
Chapter 201 Under the Protection of the God of Light

Chapter 201 Under the Protection of the God of Light
When Viscount Dasabi was laughing out loud, the four burly men did not agree with the words of the Viscount Dashabi, but all of them turned pale, with terrified expressions in their eyes.Because there was something in Yue Chuan's hand at this time, it was a metal badge the size of a matchbox, the shape and color of the badge were very exquisite and unique.

In the eyes of laymen, this is just a finely crafted decoration, but those four burly men are not laymen. On the contrary, they are the personal guards of Viscount Dasabi. They have seen many symbols of nobles, so they naturally recognize them. In Yue Chuan's hand, it was a badge representing the title of nobility, and he could tell that the badge represented the earl.

The empire's title system stipulates that only the royal family can be granted the title of prince, and the highest person with a different surname can only be a duke. Although the prince has a noble status, in many cases, the prince is just an honorary title without any real power. It is a lord who holds great power.Under the prince and the duke are the marquess, earl, viscount, and baron respectively.A senior official can crush people to death, and a senior title can also crush people to death. The earl of Yue Chuan can kill Viscount Dasabi to death.

After being reminded by four subordinates, Viscount Dasabi also found that something was wrong, so he looked at Yue Chuan instead, and when he saw it, he was frightened out of his wits.

Although the pattern on the badge has never been seen before, he is absolutely familiar with the shape and color of the badge. The Dasabi family has been working tirelessly for hundreds of years in order to make their family badge round. Change the shape into a shield shape, decorate the bare edge of your family crest with a circle of ornamentation, and add a touch of bright red to the monotonous black of your family crest.

Bright red background, gold stripes and shield shape, this is the tireless pursuit of the Dazabi family for hundreds of years, but the Dazabi family has never been able to achieve this goal, and now, this dream symbol appears on a young man.More importantly, this young man is clearly a nouveau riche. Both the results of his own investigation and the information given to him by the Guangming Church show that he is just a nouveau riche who came from a businessman background.

Viscount Dasabi was terrified in his heart, because he knew that if the badge on Yue Chuan's body was real, then based on the few words just now, he would definitely have to pay the price in blood, and even risk his life.It is a capital offense for a commoner to offend a nobleman, and it is also a capital offense for a low-level nobleman to offend a high-ranking nobleman. Dasabi just insulted Yue Chuan, and even insulted Yue Chuan's close relatives. If Yue Chuan insisted on killing him, the empire's laws would not punish Yue Chuan.

It's just that Dasabi couldn't believe it. How could Yue Chuan, who was clearly born as a nouveau riche, suddenly become the Earl of the Empire?

No one knows better than Dasabi the difficulty and hardship of being promoted from a viscount to an earl. This is a goal that the Dasabi family has been working hard for hundreds of years. How did Yue Chuan do such an extremely difficult thing?
Could this badge be a counterfeit?Or was it picked up?Anyway, definitely not true!
If this badge is real, the price Dasabi will have to pay is absolutely unbearable, so, rather than saying that he can't believe it, it's better to say that he doesn't want to believe it.Even if the badge is real, he must insist that it is fake, and he will settle the matter once and for all.Anyway, Lei Ze's family doesn't have any background, and there will be no suffering master to complain to him.

Therefore, when Da Sabi looked at Yue Chuan, there was already a cold light in his eyes.

Yue Chuan looked at Dasabi and the others with a sneer, thinking in his heart that the four major families made him this noble status. After all, the Lei Ze family and the four major families are partners. Let the four big families also lose face?Therefore, the Lei Ze family must be turned into nobles, and their status cannot be lowered.Therefore, the combined efforts of the several families gave Yue Chuan the title of earl. If they were given more time to operate, they might be able to get a marquis or even a duke.

Such things as selling officials and nobles exist in any era, the difference is the degree and openness of the transaction.The power of the four major families is unimaginable. Any one of them has the right to nominate officials. The four families jointly nominate one person.

Yue Chuan has always been very low-key, so he did not disclose his title to the outside world. After all, he is now in Starn City, the land of the Sotheby family, and the title of the Sotheby family is just a baron. If he disclosed his title and met Baron Sotheby in the future, the embarrassment would be self-evident.Moreover, Yue Chuan is now a member of the clergy of the Guangming Church, shouldering the responsibilities of preaching and developing believers. If he is a commoner, he can easily gain the trust and support of those commoners, but if he has the status of a nobleman, he will naturally let those The psychology of wariness, conflict and distrust among the common people is harmful to missionary work, but not beneficial.

However, at this moment, Yue Chuan had no choice but to reveal his noble status.

Originally, Yue Chuan thought that after revealing his identity, Viscount Dasabi would plop down on his knees and cry bitterly, begging for forgiveness, but Yue Chuan never thought that Viscount Dasabi's face turned fierce, and he said viciously: "Bah, you country bumpkin , Nouveau riche, just relying on you, you may not be able to reach the threshold of the noble circle after three lifetimes of hard work. You can tell a lie if you are an earl. If you say a lord or a baron, maybe I will believe it, but you The earl who is just talking nonsense, hahaha, it's a shame!"

The four personal guards of the viscount Dasabi immediately understood the viscount's intentions, so they all put away the shock and disbelief on their faces, each with a look of disdain, and kept mocking Yue Chuan.

The surrounding believers also looked at Yue Chuan suspiciously. Although they believed in Yue Chuan, they only believed in Yue Chuan's ability to cure diseases and save lives, not Yue Chuan's status or anything.Although these believers don't know the status of the nobility, they do know one thing, that is, a mud-legged person like themselves may not be able to climb the high branch of the nobility after eight generations of hard work. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for the Lei Ze family to become a nobility.

Sensing the expressions of the believers around him, Yue Chuan felt helpless. It seemed that he still had a long way to go before turning them into believers who absolutely obeyed his fanatical beliefs, and there was still a lot of brainwashing work to be done.

"Whether my title is true or not, it's not up to you, a little viscount, to judge. It was jointly recommended by the four major families, and it was conferred by the emperor of the empire. It is a honorable title of earl."

When Viscount Dasabi heard this, the suspicion on his face became stronger, "Four major families? Hahaha, ridiculous, you just went to the Eugenie family a while ago, at most you just got to know people from the Eugenie family, How could it be possible to know the other three major families. The four major families are full of conflicts, how could it be possible to jointly recommend you? You think too highly of yourself, don’t you have something worthy of the recommendation of the four major families? Pooh!”

At this moment, the Viscount Dasabi was completely sure that Yue Chuan's title was definitely tricky, so he became more courageous in his heart, secretly touched the hilt of the sword with his right hand, and drew his sword to kill Yue Chuan on the spot. Stance.

Yue Chuan was helpless, everything he said was the truth, but why didn't anyone believe it?These days, people believe lies, but don't believe the truth.

Spreading his hands helplessly, Yue Chuan asked Viscount Dasabi: "Then, even if I'm a fake, what can you do to me?"

Hearing Yue Chuan's confession, Viscount Dasabi was immediately elated and gave a look to the left and right. The four burly men immediately took a step forward neatly, and then separated to both sides, blocking Yue Chuan's escape route to both sides.

"Master Viscount Dasabi is doing business, everyone who has nothing to do with it, go away!"

"Go away, do you hear me!"

"Whoever is in the way of Viscount Dasabi, even you will do it together!"

"A bunch of scumbags, don't let me kick you!"

Following the four doglegs yelling and cursing, all the believers retreated timidly, lest they hinder Viscount Dasabi's work.Although there were hundreds or thousands of them, they had no temper at all in front of these four dogs.

The four dog legs raised their chins proudly, no matter whether Yue Chuan is the real earl or not, but now, as long as he is killed, the living nobles are the nobles, and the dead nobles, who cares.

"Boy, you were discovered by our lord Viscount pretending to be a nobleman. I advise you to go with us honestly, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood!"

Yue Chuan turned a blind eye to the threat of those dog legs, but turned around, looked at the believers with regret, and said in a compassionate tone: "This is the place shrouded by the divine light of the God of Light. This is the place you yearn for in your hearts. But even here, you are still bound by the secular world and oppressed by the powerful. It’s not that the God of Light cannot redeem you, but that you don’t have the courage to face difficulties! Facing difficulties! You don’t even have the determination to overcome them and get out of them and will!"

These words made many believers bow their heads in shame, but some believers became angry after being ashamed. They looked at Yue Chuan dissatisfied, and retorted: "Father Umont, you said these words, shouldn't you?" Maybe they want to encourage us to attack Viscount Dasabi, and you can take advantage of the chaos to escape. Hmph, do you want to use everyone's blood and bones to pave a way for yourself?"

The scum will always exist, let alone some ordinary believers here, don't expect them to support Yue Chuan much.

Yue Chuan looked at those believers who retorted, and smiled flatly, "The God of Light has given me supernatural power, and I am shrouded in the grace of the God of Light all the time. Evil cannot be invaded, and darkness cannot be contaminated. I will always be blessed by the God of Light." Shelter. The minions sent by these demons are nothing more than a group of grinders. What is there to be afraid of? Today, I stand here and let them attack, let them know that under the protection of the God of Light, no evil can hurt Come to me!"

The anger in the hearts of the four dog legs, we have performed for so long, but you have not responded at all, and instead turned around to preach, you really don't think much of us.Damn, I also said that we are the minions sent by the devil, and our master is also a believer in the Illuminati Church, okay, Archbishop Alexis presided over the baptism of our master, and you poured this pot of dirty water on it, which is simply corrupting our master O reputation!

Can't stand it!
So, the four dog legs glanced at each other, and then shot at the same time, attacking Yue Chuan!

Hearing the voice behind him, Yue Chuan turned around slowly. Facing the siege of four people, he did not show the slightest fear, but showed a faint smile. He reached into his arms and took out the cross hanging on his neck. The sacred rays of light flowed from the palm of his hand, and bright colors blessed Yue Chuan's body.The phantom of the sacred golden cross appeared behind Yue Chuan, and a series of holy knight buff skills blessed Yue Chuan, making Yue Chuan's figure even more sacred and majestic.

It's just that no matter how good-looking she is, she will be punched after all, and she will inevitably be beaten with black nose and swollen face later.

Everyone is not optimistic about Yue Chuan. Although he has heard of the battle between Yue Chuan and the Deity Cult, just now Yue Chuan said that he stands here without moving and will never fight back. Even if his body is made of iron, he cannot withstand the four Take turns to attack.Seeing those four bowl-sized fists hitting Yue Chuan, some believers couldn't bear to close their eyes and turned around. Some crossed their chests, praying to the God of Light to bless Yue Chuan.

Everyone thought that Yue Chuan would cry out in pain, and when blood spurted from his mouth and nose, a scene that surprised them happened.

" hand hurts so much!"

This dogleg punched Yue Chuan's chest without reservation. He is a martial artist who has cultivated fighting qi. After many years of training, his fighting qi has reached two levels. A punch with sufficient strength can crack stones and slap the palm A fist mark was left on the thick iron plate.Hitting flesh and blood, even a bull can kill it on the spot, but this punch encountered invisible resistance at a distance of one meter from Yue Chuan's chest. There was a collision sound, and everyone clearly heard a crisp cracking sound.

Yue Chuan didn't respond at all, but the dog leg yelled out the pain.I saw him bowing his waist, holding his right wrist with his left hand, and screaming in his mouth. His three little friends hurried over, only to find that the wrist was bruised and swollen, and it was twisted abnormally.

"It's okay, it's just a stretch of strength and a sprained muscle."

A dog leg comforted him.Afterwards, he came in front of Yue Chuan, activated his battle energy, and a faint blue light appeared on the fist of his right hand.

With the lesson from his little friend, he has already noticed something strange about Yue Chuan, and he dare not take it lightly. At this time, he can be said to have put out all his strength, making a gesture of punching Yue Chuan to death.

"Kid, die!"

Sensing this ferocious punch, Yue Chuan let out a sigh. On the surface, he made an expression of indifference, but secretly released his skills, prepared a quick healing in advance, and even secretly condensed his blood to his chest, maximizing his strength. Counteract the damage of this punch.


The fist full of dou qi broke through the light shield protected by the holy light. Although most of the force was canceled out, it still fiercely imprinted on Yue Chuan's chest.

Like the sound of evening drums and morning bells, a phantom of a shield clearly appeared on Yue Chuan's body surface. The man's fist strength was imprinted on the trembling shield, and was quickly cut and scattered. When it touched Yue Chuan's chest, it was already at the end of its strength. Wear Lulu.Although Yue Chuan didn't fight back, he was still able to circulate his blood energy secretly. First, he made his chest collapse a few centimeters, and when the opponent's fist hit him, he instantly raised his chest, and his chest immediately slammed forward.


Afterwards, the second dog leg also squatted down screaming, holding his bent wrist and screaming.

Two people wanted to beat Yue Chuan one after another, but Yue Chuan stood there motionless, neither "defending" nor "fighting back", and the two guys who made the attack all broke their wrists inexplicably.

Reminiscent of Yue Chuan's words that the God of Light protected him, those believers seemed to understand something in their hearts, and looked at Yue Chuan with surprise and awe in their eyes, followed by fanatical worship.

To be honest, these nobles were rampantly making trouble in the church, and those believers were 1 dissatisfied, but they had to bow their heads in front of the nobles.At this moment, seeing those scumbags deflated, the believers immediately became happy. No matter what their intentions and purposes were, they all hoped that Yue Chuan would continue to persevere and teach these ignoble nobles a lesson.

Evil door!
Two people were injured in a row, the second one was alright, at least hit Yue Chuan, and the first one didn't even touch the hem of Yue Chuan's clothes, what's going on?Is it really like what Yue Chuan said, this is the divine power of the God of Light?
Viscount Dasabi is also a believer, and he is quite in awe of the God of Light.If he hadn't confronted Yue Chuan, he would be happy to ask Yue Chuan for advice.But since the two sides have become enemies, there is no room for relaxation. Even if Yue Chuan is really a person favored by the God of Light, he must die!After all, this is related to one's own wealth and life. In the face of one's own life and death, one should go to hell with one's beliefs!
"Get out of the way, the two of you, the Lord will meet him personally!"

Hearing this, the two dog legs who were already retreating, felt as if they were being pardoned immediately, and hurriedly helped their little friends back to the two sides.Viscount Dasabi pulled out the saber from his waist with a clang, and pointed at Yue Chuan from afar.

Seeing Viscount Dasabi wield his weapon, all the believers around became afraid. They wanted to stand up for Yue Chuan, but when they thought of Dazabi's identity, they suddenly became afraid again, and all of them looked at Yue Chuan with guilt.

"Huh, Umont, I will let you taste my sword skills today, and you are honored to die under my magic sword worth tens of thousands of gold!"

Hearing Da Sabi's words, Yue Chuan was almost overjoyed.Dad is afraid that you will take a kitchen knife. Since you are holding a magic sword, if you don't chop dad, dad won't want to!
"Go to hell!" Dasabi roared, and like a phantom, he launched a stormy attack on Yue Chuan!

(End of this chapter)

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