
Chapter 235 The New Lord

Chapter 235 The New Lord

Yue Chuan has been recommended by Eugenie and other four families to become an earl. To become an earl, he should naturally have a fief, and in the selection of the fief, Yue Chuan chose the area around the city of Parsenhofen.

Parsenhofen City is not close to Starn City, where Yue Chuan started, but it is not far away. The two are adjacent to each other. Encheng's control and connection can, on the contrary, connect the two territories into one.

However, the city of Parsenhofen is already on the edge of the southern border of the empire, and it is not far from the famous black feather mountain on the border. When the empire was in turmoil, the bandits from the black feather mountain would come out from time to time After plundering, the city of Parsenhofen has not been enfeoffed for a long time. One of the bad things about establishing a fief here is to dig your own grave.

At that time, the emissary from the Eugenie family who contacted Yue Chuan to discuss the fief was also puzzled by Yue Chuan's request for the city of Parsenhofen as a fief, but Yue Chuan insisted that the emissary had no choice but to give up.But now, rumors of elf magic relics suddenly broke out in Parsenhofen, and the messenger seemed to understand something.It's just that he's smart and doesn't go around rapping.

Asking for Parsenhofen City as a fief is indeed the result of Yue Chuan's deliberation, but the purpose of Yue Chuan's deliberation is not the magic relic of the elves as others guessed, but the nearby Black Feather Mountain.

Black Feather Mountain is a three-way zone at the junction of many countries, as prosperous and chaotic as the Golden/Triangle.Others dare not establish a fief here because they are afraid of Mount Heiyu, but Yue Chuan doesn't have so many scruples. On the contrary, even if Mount Heiyu doesn't come to trouble him, he will still think of Mount Heiyu.After all, Black Feather Mountain had an indistinct relationship with Old Lei Ze's death. Although Yue Chuan had no family relationship with Old Lei Ze, he took Wu Meng's body and was considered a son of man. He had to avenge this revenge.And even if Yue Chuan is not for himself, he still has to think for Qian Qian.

Yue Chuan used the magic relics of the elves to pry Parsenhofen and the surrounding area out of the sphere of influence of the Church of Light, and at the same time, Yue Chuan also cut this area out of the influence of Black Feather Mountain.The mixed forces of big and small fish and dragons in Parsenhofen City are Yue Chuan's natural umbrella, and no one dares to act rashly here.

The matter of fiefdom was not all smooth sailing. After all, Yue Chuan did not have a good family background, excellent knowledge, and no outstanding achievements. How could such an ordinary commoner, who could not be more ordinary, become the Earl of the Empire in one fell swoop? The earl of the fief, so what do so many knights, lords, barons and viscounts in the empire think.

Among other things, even Baron Sotheby, who has a very close relationship with Yue Chuan, was extremely jealous after learning the news that Yue Chuan became the earl, but Baron Sotheby was also extremely excited while being jealous. After all, Yue Chuan and Soth With regard to the relationship of the Bi family, the higher Yue Chuan's status was, the more help the Sotheby family could get.

It's just that other people may not think like Baron Sotheby, especially the Dasabi family who had conflicts with Yue Chuan, even gathered a group of opposing forces to ask the emperor to revoke Yue Chuan's fief and title.

Although the emperor of the empire cared about the thoughts of the four major families, he could not ignore the voices of other nobles, so this matter was placed in the court for everyone to discuss.This kind of thing was originally the same as muddy mud. It was a battle between two factions and groups. Yue Chuan just happened to be the focus of their struggle. According to the urinating nature of the people on both sides, if they don't fight for three to five years There will be no victory or defeat, and Yue Chuan's fiefdom will become nowhere in sight.

However, at this time, the news of the elf magic relic broke out in Parsenhofen. This explosive news caught the empire by surprise. , The empire's control is not so strong, and when the empire received the news, the large and small forces had already drawn up their respective spheres of influence in the city of Parsenhofen, and it was clear that they did not take the imperial officials seriously.

Although the Emperor of the Empire was angry, he didn't have the guts to send an army to clear the field. If those giants of the Magic Guild were annoyed, it would not be difficult for them to destroy a country. Trouble is enough for the empire to drink a pot.Furthermore, many magicians employed by the imperial court and the army belonged to the Magic Guild, and the Magic Guild only needed a single order to reduce the combat power of the empire by [-]%. Therefore, the emperor did not dare to act rashly.

But the emperor was also very annoyed by the loss of sovereignty. If he didn't do something, wouldn't he appear to be too incompetent.

At the Heavenly Court, an official of the Eugenie family brought up the old story again, and talked about the matter of Yue Chuan's conferment, but when talking about the reason for the conferment, he also added the matter of the magic relics of the elves in Parsenhofen , stating the benefits of granting Yuechuan the land.

However, some opposition immediately said: "Umont is the priest of the Church of Light. Everyone must be aware of this. If he is given a fief, wouldn't it mean that the empire will surrender to the Church of Light? Is it in danger?"

However, the official of the Eugenie family immediately retorted: "It is true that Umont is a priest, but he is also an imperial count. He is a nobleman and only loyal to the emperor!"

Originally, the emperor of the empire had made a decision on this matter, and when he heard this kind of flattery, he immediately made a decision happily. Although the opponents still wanted to say something, the emperor only left them a back view.

He is a nobleman, but he is also a priest!
He is a priest, but he is even more a nobleman!
There seems to be no difference between these two sentences, but changing the order of the two identities will have a completely different effect, and for Yue Chuan himself, this gives him the convenience of having both sides.

No matter how those forces divide the territory, there is no doubt that this is the territory of the empire. No matter what, everyone should maintain courtesy to the empire on the surface. Even if they don't take the empire seriously in their hearts, they can't show it.

Therefore, when the news spread that Yue Chuan was granted the title of Earl of the Empire and the fiefdom of Parsenhofen, various forces expressed their goodwill to the newly promoted Earl of the Empire, and gifts of all sizes were delivered to Yue Chuan's residence in an endless stream. At the same time, he secretly expressed the hope that Yue Chuan could give him convenience in finding the magic relics of the elves.

Yue Chuan naturally did not refuse anyone who came, and Yue Chuan did not refuse the matter of the magical relics of the elves. Anyway, even if Yue Chuan refused, he would not be able to stop these people. In this case, why not sell face and accept favors.

Various forces expressed their appreciation to the newly promoted Earl of the Empire, but they didn't know that the reason why Yue Chuan was generous was because Yue Chuan didn't care about this non-existent magic relic of the elves at all.

Right now, Parsenhofen City can be regarded as Yue Chuan's private territory. When he was in Starn City before, although he could get the support of Baron Sotheby for everything, it was not on his own land after all. Mr. Yue Chuan He would feel a bit constrained, but now that he has his own personal kingdom, Yue Chuan can turn his ideas into reality and try them without any scruples.

Personnel and supplies from Starn City are being mobilized to Parsenhofen City in a continuous stream. The knowledgeable residents and businessmen in Parsenhofen City can't help but get excited, because they all know that Starn City During this period of limelight, I also know that everything in Starn City was created by Yue Chuan, and now that this person who has created several miracles has become his lord, doesn't that mean that his hometown will also be turned upside down The change?

After the news of Yue Chuan becoming the lord spread, the city residents in Parsenhofen City and several surrounding fiefdoms got busy, calling back those relatives who had developed far away, and those who originally planned to sell their houses and fields also They all kept silent, but searched around for some properties and houses under the plate.And those famous local clans also visited Yue Chuan one after another, expressing their goodwill to the future lord.

For these local big clans, Yue Chuan was not as easy and casual as dealing with those power leaders, but had a detailed chat with them.After all, these are local big families, families that have been passed down in Parsenhofen for hundreds of years or even a few years ago. Although he is a lord, the basis of his rule is still these local families.If these families are of one mind and one mind with him, then the future territory will naturally be prosperous, but if they obey their will, it will really be a headache for him.

Fortunately, these local families are in awe of Yue Chuan, and their attitude is very respectful and courteous. Regardless of Yue Chuan's status as a nobleman or the status of a holy son, they are not something they can easily neglect. How could he be rude to Yue Chuan if he led him to live a good life.

Moreover, because Parsenhofen is too close to Black Feather Mountain, it is often harassed by Black Feather Mountain. The accumulated hatred between the two is innumerable. These residents in the fief dream of having a strong lord to protect their interests. .It's just a pity that the empire has never appointed a lord here, and now one has finally come, who is like a savior.

Through the observation some time ago and the conversations of the past few days, Yue Chuan has a general understanding of the thoughts of the residents of his fiefdom.Because of living in turmoil all year round, the folk customs of the fief are very fierce, and the psychological endurance is also very strong. Otherwise, so many forces, large and small, will rush in all at once, rummaging here to find the troublemakers, the local residents Not even thinking about moving out with the whole family.

Because the local area is close to Heiyu Mountain and the border area of ​​many countries, there are a lot of smuggled caravans. Many locals either set up caravans by themselves or help caravans. people.This adventurous character also made Yue Chuan very satisfied.

Yue Chuan originally thought that the people in his fief should be most concerned about getting rich, but the results of these few days' conversations surprised Yue Chuan, because no matter those ordinary people with poor families or wealthy small landlords, what they most desire is It is force, not personal force, but the army of the fief.

Facing the black feather mountain, which is a no-regarded area, and is often harassed, the people in the fief are enthusiastic about force. They have also formed militia groups to defend their manors and villages. Although they have been repeatedly hit by Heiyu mountain, they have always Unyielding, this kind of fanaticism can be seen.

For this, Yue Chuan not only has no dissatisfaction, but likes it very much.Although the sheep-like people will save the lord from worry and trouble, that is for ordinary lords, and for Yue Chuan, he prefers this kind of wolf-like people, compared to the kind of people who are indifferent to the world. Yue Chuan prefers fighting nations.

Those big and small forces out there beat Yue Chuan to death all day long for the magic relics of the elves, and they didn't even bother to care about it. They didn't even ask a single question, and just got together with the heads of several big families in the fief to discuss matters all day long.

First of all, Yue Chuan gathered the militia formed by these big families, unified organization and command, and even appointed special officers to train them, trying to build this local militia into a force comparable to the trump card army.

Yue Chuan did not worry about sergeant training. He directly contacted the Aryan family and hired several instructors from the Teutonic Knights.The Teutonic Knights are one of the three major knights in the empire. Both their strength and reputation are recognized by the outside world. Knowing that the lord has invited the instructors of the Teutonic Knights, the members of the militia are all excited. Shouting, as if it was a great honor to be trained by these people, while those who did not join the militia scratched their heads anxiously, looking for ways to find out when the militia would expand.

Seeing this scene, Yue Chuan was a little surprised.Back then, when I was training in the military at university, a group of people tried their best to steal and play tricks. One day they had a stomachache, the next day they had heatstroke, and they racked their brains to ask for leave.Once a classmate fainted, a large group of people kindly sent him to the infirmary. Two people raised their hands, two people raised their feet, one person supported his head, and one person stroked the chrysanthemum. The rest were all carrying bags and water. In the blink of an eye, all the people on the playground left, making the instructor so angry that he lost his temper.

But now, none of these militias ask for leave, and some even train while sick. It seems that this kind of training is not torture for them, but a kind of enjoyment.Moreover, during the training, there was a regular square formation in the front, and some people spontaneously formed a square formation behind them, but following the slogans of the instructors of the Teutonic Knights, the reaction of these people was no worse than that of the regular militia.

Later, the instructor of the Teutonic Knights couldn't help finding Yue Chuan and said, "Master, your subjects are all born warriors, and making them farmers is an insult to the talent bestowed on them by the God of War. I implore you Expand the militia and include those who have performed outstandingly!"

Yue Chuan was kind-hearted.After all, these are just militia groups right now, but their future task is to undertake the task of defending the entire fiefdom. The number and scale are a bit small, and expansion is inevitable.

However, Yue Chuan still has another idea, that is to bring these troops into the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" after they are trained, and make them truly invincible troops, an unprecedented myth that can never be replicated again.Right now, these people must be well tempered, and this important task can only be entrusted to them after they have been tempered and refined.

The most talented fighters, the best instructors, and the most sophisticated weapons, this is the army Yue Chuan built for himself.

It happened that Lockheed's workshop was on the right track, and the characteristic cowhide armor had matured. This kind of strategic material can only be supplied to the empire, and cannot be sold privately. Even if Lockheed is favored by the emperor, it cannot be sold here. Make a mistake in a big right and wrong thing.However, Yue Chuan also belonged to the nobles of the empire, and the fief happened to be on the border. With a little effort, the emperor let go of his mouth and allowed the army on the fief to be armed with this kind of cowhide armor that was comparable to metal armor.

Regarding this, Yue Chuan complained endlessly, it would be troublesome to get involved with officials, and he had to get the approval of the higher-ups if he wanted to arm his own army with his own things.However, there is no way to do this. After all, he is now the Earl of the Empire, and he has to take care of the interests of the Empire in every move he makes.

Fortunately, in terms of war horses, Yue Chuan has reached an alliance with the Eugenie family, and the war horses Yue Chuan from the grassland aliens have a [-]% share. Therefore, no one is holding back Yue Chuan in terms of war horses. war horse.Especially after making the cowhide of the Minotaur into the armor equipped by the horses, these horses already have the defensive power comparable to heavy cavalry, but the actual load is lighter than that of light cavalry. They have the combat effectiveness of heavy cavalry, but have the mobility of light cavalry , once this army is put into the battlefield, the blow to the enemy is absolutely devastating.

And just when Yue Chuan was devoting himself to the construction of his territory, the officials of Parsenhofen City reported to Yue Chuan with joy on their faces: "Report to Lord Lord, those forces and organizations that are causing trouble in our fief have finally begun to slow down. Withdrew slowly, although there are still some forces who are unwilling to give up, it is estimated that they will leave completely in a few months."

Hearing this report, Yue Chuan couldn't help being stunned. He has been busy all this time, but he forgot about those people, and he didn't remember to throw them some elf treasures from time to time to whet their appetite. Withdrew.

In the eyes of others, the withdrawal of these organizations and forces that affect the security of the territory is a good thing, but only Yue Chuan understands that once these forces withdraw, his territory will be harassed by the return of the Bright Church and the Black Feather Mountain. No matter which one he can't fight now.

No, I can't let them leave like this, I have to give them something sweeter!
(End of this chapter)

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