
Chapter 189 Item 2, Archery

Chapter 189 Item [-], Archery
Horseback riding and archery, these two skills are usually connected together, and the proficiency in bowing horses is a good reflection of a person's military level. Therefore, after the test of riding skills, the test of archery skills is ushered in .There is nothing tricky about the archery test, just shooting the target.

If there are good horses and bad horses in the test of riding skills, archery is purely a matter of personal skill.The same target, the same distance, the same bow and arrow, if you can't shoot the same number of rings, what is there to talk about?
Of course, in the archery test, the number of rings is not important, the important thing is whether you can hit the red heart on the target. Each person has ten arrows, as long as one arrow hits the red heart, he will pass.Of course, those children who want to excel in their skills can also perform the skills of arrows and red hearts.

As long as you hit once out of ten times, you are qualified. At first glance, it sounds very simple, but think about it carefully, if you have a solid foundation in archery and can hit hearts, then what is the difference between hitting once and hitting ten times?But if you don't have a solid foundation in archery, even if you are given a chance to shoot a hundred arrows, you won't be able to hit the red heart.Of course, if you have a good character and you can be deceived even if you close your eyes, the world can no longer stop you from becoming a leader.

A young man stared for a long time, the cold sweat from his temples soaked his collar, and finally let go of his hand, the bowstring trembled, the feathered arrow whirled, and accurately hit the edge of the target [-] meters away.Almost missed the target.

Amidst the boos of many contestants, the young man's face turned pale, he gritted his teeth and pulled out another arrow. Based on the feeling just now, he shot the arrow decisively.The feather arrow directly rubbed against the target and nailed it to the grass target behind, which caused a roar of laughter.

The young man continued to shoot with a dark face, but the result was that one arrow was worse than the other. Except for the first arrow that was nailed to the edge of the target, the remaining nine arrows all missed the target. What was even more ridiculous was that the last arrow hadn't even reached the target. It fell to the ground, and suddenly there was a lot of "impotence" sighs from around.

Impotence is everywhere. In every archery target, there are feathered arrows that miss the target, and there are also feathered arrows that land in the middle. Not to mention hitting the heart, there are very few who can guarantee that all ten arrows will hit the target.Of course, the Eugenie family also has some juniors with real abilities. They draw the bow and arrow in one go, and their movements are flowing. No one else can see the trajectory of the feathered arrow. Over there, there is a quivering feathered arrow on the red heart.Every time there is a red heart, there will be cheers, which means that one person has passed the assessment.

Soon, the bear children began to appear.

"Sister Helen, although I usually practice archery, my archery skills are very good. My best result is eight out of ten arrows."

"Ten arrows have hit eight red hearts, what else is there, why don't you bury us?"

"It hit eight targets, not hearts."

Xiu's skills and strength have all made a qualitative leap. These brats only want to be a blockbuster in the final competition and make the elders in the family look at them differently.But the level of archery is like a stumbling block, no one dares to say whether they will perform abnormally or what.All you can do is to do your best and obey the destiny.Even Helen, who is the leader of the bear kids, can only say some words of encouragement.

"Sister Helen, maybe I have a solution!"

At this time, one of the brats said with little confidence.

"You? When you are usually leveling, you will add blood and gain experience later. The added blood is dispensable, and the experience gained is a lot. At this time, don't come to mess with us again."

If Yue Chuan heard that brat, he would definitely nod in empathy, because Yue Chuan also felt the same way when he first met the paladin.After adding blood and ink for a long time, the amount of added blood is not as good as the automatic recovery during this period of time, it really can't be much at all.But the experience, equipment and money have to be shared, and there is no shortage of them.

Hearing what the little friend said, the brat blushed instantly with anger. He snorted, picked up a bow and an arrow, greeted the referee, and walked towards the designated position.

"Hey, everyone has ten arrows, why do you only take one?"

Hearing the referee's words, the brat raised his chest and said, "One arrow decides the outcome."

The referee shook his head. He had seen a lot of children with broken cans and broken jars. The so-called one arrow to determine the outcome was just to create pressure on himself, or to put on a show.Anyway, the level is there, there is not much difference between one arrow or ten arrows, they all lose!
However, Helen and the others had a different taste when hearing these words, because they knew that their little partner did not break the pot, but had the belief and assurance of winning.Perhaps, he really has something to rely on, but he is not sure.

A faint golden light emerged from the bear's palm, and then quickly attached to the front arrow of the arrow. The originally slightly dark front arrow unexpectedly had a faint golden light.It's just that under the scorching sun, this golden light is inconspicuous at all, so no one notices it at all.

Before the sound of the bowstring trembling dissipated, the sound of the arrow shaft trembling came from afar. All the bear children looked at the feathered arrow that hit the red heart on the archery target not far away in surprise, and were speechless for a long time.

Is this him unscientific!

Several brats thought at the same time in their hearts, because they get along day and night on weekdays, and they know each other's strength. If the archery guy just now is lucky, he may really hit the heart, but if he shoots seriously, he will shoot all the arrows in the pot. It would be nice to have eight rings and nine rings.

The dandy boys and poor boys who were waiting to see the brats make a fool of themselves all stared wide-eyed in astonishment.It wouldn't be surprising if the brat made a red heart.But the key point is that this brat seemed to know the result before shooting the arrow, and only took one arrow, that is to say, he was not blocked or fooled, but was [-]% sure.

How terrifying is this shooting skill?How much confidence?
However, those dude boys and poor boys comforted themselves: Luck!Luck, it must be luck!The next one won't have such good luck.

The next one was the brat who despised paladins before. Although this guy was apprehensive, but the guys who are usually worse than him hit the heart with an arrow. How could he be scared? So he took the bow and arrow and strode towards place.It's just that he was more cautious, and none of the ten arrows was missing.

The Goddess of Luck seems to be having an affair. This time, the bear shot nine arrows in a row, and one arrow is not as good as one arrow. Although the first few arrows did not hit the heart, at least they all hit the target, but the next few arrows frequently missed the target. The training is not as good.

Holding the last arrow in his hand, the brat was about to cry. If the arrow is shot, he will be sentenced to life or death. Either he will become famous or he will be unknown. He really thinks about heaven and hell.

"Brother, you are my elder brother. I was wrong just now. In view of our brother's friendship, you can give me a hand. From now on, my younger brother will take care of you."

Seeing that guy subdued, the paladin bear snorted just now, his small chest puffed up again, like a proud little rooster, and then slowly walked to his little brother, a faint golden light flashed in his hand, attached to the feathers. On the front of the arrow.


The brat stared in confusion, with a frantic look on his face, "Damn it, you're just going to die, don't you just complain about you, why not?"

Helen on the side couldn't stand it anymore, she couldn't help but frowned, and said, "Chachacha, we are close brothers and sisters, so don't take anything inappropriate in what you say usually, if you can help, you still have to help." All at once."

The paladin brat didn't dare to resist Helen, turned his head to the little friend and said, "You are so blind, try aiming at the target with your eyes wide open, I'm stupid!"

The bear took the bow and set the arrow according to the words, and aimed the sharp arrow of the feather arrow at the target [-] meters away. Suddenly, a vision appeared in front of his eyes. The scene was so frightening that the bear almost shook his hand and shot the last arrow.Fortunately, he held the string tightly, so no accident happened.

After wiping off his cold sweat, the brat cursed inwardly: I'm stupid, I didn't expect that stupid paladin to have this skill, this fucking magnifies the target by ten times and makes it ten times closer. The bow was shot a meter away, and I shot it within ten meters. If I still can't hit the red heart, I can wipe my neck with him.

That's right, when the bear squinted his eyes and aimed at the red heart with a sharp arrow, the foreground flickered, and the originally small archery target was more than ten times larger, and the distance between the person and the target seemed to be reduced by ten times, no wonder just now That idiot paladin dared to hold only one arrow with full confidence, which couldn't be shot at such a distance and size, even ten thousand arrows would be useless.

Without any suspense, an arrow went straight to the red heart.The people around were all stunned.

What is this called?Originally, every arrow was more than one arrow, and they all missed the target. Why did the last arrow perform beyond the level and directly hit the red heart?What's the matter with him?

Those dude boys and poor boys wanted to call cheating, but seeing the referee with the same disbelief, after thinking about it, he resisted the urge. After all, the referee kept watching with wide eyes, and the referee didn't say anything. , I'm yelling here, it doesn't mean that the referee can't get off the stage.

Luck, must be luck!I can't believe how lucky they are!
The brat who questioned the paladin before dropped his bow and arrow, and gave that paladin a hug. Only he knew that the reason why he was able to pass the test was all with the help of that paladin.

With a bear hug, the brat leaned into the paladin's ear and asked, "Which skill is so perverted?"

"Weapon Blessing!"

"Isn't the weapon blessing only increasing the attack power? Why does it still have this effect?"

"Don't you know that the weapon blessing also increases the hit rate?"

"My god, the hit increase is not this addition!"

Anyway, no matter how the hit rate of Weapon Blessing is calculated, in short, these brats will take turns to appear on the stage one by one. The first nine arrows are all based on their own real level. If they pass the test, it’s nothing. Keeping it in mind, he glanced at the paladin, and immediately threw a weapon blessing from a distance, and then gave it a red heart without a doubt.

The dandy boy, the poor boy and the referee were all numb.Is this him cheating at all, how can there be such a wicked thing in the world?However, dozens of them stared wide-eyed until their eyes were sore and swollen, and they still didn't see how they cheated.But don't care about cheating or not, if someone can hit the red heart, it's their ability, you don't care how they shoot, if you have the ability, you can cheat.

A dozen or so brats passed miraculously. When they passed, a group of people hurriedly lifted the paladin up, and then threw it high.Because they knew that without this paladin, more than half of their team would surely be destroyed.

It's just a weapon blessing.

They are no strangers to the blessing of weapons. When they upgraded in that world, in the spirit of their comrades, they did not abandon the clergyman who was holding back. They have used the few skills they know from beginning to end, and they have seen this weapon blessing more than once.

However, in their view, the biggest function of the weapon blessing is to turn the weapon into gold and make it a little more cool. As for the pitiful attack added, it is basically dispensable. As for the hit, I am stupid, if not Today's matter, I don't know that weapon blessing can increase hit.

Ever since, all the brats except the paladin sighed in their hearts: That world is really magical, even the most useless profession, the most useless skill, and the most useless skill attribute in that world can still have extraordinary abilities in the real world. Extraordinary effect.

Finally, it was the playboys' turn. This time, the brats all folded their arms and stood aside to watch the fun, commenting from time to time, and exerting psychological pressure on those playboys with words.

"Tsk tsk, look at his bow posture, it's not standard at all, look up, look up, stick your butt, what are you doing with your butt curled up, is there soap on the ground?"

Hearing this ridicule, the dandy boy immediately raised his head and raised his buttocks, but the posture was so awkward, so he quickly returned to his normal standing posture, causing laughter to be heard all around.

"The shaft of the arrow is not held correctly. How can you hold the tail of the arrow? You should hold the middle one. You have never learned archery before. You don't even know this kind of common sense?"

Hearing this, the dandy boy was also confused. Didn't he always hold the tail feathers of the bow and arrow in archery before? Could it be that he learned it wrong before?Damn, I finally raised my posture today. It turns out that I have been wrong all along.But when the dandy boy adjusted the position of his fingers, he couldn't hold the feather arrow immediately, the bowstring clicked, and pushed the feather arrow out, and the feather arrow swirled and rubbed the dandy boy's penis and nailed it in front of his toes.

"I'm stupid, you guys are playing me!"

"Hahaha, Shabi, you believe it, it seems that you have never learned archery."

The referee on the side finally couldn't stand it anymore, and kicked out a few brats.Otherwise, he was really not sure whether these playboys would be misled by language to the point of collapse.

A group of brats came to Yue Chuan laughing and laughing, and greeted Yue Chuan respectfully one by one.Yue Chuan introduced Sissi to them, and a group of people hurriedly greeted Sissy.Helen, the only girl among the bear children, got along with Sissy not long after, as if they were good friends who had known each other for more than ten years, and the two of them pulled the chair aside to have a private conversation.

Yue Chuan looked at the dozen or so bear children, and asked, "How many items are there in the Eugen family's autumn hunting competition?"

"Generally speaking, the first item is riding, the second item is archery, and the second is hunting. After these three items, there is the final contest. The most important thing is the final contest, but if the performance of the first few items is If it is particularly outstanding, it will also be valued by the family. The most outstanding family children will be selected for riding, archery, and hunting, and they will be assigned important tasks."

Yue Chuan nodded. Although the Eugenie family is an aristocrat, the family is not luxurious and sluggish. On the contrary, from top to bottom, they attach great importance to the martial arts of the family children. Whether it is riding, shooting, hunting or martial arts competitions, when selecting talents, it is even more important. I am secretly encouraging the children of the family to forge ahead, study hard and practice hard, instead of sitting and waiting to die on the wealth of the predecessors.

"However, it's not static. These are just fixed items. In addition, sometimes there will be temporary tests." When talking, the brat looked around, then leaned into Yue Chuan's ear and whispered: " If the talents emerging from the autumn hunting competition do not meet the wishes of the family leader, the leader will add some items, and these items are generally good at by his cronies and juniors."

Yue Chuan nodded, that's right, how could those in power ignore their own interests.If all the outstanding juniors emerging from the Autumn Hunt competition belong to the hostile faction, then in a few years, the position of the person in power will be shifted.

However, thinking of Rudolph, the family member of the Eugenie family, Yue Chuan was a little uncertain.Because Rudolph's means of ascending to the top are very different, so although he has mastered the power of the family, in the Eugenie family, he is more intimidating than respectful, causing him to not have his own direct line team at all, so whoever wins among these young juniors , it is not so important to him.

Thinking of Rudolph, Yue Chuan couldn't help but look around, only to find that many elders of the Eugenie family were present, but Rudolph, the head of the family, was not there.

Rudolph is not here for such a grand event?Is there anything more important than the Autumn Hunt Competition?What's even more weird is that none of the elders of the Eugenie family seemed to have noticed Rudolph. They should talk and laugh, as if the presence or absence of Rudolph had no effect on them. .

Yue Chuan let out a long sigh, feeling sad for Rudolph in his heart.Although he occupies the position of Patriarch, no one in the Eugenie family regards him as Patriarch.The Eugenie family only had wariness, vigilance, and fear towards Rudolph, without any loyalty or conviction.

Could it be that Rudolph just resigned to his fate and didn't think of any tricks to change the situation?Isn't it a good way to select a few good seedlings from the autumn hunting contest and cultivate them? Rudolph is not here. What the hell is he doing?
 Thanks [Xiaolou№风雨 cast 6 votes]

(End of this chapter)

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