which is not a problem at all, but the GBL high priest is a dark attribute.As a ghost swordsman, Yue Chuan's resistance to dark attributes is not low, but it's just not low, and he hasn't reached the point of ignoring it. Once caught by the high priest of GBL, he will die or die.

Seeing the death of his partner, the GBL high priest suddenly entered a state of rage, and his speed suddenly doubled. He was already coming and going like the wind, but now there was no shadow.When he was circling around Yue Chuan, Yue Chuan only felt that there was darkness all around him, and in that darkness, there was always a breath like the fangs of a poisonous snake, making him feel like a light on his back.

The GBL high priest who was spinning around Yue Chuan suddenly launched an attack, like a phantom, rushing towards Yue Chuan, and the long-hidden dagger was suddenly revealed, aiming at Yue Chuan's vitals.

Shadow sword technique!
Yue Chuan has already become dependent on this move. If he encountered this kind of attack before, Yue Chuan would either jump back to dodge it, and counterattack the moment he dodges the enemy's attack, or look for the price and look for the moment when the opponent is exhausted.But now, Yue Chuan had more comfortable and efficient moves, and gradually forgot those two magical skills.

However, the price of blood made Yue Chuan understand that relying too much on a certain move is tantamount to sending his neck to the opponent's knife point. Once the opponent sees through his move, what awaits him is a dead end.

The dagger of the high priest of GBL hit Yue Chuan's chest accurately. The sharp dagger cut through the thin material of the Vatican windbreaker, and even cut through Yue Chuan's close-fitting clothes, as well as the flesh and even the muscles and bones covered by the clothes. , splashed Dapeng's blood.


The shadow sword technique was ineffective against the high priest of GBL. He directly ignored the false god transformed by Yue Chuan, and directly and accurately hit Yue Chuan's real body, and the hit was on the vital point of the chest, only a little bit short of the atrium.

This is definitely not a coincidence, let alone an accident, it only shows that the high priest of GBL has already seen through Yue Chuan's shadow sword technique, and this move has no secrets at all in front of him!

Shadow sword technique?

The secret of this trick is the shadow, which is the use of shadows. Although this stunt comes from Segerhardt, the master of the city of light, it is more about the use of dark power, and the high priest of GBL is the dark attribute. For a powerful person, if you show off your novice shadow sword technique in front of him, you are looking for death!
That's right, Yue Chuan's shadow sword technique has no secrets at all in front of the high priest of GBL. If Yue Chuan has cultivated this unique art to the point of perfection, the high priest of GBL may be helpless, but Yue Chuan is just a beginner, so bully the layman, the high priest of GBL That's all, in front of the expert GBL High Priest, don't be too whimsical.

Fortunately, the move of the GBL high priest did not trigger the black lightning. Although the wound was horrific, Yue Chuan immediately circulated blood to seal the wound, and did not continue to bleed to death. Immediately rose back.

This dagger not only pierced the edge of Yue Chuan's heart, but also pierced into the depths of Yue Chuan's soul, making Yue Chuan understand that no matter any move, there will always be a time when the enemy will see through it, and there will always be a day when the enemy will study it thoroughly.Moves are dead, but people are alive. If a person is restrained by moves, sooner or later he will die under the countermeasures developed by the enemy.

For that stab just now, it was the best choice for me to block it!

Yue Chuan regretted secretly in his heart, but the high priest of GBL quickly gave him a chance to take revenge, because the high priest of GBL once again turned into a ghostly black shadow and rushed up, and the dagger in his hand went straight to Yue Chuan's heart.

Slumping down and squatting, Yue Chuan stretched his feet flat and spread them out, tightly attached to the ground. His feet and his entire lower body were like old tree roots deeply embedded in the soil, blending with the entire earth, while his upper body It is like a small hill, full of stability and solid momentum.

The dagger collided heavily with the Soul Cracking Blade, and Yue Chuan's upper body swayed slightly before returning to straightness, while his lower body remained motionless... No, Yue Chuan's lower body moved, and the moment after the impact, Yue Chuan grabbed In one step, the mind-cracking blade with the tip facing down followed Yue Chuan's stride forward from bottom to top, attacking the GBL High Priest's lower body.

This is a perfect upward pick, no matter the timing, the angle of the move, or the strength and speed of the move, it is impeccable. The high priest of GBL just collided with Yue Chuan, his body kicked back under the force of the shock, he couldn't even stand firmly, how could he make a perfect defense, so he picked on Yue Chuan's hit Under the attack, his crotch was ripped open in embarrassment!
I hope the high priest of GBL is a woman, otherwise, hehe...

The high priest of GBL was sent flying by Yue Chuan's fierce upward thrust, and his body flew upside down for a certain distance in the air. Yue Chuan quickly followed, trying to maximize the damage he output.

Floating combos, maximizing the number of attacks and output damage when the opponent has no chance to fight back, this is the truth that every "Dungeon and Warriors" player understands, because when they were still fighting in Lorraine, Every time a floating enemy is caught, the system will praise "floating strike" in bright green fonts. Over time, this has become a habit.

Yue Chuan also has this habit, this habit has even been integrated into his instinct, but now, he can't do it, because when he takes a step, there is a sticky, slippery feeling under his feet, without any effort , Yue Chuan even threw himself to the ground.

Looking down, he saw that he was stepping on a Semetek under his feet. The little black bean sprout-like thing was trampled into thin sheets, but it still stretched its body tenaciously and turned into a bondage that bound Yue Chuan. ankle.Next to him was a Semintek, two small things wrapped around Yue Chuan's feet, and quickly secreted a pitch-black liquid, which stained Yue Chuan's clothes and penetrated into his skin. The pain of corrosion.

Wielding the Blade of Cracking Soul, he quickly cut through the mess and wiped out the two Semetecs, but after such a momentary delay, the high priest of GBL had already stood up from the ground, adjusted his posture and position, and Yue Chuan had lost the momentum to pursue. Chance.

Yue Chuan cursed secretly, and then poured medicine to replenish the lost health. If it wasn't for these two Semetecs, he would definitely be able to disable the GBL high priest. If he was lucky, it would not be impossible to kill him with one set. But unfortunately...

At this time, Yue Chuan couldn't help thinking of the roaming gunmen he met on Earth. Every time he managed to catch the opponent and prepared to give him a set, the furry under his feet would always explode at the right time, killing him. After a little floating, I saw the wandering gunmen shamelessly displaying gorgeous shooting skills, and even some wandering gunmen who used their lives to make a fool of themselves deliberately let themselves catch them, and then used Mao Lei to play their own tricks.

Damn it, it turns out that the wandering gunman who commits a lowly crime was taught by this GBL high priest.No, no, it should be said that the founder of this genre gained insight from the trick of the GBL high priest.

However, this move can only be used once against Yue Chuan!
Yue Chuan pressed the GBL high priest step by step, looking for a fight, but the GBL high priest's fast hind legs did not give Yue Chuan a chance to get close, and once he stood in a safe position, he would start to chant spells, brewing some kind of strength.Yue Chuan rushed over in a hurry, interrupting the spellcasting of the high priest of GBL.While interrupting, it can also cause heavy damage to the GBL High Priest.

After two failed interruptions, the high priest of GBL finally learned to behave. This time he ran desperately, running very far, even if Yue Chuan chased him quickly, he still couldn't keep up with his speed.And the distance opened in just a few seconds was enough for the high priest of GBL to recite the incantation. Therefore, when Yue Chuan came to him, the dense dark power had already enveloped the surroundings like a sky.

[The first one is sent]

(End of this chapter)

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