
Chapter 228 1 Nothing

Chapter 228

Do you think that with a bone shield, you will be invincible?
Seeing the necromancer flying backwards at high speed, Yue Chuan raised his left hand suddenly, and a scarlet light cluster bloomed in his palm. In the center of the red light, it was a deep black, like a black hole, deep and strange, with infinite Endless suction force.

Soul addicted hand!The Berserker's signature skill is one of the three ghost swordsmen's powerful grasping skills, the representative of violence, and a must-have skill for show operations, just like blocking and lifting.

Although Yue Chuan has specialized in Berserkers for less than 30 years, it has been several three years, especially the soul-thirsty hand skill, which is not to say supernatural, but it is still easy to use if you want to play tricks.The Necromancer fled so swaggeringly in front of Yue Chuan, Yue Chuan could pull him back even with his eyes closed.

Huhuhu... Gululu...

A dull sound resounded around, like the howling of the north wind, but also like the rolling of blood, and accompanied by the muffled sound of gurgling, the necromancer who had already flown out was like an iron ingot grabbed by a magnet. , stopped out of thin air, and after being still for less than one-tenth of a second, it flew straight to Yue Chuan like rewinding the tape, and fell into Yue Chuan's control.

The scarlet palm was just sticking to the necromancer's heart, the powerful force of blood seemed to tightly grasp his weak beating heart through the flesh and bones, and the rough suction force even stirred up the blood in his body for a while. Reversing the flow caused the organs of his body to show signs of excessive blood loss. The dizzy, limp necromancer was like a puppet whose strings had been torn off, and he had no power to resist.

The necromancer exhausted his last strength to open his eyes, squinted his eyes, and carefully looked at the appearance of the "blood elf" in front of him.

Originally, although Yue Chuan wore a mask, there were still some subtleties that could not be concealed. In the distance, others could not distinguish because of the raging blood flames, but close at hand, it was easy to find this unusual place .Under normal conditions, the necromancer would definitely be able to discover Yue Chuan's human identity, but at this time, because he was captured by the hands of soul addicts, [-]% of his energy was taken away by Yue Chuan, his vision was very blurred, He couldn't even see the exquisite patterns on the mask clearly, and how could he tell the strangeness on Yue Chuan's body.

Necromancers have dealt with dead creatures all the year round, and the energy and spirit in their bodies are already lacking. Being raped by such a soul-thirsty hand like Yue Chuan, they almost killed an adult and died. Fortunately, the energy and spirit plundered by the soul-thirsty hand is only temporary. of.

Violent noises came from Yue Chuan's palm, and the plundered energy spewed violently along Yue Chuan's palm, and the viscous blood splashed towards Yue Chuan and the necromancer, but before the blood touched Yue Chuan's body, Being transpired and burned by the blazing blood flames further fueled Yue Chuan's ferocity and evil spirit, while the necromancer's head and face were dotted with bloodstains, he was in a panic, and he couldn't see the killing all over the place just now. prestige.

With the eruption of the soul-thirsty hand, the necromancer's body flew out again, and Yue Chuan followed closely behind, piercing the necromancer's vitals with the slender sharp blade in his hand.

In all fairness, Yue Chuan is still full of resistance to the profession of necromancer, especially when he saw this necromancer manipulating corpses and slaughtering living beings just now, Yue Chuan was even more determined to kill him.At this time, one move seized the opportunity, how could one not take advantage of the victory to pursue.


Like a paper knife cutting a piece of paper, the sharp blade slashed past the necromancer's waist, and the two remnants fell to the ground with a dull sound.

Flicking the blood droplets that had already been burned into blood flames on the blade, Yue Chuan wondered for a while, this necromancer, no matter what, is also a master on par with Alexis, how could he be so vulnerable.I thought there was going to be a fight.

However, seeing the two remnants on the ground, Yue Chuan could only put away his weapons. After all, everyone was dead. He had no hobby of whipping corpses. give up.

Lie Yan Binoxiu and Ice Herac also came to Yue Chuan's side, one left and one right suspended like two guardians, scanning the remaining survivors with cold eyes.

I have to say that today's fire did not end in a loss for both sides. On the side of the Illuminati Church, none of the accompanying clergymen were spared, and Alexis, the leader, lost his ability to fight because he used too powerful magic. However, the hidden oriole necromancer met Yue Chuan, a bird hunter, and died on the spot.As for the mercenary union and the small sect, there were more than 100 people when they came, but after the joint strangling of Alexis and the necromancer, only a dozen remained, all of whom were disabled.As for the treasures or magic relics of the elves, they have never touched it.

It's just that at this moment, these survivors no longer have the mind to pay attention to the treasures and magic relics of the elves, because three living elves appeared in front of them, and these elves were looking at them with unkind eyes.


Captain Edie rubbed his eyes and wiped away the blood and tears from the corners of his eyes. When he saw the appearance of the three elves, he couldn't help swallowing.Among them, there is both surprise and horror.The invincible necromancer just now couldn't get away with three moves under that blood elf's hands. If they want to harm themselves, I'm afraid they will be wiped out with one move.

If it was in its heyday, even if it was lost, Captain Edi would at least have the confidence to retreat, but now, Captain Edie was attacked by Alexis' Hammer of Repentance, and his body was severely traumatized and concussed. His strength has been greatly reduced, and he has no power to protect himself.

"Two... um, no, three, um, we belong to the mercenary union, um, we're here to carry out a mission, just passing by, um, passing by. Oh, yes, we're here to capture an evil necromancer... ..."

Captain Edie rolled his eyes, racking his brains to think of an excuse for himself.And he is also very talented in negotiating (lying), the more he speaks the lies, the more fluent he is, and soon, even the other survivors can't help but believe that he is here to capture the necromancer, not to find some troublesome elf treasure .

"Yes, that necromancer was plotting to perform some evil ritual here, and my little friend and I came to stop it regardless of the danger. But I didn't expect to disturb the cleanliness of the few, please forgive me for being rude .”

The corner of Yue Chuan's mouth covered by the mask couldn't help showing a smile, this Captain Edie is really funny.However, Yue Chuan didn't have any malice towards him in the first place, and it was impossible to do anything to him. If he wanted to put him to death, he just had to stay quietly in the dark, and the necromancer would naturally destroy him.

"Humans, this is not the place for you to come, leave quickly, next time, you must die!"

Yue Chuan himself had the urge to laugh when he said such words in a strange tone.However, Captain Edie and the others couldn't help but want to laugh out loud, because these words showed that their lives would not be in danger.

"Thank you for your noble hands, we will leave now, we will leave now!"

Originally, Commander Edi wanted to say a few words, such as what if the green mountains do not change and the green waters flow forever, we will have a date later, but when the words came to his lips, Commander Edi quickly swallowed them back into his stomach, fearing these two sentences The words caused the elves to misunderstand.As for the words that we never see each other again, Captain Edi also didn't dare to say, so he dragged his legs in such embarrassment, and left with the support of a few confidantes.

Seeing the group of people leaving in embarrassment, Lie Yanpinoxiu and Han Bing Herac all laughed. This kind of pretentious game is really fun.But then they looked at each other, and finally realized the difference between themselves and humans, and an inexplicable feeling emerged in their hearts.

But Yue Chuan didn't have so many thoughts. At this moment, he only thought about the things on the necromancer.Just to put on a show, don't bother to search for the corpses, now that everyone is gone, there is no need to worry about anything.But when Yue Chuan turned around, he was immediately dumbfounded.

"Where's the Necromancer?"

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, Lie Yanbinoxiu and Han Bing Herac all looked over curiously, only to find that the necromancer who was cut into two pieces and lying on the ground just now had disappeared.Except for a pool of blood, there was not even a rag, let alone a corpse.

"Strange, obviously dead, how could..."

But halfway through the speech, Yue Chuan wished he could slap himself.He finally realized where he was wrong.

That's right, that knife chopped off the Necromancer at the waist. This kind of heavy injury is absolutely certain to die.But what I have to explain is that death undoubtedly does not mean immediate death on the spot. Even ordinary people can continue to live for a while if they are cut in half, let alone a strong person like a necromancer who has achieved success in cultivation.And when it comes to success in cultivation, I have to mention the ability of the necromancer. Is this kind of guy who deals with death and corpses all day long really so easy to kill?
The necromancer didn't die, he just faked his death, tricked Yue Chuan, and then sneaked away while Yue Chuan wasn't paying attention.And when he slipped away, he even took Alexis with him.

"Damn it, I thought that the light taught them to work all night and get nothing. I have been planning for many days, and I have worked hard and got nothing."


Head Edie and the others held their breath and ran for several miles, and finally couldn't hold it anymore, lying on the ground one by one, coughing violently, or panting violently, all of them had narrow escape signs on their faces. Fortunately.

However, they didn't stay long, and within a minute, they were urged to get up from the ground by Captain Edie, and continued to run towards the city of Parsenhofen with their legs.Only after entering the city and returning to his lair can he be truly safe.In the process of running, the members of the mercenary union and the minor sect gradually separated into two lines, and both sides tacitly guarded against each other. Mothers.

"Leader, this time we have suffered heavy losses. Hundreds of brothers have died. Although they are all brothers in our regiment, as long as the compensation is in place, there will be no troubles. But what should we do if the higher-ups blame us for this matter?"

When Captain Edie heard what his subordinates said, he couldn't help frowning.

Indeed, hundreds of people died this time. Although they all belonged to their own mercenary group, their own mercenary group was no longer owned by him. After pursuing it, I can hardly absolve myself of the blame.

However, this incident made me know a big secret, an astonishing secret. For this secret, let alone more than 100 people die, it is not a big deal even if more than 1 people die.

However, Captain Edi would not say such cold-blooded words in front of his subordinates. Otherwise, once it spreads, people's hearts will be scattered, and the team will be difficult to lead.

"It was indeed a heavy loss this time, but the deaths of those brothers are meaningful, because they helped the union to find out the secret of the elves. You should know the value of this secret."

That subordinate was also a member of the confrontation with Alexis, and even witnessed the existence of the elves and the impact of his natural way.To put it bluntly, once the news of the existence of the elves is leaked, a typhoon will immediately blow across the entire continent, and countless forces, large and small, will flock to the city of Parsenhofen.

"The brothers who went tonight are all quarantined, and everyone is sealed, and nothing about tonight is allowed to spread. As for the inquiries from the family members of the deceased, they said that they met a necromancer." Captain Edi couldn't help pointing at this. Nodded, "Yes, we are going to hunt down the necromancer tonight."

The news of the appearance of the elves must be reported as soon as possible to let the superiors know and respond.Otherwise, once the news is leaked from the Guangming Church or a small sect, your report will have no meaning and value, and you will even be suspected of having ulterior motives by the higher-ups.

And in the gathering places of those small sects, the leaders who were in a panic avoided the concern and inquiries of their subordinates, locked themselves in a secret place, and used their own methods to report news to their backers and seek support. Strangely shaped birds of monsters or mysterious magical waves left from Parsenhofen City, and then threw them in all directions.

And in the Church of Light in Parsenhofen, a cloud of gray smoke rolled up in the backyard that had been abandoned for many years, and then I saw the smoke slowly creeping, and a figure appeared from it.


Alexis's scratched body was thrown to the ground in tatters, while the necromancer turned into a complete tatter, with fragments of his body piled on the ground in a mess.

I don't know where the lower body is, and the heart, liver and stomach of the upper body also escaped in the process of escaping. What appeared in the yard was only a bald head and a bloody upper body.This kind of appearance, if placed on a normal person, would have died for a long time, but at this time, the necromancer not only did not look like he was dying, but was full of energy, even more energetic than when he was alive.

"Death is just the beginning, and the physical body is just a prison! The profound meaning of undead magic can only be understood after death..."

Half of the stump waved the scarlet staff and let out a chilling laugh.

At this time, Alexis on the ground also let out a groan, and slowly opened his eyes.Only at this time, a sharp pain came from his mind, that pain seemed to split his head in half.

Alexis knew that this was the aftereffect of using too powerful magic and overdrawing his magic power and mental power.Therefore, he didn't spend much time on his body and state, but looked at the necromancer at the side, but after seeing it, Alexis almost exclaimed.

Originally, he wanted to use the power of the magic crystal to cast magic beyond the level. Even if he couldn't kill everyone, he could destroy most of them and severely injure most of them. The necromancer could completely reap the tail and appear in front of him invincible.But who would have thought that this necromancer's life would be lost, and he would become half-human and not a ghost.

"What's the matter with you, how did you become like this?"

Alexis' voice was very hoarse, and his lack of mental power made him very bad at controlling his mood. Panic had already dominated his body, leaving him at a loss and his eyes empty.

Hearing Alexis' inquiry, the necromancer couldn't help being silent for a while, then silently looked at his empty lower body, and said, "I met an elf!"


The name struck Alexis like a thunderbolt, causing Alexis to recover from his panic. One after another, things appeared in his mind like slides, and he quickly understood. Cleared my mind.

At this time, the necromancer also narrated the whole story, especially when he talked about his close contact with the blood elf, the necromancer said in a slightly fearful voice: "That blood elf really Very powerful, he was surrounded by flames as if from hell, he defeated me with only one move, facing that move, I had nowhere to hide, I will never forget that weird suction force , it seems to come from another world, the call from the world of death. My blood, mental power, and soul are all irresistible to this power. I even doubt that he can easily pull my soul out of my body, imprison or strangle it! Except He, and an ice elemental elf and a fire elemental elf, their strength should not be underestimated, if the three join forces, I will definitely not be spared. Fortunately, I cheated the blood elf, otherwise, you and I You have to explain it there."

With a long sigh of relief, the Necromancer said in a dissatisfied tone: "I suffered a serious loss today because of your affairs, and my soul state can only last seven hours. Before sunrise, you must find me a with a suitable body."

Alexis nodded, his eyes sparkled, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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