
Chapter 230

Chapter 230

The necromancer who was hiding with Alexis grinned, wanting to laugh, but the fusion of soul and body hadn't been coordinated yet, so there was only a weird expression on his face, and he couldn't tell whether he was crying or laughing.

"Alexis, it's just that you can't appear in the light. Hiding in the dark can still clear the way for the church. Join us..."

Alexis knew that this was his only choice. As the necromancer said, now that this incident has happened, he can no longer appear in the public, otherwise he will be attacked by outside public opinion. With the arrest of many masters, [-]% of the members of the church who don't know the inside story will also be eager to send themselves, the "degenerate", to the stake.The only option is to hide in the darkness and become a shadowy existence with those people.Only in that way can he continue to receive the protection of the Church of Light, otherwise, his fate will be extremely miserable.

However, suddenly falling from a high position like the archbishop to a hidden member behind the scenes, Alexis inevitably felt a little bit annoyed, and seeing Yue Chuan who was worshiped by many believers in the distance, Alexis was even more angry. .

Back then, this Umont was the one who presided over the baptism of light himself, or introduced him to the Church of Light, and even wanted to recommend him to the Pope to focus on training, but it was such a person, but there was a person who belonged to the pure dark power. My sister is an impure believer, a guy who talks nonsense and demagogues people.

Alexis also knew that he was powerless at this time.Yue Chuan appeared at the right place at the right time, did a right thing, and completely crucified himself in the name of the fallen.

Seeing Alexis gnashing his teeth, the necromancer couldn't help asking curiously: "Alexis, didn't you have high hopes for Umont back then, and wanted to train him to be a confidant like Dasabi? Why? , are you going to attack him again?"

Alexis gritted his teeth, "Because he lied about being favored by the God of Light and pretended to be the Holy Son!"

Hearing this, the necromancer didn't understand that it was those dirty power struggles. The reason why they are willing to hide in the dark is that they don't want to fight in camps. Instead of fighting with their own people, they might as well go out and fight with outsiders. .Therefore, the necromancer twitched his face, leaned against the wall and closed his eyes to rest, ignoring the outside world.To be honest, he regretted coming to Pasenhofen City with Alexis, lying in the muddy water, not only did not get the slightest benefit, but caused a lot of trouble.

Outside, Yue Chuan continued to appease the emotions of those believers, and continued to comfort them. Of course, he did not forget to criticize Alexis's blasphemous and depraved behavior when he comforted them.In fact, at this time, even if the Pope comes in person, it is impossible to defend Alexis. After all, many experts have witnessed Alexis walking with the necromancer, whether it is out of reason or against forces such as the mercenary union The Pope can only pinch his nose to admit his scruples.

Soon, under the name of the Holy Son of Yue Chuan and Yue Chuan's golden appearance, those believers regained their calmness and reason. It means that the Church of Light has fallen as a whole, at least there is still a holy son like Father Umont. Moreover, I heard that Father Umont is better than Lexis in every aspect, and he is definitely a role model in the world.

Uh... It's a pity that Father Umont is the priest of the church in Starn City. It would be great if he were the priest of the church in Parsenhofen City. In this way, we can see his appearance and listen to his teachings every day Yes, it is said that he is a person favored by the God of Light, and praying in front of him every day, it should be easier for his heart to reach the God of Light.

Those believers became Yue Chuan's supporters unknowingly, and seeing this situation, the family members of the victims who were about to make trouble had no excuse to continue their mischief.After all, there is a wrong and a debtor, your family was killed by Alexis, you go to Alexis, what is the matter here, smashing, looting and burning, if you don’t hold you accountable, it’s already giving you face, if you make trouble for no reason, it’s giving you face Shameless face.

"It's's all gone..."

Many troublemakers, troublemakers and spectators left one after another, and in the blink of an eye, the church door returned to calm.And at this time, the few priests who were hiding behind the ruined walls dared to poke their heads out timidly.

"Father Umont, I am the priest of Parsenhofen Parish. Thank you for coming all the way to rescue our church in Parsenhofen. We will definitely report your kindness to the Pope..."

Yue Chuan waved his hand, "We are all believers of the God of Light, and we are all God's people, so we have to distinguish between so many factions and regions. God loves the world, and those who believe in God will be redeemed. I came to save you because The teachings of the gods, not for the reward of the pope, this matter, it is worth not to report."

That clergyman originally wanted to clarify the matter to Yue Chuan, so that Yue Chuan would not take advantage of the current chaos to interfere in the affairs of Parsenhofen City. Hearing what Yue Chuan said now, he felt relieved.Father Umont is so sympathetic to heaven and man, he will definitely not do such a thing of fighting for power and profit.

"However, the church in Parsenhofen has been destroyed like this. Not to mention respecting the gods, even the places where you eat and stay have been destroyed. What are you going to do in the future?"

Yue Chuan asked the guy who was full of fighting for power and profit with one sentence, yes, right now, he doesn't even have a place to eat and sleep, so what right can he fight for and calculate.The current city of Parsenhofen is not a sweet pastry at all, but a mess. Whoever takes over will have to deal with the hostile forces outside, as well as the basic necessities of life inside. The most annoying thing is that after the Alexis Things, the reputation of the city of Parsenhofen has fallen into the latrine, who will donate in the future.

"Uh...Father Umont..."

"Hey, I'm just here to rescue people. Now that the matter is over, I don't need to stay any longer. There are still many things to deal with in Starn City. See you next time."

"Uh no, Father Umont, please wait, wait..."

The priest of the parish of Parsenhofen grabbed Yue Chuan's sleeve regardless of his identity and image. In fact, after what happened today, he no longer has the so-called image and identity. I went to the street to beg for food.

"Uh, Father Umont, the priest of our parish disappeared some time ago, and I am also the Archbishop of Alexis... Ah bah bah bah bah, I was temporarily promoted by the traitor a while ago, and it hasn't been ten days since I was full. That is to read the scriptures and do prayers, neither have strong martial arts nor profound magic, let alone how to manage the church, so that there is a riot like today..."

Although the priest was talking nonsense at length, Yue Chuan didn't know what he wanted to say next, and those were exactly what Yue Chuan wanted to hear, so Yue Chuan held his temper, looked at him with a smile, and waited for him to say it.

"That... I am not talented enough to be a priest. I also hope that Father Umont can replace him and help our parish in Parsenhofen to tide over the difficulties."

Originally, the priest of Parsenhofen Parish was still wary of Yue Chuan taking the opportunity to seize his rights, but now, he could only ask Yue Chuan to help him carry this challenge.After all, the struggle for power and profit also depends on the time. The world is peaceful, and we have leisure time to intrigue, but if we don’t have enough to eat, who the hell has time to form cliques.

"I'm just the priest of Starn City. We are equals. It's a bit inappropriate for me to take your position. After all, this matter requires the nod of the archbishop."

"What's wrong? What's wrong? The church run by Father Umont is famous far and wide, and everyone knows it. As for the archbishop, Alexis is still defecting, and the new archbishop has not yet been appointed. Father Umont, you should hurry up. Follow the authority."

"What if the people below have opinions?"

"Who dares, I will kill him first!"

"Okay then, please be my deputy and manage with me."

"That's my honor!"

"By the way, I don't know what your name is yet."


Originally, Yue Chuan came to Parsenhofen City to create the illusion of the magical relics of the elves, just to stir up the muddy water, create a little trouble for Alexis, and disgust him.But who knew that the harvest was beyond his expectation, Alexis hooked up with a necromancer and even killed him, so Yue Chuan naturally wanted to take the opportunity to bring down Alexis.

Not only do they want to bring down Alexis, but they also want to take advantage of the fact that Alexis is unable to show up and the pope is beyond his reach, so as to establish his own influence in Parsenhofen, let his image of the Holy Son take root in the hearts of the people, Even if the pope refuses to cook raw rice and cooked rice, he can only admit it with a pinch of his nose.After all, the influence of the Holy Son has nothing to do with his position, and it cannot be erased by changing a priest.

Yue Chuan's purpose is very clear, which is to do his best to expand his influence, gradually turn his influence into his own power and strength, and grow his own fruits on the soil of the Bright Church.

And this is just the first step!
The second step is to completely separate the area around the city of Starn - Parsenhofen from the traditional sphere of influence of the Church of Light.And this is also the reason why Yue Chuan created the magic relics of the elves.

Now, the Church of Light, the Mercenary Union, many foreign religions, the Magic Guild, the Alchemy Association, and even the Assassin's League have all sent their own people to Parsenhofen to dig around, looking for the legendary elf magic relics and elves.This area has now become an area where many forces compete. At this time, any move by the Church of Light must be cautious and cautious. Therefore, even if Yue Chuan did something a little out of line, it is impossible for the Pope to make a move. What kind of reaction, lest it will cause misunderstandings by many powerful forces.

And the magical relics of the elves are too tempting, so these forces will tirelessly devote energy, manpower, material and financial resources to unearth them, and they will be nailed to the city of Parsenhofen like nails, and their existence will form Tong Yu laid a protective wall for Yue Chuan, so that Yue Chuan could sit back and relax.

However, the most important thing right now is to start repairing the church in Parsenhofen, clear out the buildings that were smashed by the people, and then rebuild them. Otherwise, such a pile of ruins is here, wouldn't it be a shame.

There is also the problem of the placement of those priests, which is easy to handle. Many of them are local residents, so let them go home temporarily. Those whose homes are far away or who are homeless, Yue Chuan will also take care of them. There are several courtyards around for them to live in, and the food and living are very generous.Anyway, Yue Chuan was not short of money, and the treatment he gave them was the best, and this treatment was undoubtedly dozens of times better than what they had received before. The Internet approved Yue Chuan's taking over of the church in Parsenhofen.

A day later, Alexis' reinforcements arrived, but their arrival was of no avail, because Alexis had already been ruined and never dared to appear in front of the public again.Alexis didn't even dare to come out to connect with these reinforcements, for fear of being captured by them.He and the necromancer rested in Parsenhofen for a few days, and when their strength was almost recovered, they slipped out quietly.

Not finding Alexis, these reinforcements naturally found the priest of Parsenhofen parish, that is, Yue Chuan.

"We are the Templars sent by the Pope. Our duty is to find the magical relics of the elves. You Parsenhofen Parish must obey our orders and arrangements unconditionally. Do you understand?"

The leading man in silver armor with a pendant of aunt's color floating on his helmet said arrogantly.No wonder he was arrogant, after all, he was a Templar sent by the Pope, while Yue Chuan was just an ordinary parish priest.Originally they were sent to assist Alexis. After all, Alexis was an archbishop and could hold them down. But now that Alexis disappeared, it was naturally impossible for them to "assist" a priest in a parish. , the arrogance in his bones was immediately revealed.

Yue Chuan looked at the templar calmly, and the more than 20 little companions behind him, and felt it carefully. These are all masters who have cultivated fighting spirit. Although the leader is very aggressive, he is very strong. , Yue Chuan felt oppressed just by the outward momentum.

He did have the capital of arrogance, but he found the wrong object of arrogance.

"My lord knight, I'm really sorry. We are just a small parish, and we don't have any experts. We can't help you with such a big event. Moreover, our church was just destroyed in a riot. We need Repair the church and restore the brilliance of the gods. I have no time to clone for the time being."

When the two were talking, they did not avoid the clergy below. After all, the matter of the magic relics of the elves has become an open secret. There has been a lot of noise in Parsenhofen these days, and seeing so many people coming in and out Even the blind and deaf know that Parsenhofen is a little different.

Those clergymen were not surprised by the Templar's request. After all, it often happened that the above-mentioned manpower was transferred.For another example, if a parish needs a large-scale construction project, the surrounding parishes will spontaneously dispatch a group of people to help.These are nothing, everyone is not a delicate person, it's no big deal to be a little stupid, anyway, eat and drink.

But you asked us to help you find the remains of the elves, isn't it clear that you use us as cannon fodder!Those family members who came to make trouble last time have already made things very clear. Hundreds of people died in one fell swoop, and those who died were all those mercenaries who licked blood all the year round. People, I'm afraid none of them will come back.

Therefore, when the Templars said something, the surrounding clergymen in Parsenhofen City dared to bow their heads in anger, hoping that Yue Chuan would not agree to them.But after thinking about it, the difference between Yue Chuan's grade and the other party's was simply ten thousand miles, and he couldn't refuse at all, so he sighed in his heart.But who would have thought that although Yue Chuan didn't directly refuse, he shirked all the things completely - if you want something, you can!VIP, not one!
For a moment, those priests looked at Yue Chuan with gratitude in their eyes. This is a priest who truly cares about his subordinates. He is a good priest!
The templar was very angry. This priest in the countryside dared to refuse him. He was so tired of life!

"Boy, do you know what will happen if you offend me?"

"do not know!"

"Now I'll let you know!"


The templar drew out his sword around his waist, and the aunt-colored pendant on his head fluttered and fluttered under the fluttering of fighting spirit, making him look heroic and extraordinary.On the other hand, Yue Chuan, who was facing him, sighed a long time, a red cross appeared in his hand, and then he chanted the spell lightly, a transparent shield rose up from his body, enveloping Yue Chuan like an eggshell stand up.

And this is not over yet, Yue Chuan gave himself another light revenge, the fiery lightning energy twinkled and flickered on Yue Chuan's body, shaking people's eyes sorely.

"Go ahead, let me see the consequences of offending you..."

The templar almost vomited blood at Yue Chuan's words, do you think I'm an idiot? I also grew up in the Church of Light, and I don't know what these famous magics in the Church of Light are?Guardian of the Holy Light and Revenge of the Light, you have added these two magics to yourself, and you are ashamed to let me beat you, I am stupid, I am looking for excitement!
With a cold snort and putting away his weapon, the templar turned around, because he knew that even if he attacked with all his strength, it would take a lot of effort to break through the protection of the holy light. During this time, the opponent can completely cast the holy light again. Guarding, repeated over and over again, is a defense that can never be broken.

What is the background of this priest in the countryside? Not only does he know such a brilliant magic, but he also seems to practice it very profoundly. Why has he never heard of it before?

(End of this chapter)

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