
Chapter 205 Dragon Blood Exhaustion

Chapter 205 Dragon Blood Exhaustion
Although those guardian knights violated the prohibition against drinking alcohol under Yue Chuan's order, this does not mean that they obeyed Yue Chuan's words. Their obedience and loyalty have nothing to do with it at all, but they are seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages under the situation. That's all.However, when they saw that inconceivable scene in their minds and heard that dreamy voice, their loyalty to Yue Chuan started from scratch, and then exploded instantly like a blowout.

God of light!
"I heard the voice of the God of Light and bathed in the glory of the God of Light. God, I am just an ordinary believer. I just joined the Church of Light for less than a month. I haven't even finished reciting the Bible. believers, can they be inspired by the God of Light?"

The same question appeared in the minds of many guardian knights, but then they heard the information revealed in the voice, and they finally understood that the reason why such scumbag believers like themselves were able to receive the revelation of the God of Light was because of Umont.

The God of Light asked them to protect Umont's safety, and for this reason, the God of Light gave them strength.

Hearing the words of the God of Light, the hearts of all the guardian knights jumped, power, the power bestowed by God, what exactly is it?

Afterwards, they became priests and entered a place called Lorraine, and then they embarked on the rugged and thorny road of warriors.

Yue Chuan finally let out a long sigh of relief as he looked at the guardian knights who looked like clay sculptures and wood carvings.

Whether they were believers or not before, it doesn't matter now, because the God of Light has "revealed" them, even if they didn't think so of the Church of Light before, they will definitely believe in the God of Light now.

Through revelation, they know that the God of Light is real. Compared with the illusory gods of other sects that no one has ever seen, the God of Light is undoubtedly much more credible.And even if the gods of other sects do exist, what does it have to do with these guardian knights?On the contrary, the God of Light enlightened the guardian knights, and even gave them power, and this power was very powerful. Unless these guardian knights were inherently flawed in thinking logic, they would definitely become fanatics, and they would be loyal to Yue Chuan with all their hearts.

This guardian knight is the armed force in the hands of Yue Chuan, and they have the identity of the Church of Light. As their strength grows and their scale expands, Yue Chuan's status in the Church of Light will also rise. Coupled with the influence of the identity of the Holy Son, Some people in the Guangming Church have to carefully weigh and weigh any tricks they want to play.

Ignoring these guardian knights who were immersed in the fun of upgrading, Yue Chuan quietly left the training place of the guardian knights. Before he had gone far, Yue Chuan heard someone calling himself. Looking back, it was Harvey.

With so much support and resources from Yue Chuan, Harvey's personal strength, status and influence have all risen with the tide.Some time ago, the Alchemy Association and the Magic Guild competed for the ownership of Sissi, and both sides promoted Harvey's rights and positions one after another, making Harvey people happy at home. Of course, this joy is not the joy of becoming a father, but It's a real happy event, and it's double happiness.

However, no matter how much double happiness comes to the door, it can't dispel the restlessness in Harvey's heart.

"Umont, please, the dragon blood you left me has already been exhausted. I want to refine dragon blood now, but I suffer from lack of raw materials. Look, can you give me some more dragon blood?"

Harvey was indeed very upset, because some time ago, Yue Chuan, who supplied him with dragon blood every day, suddenly lost the source of dragon blood. At first, Harvey didn't take it seriously. After all, dragon blood is not water in a well. You can get a bucket just by bending over, and it is understandable that it is occasionally out of stock in three or two days.It's just that Yue Chuan has been out of stock for too long this time. Before he left Starn City, there was no supply, and there was still no movement after returning for such a long time.

Originally, Harvey has been relying on the dragon blood in stock to live a tight life, but no matter whether he purifies the dragon blood or researches the potion, he has to consume it every day, and with Harvey's scum to the level of alchemy in the sky, seven or eight out of ten are not enough. Needless waste, how long can he waste that bit of dragon blood in stock?However, let alone, in the predicament of cut off supply, Harvey can only desperately improve his alchemy level. In this short period of one month, Harvey's alchemy has greatly improved, which is really unexpected. happiness.

Dragon blood is really like a drug, it is unstoppable, especially for an alchemist like Harvey, without the source of dragon blood, he is going to kill him, no, Harvey is an addict He appeared in front of Yue Chuan with disheveled hair, stared at Yue Chuan with bloodshot eyes, then knelt down hugging Yue Chuan's thigh with a plop.

"Umont, you can do me a favor, and give me some dragon blood..."

Seeing Harvey's terrible appearance, Yue Chuan felt a pang of guilt in his heart.During this period of time, in order to level up, the tuba had already stopped brushing the tower of the dragon man, so naturally there was no source of dragon blood.The gap between the character level and the map level is getting bigger and bigger. Yue Chuan will never even think about leveling up if he goes to the Tower of the Dragon Man.If it was before, Yue Chuan would naturally not care about it, after all, he has always been No. Wei begged again and again, but Yue Chuan was still reluctant to waste his precious fatigue.

When upgrading the trumpet of the paladin, Yue Chuan passed by the tower of the dragon man, but he just passed by. The solo brush ability of the 20th-level paladins is not outstanding, but very poor. Yue Chuan can only form a team with others to brush pictures. The paladins in the back row waited for the output from the front row to kill the dragon man. When Yue Chuan walked to the corpse, the corpse had already been refreshed.

Regardless of the Berserker's trumpet or the Paladin's trumpet, it is impossible to farm the Dragonman's Tower purely for the dragon's blood.However, there are ice dragon Skasa, young Skasa, and tyrannosaurus king Bakar behind. When you brush them, you can get more dragon blood with higher grade and stronger medicinal power.

However, looking at Harvey's appearance, Yue Chuan also understood in his heart that if he had nowhere to vent his hand addiction all day long, the suffering Harvey might not be able to wait until then.

But then Yue Chuan realized that he didn't have no needs for dragon blood. On the contrary, his needs were probably stronger and more urgent than Harvey's.Whether it is the daily consumption of the Twelve Saints or the cost of the Sotheby family's dragon blood warhorse plan, it needs continuous input of dragon blood, and now there are hundreds of guardian knights, and the demand has increased by more than ten times in an instant, Yue Chuan Although there is a little left in the hand, it will be exhausted in a short time.

what to do?Is it really necessary to go back and brush the Tower of the Dragon Man?Or, create another trumpet by yourself, dedicated to farming dragon blood?

But then Yue Chuan shook his head. Although the dragon blood in the Tower of the Dragon Man is precious, its utility is very limited. It is nothing to improve his physique and root bone aptitude in the early stage, but expecting to use this dragon blood to attack the sanctuary is absolutely Idiots talk about dreams.So Yue Chuan decisively gave up his plan to build a trumpet.Now a berserker and a paladin have exhausted him, and he really has no time to take care of more.

Seeing Harvey's dim eyes, Yue Chuan sighed, and said: "Harvey, the source of dragon's blood is in some trouble now, but give me some time, I will give you an answer tomorrow, tomorrow at the most. Now, Go back and trim it, take a bath, change your clothes, and sleep, if I see you looking so messy tomorrow, I won’t give you even if I have dragon blood.”

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, Harvey felt as if he had been wound up like a clockwork. He became excited in an instant, and ran back without saying a word. At that speed, even the [-]-meter champion would be astonished.

Back at the residence, Yue Chuan lay down on a chair and entered the game world of "Dungeon and Fighter".

Although dragon blood is small, it is related to too many things, and they are all very important things, so Yue Chuan cannot be negligent. Therefore, Yue Chuan must formulate a long-term plan for the source of dragon blood.

It is not feasible to use a large fatigue to brush. Although dragon blood is important, fatigue is more precious. Using fatigue to exchange dragon blood is a bit of a waste of money.

How to do it?Is it an acquisition?But in this way, it is bound to be noticed.After all, the value of dragon blood only exists in the real world, and it is simply dispensable in the game world. It is not even used for tasks. There is nothing wrong with saying that it is worthless.But suddenly someone used money to buy some worthless things. This kind of abnormal behavior is likely to attract the attention of others. Found something tricky.

"No, no, acquisition is also possible, but you can't only collect dragon blood exclusively. If you mix dragon blood among many purchased items, the probability of being discovered will be minimized. By the way, it will be automatically received!"

Yue Chuan slapped his thigh fiercely, and suddenly remembered the warehouse numbers of all the major servers on the earth that stand on the street to receive goods. He hung up the script and called out automatically, from receiving the colorless collection challenge letter to purchasing various materials and purchasing all equipment, and then purchasing All valuable things have become a huge receiving army.

At the beginning, it was only manually operated by merchants, in order to hide their dark intentions under the plain appearance, because there are always some inexperienced players who do not understand the market and will dispose of high-value items at low prices. The merchants who received the goods often received tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of gold coins, such as ink bamboos, windbreakers, scale rock shoulders, rings of sages, etc., and the profits were hundreds or even thousands of times.Later, this time-consuming, labor-intensive manual harvesting was gradually replaced by the automatic delivery of software, and the original simple deception became a formal delivery channel, and Yue Chuan had no time to think about the pros and cons.

However, this mode of receiving goods gave Yue Chuan an inspiration. You can use the method of receiving goods to add your own purpose to the receiving list, and not only dragon blood, but also many other things, such as dolls The magic puppet parts removed from the corpse of the monster in the porch, the classical armor and classical weapons forcibly removed from the dark porch, these things are the same as the dragon blood, but the use of the dragon blood has been developed at the moment, and the other ones have not been used. developed, but that doesn't mean they're useless.

Moreover, receiving goods like this is not without its benefits. Whether it is equipment or materials, it can bring profits. Yue Chuan does not expect to deceive people, but under the small profits but quick turnover, the wealth it brings cannot be ignored.

But here comes the problem again. The game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" is a world where there is no continuous delivery. Will be tortured out of mental illness.Yue Chuan himself would definitely not be able to do it, even if he could do it, he wouldn't have time to kill it, but for the others, loyalty became a big problem, who knew if they would get rich in their own pockets or run away with the money?

How to do it?

At this moment, Shalier sent a message, Yue Chuan's eyes lit up, and he had an idea in his heart.

However, Yue Chuan suddenly realized that he hadn't been in touch with Sally for a long time. When he thought of Sally, Yue Chuan couldn't help thinking of the picture of being together before, the temptation of whispering and panting and the love of Bingfengxuelang. beautiful view.Bah bah bah, why is my mind full of these unhealthy things, why can't I think of something pure, brother was so innocent before, why is he getting more and more depraved now.

The purpose of Sariel looking for Yue Chuan is very simple, that is to tell Yue Chuan that after such a long time of hard work, she finally integrated those Yadeyans who were lazy to the depths of their souls. Finally, it is no longer as scattered as before.

Yue Chuan is very strange. After all, the country is easy to change and the nature is difficult to change. These Yadeyan lazy habits are not developed in ten years or hundreds of years, but have been passed down for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years. It's unbelievable that their habits have been abruptly changed in just one or two months.

"How on earth did you do it?"

Shariel smiled lightly, and said a little mischievously: "This is a secret, I won't tell you!"

Hearing Sally's relaxed laughter, Yue Chuan also heaved a sigh of relief. He was very worried that Sally would be tortured or suffered in that world. Now it seems that Sally is not too difficult there.

"By the way, Sally, I need your help with something..."

When Shariel heard Yue Chuan's words, she immediately became interested, put away her joking attitude, and listened carefully to Yue Chuan's words.In her heart, although Yue Chuan did not have the strength of the sanctuary, Yue Chuan possessed abilities that many strong men in the sanctuary did not have.I don't know how Yue Chuan lived there after I left...

Shalier also suddenly realized that she had never cared about Yue Chuan's situation all this time, instead she might be resenting Yue Chuan for neglecting her. For a moment, Shalier was filled with self-blame and shame.

"I'm going to find a few people to collect goods at the entrances of various dungeons. Ahem, it's actually the same as collecting junk. I use coins to buy things that players don't use or have in excess. After much deliberation, this matter also Only the Yadeyans are the most suitable, can you find some reliable Yadeyans to do these things? Of course, I will give them some rewards."

In the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world without automatic delivery scripts, who else is more suitable for delivery than Deyan?This group of people who go online all day without swiping pictures, do tasks, don’t care about levels and experience, stand on the street with one mind, will never get tired and bored, and also have endless time and lifespan, they are simply dedicated to automatic receipt of goods raw.

Shalier didn't know how Yue Chuan would handle this matter, but she didn't need to care about the specific details. She only had one thought in her mind, that is, she had to finish this matter beautifully for Yue Chuan!After controlling the Yadeyans for so long, Shariel has gathered many loyal Yadeyans. There is no problem in terms of manpower, and there is no obstacle in terms of loyalty.

"How much Yadeyan do you need?"

Yue Chuan thought for a while, and then said: "One for each entrance, four Yadeyans are enough for the time being. These four people must be loyal, and they must be smart, and they must not chew their tongues indiscriminately."

Shalier was stunned for a moment. She originally thought that Yue Chuan would have thousands or even tens of thousands of Yadeyan if he asked her to help so solemnly, but she never expected that Yue Chuan only needed four.

After consulting again, Shariel was sure that she heard correctly, it was four, not ten, hundreds, and thousands.

"Four, I can find the right candidate for you right now."

Soon, Shalier came to Yue Chuan's place with four chubby players. Yue Chuan looked at Shalier's level and found that she also had level 25.At this time, Yue Chuan's Berserker is level 27, the highest in the top ten of the level list, and Feng Hua Xueyue, who was originally number one in the level list, is still level 25 for some reason.The ninth and tenth ranks are both at level 24.It can be seen that Shariel has been working hard on leveling during this time.

However, when Yue Chuan turned his gaze to the four players, his forehead was immediately filled with black lines.

I am afraid of water, level 5.I'm afraid of ice, level 5.I'm afraid of the rain, level 5.I'm afraid of snow, level 5.

These four guys are all level 5. It seems that if the system does not restrict level 1 to leave Novice Village, they are all level [-] trumpets.And what hurt Yue Chuan even more was the names of these four guys, can we not have such weird things?
"This is my friend, a very important friend, you should respect him like you respect me!"

Shalier's tone was stern and stern, with an unquestionable tone.Yue Chuan thought to himself, we are asking for help, can we be more tactful.But at this time, the eyes of the four players looking at Yue Chuan suddenly became crazy and hot, each of them raised their chests and retracted their stomachs, like soldiers waiting for inspection.

Seeing this scene, Yue Chuan became more and more puzzled. What method did Shariel use to subdue these Yadeyan's training?
(End of this chapter)

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