
Chapter 233 I'm Not Me Without You Don't Talk Nonsense

Chapter 233 I'm Not Me Without You Don't Talk Nonsense

The skill of the soul puppet is absolutely elusive, even those Templar knights who are close at hand, have not noticed that the soul puppet has wandered around a hundred times around them.In this way, when they were ignorant, the surrounding vegetation and woodland had become a dangerous place full of murderous opportunities, a desperate place!
Yue Chuan originally thought that he would have to wait until the next morning to see the result he wanted to see, but who would have thought that within an hour after the trap was set up, there would be a thunderous thunder, and the blazing brilliance could be seen several miles away For a moment, all the forces around Parsenhofen focused their attention on the territory of the Church of Light.

"There is movement!"

"There is a situation!"


"Go quickly!"

As a result, one by one forces immediately set off and rushed to the territory of the Guangming Church with their own hands.After all, in this sensitive period, all the troubles will be associated with the magic relics of the elves. Everyone's nerves have been stretched to the limit, and a little stimulation will cause them great reactions.

But on the Templar side, the one who touched the magic trap was a guy who came out to release water.It's not accurate to say that the water is released, but he really can't find any accurate words to describe this situation.

Originally, these templars had traveled thousands of miles from the headquarters of the Church of Light to the city of Parsenhofen to support them. They did not dare to stop along the way, as tired as dead dogs.According to their plan, they must have a good time when they arrive in Parsenhofen. After eating and drinking, they have to have some fun. As for the fun, everyone knows what kind of fun, so I won't explain it in detail.

However, when they arrived in Parsenhofen, everything went beyond their expectations.First, Alexis inexplicably hooked up with the necromancer and became an existence like a public enemy. They couldn't find a connector, and the priest of Parsenhofen Church didn't buy their account at all, let alone make fun of them. They don't even care about food, drink and accommodation.Although their leader pawned his sword and exchanged some money, who would dare to use this money for fun?
But just saying no doesn’t mean you don’t want your body. A certain meatless guy rolled over and over on the rough floor for hundreds of times, and finally sat up uncontrollably. He breathed heavily for a while, then rolled silently. He lifted the curtain of the tent and walked out.When his companion asked him what he was doing, he just replied vaguely.

This guy arrived in a small woods next to him, untied his clothes, took out his tools and started messing around, cursing Yue Chuan cursing while moving around.Ever since he became a glorious templar, with his handsome appearance, good background and strong strength, he has never been disadvantaged in love, and he has never been short of women by his side. Afterwards, the romantic and suave self was reduced to the point where no one could use her, and she wanted everything for herself.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, but the more angry he was, the less he could vent, and the more angry he became.Just at this time, another templar came out from the tent.

"Chachacha, you've been away for 10 minutes, why haven't you come back yet, did something happen to you?"

Although no one was arranged to watch the night, but the companion didn't come back after going out for more than ten minutes, the people in the tent habitually asked a question, so as not to encounter any situation.

The templar in the grove turned around, fearing that people would see his ugly appearance, and said vaguely: "I've had a bad stomach, and I feel a little uncomfortable. It will take a while."

The templar in the tent cursed a few words and went back, while the buddy in the grove secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.And being so startled, the buddy finally felt a little bit of body feeling, a little loose, and then moaned heartily.

However, the buddy who enjoyed it with his eyes closed didn't notice at all that there was a dull metal wire on the tree trunk two steps in front of him, and this hair-thick metal wire twisted and circled, outlining a mysterious magic circle , faint energy flows in it, lasing out strong currents one after another, but restrained by the magic circle, these currents did not splash wantonly, but did not emit any light.

This magic circle was laid by Yue Chuan by remote control of the soul puppet. According to the function of the original magic circle in the elven ruins, it contains powerful lightning power.The feeling of ten thousand thunderbolts added to his body really made Yue Chuan feel the thrill of crossing the catastrophe, and every time he thinks about it, his hair stands on end.

The original version of the trap is naturally a heaven-defying existence, but the one copied by Yue Chuan is basically a shrunken version that was deleted after the copycat.But even if it doesn't kill people, it will make life worse than death.

When the buddy who solved the problem in the small woods shook his body comfortably, he didn't realize that his descendants had accidentally landed on the tree trunk, and then there was the sound of creaking electricity. That buddy just noticed Seeing something strange, a blinding bright light burst out in front of his eyes, followed by a violent electric current.Then there is no more.

The movement in the grove immediately alarmed the other templars in the tent. These templars thought that someone was dealing with them, so they put on their armor and picked up their weapons one by one, and then sneakily opened a gap in the tent to look out.

The glare of thunder and lightning disappeared in a flash, and the outside returned to darkness, and it was this darkness that made the templars uncertain whether someone was outflanking them, and they didn't know how many enemies there were in the dark, so they set up another How many ambushes.

"Head, will someone take over our nest this time?"

"It was definitely a magician casting magic just now, and the power is too great."

"Chachacha went out to drain the water just now, so it's probably more ominous than good."

In this way, a group of people huddled in the tent and dared not go out, carefully guarding against the enemies that might appear around them at any time.Time passed by every minute and every second, and it was 5 minutes in the blink of an eye.But the enemies outside hadn't come in yet, and the Templars in the tent began to lose their composure.

"Head, could it be that we are too careful?"

"Shall we go out and have a look?"

"No, Chachacha has to react to such a big commotion, but I haven't seen him come back until now. Something must have happened."

"Hush... Listen, there is movement!"

A group of templar knights all stopped making noise, one by one put up their ears to listen to the sound outside, and there were indeed dense footsteps, and the dense footsteps were definitely not ten or twenty people, but 100 or [-] people, or even More.Then came the dense flames, and the torches illuminated the surroundings of the tent like daytime.

"Head, I took a look, at least there must be four or five hundred people, we are finished."

"Head, what should we do, or, let's vote."

"Bah, that's a surrender, not a vote!"

But he said that after seeing the strong light, people from various forces rushed over in a hurry, lest they arrive late, and the magic relics of the elves would be completely removed by the Illuminati Church.Therefore, they were running at a galloping speed along the way. With such impatience, they naturally didn't have the heart to explore the way, detect traps and so on.After all, they didn't think that the people of the Illuminati Church would set up any traps in such a short period of time, and they didn't think that the Illuminati Church could stand alone against the alliance of so many forces.

However, God just made a joke for everyone.

A certain small faction was very close to the Church of Light. Even though they hesitated for a minute or two after seeing the flash, they were the first to arrive here.At first they thought they could get some benefits, but who would have thought that when the camp of the Guangming Church was close at hand, the flames soared into the sky, engulfing all the dozen or so people from their forces, and when the flames dissipated, their forces would be able to There were only three or two people standing, and the rest were either out of breath or half breathed.

"Damn the Church of Light, you dare to set a trap!"

The same things happened one after another in the surroundings, some were flames, some were hail, some were rocks falling from rocks, lightning and thunder.In short, with the camp of the Church of Light as the center, there were screams from all directions, and every time there were screams, dozens or even dozens of people lay down and slept forever. They all cursed and cursed the insidiousness and viciousness of the Church of Light.

However, traps were triggered one after another, each time causing more or less personnel damage. Even though those forces carefully checked the traps, they were still caught. They had not yet approached the camp of the Illuminati Church, and their staff had been reduced by half. If you take two more steps, you don't know how many people will die.

The surviving forces gathered spontaneously. Instead of scattered exploration in four directions, it is better for everyone to gather together and work together to investigate.Many forces gathered the thieves in their team, and they found a lot of things.

"Boss, come and have a look, there are traps here!"

Sure enough, a group of people followed the thief's guidance and saw that there were some rubble and sundries piled up there. At first glance, it seemed that there was nothing unusual, but when everyone used their perception to the limit, they finally noticed what was going on. of the unusual.They could even feel that if it wasn't for these thieves reminding them, they might have stepped on it. At that time...

"The principle of this magic circle is very strange. It is a technique that has never been seen before. Can you see what kind of routine it is?"

A group of people gathered around the magic circle to study it carefully, but they all shook their heads.Although they can feel the powerful destructive power contained in it, they can't see the construction method and operation principle of this magic at all. This is a kind of magic, but it is very different from human magic, and it is different from human magic civilization magic. The system has nothing to do with it!

In an instant, many people realized what this was. It definitely originated from the magic civilization of the elves, and it was a trap set up by using the magic skills of the elves.And following this line of thought, those people searched out the knowledge about the elves in their minds, and gradually, they saw many things, and those things further confirmed their conjectures.

"That's right, that is indeed the method of the elves. Look at the corners of the stone. From my perspective, it is a magic rune. This rune has appeared in many magic relics of the elves."

"Indeed, have you seen that dark brown piece of wood? Although it looks like a stone, it was actually planted by the elves with vegetation magic. It is a material produced by combining magic and alchemy. The wood is called Charcoal wood, which contains very powerful fire energy, once triggered, can generate high temperature and high heat instantly. The damage of this piece of charcoal wood, even if there is a fighting spirit to protect the body, the magic shield will still cause death or injury."

The more people analyzed, the more terrified they became, and then they all looked at the camp of the Church of Light with hatred and fear.Being able to arrange so many magic traps around the camp, there must be secrets, and these are the magic traps of the elves, which shows that the people of the Church of Light must have obtained the secret of the magic relics of the elves, otherwise, how could they It is possible to arrange such a trap.

"We must not let them monopolize the secrets of the magic relics of the elves!"

"They must be stopped!"

"But what about the traps?"

When this issue was mentioned, many forces were silent.Because no one knows how many magic traps are ahead, even if I can dismantle the outer traps and fight with the people of the Illuminati Church, but if they lead me to the trap area and start fighting with me, then my side Although there are many people, they will still be beaten to annihilation.

"Surround them, trap them to death, let them out!"

It's not a good way, but it's the only way for now.Right now, we can only surround the surroundings and trap those members of the Bright Church inside. When their supplies are cut off, they will naturally come out obediently.At that time, even if they obtained any elf treasure, they could only spit it out.

As a result, these forces began to distribute tasks, dividing the surrounding defense zones one by one, and arranging manpower to focus on marking, and they must not let the people of the Illuminati Church slip out.

But at this moment, a powerful person suddenly said: "Our people found a strange person in the grove ahead."

Everyone was puzzled as to what kind of strange method it was, so that when the man talked about it, a strange look appeared on his face.

But soon, they understood why the man had a weird face, because when they saw the so-called "strange man", they also had a strange feeling.

Well, in fact, it’s nothing, just a templar, wearing a thin shirt, who looks like he just crawled out of bed.

"This person should have encountered a powerful lightning force, which raged in his body, so that his body was cut off in an instant, and then numb and stiff, retaining the dying state."

As for what he was doing when he was dying, although that person didn't say anything, but everyone is not blind and foolish, who can't see it, can't figure it out?

"I know this guy!" said a member of a faction, "He is a member of the Templar Knights, his name is Chachacha, and he is a famous libertine in the Church of Light, but he has a good skin. The number of women definitely exceeds three digits, but there are no disputes or troubles."

After talking about the man's messy history, he said in a sour tone: "This guy definitely caught an elf woman. From my guess, it should be the Thunder Elemental Elf, who was trapped in the body of the Thunder Elemental Elf. Killed by the power of lightning."

When everyone heard this inference, they nodded.Everyone even completed the picture in their minds that the Church of Light used the beauty trick, and then successfully gained the trust of the elves, and gained a lot of benefits from the elves.

Didn't someone see the Fire Elemental Spirit and the Ice Elemental Spirit with their own eyes last time? There is nothing wrong with having a Thunder Elemental Spirit.It's just this guy, who is not good for you to pick up, but you want to pick up a thunder elemental elf.

If that buddy Quan Xia knows, he will burst into tears.

I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense.

Soon, what happened here spread to the city of Parsenhofen through various channels. When many people talked about the Templar Knight of the Illuminati Church, they would hey twice with a wretched and ambiguous expression. To put it bluntly, men understand anyway.In this way, the Knights Templar of the Guangming Church became completely famous along with this romantic ghost. The people of the Guangming Church came out to refute the rumors in order to save face, but when some unscrupulous forces put the corpse out, the Guangming Church Immediately closed his mouth.

But these are the aftermath.Right now, the Templars of the Church of Light are still huddled in their tents in a daze, preparing for a hard fight.Outside, there are various forces, gearing up for revenge, but afraid of the trap and dare not enter.

When Yue Chuan knew what was going on outside the city, he couldn't help showing a strange look on his face.The traps originally set up were all for the templar knights, but they didn't expect to trap hundreds of people from those forces to death.But it doesn't matter, anyway, this account has been counted on the head of the templar.

(End of this chapter)

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