
Chapter 242 Guild Warrior Camp

Chapter 242 Guild Warrior Camp

When he was on Earth, Yue Chuan, like many people, relied on the gains from "Dungeon and Warriors" to improve his life in the real world. To put it mildly, he was a professional player, although Yue Chuan hadn't reached that level yet.After crossing, Yue Chuan has been relying on the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world to add color to his little life.

It's just that all along, because of such scruples, Yue Chuan has always hidden everything about himself, and he dared not let the outside world know that some things are really beyond his ability to handle, and he must pretend to be outsiders, and Yue Chuan will do it too. Various secrecy measures, such as soul contracts and so on.But now, Yue Chuan finally had a bit of confidence in his heart, because he found a big backer for himself, a backer that was so huge that it was almost impossible to shake it.

By creating a guild to distribute benefits and provide convenience to all members, one after another family and forces are supported, allowing them to bloom everywhere, and as the tentacles and branches of the guild, they spread throughout the entire continent, while the Lei Ze family hides from the public and hides. Among the thousands of guild members, they developed with peace of mind under the escort of a series of giants such as the Mercenary Alliance and the Magic Guild.

At the moment, Yue Chuan did not leave the Moonlight Tavern, but opened the guild channel and directly sent a message: Brothers and sisters who are online, if you are free, come to the bar to sit for a while, let's chat...

The originally noisy guild channel quieted down in an instant, followed by even more turbulent replies and screen-swiping messages. At the same time, the teleportation array in Hutton Mar City flashed frequently, and one figure after another appeared and walked out of it, and then Trot or stride towards the Moonlight Tavern.It's just that before him, a large group of people blocked the private room where Yue Chuan was located, all of them were people who had gathered in the bar before.

Yue Chuan glanced at the crowd, but he didn't see that eccentric little loli, and couldn't help feeling disappointed.Although he had been deliberately avoiding Little Loli during this time, Yue Chuan couldn't help but miss her when he really disappeared from his sight.

Sally also came.Shariel, who was banned in the world of fire elements, has nothing to do every day except sleeping. It can be said that she almost lives in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" in another form. Only in this way can she relax The loneliness and pain of her being imprisoned, and only when she saw Yue Chuan, could she feel a little bit of comfort in her heart.

Louis XV came, Yue Chuan remembered this person, after all, he was the first group of veterans to join the guild at the beginning of its establishment, and he was an extremely coquettish swordsman in the duel arena, but to Yue Chuan's surprise, Louis XV did not Instead of being transferred to Sword Soul, he was transferred to Devil May Cry.The other Devil May Cry are at most surrounded by circles of black smoke and mist, but Louis XV is always surrounded by a cold and evil spirit.

While Yue Chuan was looking for familiar faces in the crowd, those members were also secretly sizing up the president who had never met before.

Legend has it that the leader of the dragon never sees the end, the legend is the first god who created the guild, the legend is the master who has occupied the top ranking for a long time, oh my god, it seems that he can be found everywhere except the duel field Figure.

Yue Chuan heard the comments from the people around him, and there was a hint of embarrassment on his face. Indeed, like most people, the duel field is the eternal pain in Yue Chuan's heart, and the word "experience book" is lingering in Yue Chuan's mind. Haze, let alone mention it.

Fortunately, the top private room in the Moonlight Tavern has a magical function. Its internal space will expand a little bit inadvertently. No matter how many people enter, it will not feel crowded. Moreover, no matter how much its space expands , still doesn't feel empty, all the guild members feel as if they are face to face with Yue Chuan, without alienation at all.

He coughed lightly, and the whispering voice disappeared immediately.

"Everyone! I called everyone here today because I have a piece of news to tell you. Just now, we created the guild and the mercenary alliance, the magic guild, the alchemy association and other organizations in the real world. Here, our guild treats them Take care of them and help them develop, and in the real world, they will also give us corresponding care and help. If you have any needs, just ask the union, and the union will solve your problems for you. Well, I am a clumsy tongue, I don’t know how to explain it, anyway, it’s just one sentence, if you have any problems, just go to the guild.”

"Uh, President, I don't understand one thing, I don't know if I can ask."

Yue Chuan nodded, "As I said just now, feel free to ask the guild for anything, no matter how big or small it is, just ask."

The man laughed dryly and said, "Isn't there a rule of confidentiality in this world? If we leak something outside, we will be punished. In this case, how can we seek help?"

This is indeed a problem.When Yue Chuan was single and weak, he was afraid that if the existence of the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world leaked out, it would have a bad effect, so he set up that fucking confidentiality rule in the system regulations, but now, "Dungeon and Warriors" "The game world is already semi-public, and it is imperative for many things to be accepted and known by the outside world. This confidentiality regulation is a bit out of date.

However, it is not Yue Chuan's style to change the order from day to day. The secrecy rules have existed for less than a year, so it would be too childish to cancel them. Moreover, the secrecy rules have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and rashly changing them will make many people uncomfortable.Just let it exist there.

However, Yue Chuan already had countermeasures for identifying his identity. Even without revealing the secret, he could reveal his identity to the outside world.

"Our guild has been upgraded to level 5, right?"

Suddenly, a large group of chicks nodded their heads pecking at the rice.

The founding guild has been established for several months, and the members of the guild have been actively leveling up. Every member is online every day, and the fatigue value must be cleared every day, and the fatigue value consumed by the members is the experience value of the guild upgrade, that is to say , creating a guild has been gaining experience points at the fastest speed, and the speed of upgrading can be imagined.In the case of no shortage of money, Yue Chuan almost always spent money immediately to upgrade the guild, and then ordered guild skills.Because of this, although Yue Chuan never appeared in front of the guild members, he always existed in the hearts of all members.

"You don't know yet. When the guild reaches level 6, there will be an extra reward. Guess what it is?"

Additional rewards?For a time, everyone was excited.

All along, they thought that in addition to providing additional attribute bonuses, the guild was just a platform for everyone to communicate and connect, but they never thought that the guild would have other additional rewards.What the hell is this?

Smiled, "Title Medal!"

Hearing these four words, everyone became excited immediately.

"Oh, I'm stupid. It turns out that this title medal was upgraded by the guild, not from monsters. Fortunately, I want to get one every day."

"By the way, so who, last time you bet with me that you will definitely get a title medal within ten years, now, you are willing to accept the bet, hurry up and hand over the purple outfit you treasured, what? You Bring it on, I will love your sister..."

At this time, everyone's first reaction was to open their equipment bar, and then look at the empty space in the upper left corner of their equipment bar, where the title equipment bar was displayed, but no matter whether it was Yue Chuan or anyone else, this place was empty.

"That's right, I've consulted Borken. When the guild reaches level 6, all outstanding members will receive a medal from the guild ★Warrior faction. Moreover, because we are the first guild created, we have a special award."

"What reward!"

Hundreds of thousands of people asked at the same time, and with one voice, the loudness and shock of the voice almost made Yue Chuan jump up in fright.

"Originally, this title has a time limit, and it only exists for one month. But our guild gives special rewards, and this title is permanent. And, most importantly, it can be brought into the mainland by you."


All the children and their friends were stunned, and a voice lingered in their minds for a long time—bring into the mainland!
Bringing items to the mainland is the unanimous desire of all players in the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world, but unfortunately, except for Yue Chuan, no one has this ability.And now how can they not be excited to hear that they can finally bring the item into the real world.

"Really? This is not a dream!"

"Put your face here, and I can give you a slap for free."

"In addition to this title, can we also take out other items?"

"President, what is the use of this title?"


Yue Chuan raised his hand and pressed down, the surrounding immediately became quiet, and a bunch of bright eyes looked at Yue Chuan without blinking.

"A title is a piece of equipment that can give you additional attributes. At the same time, it is also a sign to distinguish your identity. For example, the guild warrior camp you got this time not only shows that you are warriors, but also shows that you are the founders of the guild. Members, after all, only members of our guild on the mainland have this medal, so even if the secrets here are not revealed, as long as you wear this medal, the forces of the Mercenary Alliance and the Magic Guild will already know your identity."

Speaking of the title of this guild ★warrior camp, that is also an ancient story.In the era when titles were scarce and the King of Immortality was the ultimate title, because of the perverted difficulty, long production cycle and high cost of the king's relics, most people, except those with perseverance and technical tycoons, just waited for it. cowardly.At this time, starting with the simple Guild ★Warrior camp has become the unanimous choice of large and small players.

"Our trade union is about to be promoted to 6, hurry up and get mixed titles."

"Oh, I'm resigning from the union right now, wait for me, tell your president not to upgrade first."

"The Chacha union will be promoted to 6 next week. If you have a title, hurry up and get it. Join the union and pay 10 gold coins. If you don't have enough time, the advanced group 137176178..."

In the era when the reincarnation was unwilling to pay, countless players generously donated money for this title, which shows its extraordinary charm and value, especially its time limit, which makes it impossible to collect and can only be a special existence.And without the guild ★warrior camp, either become the Immortal King, or bear the title of GBL honorary believer, or the title of King's Guardian Wind.

Originally, the titles of the guild Warrior camp in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" were also limited, but when Yue Chuan created the guild, Borken gave him a special Juyi Token, which has a wider effect. Ken didn't say anything, but after several guild upgrades, Yue Chuan discovered that his guild could add points at will and invest all guild skills in attributes.And this time when he was promoted to 6, special options appeared on the Juyi Order, for example, whether the title is permanent and whether it can be carried to reality.

In the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", every guild can have this title after it reaches 6, but due to the time limit, their titles cannot be permanently owned. The exclusiveness of the guild, and in the real world, this kind of exclusiveness has an undoubted taste.

Excited, excited, shocked!
All kinds of possibilities are mixed in the hearts of these people, making them tremble and unable to control themselves.

"President, when will I upgrade, I can't wait to see what this title looks like..."

Seeing a group of people screaming, Yue Chuan smiled, then nodded, and said, "Let's go to Borken."


A large group of people poured out of the Moonlight Tavern in unison, making those who were still enjoying the free drinks wonder, didn’t these people create the guild? , Is it going to merge with other gangs?Short oil, big news, big excitement, hurry up and check it out.But looking at the drinks on the table, heartache emerged again.After thinking about it, I still continue to drink from the bar. After all, free drinks are not available every day.

On the street, countless curious eyes were staring at the long queue of the founding guild, so mighty, what are they going to do?Hey, isn't their direction the same direction as the previous mercenary alliance and magic guilds? Could it be that they are going to merge?I wiped it, seeing the appearance of these people who created the guild with chicken blood, they must have a big fight, oops, hurry up, no, no, stay away, don't let the blood spray on you.

Many members of the Mercenary Alliance, the Magic Guild and other organizations were still immersed in the joy of finally finding the organization. They gathered around Borken and did not disperse. Thinking of the word Huo Bing, they drew their swords out of their sheaths one by one nervously, but then they realized that private fighting is not allowed here, that is to say, the Founding Guild did not come to surround them.Even if you can fight privately here, it's a big deal to go back to resurrect after death, at most it's just weak, what's the big deal.

The few people in charge who had just received a large sum of money from Yue Chuan saw Yue Chuan coming, and all of them came forward to say hello with a smile.It's just that, except for a few visionary leaders such as the Mercenary Alliance, everyone else is a little blunt and cold, not as enthusiastic as they were in the Moonlight Tavern before.

This is understandable. After all, it is the uncle who borrowed the money. Now that the money is in their hands, Yue Chuan doesn't even have a document in his hands. What can he do to them?As for the various promises and agreements made before, if I’m in a good mood, I might honor them, but if I’m in a bad mood, hehe…

Yue Chuan didn't bother to talk to these white-eyed wolves, but Yue Chuan secretly remembered them and remembered the forces they belonged to.Taking their own money but not doing things for themselves, they are really whimsical.

"President President, I don't know why you came all the way here, what's your business?"

Everyone else got 30 gold coins from Yue Chuan, but the person in charge of the mercenary alliance got 50 gold coins from Yue Chuan. Therefore, this guy's enthusiasm for Yue Chuan is even more affectionate than meeting his father.

Yue Chuan smiled and said, "Our guild has just met the requirements for upgrading, so come and upgrade the guild."

The person in charge of the mercenary alliance didn't know much about this area, he just let out an oh and backed away. The other bosses were similar. Their guild had just been established, and they hadn't figured out how to do it yet. How could they know what an upgrade was? .

When Borken saw Yue Chuan, he nodded secretly, as he had greeted Yue Chuan.Yue Chuan also knew a little about this cool guy, and didn't care about his indifference at all, so he quickly applied for the guild upgrade.After paying the corresponding amount, an announcement within the guild immediately appeared in the eyes of all members, and then they received an email signed by "Guild Administrator". The Golden Medal of Honor appeared in it.

Guild ★ Warrior camp!
Concentrate on it, and the attributes of this medal title are immediately reflected. Strength and intelligence are both added. In addition to these, there are also bonuses to health and mana. More importantly, it also increases attack speed, release , Move three attributes.

Everyone has been in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" for so long, and they have a clear concept of four-dimensional, three-speed, and blood blue, and know the importance of these attributes. Have the urge to look up to the sky and laugh.All the available attributes have been added, and all the added attributes are available. Is there a better title than this?

Yue Chuan really wanted to tell them, yes!And more than one!In that era of overflowing gift packs, the guild ★warrior faction could only be silently lost in the memory of old players, and finally ceased to exist, not even a thought of collecting it left.But after thinking about the fact that there is no gift bag in this world, Yue Chuan still threw this sentence out of the blue.

At that moment, everyone saw an unforgettable scene. One after another, golden words appeared on the heads of the members of the founding guild. Extraordinary, such a high-end atmosphere.Hundreds of members stood together, and the golden font was like an ocean, which was magnificent.

Warrior camp!This is the real warrior camp!Not only the rows of hot golden characters, but also because of the proud look on their faces and their guild honor that blended into one!This is why there is a word "Guild" in front of the warrior camp.

[A question here, does this title affect the memory of many people? 】

(End of this chapter)

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